CutPaperTool 自定义扫描区域 Custom scan area 纸张尺寸: Paper size: DPI(像素/英寸): DPI(Primitive / inches): 单位: Unit: 毫米(mm) Millimeter(mm) 英寸(in) Inch(in) 像素(px) Primitive(px) 初始化选择区域 Initialize selected area DeviceUser Select log file path Select log file path text(*.txt) Text(*.txt) Dialog_Admin Account sign in User login Account: User: Administrator Administrator password: Password: Show password Show password Sign In Login Cancel Cancel Type password Enter password Warning Warning Password incorrect. Please try again. Password error; please enter again. Dialog_AquireInto Batch scanning Batch scan configuration scheme management Configuration plan management existing configuration scheme existing configuration scheme: Existing configuration plan: delete all configurations Delete all configurations confgiuration information: Configuration information: change name Rename delete Delete apply Apply found scheme Found scheme Restore Defaults Restore default configuration Directory Table of Contents ... Use subfolder based on current date Create a subfolder using the current date Use subfolder based on blank pages Create subfolders according to blank pages Use subfolder based on image color type Create a subfolder according to the image color type File name File name File name index File index Start index Start index Digit(s) Number 1 2 3 4 5 e.g. 'HGScan001' For example HGScan001 Even and odd pages Even number and odd number pages Odd pages Odd number page Even pages Even number page Format Format JPG - JPG / JFIF(*.jpg) BMP - Windows Bitmap(*.bmp) PNG - Portable Network Graphics(*.png) PPM - Portable Pixmap(*.ppm) PGM - Portable Greymap(*.pgm) PBM - Portable Bitmap(*.pbm) TIF - TIFF Revision 6(*.tif) PDF - Portable Document Format(*.pdf) OFD - Open Fixed-layout Document(*.ofd) GIF - Graphics Interchange Format(*.gif) Compression option Compression options Save as multipages (TIFF/PDF/OFD/GIF) Save multiple pages(TIFF/PDF/OFD/GIF) 所有页 All pages 用户自定义页数 User custom pages default scheme Default scheme e.g. '%1%2' For example"%1%2" ok OK cancel Cancel Browse directory Folder path tips Prompt The configuration scheme already exists The configuration scheme already exists Dialog_ClrCache Dialog Cache settings Cache path: Cache path: ... Cache occupied space: Cache space used: 0 0×0×0 {0?} B B (0 Byte) (0 Byte) Number of files: Number of files: Clear Cache Clear cache ok OK cancel Cancel Information Information No cached file is available Temporarily no cache files Question Ask Main window contains temporary files, clear cache would remove all of them. Continue to clear? The main window contains temporary files; clearing the cache will remove these files. Continue clearing? yes OK no Cancel Cache clear successfully. Cache cleared successfully. Warning Warning Cache clear failed or incompletely clear. Failed to clear cache or not cleared. Browse directory Folder path tips Prompt directory can not be empty File directory cannot be empty create cachePath failed: Failed to create cache path: Dialog_Export Export Export Page Range Page range Nominate Pages(example:1,3,6 or 3-6) Specific page number (For example:1,3,6 or 3-6) Chosen Pages Selected pages All Pages All pages Page: Page number: Input is not valid. Page range will be "Chosen Pages". Input invalid. The page range will be “selected pages” Save as multipages (TIFF/PDF/OFD/GIF) Save multiple pages(TIFF/PDF/OFD/GIF) Ocr type: OCR type: Compression Option Compression options ok OK cancel Cancel Input is not valid. Page range will be 'Chosen Pages'. Input invalid. The page range will be “selected pages” English English Simplified Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Traditional Chinese Japanese Japanese Korean Korean Dialog_ExportImageFile Dialog Export progress stop Stop exporting export succeed Export completed export failed: Export failed: tip Prompt ok OK Dialog_Feedback Dialog Opinions and feedback feedback: Opinions and feedback: contact: Contact method: submit Submit cancel Cancel feedback Opinions and feedback Please leave your valuable comments and suggestions (required field). Please leave your opinions and suggestions (required). Please leave your phone number, QQ or email address (required field). Please leave a contact method, such as a phone number or E-mail address (required). error Error Comments and suggestions cannot be empty. Opinions and suggestions cannot be blank The contact