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/* Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Artifex Software, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, modified
or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms of that
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or contact Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200,
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/* Memento: A library to aid debugging of memory leaks/heap corruption.
* Usage (with C):
* First, build your project with MEMENTO defined, and include this
* header file wherever you use malloc, realloc or free.
* This header file will use macros to point malloc, realloc and free to
* point to Memento_malloc, Memento_realloc, Memento_free.
* Run your program, and all mallocs/frees/reallocs should be redirected
* through here. When the program exits, you will get a list of all the
* leaked blocks, together with some helpful statistics. You can get the
* same list of allocated blocks at any point during program execution by
* calling Memento_listBlocks();
* Every call to malloc/free/realloc counts as an 'allocation event'.
* On each event Memento increments a counter. Every block is tagged with
* the current counter on allocation. Every so often during program
* execution, the heap is checked for consistency. By default this happens
* after 1024 events, then after 2048 events, then after 4096 events, etc.
* This can be changed at runtime by using Memento_setParanoia(int level).
* 0 turns off such checking, 1 sets checking to happen on every event,
* any positive number n sets checking to happen once every n events,
* and any negative number n sets checking to happen after -n events, then
* after -2n events etc.
* The default paranoia level is therefore -1024.
* Memento keeps blocks around for a while after they have been freed, and
* checks them as part of these heap checks to see if they have been
* written to (or are freed twice etc).
* A given heap block can be checked for consistency (it's 'pre' and
* 'post' guard blocks are checked to see if they have been written to)
* by calling Memento_checkBlock(void *blockAddress);
* A check of all the memory can be triggered by calling Memento_check();
* (or Memento_checkAllMemory(); if you'd like it to be quieter).
* A good place to breakpoint is Memento_breakpoint, as this will then
* trigger your debugger if an error is detected. This is done
* automatically for debug windows builds.
* If a block is found to be corrupt, information will be printed to the
* console, including the address of the block, the size of the block,
* the type of corruption, the number of the block and the event on which
* it last passed a check for correctness.
* If you rerun, and call Memento_paranoidAt(int event); with this number
* the code will wait until it reaches that event and then start
* checking the heap after every allocation event. Assuming it is a
* deterministic failure, you should then find out where in your program
* the error is occurring (between event x-1 and event x).
* Then you can rerun the program again, and call
* Memento_breakAt(int event); and the program will call
* Memento_Breakpoint() when event x is reached, enabling you to step
* through.
* Memento_find(address) will tell you what block (if any) the given
* address is in.
* An example:
* Suppose we have a gs invocation that crashes with memory corruption.
* * Build with -DMEMENTO.
* * In your debugger put a breakpoint on Memento_breakpoint.
* * Run the program. It will stop in Memento_inited.
* * Execute Memento_setParanoia(1); (In VS use Ctrl-Alt-Q). (Note #1)
* * Continue execution.
* * It will detect the memory corruption on the next allocation event
* after it happens, and stop in Memento_breakpoint. The console should
* show something like:
* Freed blocks:
* 0x172e610(size=288,num=1415) index 256 (0x172e710) onwards corrupted
* Block last checked OK at allocation 1457. Now 1458.
* * This means that the block became corrupted between allocation 1457
* and 1458 - so if we rerun and stop the program at 1457, we can then
* step through, possibly with a data breakpoint at 0x172e710 and see
* when it occurs.
* * So restart the program from the beginning. When we stop after
* initialisation execute Memento_breakAt(1457); (and maybe
* Memento_setParanoia(1), or Memento_setParanoidAt(1457))
* * Continue execution until we hit Memento_breakpoint.
* * Now you can step through and watch the memory corruption happen.
* Note #1: Using Memento_setParanoia(1) can cause your program to run
* very slowly. You may instead choose to use Memento_setParanoia(100)
* (or some other figure). This will only exhaustively check memory on
* every 100th allocation event. This trades speed for the size of the
* average allocation event range in which detection of memory corruption
* occurs. You may (for example) choose to run once checking every 100
* allocations and discover that the corruption happens between events
* X and X+100. You can then rerun using Memento_paranoidAt(X), and
* it'll only start exhaustively checking when it reaches X.
* More than one memory allocator?
* If you have more than one memory allocator in the system (like for
* instance the ghostscript chunk allocator, that builds on top of the
* standard malloc and returns chunks itself), then there are some things
* to note:
* * If the secondary allocator gets its underlying blocks from calling
* malloc, then those will be checked by Memento, but 'subblocks' that
* are returned to the secondary allocator will not. There is currently
* no way to fix this other than trying to bypass the secondary
* allocator. One way I have found to do this with the chunk allocator
* is to tweak its idea of a 'large block' so that it puts every
* allocation in its own chunk. Clearly this negates the point of having
* a secondary allocator, and is therefore not recommended for general
* use.
* * Again, if the secondary allocator gets its underlying blocks from
* calling malloc (and hence Memento) leak detection should still work
* (but whole blocks will be detected rather than subblocks).
* * If on every allocation attempt the secondary allocator calls into
* Memento_failThisEvent(), and fails the allocation if it returns true
* then more useful features can be used; firstly memory squeezing will
* work, and secondly, Memento will have a "finer grained" paranoia
* available to it.
* Usage with C++:
* Memento has some experimental code in it to trap new/delete (and
* new[]/delete[] if required) calls.
* In order for this to work, either:
* 1) Build memento.c with the c++ compiler.
