Dialog_updateProgress Dialog 下载 stop 停止 Dialog_upgradeFirmware Dialog gif text upgrade 更新升级 firmware upgrade in progress, please wait... 设备固件自动升级中... 请勿拔除USB设备! LoginDialog Login 用户登录 account 账户: password 密码: login 登录 help 帮助 exit 取消 tips 提示 wrong account or password 账户或密码错误 yes 确定 MainWindow MainWindow 扫描仪维护工具 update firmware 固件升级 device list 设备列表: device information 设备信息 online upgrade 在线升级 get version list 获取版本列表 download and upgrade 下载并升级 version list 版本列表: local upgrade 本地升级 file path 升级文件: open file path 打开本地文件 upgrade 升级 manager tools 管理工具 roll count: 滚轴计数: 0 0 scan count: 历史扫描张数: clear roll count 清除滚轴计数 Serial number: 序列号: Firmware number: 固件号: Speed mode: 速度模式: motor version: 电机固件版本: Restore settings 恢复出厂设置 flat correct correction 平场校正 Color correct(Hualing) Color correct(Hualin) 彩色校正(华凌设备) distortion correct 畸变校正 Color 24位彩色 Gray 256级灰度 200 200 300 300 600 600 Color mode: 颜色模式: Dpi: 分辨率: Get distortion 获取畸变值 Set distortion 设置畸变值 Start scan 开始扫描 Correct 开始自动校正 Have not corrected 未校正 Export test paper 导出专用测试纸到本地 Count distortion: 计算畸变值: password change 修改账户密码 old password 旧密码: new password 新密码: modify password 确认修改 confirm new password 确认新密码: exit 关闭 Installation 安装 Installation in progress, please wait... 安装中,请稍候... open device: %1, firmware version: %2 打开设备:%1,固件版本号为:%2 do not support 不支持 open device error: %1 打开设备错误:%1 no device opened 无设备打开 tips 提示 no version available 未获取到可升级版本 yes 确定 Open File 打开文件 Zip Files(*.zip *.zip) 压缩文件(* .zip) device: %1 upgrade firmware success 设备:%1 固件升级成功 device: %1 upgrade firmware failed, download file fail 设备:%1 固件升级失败,文件下载失败 device: %1, firmware version: %2, upgrade: %3 设备: %1, 固件版本: %2, 升级: %3 support 支持 upgrade: %1 upgrade: %2 固件在线升级: %1 ZIP Files(*.zip *.zip) 压缩文件(*.zip) the selected firmware is not newer than the current version 选择的固件版本比当前版本低 firmware file mismatch 固件不匹配 firmware file mismatch, continue? 固件文件版本不匹配,是否继续? no 取消 device: %1, upgrade: %2 设备: %1, 固件升级: %2 FirmWare number: %1 固件号: %1 Serial number: %1 序列号: %1 speed mode: %1 速度模式: %1 Motor Version: %1 电机固件版本: %1 Device is opened by other process 设备被其他进程占用 open device error 打开设备失败 device: %1 upgrade firmware failed, io error 设备:%1 固件升级失败,IO错误 download firmware fail 下载固件失败 Roller scanned count has been set to 0. 滚轴计数已清零 Do not supported 设备不支持 Roller scanned count reset failed. 清除滚轴计数失败 old password is wrong 旧密码错误 new password can not be empty 新密码不能为空 new password is inconsistent 新密码不一致 modify password fail 密码修改失败 modify password success 密码修改成功 correcting... 校正中... Export special test paper 导出专用测试纸 jpg(*.jpg) jpg(*.jpg) Export failed 导出失败 Prompt 提示 Please confirm that the device has correctly placed the calibration paper! 请确认设备已正确放置校正纸! Prompt of Hualing device Prompt of Hualin device 若当前为华凌设备,自动校正后,须勾选"彩色校正"再校正一次,其它设备无需勾选。 Please confirm that the device has placed a special scanning test paper for distortion correction! 开始计算畸变值之前,请确认设备已放置畸变校正专用扫描测试纸! Warning 警告 Device is Running! please wait for the process to end. 设备正在运行!请等待流程结束。 Count distortion failed 计算畸变值失败 Count distortion succeed: %1 计算畸变值成功: %1 roll count: %1 滚轴计数: %1 scan count: %1 历史扫描张数: %1 device: %1 upgrade firmware failed: %2 设备:%1 固件升级失败: %2 Get distortion failed 获取畸变值失败 Get failed 获取失败 Get distortion succeed: %1 获取畸变值成功: %1 Color mode: %1, Dpi: %2 颜色模式: %1, 分辨率 :%2 Restore succeed 恢复成功 Restore failed 恢复失败 Other error:%1 其他错误:%1 Set failed 设置失败 Set succeed 设置成功 Correct failed 校正失败 Have already corrected 已校正 QObject tip 提示 install succeed! 安装成功! yes 确定 error 错误 install failed! 安装失败!