information column cannot be empty. The contact method field cannot be blank tip Prompt submit succeed. Submitted successfully. submit failed. Submission failed. Dialog_FullScreen Full Screen Fullscreen display Ctrl+Right Left Right Ctrl+Left Exit fullscreen Press ESC to exit full screen Dialog_ImageEditor Dialog_ImageEditor Image edit rect Rectangle Rect Rectangle ellipse Oval Ellipse Oval line Straight line Line Straight line Pen Brush arrow Arrow Arrow Arrow text Text Text Text Color Color color Color LineWidth Line width 1 pix 1 Primitive 3 pix 3 Primitive 5 pix 5 Primitive 8 pix 8 Primitive TextSize Text size 20 26 36 48 72 96 128 160 200 zoomin Zoom in Zoomin Zoom in fit Restore Fit Restore 100% 0×0×0 {100%?} 1:1 1:1 zoomout Zoom out Zoomout Zoom out undo Revoke Undo Revoke Ctrl+Z ok OK Ok OK cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Dialog_ImageInfo Image information Image information ok OK File File Image Image None None Dialog_ImgProc_Adjust Adjust Brightness/ contrast/ gamma Show preview Show thumbnails Before Before processing After After processing Apply to image Apply to image ok OK cancel Cancel restore default Restore defaults Dialog_ImgProc_AutoCrop Auto crop Auto crop Auto correct skew Skew correction Fill black frame type Background filling method Convex polygon Convex polygon Concave polygon Concave polygon Auto Color Adaptive document background Default Color White Advanced parameters Advanced parameter settings Threshold Threshold Anti background noise Background anti-noise Edge indent Edge indent before Before processing after After processing Image crop Crop/ Deskew/ Remove black box ok OK cancel Cancel restore default Restore defaults Dialog_Input Dialog 输入: Enter: Ok OK Cancel Cancel configuration scheme name change Rename configuration tips Prompt The content can not be empty The content can not be empty Dialog_InsertIndex Insert index selection Insert selected items Insert location Insert position Before first page Before the first page Before current page Before current page After current page After current page After last page After the last page ok OK cancel Cancel Dialog_LogManager Dialog Log export Directory... Table of Contents: File Type: File type: All(*.*) All files(*.*) Image(*.jpg,*.bmp,*.png,*.tif) Image file(*.jpg,*.bmp,*.png,*.tif) PDF(*.pdf) PDF(*.pdf) Text(*.txt) Text(*.txt) Config(*.ini,*.xml) Setting file(*.ini,*.xml) Website(*.html) Webpage(*.html) HGlog(*.HGLog) HUAGOSCAN log(*.HGLog) Clear Clear Export... Export... Cancel Cancel Warning Warning Please select file in the list. Please select files in the list. Choose saving path Select save path Information Information Log files export finished. Log file export completed. Question Ask All log files will be cleared. Continue to clear? All log files will be cleared. Continue clearing? All log files cleared. All log files cleared. Dialog_MoveTo move to Move to target index: Target location: Dialog_MultiRotate Multiple rotation Batch rotate Rotation Rotate 90° Rotate 90° 180° Rotate 180° -90° Rotate -90° Pages Pages Current page Current page Selected pages Selected page All odd pages All odd pages All even pages All even pages All pages All pages Attentions: This operation will NOT rotate the files that may contain multiple pages, such as .pdf, .tif, etc. Note: This operation will not rotate files that may include multiple pages. ok OK cancel Cancel Dialog_MultiRotateImageFile Dialog Batch rotate progress stop Stop batch rotate operation success Operation successful multirotate operation failed: Multi-stream rotation operation failed: tip Prompt ok OK Dialog_OpenImageIndex Open Page Jump to... pageIndex: Page number: ok OK cancel Cancel Dialog_PasswordChange Change password Change user password Old password: Old password: New password: New password: Confirm new password: Confirm new password: Show password Show password Password only allowed to use numbers, English and special characters. Password length should between 8-20 charactors. Only numbers, English and special characters are allowed for the password. The password length should be within characters. OK OK Cancel Cancel Type old password Enter old password Type new password Enter new password Retype new password Confirm new password Warning Warning Old password incorrect. Please try again. Old password error. Please try again. New password and confirm password are not matched. Please make