* or
* 2) Build memento.c as normal with the C compiler, then from any
* one of your .cpp files, do:
* #include "memento.c"
* In the case where MEMENTO is not defined, this will not do anything.
* Both Windows and GCC provide separate new[] and delete[] operators
* for arrays. Apparently some systems do not. If this is the case for
* " failed to load"
* In order to give nice backtraces on unix, Memento will try to use
* a libbacktrace dynamic library. If it can't find it, you'll see
* that warning, and your backtraces won't include file/line information.
* To fix this you'll need to build your own libbacktrace. Don't worry
* it's really easy:
* git clone git://
* cd libbacktrace
* ./configure
* make
* This leaves the build .so as .libs/
* Memento will look for this on LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or in /opt/lib/,
* or in /lib/, or in /usr/lib/, or in /usr/local/lib/. I recommend
* using /opt/lib/ as this won't conflict with anything that you
* get via a package manager like apt.
* sudo mkdir /opt
* sudo mkdir /opt/lib
* sudo cp .libs/ /opt/lib/
#ifndef MEMENTO_H
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MEMENTO_H
#define MEMENTO_MAXALIGN (sizeof(int))
#define MEMENTO_PREFILL 0xa6
#define MEMENTO_FREELIST_MAX 0x2000000
int Memento_checkBlock(void *);
int Memento_checkAllMemory(void);
int Memento_check(void);
int Memento_setParanoia(int);
int Memento_paranoidAt(int);
int Memento_breakAt(int);
void Memento_breakOnFree(void *a);
void Memento_breakOnRealloc(void *a);
int Memento_getBlockNum(void *);
int Memento_find(void *a);
void Memento_breakpoint(void);
int Memento_failAt(int);
int Memento_failThisEvent(void);
void Memento_listBlocks(void);
void Memento_listNewBlocks(void);
size_t Memento_setMax(size_t);
void Memento_stats(void);
void *Memento_label(void *, const char *);
void Memento_tick(void);
void *Memento_malloc(size_t s);
void *Memento_realloc(void *, size_t s);
void Memento_free(void *);
void *Memento_calloc(size_t, size_t);
void Memento_info(void *addr);
void Memento_listBlockInfo(void);
void *Memento_takeByteRef(void *blk);
void *Memento_dropByteRef(void *blk);
void *Memento_takeShortRef(void *blk);
void *Memento_dropShortRef(void *blk);
void *Memento_takeIntRef(void *blk);
void *Memento_dropIntRef(void *blk);
void *Memento_takeRef(void *blk);
void *Memento_dropRef(void *blk);
void *Memento_adjustRef(void *blk, int adjust);
void *Memento_reference(void *blk);
int Memento_checkPointerOrNull(void *blk);
int Memento_checkBytePointerOrNull(void *blk);
int Memento_checkShortPointerOrNull(void *blk);
int Memento_checkIntPointerOrNull(void *blk);
void Memento_startLeaking(void);
void Memento_stopLeaking(void);
int Memento_sequence(void);
int Memento_squeezing(void);
void Memento_fin(void);
void Memento_bt(void);
#ifdef MEMENTO
#define malloc Memento_malloc
#define free Memento_free
#define realloc Memento_realloc
#define calloc Memento_calloc
#define Memento_malloc MEMENTO_UNDERLYING_MALLOC
#define Memento_free MEMENTO_UNDERLYING_FREE
#define Memento_realloc MEMENTO_UNDERLYING_REALLOC
#define Memento_calloc MEMENTO_UNDERLYING_CALLOC
#define Memento_checkBlock(A) 0
#define Memento_checkAllMemory() 0
#define Memento_check() 0
#define Memento_setParanoia(A) 0
#define Memento_paranoidAt(A) 0
#define Memento_breakAt(A) 0
#define Memento_breakOnFree(A) 0
#define Memento_breakOnRealloc(A) 0
#define Memento_getBlockNum(A) 0
#define Memento_find(A) 0
#define Memento_breakpoint() do {} while (0)
#define Memento_failAt(A) 0
#define Memento_failThisEvent() 0
#define Memento_listBlocks() do {} while (0)
#define Memento_listNewBlocks() do {} while (0)
#define Memento_setMax(A) 0
#define Memento_stats() do {} while (0)
#define Memento_label(A,B) (A)
#define Memento_info(A) do {} while (0)
#define Memento_listBlockInfo() do {} while (0)
#define Memento_takeByteRef(A) (A)
#define Memento_dropByteRef(A) (A)
#define Memento_takeShortRef(A) (A)
#define Memento_dropShortRef(A) (A)
#define Memento_takeIntRef(A) (A)
#define Memento_dropIntRef(A) (A)
#define Memento_takeRef(A) (A)
#define Memento_dropRef(A) (A)
#define Memento_adjustRef(A,V) (A)
#define Memento_reference(A) (A)
#define Memento_checkPointerOrNull(A) 0
#define Memento_checkBytePointerOrNull(A) 0
#define Memento_checkShortPointerOrNull(A) 0
#define Memento_checkIntPointerOrNull(A) 0
#define Memento_tick() do {} while (0)
#define Memento_startLeaking() do {} while (0)
#define Memento_stopLeaking() do {} while (0)
#define Memento_fin() do {} while (0)
#define Memento_bt() do {} while (0)
#define Memento_sequence() (0)
#define Memento_squeezing() (0)
#endif /* MEMENTO */
#endif /* MEMENTO_H */