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#pragma once
#include "base/HGDef.h"
#include "base/HGInc.h"
#include "base/HGLock.h"
#include "base/HGImage.h"
#include "base/HGMsgPump.h"
#include "base/HGEvent.h"
#include "base/HGThread.h"
#include "sane/sane_ex.h"
#include "sane/sane_option_definitions.h"
#include "Manager.h"
#include "Msg.h"
#include "sqlite3.h"
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
namespace ver_2
struct GlobalConfig
fileSavePathMask = 0x00000001,
fileNamePrefixMask = 0x00000002,
fileNameModeMask = 0x00000004,
imageFormatMask = 0x00000008,
imageJpegQualityMask = 0x00000010,
imageTiffCompressionMask = 0x00000020,
imageTiffJpegQualityMask = 0x00000040
imageJpegQuality = 0;
imageTiffJpegQuality = 0;
// 文件保存
std::string fileSavePath;
std::string fileNamePrefix;
std::string fileNameMode;
// 图像保存
std::string imageFormat;
int imageJpegQuality;
std::string imageTiffCompression;
int imageTiffJpegQuality;
struct DeviceParam
valueType = 0;
intValue = 0;
doubleValue = 0;
boolValue = false;
rangeType = 0;
intValueMin = 0;
intValueMax = 0;
doubleValueMin = 0;
doubleValueMax = 0;
// 配置名
std::string name;
std::string title;
int valueType; // 0-无1-字符串2-整型3-浮点4-布尔
std::string stringValue;
int intValue;
double doubleValue;
bool boolValue;
int rangeType; // 0-无1-字符串列表2-整型列表3-浮点数列表4-整型范围5-浮点数范围
std::vector<std::string> stringValueList;
std::vector<int> intValueList;
std::vector<double> doubleValueList;
int intValueMin;
int intValueMax;
double doubleValueMin;
double doubleValueMax;
struct DeviceParamsGroup
std::string groupTitle;
std::vector<DeviceParam> devParams;
struct BatchTableInfo
int id;
std::string format;
struct ImageThumbInfo
std::string tag;
std::string thumbBase64;
class ManagerV2 : public Manager
ManagerV2(HGMsgPump msgPump);
virtual ~ManagerV2();
// 反初始化
void DeinitDev(const DeinitDevParam* param);
// 关闭设备
void CloseDev(const CloseDevParam* param);
// 扫描完成
void ScanFinish(const ScanFinishParam* param);
// 添加文件
void AddSavedFile(const AddSavedFileParam* param);
// 删除文件
void RemoveSavedFile(const RemoveSavedFileParam* param);
void AddUser(class WSUser *user);
void RemoveUser(class WSUser *user);
// 设置全局配置
int SetGlobalConfig(const GlobalConfig& cfg, HGUInt mask, std::string &errInfo);
// 获取全局配置
int GetGlobalConfig(GlobalConfig& cfg, std::string& errInfo);
// 加载本地图像
int LoadLocalImage(const std::string& imagePath, std::string& imgBase64, std::string& errInfo);
// 保存本地图像
int SaveLocalImage(const std::string& imgBase64, bool temp, std::string& imagePath, std::string& errInfo);
// 删除本地文件
int DeleteLocalFile(const std::string& filePath, std::string& errInfo);
// 清理全局文件保存目录
int ClearGlobalFileSavePath(std::string& errInfo);
// 上传文件
int UploadLocalFile(const std::string& filePath, const std::string& remoteFilePath, const std::string& uploadMode,
const std::string& httpHost, int httpPort, const std::string& httpPath, const std::string& ftpUser, const std::string& ftpPassword,
const std::string& ftpHost, int ftpPort, std::string& errInfo);
// 合成本地图像
int MergeLocalImage(const std::vector<std::string>& imagePathList, const std::string& mode,
const std::string& align, int interval, bool temp, std::string& outImagePath, std::string& errInfo);
// 本地合成多张图像
int LocalMakeMultiImage(const std::vector<std::string>& imagePathList, const std::string& format,
const std::string& tiffCompression, int tiffJpegQuality, bool temp, std::string& outImagePath, std::string& errInfo);
// 拆分本地图像
int SplitLocalImage(const std::string& imagePath, const std::string& mode, int location, bool temp,
std::vector<std::string>& outImagePathList, std::string& errInfo);
// 本地生成压缩文件
int LocalMakeZipFile(const std::vector<std::string>& filePathList, const std::vector<std::string>& nameList,
const std::string &zipPath, bool temp, std::string& outZipPath, std::string& errInfo);
// 本地图像纠偏
int LocalImageDeskew(const std::string& imagePath, bool autoCrop, bool deskew, bool fillBlank, int width, int height,
