#pragma once #include "app_language.h" #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) #define PATH_SEPERATOR "\\" #define THIS_MODULE_NAME "lang.dll" #else #define PATH_SEPERATOR "/" #define THIS_MODULE_NAME "lang.so" #endif #include #include #include #include #include // *.pak ... //typedef struct _lang_pak //{ // uint32_t len; // uint32_t crc; // crc check ... // uint32_t ver; // uint32_t* cps[]; // supported code-pages table offset, until '-1' // struct // { // uint32_t name_id; // char name[0]; // }*name[]; // my name on my code-page // ENDING address align 16 before // // struct // { // uint32_t id; // uint32_t offset; // offset to the first structure // }str_map[]; // Offset of corresponding ID string, until id == -1 //}; struct _cp_locale { int cp; const char* locale; }g_known_locale[] = { {936, "zh_CN"} , {950, "zh_HK"} , {950, "zh_TW"} , {950, "zh_SG"} , {20127, "en_"} , {932, "ja_JP"} , {863, "fr_"} , {1144, "it_CH"} , {1141, "de_"} , {855, "ru_RU"} }; class lang_mgr { typedef struct _map_str { uint32_t name_id; // global unique std::vector code_pages; std::string name; std::string file; bool operator==(int cp) { return std::find(code_pages.begin(), code_pages.end(), cp) != code_pages.end(); } }MAPSTR; std::vector code_pages_; LANATTR **all_; uint32_t os_cp_; uint32_t cur_cp_; std::string cur_lang_; std::map map_off_; static lang_mgr* inst_; void clear(void) { map_off_.clear(); cur_lang_.clear(); cur_cp_ = -1; } uint32_t calculate_crc32(uint8_t* data, uint32_t len, uint32_t prev = 0) { return 0; } uint32_t get_cur_code_page_id(void) { return os_cp_; } bool parse_pak_digest(uint8_t* data, MAPSTR& ms) { uint32_t ver = *(uint32_t*)data, val = 0, *cps = (uint32_t*)(data + sizeof(uint32_t) * 3); while (*cps != -1) { ms.code_pages.push_back(*cps++); } if (ms.code_pages.empty()) return false; cps++; ms.name_id = *cps++; val = (uint8_t*)cps - data; ms.name = (char*)data + val; return ms.name.length() ? true : false; } bool parse_pak(uint8_t* data, uint32_t* bgn, uint32_t* id, std::map& off) { uint32_t ver = *(uint32_t*)data, val = 0, *cps = (uint32_t*)(data + sizeof(uint32_t) * 3); if (id) *id = cps[0]; while (*cps++ != -1); cps++; val = (uint8_t*)cps - data; val += strlen((char*)data + val) + 1; val += 15; val /= 16; val *= 16; if (bgn) *bgn = val; struct { uint32_t id; uint32_t off; }*go = nullptr; *((void**)&go) = (void*)(data + val); while (go->id != -1) { off[go->id] = (char*)data + go->off + val; go++; } return true; } bool load_language_pak(const char* file, bool at_init) { std::string cont(""), name(""); uint32_t bgn = 0, id = 0, cur_id = -1; bool ret = false; FILE* src = fopen(file, "rb"); std::map off; if (src) { int len = 0; uint8_t* buf = nullptr; fseek(src, 0, SEEK_END); len = ftell(src); fseek(src, 0, SEEK_SET); if (len) { buf = new uint8_t[len + 4]; if (buf) { memset(buf, 0, len + 4); len = fread(buf, 1, len, src); if (len == *(uint32_t*)buf /* && calculate_crc32(buf + sizeof(uint32_t)* 2, len - sizeof(uint32_t) * 2) == ((uint32_t*)buf)[1]*/) { cont = std::string((char*)buf, len); } delete[] buf; } } fclose(src); } if (cont.length()) { if (at_init) { MAPSTR ms; ms.file = file; cur_id = get_cur_code_page_id(); if (parse_pak_digest((uint8_t*)&cont[0], ms)) { code_pages_.push_back(std::move(ms)); if (cur_id == id && map_off_.size() == 0) { ret = parse_pak((uint8_t*)&cont[0], &bgn, &id, off); if (ret) name = ms.name; } } } else ret = parse_pak((uint8_t*)&cont[0], &bgn, &id, off); } if (ret && ((at_init && cur_id == id) || !at_init)) { clear(); cur_cp_ = id; cur_lang_ = std::move(name); map_off_ = std::move(off); } return ret; } #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) static std::string u2a(const wchar_t* u, UINT cp = CP_ACP) { std::string a(""); if (u) { char stack[256] = { 0 }, * ansi = NULL; int len = 0; len = WideCharToMultiByte(cp, 0, u, lstrlenW(u), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); ansi = new char[len + 2]; len = WideCharToMultiByte(cp, 0, u, lstrlenW(u), ansi, len, NULL, NULL); ansi[len--] = 0; a = ansi; delete[] ansi; } return a; } static std::wstring a2u(const char* a, UINT cp = CP_ACP) { std::wstring u(L""); if (a) { wchar_t *unic = NULL; int len = 0; len = MultiByteToWideChar(cp, 0, a, lstrlenA(a), NULL, 0); unic = new wchar_t[len + 2]; len = MultiByteToWideChar(cp, 0, a, lstrlenA(a), unic, len + 1); unic[len--] = 0; u = unic; delete[] unic; } return u; } #else static std::string link_file(const char* lnk) { char path[512] = { 0 }; int len = readlink(lnk, path, sizeof(path) - 1); return path; } static bool found_module(const char* file, void* param) { std::string* str = (std::string*)param; const char* n = strrchr(file, PATH_SEPERATOR[0]); if (n++ == nullptr) n = file; if (strcasecmp(str->c_str(), n) == 0) { *str = file; return false; } else return true; } #endif int enum_files(const char* dir, bool(*on_found)(const