sure the two passwords are the same. New password and confirm password do not match. Password only allowed to use numbers, English and special characters. Please make sure the two passwords are the same. Dialog_SaveAs Save As Save as Compression Option Compression options Use subfolder based on current date Create a subfolder using the current date Ocr type: OCR type: English English Simplified Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese Traditional Chinese Japanese Japanese Korean Korean Dialog_SaveMessageBox Dialog Ask TextLabel Yes Yes Yes to All No No save, do not remind again Save and do not prompt again modified, save it? Image modified, save changes? Dialog_WriteSettings Write Settings Write into settings Compression for black&white picture Black and white image None None LZW LZW CCITT G4 CCITT G4 Compression for color picture Colored image JPEG JPEG Quality Quality Lowest Low Best High Dialog_updateProgress Dialog Downloading installation package... stop Stop Dialog_upgrade Dialog detect result. versionNum: upgrade the latest version Update to the latest version upgrade online Check for updates The current version is the latest! The current version number is : Currently the latest version! The version number is: Discover the new version : New version discovered: ,the current version is : , the current version is: upgrade contents: Update content: Dialog_upgradeFirmware upgrade Update and upgrade firmware upgrade in progress, please wait... Device firmware currently updating; please wait... Dialog_wrong_img Dialog GraphicsScene SongTi Song HGImgThumb tips Prompt unsupported file format Drag and drop only supports jpg, bmp, png, pnm, tif/tiff, gif, pdf and ofd format file have been loaded File loaded! file have been loaded, do you want to move to end? File loaded; move it to the end? file have been loaded, do you want to move to specified location? File loaded; move it to the specified location? Question Ask yes Yes no No some files have been loaded, do you want to move to end? A file is loaded; move it to the end? some files have been loaded, do you want to move to specified location? A file is loaded; move it to the specified location? MainWindow MainWindow HUAGOSCAN scanning software menu_file File menu_scan Scan menu_view View menu_Auto_Image_Size Automatic image size menu_page Page menu_multiPages Multiple pages menu_image Image menuRotate Rotate menu_user User menu_info Information menu_device Device toolBar Toolbar act_open Open... act_insert Insert local file... act_save Save act_saveAs Save as... act_Export Export... act_closeFile Close selected item act_closeAll Close all items act_imageInfo Image information... act_exit Exit act_scannerSettings Scan settings act_acquire Scan act_acquireSingle Scan single page act_acquireInto Scan to... act_fullscreen Fullscreen display act_fitWindowSize Fit view box size act_fitWindowWidth Fit view box width act_realSize Real size act_zoomIn Zoom in act_zoomOut Zoom out act_toolBar ToolBar act_statusBar Status bar act_thumbnailBar Thumbnail bar act_colorInfo Color information act_previous Previous act_next Next act_first First act_last Last act_openPageNum Jump to... act_previousPage Previous page act_nextPage Next page act_firstPage First page act_lastPage Last page act_adjust Brightness/ contrast/ gamma... act_90Left Rotate 90 degrees left act_90Right Rotate 90 degrees right act_180 Rotate 180 degrees act_multiRotate Rotate multiple pages... act_autoCrop Crop/ Deskew/ Remove black box... act_signIn Login... act_passwordChange Change password... act_signOut Logout act_log Log management... act_clrCache Cache settings... act_consume Consumable status... act_help Help act_about About... act_insertFromScanner Insert from scan... act_clearRoller Clear roller count act_imageEdit Image edit... act_sortPages Book sorting act_autoSave Auto save act_update Check for updates... act_feedback Opinions and feedback... act_device_log Export device log... act_driver_log Export drive log... act_deleteFile Delete selected item act_enhanceText Enhance text act_selectDevice Select device source... HanvonScan Hanvon scanning software LanxumScan LANXUM scanning software CumtennScan CUMTENN scanning software MicrotekScan Microtek DocWizard EX V1.0 HuaGoScan HUAGOSCAN scanning software menu_language Language act_simpCN 简体中文 act_English English Grid Multi-column display Move To... Move to... Insert files