bool temp, std::string& outImagePath, std::string& errInfo);
// 本地图像添加水印
int LocalImageAddWatermark(const std::string& imagePath, const std::string& text, const std::string& textColor, int textOpacity, const std::string& textPos,
int marginLeft, int marginTop, int marginRight, int marginBottom, int locationX, int locationY, const std::string& fontName,
int fontSize, bool fontBold, bool fontUnderline, bool fontItalic, bool fontStrikeout, bool temp, std::string& outImagePath, std::string& errInfo);
// 去污
int LocalImageDecontamination(const std::string& imagePath, const std::string mode, const std::string& color,
int x, int y, int width, int height, bool temp, std::string& outImagePath, std::string& errInfo);
// 图像方向校正
int LocalImageDirectionCorrect(const std::string& imagePath, bool temp, std::string& outImagePath, std::string& errInfo);
// 裁剪图像
int LocalImageClip(const std::string& imagePath, int x, int y, int width, int height,
bool temp, std::string& outImagePath, std::string& errInfo);
// 设备初始化
int InitDevice(std::string& errInfo);
// 设备反初始化
int DeinitDevice(std::string& errInfo);
// 是否已经初始化
bool IsDeviceInit();
// 获取设备列表
int GetDeviceNameList(std::vector<std::string> &deviceNameList, std::string& errInfo);
// 打开设备
int OpenDevice(const std::string& deviceName, std::string& errInfo);
// 关闭设备
int CloseDevice(std::string& errInfo);
// 获取设备序列号
int GetDeviceSN(std::string& sn, std::string& errInfo);
// 获取设备固件版本号
int GetDeviceFWVersion(std::string& fwVer, std::string& errInfo);
// 设置设备参数
int SetDeviceParam(const std::vector<DeviceParam>& devParams, std::string& errInfo);
// 获取设备参数
int GetDeviceParam(std::vector<DeviceParamsGroup>& devParams, std::string& errInfo);
// 重置设备参数
int ResetDeviceParam(std::string& errInfo);
// 获取当前设备名
int GetCurrDeviceName(std::string& deviceName, std::string& errInfo);
// 开始扫描
int StartScan(bool blankCheck, bool temp, std::string& errInfo);
// 停止扫描
int StopScan(std::string& errInfo);
// 是否已经启动扫描
bool IsScanning();
// 获取批次号列表
int GetBatchIdList(std::vector<std::string> &batchIdList, std::string& errInfo);
// 打开批次
int OpenBatch(const std::string &batchId, std::string& errInfo);
// 删除批次
int DeleteBatch(const std::string& batchId, std::string& errInfo);
// 新建批次
int NewBatch(const std::string& batchId, std::string& errInfo);
// 获取当前批次号
int GetCurrBatchId(std::string& batchId, std::string& errInfo);
// 修改批次号
int ModifyBatchId(const std::string& batchId, const std::string& newBatchId, std::string& errInfo);
// 绑定文件夹
int BindFolder(const std::string &folder, const std::string &nameMode, int nameWidth, int nameBase, std::string& errInfo);
// 停止绑定文件夹
int StopBindFolder(std::string& errInfo);
// 加载图像缩略图列表
int GetImageThumbnailList(std::vector<ImageThumbInfo>& imageThumbList, std::string& errInfo);
// 获取图像数量
int GetImageCount(int& imageCount, std::string& errInfo);
// 加载图像
int LoadImage(int imageIndex, std::string& imageTag, std::string& imageBase64, std::string& errInfo);
// 保存图像
int SaveImage(int imageIndex, bool temp, std::string& imagePath, std::string& errInfo);
// 插入本地图像
int InsertLocalImage(const std::string& imagePath, int insertPos, const std::string& imageTag, std::string& errInfo);
// 插入图像
int InsertImage(const std::string& imageBase64, int insertPos, const std::string& imageTag, std::string& errInfo);
// 修改图像标签
int ModifyImageTag(const std::vector<int>& imageIndexList, const std::vector<std::string>& imageTagList, std::string& errInfo);
// 删除图像
int DeleteImage(const std::vector<int>& imageIndexList, std::string& errInfo);
// 清理图像列表
int ClearImageList(std::string& errInfo);
// 修改图像
int ModifyImage(int imageIndex, const std::string& imageBase64, std::string& errInfo);
// 使用本地图像修改图像
int ModifyImageByLocal(int imageIndex, const std::string& imagePath, std::string& errInfo);
// 移动图像
int MoveImage(const std::vector<int>& imageIndexList, const std::string& mode, int target, std::string& errInfo);
// 图像交换位置
int ExchangeImage(int imageIndex1, int imageIndex2, std::string& errInfo);
// 图像书籍排序
int ImageBookSort(std::string& errInfo);
static int LoadBase64(const std::string& fileName, std::string& base64);
static int SaveBase64(const std::string& base64, const std::string& fileName);
static std::string GetCfgStringValue(const std::string& app, const std::string& key, const std::string& def);
static int GetCfgIntValue(const std::string& app, const std::string& key, int def);
static double GetCfgDoubleValue(const std::string& app, const std::string& key, double def);
static bool GetCfgBoolValue(const std::string& app, const std::string& key, bool def);
static bool SetCfgStringValue(const std::string& app, const std::string& key, const std::string& val);
static bool SetCfgIntValue(const std::string& app, const std::string& key, int val);
static bool SetCfgDoubleValue(const std::string& app, const std::string& key, double val);
static bool SetCfgBoolValue(const std::string& app, const std::string& key, bool val);
static int HttpUpload(const std::string &host, int port, const std::string &path,
const std::string& filePath, const std::string& remoteFilePath);
static int FtpUpload(const std::string& user, const std::string& password, const std::string& host, int port,
const std::string& filePath, const std::string& remoteFilePath);
std::string GetFilePath(bool temp, const std::string& suffix);
int SaveImage(HGImage image, bool temp, std::string &imagePath);
void LoadSaveFilePathList(std::list<std::string> &savePathList);
void RestoreSaveFilePathList(const std::list<std::string>& savePathList);
void LoadDeviceParams(const std::string &devName, std::vector<DeviceParam>& devParams);
void RestoreDeviceParams(const std::string& devName, const std::vector<DeviceParamsGroup>& devParams);
static int SetParamsToDevice(SANE_Handle hdev, const std::vector<DeviceParam>& devParams);
static int GetParamsFromDevice(SANE_Handle hdev, std::vector<DeviceParamsGroup>& devParams);
static int ResetParamsToDevice(SANE_Handle hdev);
static HGByte* LoadImageFromPath(const std::string& imagePath, HGUInt& size, std::string& format);
static HGByte* LoadImageFromBase64(const std::string& imageBase64, HGUInt& size, std::string& format);
static HGByte* LoadThumbFromPath(const std::string& imagePath, HGUInt& size);
static HGByte* LoadThumbFromBase64(const std::string& imageBase64, HGUInt& size);
static bool SaveToBase64(const HGByte* data, HGUInt size, std::string& base64);
static bool SaveToFile(const HGByte* data, HGUInt size, const std::string &filePath);
int GetId(int idx);
void GetBatchTableInfo(std::vector<BatchTableInfo>& tables);
void ClearBindFolder();
void UpdateBindFolder();
void InsertBindFolderImage(const std::vector<BatchTableInfo>& tables, int insertPos, const std::string imgFmt,
const HGByte *imgData, HGUInt imgSize);
void ModifyBindFolderImage(const std::vector<BatchTableInfo>& tables, int imageIndex, const std::string imgFmt,
const HGByte* imgData, HGUInt imgSize);
void DeleteBindFolderImage(const std::vector<BatchTableInfo>& tables, const std::vector<int>& imageIndexList);
void ExchangeBindFolderImage(const std::vector<BatchTableInfo>& tables, int imageIndex1, int imageIndex2);
void ClearBindFolderImageList(const std::vector<BatchTableInfo>& tables);
HGUInt GetDpi();
static int sane_ex_callback(SANE_Handle hdev, int code, void* data, unsigned int* len, void* param);
static void HGAPI ThreadFunc(HGThread thread, HGPointer param);
HGLock m_lock;
GlobalConfig m_globalCfg;
std::list<class WSUser *> m_user;
HGBool m_stopThread;
HGUInt m_timeout;
HGEvent m_event;
HGThread m_thread;
bool m_initDevice;
std::vector<std::string> m_devNameList;
bool m_openDevice;
SANE_Handle m_devHandle;
std::string m_devName;
std::vector<DeviceParamsGroup> m_devParams;
bool m_scanBlankCheck;
bool m_scanTemp;
bool m_scanning;
HGEvent m_scanEvent;
HGUInt m_dpi;
sqlite3* m_sqlite;
std::string m_currBatchId;
std::string m_bindFolder;
std::string m_bindNameMode;
int m_bindNameWidth;
int m_bindNameBase;
std::list<std::string> m_saveFilePathList;