char*, void*), void* param, bool recursive = true) { int ret = 0; #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) std::wstring root(a2u(dir, CP_UTF8) + L"\\"); WIN32_FIND_DATAW fd = { 0 }; HANDLE h = FindFirstFileW((a2u(dir, CP_UTF8) + L"\\*").c_str(), &fd); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return GetLastError(); do { if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (recursive && wcscmp(fd.cFileName, L".") && wcscmp(fd.cFileName, L"..")) { ret = enum_files(u2a((root + fd.cFileName).c_str(), CP_UTF8).c_str(), on_found, param, recursive); if (ret == ERROR_CANCELLED) break; } } else if (!on_found(u2a((root + fd.cFileName).c_str(), CP_UTF8).c_str(), param)) { ret = ERROR_CANCELLED; break; } } while (FindNextFileW(h, &fd)); FindClose(h); #else DIR* pdir = nullptr; struct dirent* ent = nullptr; pdir = opendir(dir); if (!pdir) return errno; while ((ent = readdir(pdir))) { if (ent->d_type & DT_DIR) { if (recursive) { if (strcmp(ent->d_name, ".") && strcmp(ent->d_name, "..")) { std::string sub(dir); sub += "/"; sub += ent->d_name; ret = enum_files(sub.c_str(), found_file, param, recursive); if (ret == 0x5e17) break; } } } else { std::string file(dir); file += "/"; file += ent->d_name; if (!found_file(link_file(file.c_str()).c_str(), param)) { ret = 0x5e17; break; } } } #endif return ret; } static bool found_language_pak(const char* file, void* obj) { ((lang_mgr*)obj)->load_language_pak(file, true); return true; } std::string get_module_path(void) { #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) wchar_t path[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; GetModuleFileNameW(GetModuleHandleA(THIS_MODULE_NAME), path, _countof(path) - 1); return u2a(path, CP_UTF8); #else char path[256] = { 0 }; std::string ret(THIS_MODULE_NAME); sprintf(path, "/proc/%u/map_files", getpid()); enum_files(path, &lang_mgr::found_module, &ret); return ret; #endif } lang_mgr() : os_cp_(lang_mgr::get_os_code_page()), cur_cp_(-1), cur_lang_(""), all_(nullptr) { std::string path(get_module_path()); size_t pos = path.rfind(PATH_SEPERATOR[0]); char *str = nullptr; LANATTR *st = nullptr; int ind = 0; if (pos++ == std::string::npos) pos = 0; path.erase(pos); path += "lang"; enum_files(path.c_str(), &lang_mgr::found_language_pak, this, false); size_t len = sizeof(LANATTR*) * (code_pages_.size() + 1) + sizeof(LANATTR) * code_pages_.size(); pos = len; for (const auto& v: code_pages_) { len += v.name.length() + 4; } all_ = (LANATTR**)new char[len]; memset(all_, 0, len); str = (char*)all_ + pos; st = (LANATTR*)((char*)all_ + sizeof(LANATTR*) * (code_pages_.size() + 1)); for (const auto& v : code_pages_) { all_[ind++] = st; st->cp = v.code_pages[0]; st->name = str; strcpy(str, v.name.c_str()); str += v.name.length() + 2; st++; } } ~lang_mgr() { delete[](char*)all_; } public: static int get_os_code_page(void) { char* locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); int cp = 936; if (locale) { char* end = nullptr; bool found = false; if (strstr(locale, "LC_CTYPE=")) locale = strstr(locale, "LC_CTYPE=") + strlen("LC_CTYPE"); end = strstr(locale, ";"); if (end) *end = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(g_known_locale) / sizeof(g_known_locale[0]); ++i) { if (strstr(locale, g_known_locale[i].locale)) { cp = g_known_locale[i].cp; found = true; break; } } if (!found && strrchr(locale, '.')) { // windows: Chinese (Simplified)_China.936 locale = strrchr(locale, '.') + 1; if (*locale >= '0' && *locale <= '9') cp = atoi(locale); } *end = ';'; } return cp; } public: static lang_mgr* instance(void) { if (!lang_mgr::inst_) lang_mgr::inst_ = new lang_mgr(); return lang_mgr::inst_; } int get_cur_cp(void) { return cur_cp_; } std::string get_cur_name(void) { return cur_lang_; } LANATTR** get_all(void) { return all_; } int set_code_page(int cp) { if (cp == 0) cp = lang_mgr::get_os_code_page(); if (cp == cur_cp_) return 0; std::vector::iterator it = std::find(code_pages_.begin(), code_pages_.end(), cp); if (it == code_pages_.end()) return ENOENT; load_language_pak(it->file.c_str(), false); return 0; } const char* get_string(uint32_t id, int* err) { if (map_off_[id].size()) { if (err) *err = 0; return map_off_[id].c_str(); } else { if (err) *err = ENOENT; return ""; } } int supported_cps(void) { return code_pages_.size(); } }; lang_mgr* lang_mgr::inst_ = nullptr; extern "C" { int lang_initialize(void* param) { if (lang_mgr::instance()->supported_cps() > 0) return lang_mgr::instance()->get_cur_cp(); else return -1; } LANATTR** lang_get_supported_languages(void) { return lang_mgr::instance()->get_all(); } int lang_get_cur_code_page(void) { return lang_mgr::instance()->get_cur_cp(); } int lang_set_code_page(int cp) { return lang_mgr::instance()->set_code_page(cp); } const char* lang_load_string(uint32_t id, int* err) { return lang_mgr::instance()->get_string(id, err); } }