Insert file nodevice No scanner detected auto save Auto save when switching pictures, save the edited pictures directly without reminding Do not show prompt and save the edited images directly when switching images. statusBar displayed Show status bar statusBar hidden Hide status bar toolBar displayed Show toolbar toolBar hidden Hide toolbar colorInfo enabled Enable image information colorInfo disenabled Disable image information enabling automatic saving Enable auto save cancel auto save Cancel auto save Automatically save the edited the edited iamge when switching pictures. To cancel, uncheck the menu item: image-> automatically save Save edited images automatically when switching images. If you want to cancel, please deselect the menu item: Auto save images. Question Ask modified, save it? Image modified, save changes? yes Yes save, do not remind again Save, do not prompt again no No file lost, remove it? File lost; delete? found device Device discovered found device : %1 Device discovered: %1 reconnected reconnect already connected, but open faild connected, but failed to open disconnected disconnected the disk space in the current path is unsufficient, please select a new path or clear the disk space in time. Insufficient disk space for the current path. Please reselect a path or clear disk space immediately. warning Warning save image failed: Failed to save image: create savepath failed: Failed to create folder: create image doc failed: Failed to create image file: save image doc failed: Failed to save image: binary Black and white Please go to 'Menu Bar ->Scan' to select a device Please go to 'Menu Bar ->Scan' to select a device gray Grayscale rgb Color start failed Failed to start UniScan UNI scanning software default scheme Default scheme Please wake up the device manually Please wake up the device manually Scan Scanning software already waked up device Device is awake thumbnailBar enabled Show thumbnail bar thumbnailBar hidden Hide thumbnail bar Clear, then start scan Clear and start scan Do NOT clear, then start scan Do not clear and start scan cancel Cancel Already exist images in image list. Do you want to clear? Image already exists in the list of images. Clear? Open images Open image Insert images Insert image tips prompt save succeed Saved successfully find savePath in thumbnail Image name already exists in the list Please select at least one picture before export Please select at least one image and then export File name File name File path File path File size File size Creation date/time Creation time Modified date/time Modification time Accessed date/time Access time Format Format Width Width Height Height depth Depth Color model Color mode DPI Pixels per inch Print size Print size Frame Frame None None Mono Black and white Gray Gray scale Color Color Not supported Not supported Warning Warning Device is Running! Please finish scanning first. Device is currently running! Please stop scanning first. There are pictures that have not been saved. Are you sure to close? There are unsaved images; are you sure you want to close? Are you sure to close? Are you sure you want to close? Sure to sign out administrator account? Are you sure you want to log out of the administrator account? Prompt Prompt <p>DriverVer: %1</p> <p>VerSion: %1</p> <p>Vendor: %1</p> <p>Vendor: %1</p> <p>Copyright: %1</p> <p>Copyright: %1</p> <p>Company website: <a href=%1>%1</p> <p>Company website: <a href=%1>%1</p> <p>Company address: %1</p> <p>Company address: %1</p> <p>Company telephone: %1</p> <p>Company telephone: %1</p> <p>Company GPS: <a href=%1>%2</p> <p>Company GPS: <a href=%1>%2</p> Baidu map access Baidu map access type: %1 Type: %1 mac: %1 MAC: %1 model: %1 type: %1 Model: %1 fwVer: %1 sn: %1 Firmware version: %1 sn: %1 ip: %1 Serial number: %1 ip: %1 mac: %1 Device IP: %1 rollerCount: %1 totalCount: %1 Roller count: %1 totalCount: %1 Total count: %1 Detected that there is less than 1GB of disk space. Do you want to continue? Detected that there is less than 1GB of disk space. Do you want to continue? Device %1 is open Device %1 is open confirm operation Confirm operation are you sure to clear the roller count? Are you sure you want to clear the roller count? hint Prompt Roller scanned count has been set to 0. Roller count reset to zero. Roller scanned count reset failed. Failed to reset roller count. Error Error Document missing! It would be deleted or renamed. File lost! File may be deleted or renamed. confirm the operation Confirm operation Are you sure to clear the rollor acount? Are you sure you want to clear the roller count? about About cache path folder limit:%1 Unable to access the current path:%1 Please try to log in to the administrator account in the [User] menu and go to the [Cache settings] to change the cache path. aquireinto folder limit:%1 Unable to access the current path:%1 Please try to change the cache path in [Scan to]. About %1 About %1 <p>%1</p><p>Version: %2<br>CopyRight: &#169; %3</p><p>%4%5%6%7%8%9</p> <p>%1</p><p>Version: %2<br>Copyright: &#169; %3</p><p>%4%5%6%7%8%9</p> about %1 About %1 <p>Version: %1</p> <p>Version: %1</p> <p>CopyRight: &#169; %1</p> <p>Copyright: &#169; %1</p> <p>%1: <a href='%2'>%3</a> <p>%1: <a href='%2'>%3</a> <p>%1: %2 <p>%1: %2 roller number Number of rollers open scanner Open scanner app name HUAGOSCAN scanning software success successfully be ready Ready failed failed error Error start failed! Failed to start! folder limit Cannot access “My Documents”. Please go to “Scan to” and change the accessible scan folder and then perform the scan. Insufficient access rights Insufficient file access permissions Image processing failed Image processing failed Ocr init failed OCR initialization error Ocr failed OCR failed File does not exist File does not exist Failed to load dynamic library Failed to load dynamic library File data error File data error Image format processing error Image format processing error Out of memory Insufficient memory Failed Failed apply setting Apply configuration Are you sure to close Are you sure you want to disconnect device: ? ? close Close tip Prompt Other versions not available No other versions obtained The device does not support this operation Device does not support this operation IO error IO error The language switch is successful and takes effect the next time the software is started! The language switch is successful and takes effect the next time the software is started! Are you sure to delete selected file? Are you sure to delete the selected file completely? QObject default_setting Default setting &Save &Save Widget zuobiaozhou Coordinate axis Widget_Imgproc_Base Form Brightness Brightness Contrast Contrast Gamma correction Gamma correction Widget_Imgproc_SideBar Form Ok OK Cancel Cancel Restore defaults Restore defaults Enhance Text Enhance text Apply to image Apply to image Brightness Brightness Gamma correction Gamma correction Contrast Contrast Widget_StatusBar Form 0/0 0/0 0*0*0 0×0×0 X:0, Y:0 page Page size Resolution mousePos Coordinates zoom Zoom device_menu no device No scanner detected default setting Default settings dialog_log 日志 Scan status information cancel scan Cancel scan auto scroll Auto scroll clear Clear information export images Export image continue scan Continue scanning finish scan Scan complete (epicycle scanning images %u picture) (A total of %u frames scanned this time) hg_settingdialog existing configuration scheme Existing configuration plan: change name Rename delete Delete apply Apply delete all configurations Delete all configurations confgiuration information: Configuration information: ok OK cancel Cancel configuration scheme management Configuration plan management regional crop Regional crop custom tone curve Custom tone curve Please select to overwrite the original configuration: Please select overwrite original configuration: ,or add a new configuration , or add new configuration save the configuration Save configuration cover original configuration: Overwrite original configuration: add new configuration Add new configuration rename: Rename: tips Prompt scheme name cannot be empty Configuration name cannot be blank scheme name: Configuration name: already exists already exists <h6><b> <h6><b> :</b></h6> :</b></h6> <p> <p> </p> </p> configuration scheme name change Rename configuration be sure to delete the configuration Delete configuration Are you sure you want to delete the configuration " Are you sure you want to delete configuration " ? ? yes Yes no No Are you sure you want to delete the configuration? Are you sure you want to delete all configurations? setPicClrTool 自定义色调曲线 Custom tone curve 自定义 Customize 负片(RGB) Negative(RGB) 彩色负片(RGB) Color negative(RGB) 较暗(RGB) Darker(RGB) 较亮(RGB) Brighter(RGB) RGB RGB Gray Red Blue 绿 Green 初始化 Initialize 输入: Input: 输出: OutPut: