add configuration tool

This commit is contained in:
gb 2022-12-09 15:31:09 +08:00
parent 1661442821
commit 858a6f4b16
41 changed files with 4803 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
// CDlgItemMgr.cpp: 实现文件
#include "pch.h"
#include "scanner-check.h"
#include "CDlgItemMgr.h"
#include "afxdialogex.h"
#include <file/file_util.h>
#include <coding/coding.h>
// CDlgItemMgr 对话框
#pragma warning(disable: 4996)
static bool is_checked(CWnd* ctrl)
return ((CButton*)ctrl)->GetCheck() == BST_CHECKED;
static bool is_checked(CDialogEx* dlg, UINT id)
return is_checked(dlg->GetDlgItem(id));
static void set_checked(CWnd* ctrl, bool checked)
((CButton*)ctrl)->SetCheck(checked ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED);
static void set_checked(CDialogEx* dlg, UINT id, bool checked)
return set_checked(dlg->GetDlgItem(id), checked);
CDlgItemMgr::CDlgItemMgr(CWnd* pParent /*=nullptr*/)
: CDialogEx(IDD_TEST_ITEM, pParent)
void CDlgItemMgr::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST1, list_);
BOOL CDlgItemMgr::OnInitDialog()
int ind = list_.InsertColumn(list_.GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount(), TEXT("\u5E8F\u53F7"), 0, 40);
list_.InsertColumn(list_.GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount(), TEXT("ID"), 0, 60);
list_.InsertColumn(list_.GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount(), TEXT("\u540D\u79F0"), 0, 102);
list_.InsertColumn(list_.GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount(), TEXT("\u5FC5\u987B\u8054\u673A\u6D4B\u8BD5"), 0, 87);
list_.InsertColumn(list_.GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount(), TEXT("\u4E0D\u901A\u8FC7\u5219\u505C\u6B62"), 0, 87);
list_.SetExtendedStyle((list_.GetExStyle() | LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT | LVS_EX_GRIDLINES) & (~LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES));
list_.ModifyStyle(0, LVS_SINGLESEL);
return TRUE; // 除非将焦点设置到控件,否则返回 TRUE
ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_ADD, &CDlgItemMgr::OnBnClickedButtonAdd)
// CDlgItemMgr 消息处理程序
void CDlgItemMgr::OnBnClickedButtonAdd()
// TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码
wchar_t text[128] = { 0 }, name[128] = { 0 };
bool online = is_checked(this, IDC_CHECK_ONLINE), fatal = is_checked(this, IDC_CHECK_FATAL);
int ind = -1;
if (::GetWindowTextW(GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_TITLE)->m_hWnd, text, _countof(text) - 1) == 0 ||
::GetWindowTextW(GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_NAME)->m_hWnd, name, _countof(name) - 1) == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < list_.GetItemCount(); ++i)
wchar_t val[128] = { 0 };
list_.GetItemText(i, 1, val, _countof(val) - 1);
if (wcscmp(name, val) == 0)
ind = i;
if (ind == -1)
wchar_t sn[20] = { 0 };
swprintf_s(sn, _countof(sn) - 1, L"%u", list_.GetItemCount() + 1);
ind = list_.InsertItem(list_.GetItemCount(), sn);
list_.SetItemText(ind, 1, name);
list_.SetItemText(ind, 2, text);
list_.SetItemText(ind, 3, online ? L"true" : L"false");
list_.SetItemText(ind, 4, fatal ? L"true" : L"false");
void CDlgItemMgr::OnNMDblclkList1(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
// TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码
POINT pos = { 0 };
RECT r = { 0 };
r.left = list_.HitTest(pos);
if (r.left != -1)
std::vector<int> width;
int ind = r.left;
for (int i = 0; i < list_.GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount(); ++i)
RECT r = { 0 };
list_.GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemRect(i, &r);
width.push_back(r.right - r.left);
for (int i = 0; i < width.size(); ++i)
if (pos.x <= width[i])
wchar_t text[128] = { 0 };
if (i < 3)
std::wstring tips(L"\u5220\u9664\u6D4B\u8BD5\u9879\uFF1A");
list_.GetItemText(ind, 1, text, _countof(text) - 1);
tips += text;
tips += L"\uFF1F";
if (::MessageBoxW(m_hWnd, tips.c_str(), L"\u786E\u8BA4", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES)
for (; ind < list_.GetItemCount(); ++ind)
swprintf_s(text, _countof(text) - 1, L"%u", ind + 1);
list_.SetItemText(ind, 0, text);
list_.GetItemText(ind, i, text, _countof(text) - 1);
if (wcscmp(text, L"true"))
list_.SetItemText(ind, i, L"true");
list_.SetItemText(ind, i, L"false");
pos.x -= width[i];
*pResult = 0;
std::wstring CDlgItemMgr::get_stored_config_file(void)
wchar_t path[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
std::wstring file(L"");
size_t pos = 0;
GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, path, _countof(path) - 1);
file = path;
pos = file.rfind(L'\\');
if (pos++ != std::wstring::npos)
file += L"config\\stored.txt";
return file;
void CDlgItemMgr::get_item(int ind, page_config::ITEM* item)
wchar_t text[128] = { 0 };
list_.GetItemText(ind, 1, text, _countof(text) - 1);
item->name = text;
list_.GetItemText(ind, 2, text, _countof(text) - 1);
item->title = text;
list_.GetItemText(ind, 3, text, _countof(text) - 1);
item->man = wcscmp(text, L"false") == 0;
list_.GetItemText(ind, 4, text, _countof(text) - 1);
item->fatal = wcscmp(text, L"true") == 0;
void CDlgItemMgr::load_from_file(const wchar_t* file)
wchar_t path[MAX_PATH] = { 0 },
*sn = path,
*n = sn + 40,
*t = n + 40,
*m = t + 40,
*f = m + 40;
size_t pos = 0;
std::string bom("");
std::wstring cont(L"");
file_util::load_file(file, got_str, &bom);
coding_util::bom::to_unicode(bom.c_str(), bom.length(), got_wstr, &cont);
cont += L"\r\n";
while ((pos = cont.find(L"\r\n")) != std::wstring::npos)
int cnt = swscanf(cont.substr(0, pos).c_str(), L"%s %s %s %s", n, t, m, f);
if (cnt >= 2)
bool man = false, fatal = true;
if (cnt >= 3)
man = wcscmp(m, L"false") == 0;
if (cnt >= 4)
fatal = wcscmp(f, L"true") == 0;
swprintf_s(sn, 20, L"%u", list_.GetItemCount() + 1);
cnt = list_.InsertItem(list_.GetItemCount(), sn);
list_.SetItemText(cnt, 1, n);
list_.SetItemText(cnt, 2, t);
list_.SetItemText(cnt, 3, man ? L"false" : L"true");
list_.SetItemText(cnt, 4, f ? L"true" : L"false");
cont.erase(0, pos + 2);
::PostMessage(GetParent()->m_hWnd, WM_TEST_ITEM_CHANGED, 0, 0);
void CDlgItemMgr::load_stored_config(void)
std::wstring file(get_stored_config_file());
void CDlgItemMgr::item_changed(void)
std::vector<page_config::ITEM> items;
std::wstring text(L"");
std::string bom("");
for (size_t i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i)
text += items[i].name + L" " + items[i].title + L" ";
text += items[i].man ? L"false " : L"true ";
text += items[i].fatal ? L"true\r\n" : L"false\r\n";
coding_util::bom::from_unicode(text.c_str(), text.length() * 2, got_str, &bom);
file_util::save_2_file(bom.c_str(), bom.length(), get_stored_config_file().c_str());
::PostMessage(GetParent()->m_hWnd, WM_TEST_ITEM_CHANGED, 0, 0);
bool CDlgItemMgr::get_name(const wchar_t* title, page_config::ITEM* item)
wchar_t text[128] = { 0 };
for (size_t i = 0; i < list_.GetItemCount(); ++i)
list_.GetItemText(i, 2, text, _countof(text) - 1);
if (wcscmp(text, title) == 0)
get_item(i, item);
return true;
text[0] = 0;
return false;
void CDlgItemMgr::get_all_items(std::vector<page_config::ITEM>& items)
wchar_t text[128] = { 0 };
for (size_t i = 0; i < list_.GetItemCount(); ++i)
page_config::ITEM item;
get_item(i, &item);
void CDlgItemMgr::OnDropFiles(HDROP hDropInfo)
// TODO: 在此添加消息处理程序代码和/或调用默认值
// TODO: 在此添加消息处理程序代码和/或调用默认值
wchar_t path[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
std::wstring cont(L"");
std::string bom("");
DragQueryFileW(hDropInfo, 0, path, _countof(path) - 1);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#pragma once
// CDlgItemMgr 对话框
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "page.h"
class CDlgItemMgr : public CDialogEx
CDlgItemMgr(CWnd* pParent = nullptr); // 标准构造函数
virtual ~CDlgItemMgr();
// 对话框数据
enum { IDD = IDD_TEST_ITEM };
virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV 支持
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
std::wstring get_stored_config_file(void);
void get_item(int ind, page_config::ITEM* item);
void load_from_file(const wchar_t* file);
void load_stored_config(void);
void item_changed(void);
CListCtrl list_;
afx_msg void OnNMDblclkList1(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
afx_msg void OnBnClickedButtonAdd();
bool get_name(const wchar_t* title, page_config::ITEM* item);
void get_all_items(std::vector<page_config::ITEM>& items);
afx_msg void OnDropFiles(HDROP hDropInfo);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
// CDlgMgr.cpp: 实现文件
#include "pch.h"
#include "scanner-check.h"
#include "CDlgMgr.h"
#include "afxdialogex.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <file/file_util.h>
#include <coding/coding.h>
// CDlgMgr 对话框
static std::wstring vid_pid_edit_org_proc = L"vid_pid_edit_org_proc";
static wchar_t* hex = L"";
CDlgMgr::CDlgMgr(CWnd* pParent /*=nullptr*/)
: CDialogEx(IDD_MANAGER, pParent)
static bool is_checked(CWnd* ctrl)
return ((CButton*)ctrl)->GetCheck() == BST_CHECKED;
static bool is_checked(CDialogEx* dlg, UINT id)
return is_checked(dlg->GetDlgItem(id));
static void set_checked(CWnd* ctrl, bool checked)
((CButton*)ctrl)->SetCheck(checked ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED);
static void set_checked(CDialogEx* dlg, UINT id, bool checked)
return set_checked(dlg->GetDlgItem(id), checked);
static LRESULT vid_pid_edit_proc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp)
wchar_t now[40] = { 0 };
int len = 0, sel = 0, max_len = 4;
bool all_digit = true;
WNDPROC wndproc = (WNDPROC)GetPropW(hwnd, vid_pid_edit_org_proc.c_str());
std::wstring buf(L"");
if (!wndproc)
wndproc = DefWindowProcW;
switch (msg)
case WM_CHAR:
GetWindowTextW(hwnd, now, _countof(now));
len = lstrlenW(now);
sel = SendMessage(hwnd, EM_GETSEL, 0, 0);
sel = ((sel >> 16) & 0x0ff) - (sel & 0x0ffff);
if (wp >= ' ' && len - sel >= max_len)
return 0;
if (wp >= '0' && wp <= '9')
wp = hex[wp - '0'];
else if (wp >= 'A' && wp <= 'F')
wp = hex[wp - 'A' + 10];
else if (wp >= 'a' && wp <= 'f')
wp = hex[wp - 'a' + 10];
else if(wp >= ' ')
return 0;
case WM_COPY:
return 0;
case WM_PASTE:
size_t l = 0;
if (file_util::get_clipboard(NULL, &l, CF_UNICODETEXT) == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)
buf.resize(l + 4);
if (file_util::get_clipboard(&buf[0], &l, CF_UNICODETEXT))
l = 0;
if (l == 0)
return 0;
lp = (LPARAM)&buf[0];
for (int i = 0; len < max_len + 1 && i < lstrlenW((wchar_t*)lp); ++i)
wchar_t ch = ((wchar_t*)lp)[i];
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
now[len++] = hex[ch - '0'];
else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F')
now[len++] = hex[ch - 'A' + 10];
all_digit = false;
else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f')
now[len++] = hex[ch - 'a' + 10];
all_digit = false;
if(len == 0)
return 0;
if (/*len == max_len + 1 &&*/ all_digit)
sel = _wtoi(now);
//if (sel <= 0x0ffff)
now[max_len] = 0;
for (int l = max_len - 1; l >= 0; --l, sel >>= 4)
now[l] = hex[sel % 16];
// now[max_len] = 0;
lp = (LPARAM)now;
return wndproc(hwnd, msg, wp, lp);
static void set_vid_pid_proc(HWND hwnd)
SetPropW(hwnd, vid_pid_edit_org_proc.c_str(), (HANDLE)(FARPROC)GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC));
SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)(FARPROC)vid_pid_edit_proc);
static WORD vid_pid_edit_value(HWND hwnd)
wchar_t text[40] = { 0 };
int off = 10;
WORD vpid = 0;
GetWindowTextW(hwnd, text + off, _countof(text) - off - 1);
for (int i = 0; text[off + i]; ++i)
const wchar_t* ptr = NULL;
text[0] = text[off + i];
ptr = wcsstr(hex, text);
if (!ptr)
vpid <<= 4;
vpid += ptr - hex;
return vpid;
void CDlgMgr::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST1, list_);
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBO_ITEM, combo_);
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_IPADDRESS1, ip_);
ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CHECK2, &CDlgMgr::OnBnClickedCheckReport)
ON_MESSAGE(WM_USER + 1, &CDlgMgr::OnDisableIPCtrl)
static DWORD WINAPI disable_ip_ctrl(LPVOID lp)
PostMessage((HWND)lp, WM_USER + 1, 0, 0);
return 0;
return 0;
// CDlgMgr 消息处理程序
BOOL CDlgMgr::OnInitDialog()
int ind = list_.InsertColumn(list_.GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount(), TEXT("\u5E8F\u53F7"), 0, 40);
list_.InsertColumn(list_.GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount(), TEXT("\u6D4B\u8BD5\u9879\u76EE"), 0, 171);
list_.InsertColumn(list_.GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount(), TEXT("\u5FC5\u987B\u8054\u673A\u6D4B\u8BD5"), 0, 86);
list_.InsertColumn(list_.GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount(), TEXT("\u4E0D\u901A\u8FC7\u5219\u505C\u6B62"), 0, 86);
list_.SetExtendedStyle((list_.GetExStyle() | LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT | LVS_EX_GRIDLINES) & (~LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES));
list_.ModifyStyle(0, LVS_SINGLESEL);
set_checked(this, IDC_CHECK_ONLINE, true);
set_checked(this, IDC_CHECK_FATAL, true);
SetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT_VID_SRC, 0x3072);
SetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT_PID_SRC, 0x200);
SetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT_VID_TO, 0x3072);
SetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT_PID_TO, 0x0239);
return TRUE; // 除非将焦点设置到控件,否则返回 TRUE
void CDlgMgr::OnBnClickedCheckReport()
// TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码
bool enable = is_checked(this, IDC_CHECK2);
if (enable)
void CDlgMgr::OnBnClickedButtonMaintain()
// TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码
::PostMessage(GetParent()->m_hWnd, WM_TO_ITEM_MGR_TAB, 0, 0);
void CDlgMgr::OnBnClickedButtonAdd()
// TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码
wchar_t text[128] = { 0 };
bool online = is_checked(this, IDC_CHECK_ONLINE), fatal = is_checked(this, IDC_CHECK_FATAL);
int ind = -1;
if (::GetWindowTextW(GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO_ITEM)->m_hWnd, text, _countof(text) - 1) == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < list_.GetItemCount(); ++i)
wchar_t val[128] = { 0 };
list_.GetItemText(i, 1, val, _countof(val) - 1);
if (wcscmp(text, val) == 0)
ind = i;
if (ind == -1)
wchar_t sn[20] = { 0 };
swprintf_s(sn, _countof(sn) - 1, L"%u", list_.GetItemCount() + 1);
ind = list_.InsertItem(list_.GetItemCount(), sn);
list_.SetItemText(ind, 1, text);
list_.SetItemText(ind, 2, online ? L"true" : L"false");
list_.SetItemText(ind, 3, fatal ? L"true" : L"false");
list_.EnsureVisible(ind, FALSE);
void CDlgMgr::OnCbnSelchangeComboItem()
// TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码
wchar_t text[128] = { 0 }, val[128] = { 0 };
page_config::ITEM item;
::GetWindowTextW(GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO_ITEM)->m_hWnd, text, _countof(text) - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < list_.GetItemCount(); ++i)
list_.GetItemText(i, 1, val, _countof(val) - 1);
if (wcscmp(text, val) == 0)
list_.GetItemText(i, 2, val, _countof(val) - 1);
set_checked(this, IDC_CHECK_ONLINE, wcscmp(val, L"false") == 0);
list_.GetItemText(i, 3, val, _countof(val) - 1);
set_checked(this, IDC_CHECK_FATAL, wcscmp(val, L"true") == 0);
::SendMessageW(GetParent()->m_hWnd, WM_GET_TEST_ITEM_NAME, (WPARAM)text, (LPARAM)&item);
if (item.title == text)
set_checked(this, IDC_CHECK_ONLINE, !;
set_checked(this, IDC_CHECK_FATAL, item.fatal);
void CDlgMgr::OnNMDblclkList1(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
// TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码
POINT pos = { 0 };
RECT r = { 0 };
r.left = list_.HitTest(pos);
if (r.left != -1)
std::vector<int> width;
int ind = r.left;
for (int i = 0; i < list_.GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount(); ++i)
RECT r = { 0 };
list_.GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemRect(i, &r);
width.push_back(r.right - r.left);
for (int i = 0; i < width.size(); ++i)
if (pos.x <= width[i])
wchar_t text[128] = { 0 };
if (i < 2)
std::wstring tips(L"\u5220\u9664\u6D4B\u8BD5\u9879\uFF1A");
list_.GetItemText(ind, 1, text, _countof(text) - 1);
tips += text;
tips += L"\uFF1F";
if (::MessageBoxW(m_hWnd,tips.c_str(), L"\u786E\u8BA4", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES)
for (; ind < list_.GetItemCount(); ++ind)
swprintf_s(text, _countof(text) - 1, L"%u", ind + 1);
list_.SetItemText(ind, 0, text);
list_.GetItemText(ind, i, text, _countof(text) - 1);
if (wcscmp(text, L"true"))
list_.SetItemText(ind, i, L"true");
list_.SetItemText(ind, i, L"false");
pos.x -= width[i];
*pResult = 0;
void CDlgMgr::OnBnClickedButtonAddAll()
// TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码
for (int i = 0; i < combo_.GetCount(); ++i)
void CDlgMgr::init_test_items(std::vector<page_config::ITEM>& items)
for (size_t i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i)
if (items.size())
*((std::wstring*)param) += std::wstring((const wchar_t*)data, len / 2);
return inter_module_data::SET_RESULT_CONTINUE;
std::wstring CDlgMgr::export_config(bool *ok, bool used_in_code, int code_ver)
known_file_util::IJsonW * jsn = known_file_util::create_jsonW(),
* child = known_file_util::create_jsonW();
wchar_t text[256] = { 0 };
if (!used_in_code)
WORD vid_f = vid_pid_edit_value(GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_VID_SRC)->m_hWnd),
pid_f = vid_pid_edit_value(GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_PID_SRC)->m_hWnd),
vid_t = vid_pid_edit_value(GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_VID_TO)->m_hWnd),
pid_t = vid_pid_edit_value(GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_PID_TO)->m_hWnd),
port = 0;
bool result = false, report = is_checked(GetDlgItem(IDC_CHECK2));
BYTE ip1 = 0, ip2 = 0, ip3 = 0, ip4 = 0;
if (!ok)
ok = &result;
*ok = false;
if (!vid_f)
return L"请重新输入 源VID!";
if (!pid_f)
return L"请重新输入 源PID!";
if (!vid_t)
return L"请重新输入 目标VID!";
if (!pid_t)
return L"请重新输入 目标PID!";
if (list_.GetItemCount() == 0)
return L"没有输入有效的测试项目!";
if (report)
ip_.GetAddress(ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4);
port = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT_PORT);
::GetDlgItemTextW(m_hWnd, IDC_EDIT_DB, text, _countof(text) - 1);
child->set_value(L"vid-org", vid_f);
child->set_value(L"pid-org", pid_f);
child->set_value(L"vid-to", vid_t);
child->set_value(L"pid-to", pid_t);
if (report)
::GetDlgItemTextW(m_hWnd, IDC_EDIT_DB, text, _countof(text) - 1);
std::wstring url(text);
swprintf_s(text, _countof(text) - 1, L"%u:", port);
url.insert(0, text);
swprintf_s(text, _countof(text) - 1, L"%u.%u.%u.%u:", ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4);
url.insert(0, text);
child->set_value(L"report-url", url.c_str());
jsn->set_value(L"global", child);
for (size_t i = 0; i < list_.GetItemCount(); ++i)
page_config::ITEM item;
child = known_file_util::create_jsonW();
list_.GetItemText(i, 1, text, _countof(text) - 1);
::SendMessageW(GetParent()->m_hWnd, WM_GET_TEST_ITEM_NAME, (WPARAM)text, (LPARAM)&item);
if (!used_in_code)
child->set_value(L"title", text);
list_.GetItemText(i, 2, text, _countof(text) - 1);
child->set_value(L"man", wcscmp(text, L"false") == 0);
list_.GetItemText(i, 3, text, _countof(text) - 1);
child->set_value(L"err-level", wcscmp(text, L"true") == 0 ? L"fatal" : L"warning");
child->set_value(L"ver", code_ver);
swprintf_s(text, _countof(text) - 1, L"%u", i + 1);
jsn->set_value(text, child);
std::wstring ret(L"");
jsn->to_string(got_wstr, &ret);
if (used_in_code)
size_t pos = ret.find(L"\"");
while (pos != std::string::npos)
ret.insert(pos, L"\\");
pos = ret.find(L"\"", pos + 2);
pos = ret.find(L"\\u");
while (pos != std::string::npos)
ret.insert(pos, L"\\");
pos = ret.find(L"\\u", pos + 3);
// divide into multi-lines with 16KB per line ...
int lines = 1;
wchar_t var[80] = { 0 };
pos = ret.length();
while (pos > 16 * 1024)
pos -= 12 * 1024;
while (ret[pos - 1] == L'\\')
swprintf_s(var, _countof(var) - 1, L"\");\r\nstatic std::string jsontext%d(\"", lines);
ret.insert(pos, var);
ret.insert(0, L"static std::string jsontext1(\"");
ret += L"\");\r\n";
*ok = true;
return ret;
void CDlgMgr::OnDropFiles(HDROP hDropInfo)
// TODO: 在此添加消息处理程序代码和/或调用默认值
wchar_t path[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
std::wstring cont(L"");
std::string bom("");
DragQueryFileW(hDropInfo, 0, path, _countof(path) - 1);
file_util::load_file(path, got_str, &bom);
coding_util::bom::to_unicode(bom.c_str(), bom.length(), got_wstr, &cont);
known_file_util::IJsonW* jsn = known_file_util::create_jsonW();
if (jsn->attach(cont.c_str()))
known_file_util::IJsonW* child = NULL;
const wchar_t* val = NULL;
cont = L"";
jsn->get_value(L"global", &child);
if (child)
int n = 0;
child->get_value(L"vid-org", n);
SetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT_VID_SRC, n);
child->get_value(L"pid-org", n);
SetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT_PID_SRC, n);
child->get_value(L"vid-to", n);
SetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT_VID_TO, n);
child->get_value(L"pid-to", n);
SetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT_PID_TO, n);
if (child->get_value(L"report-url", &val) && val)
size_t pos = 0;
cont = val;
pos = cont.find(L":");
if (pos++ != std::wstring::npos)
ip_.SetWindowTextW(cont.substr(0, pos).c_str());
cont.erase(0, pos);
SetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT_PORT, _wtoi(cont.c_str()));
pos = cont.find(L":");
if (pos++ != std::wstring::npos)
cont.erase(0, pos);
::SetDlgItemTextW(m_hWnd, IDC_EDIT_DB, cont.c_str());
set_checked(this, IDC_CHECK2, true);
for (int i = 1; 1; ++i)
swprintf_s(path, _countof(path) - 1, L"%d", i);
if (!jsn->get_value(path, &child))
if (child->get_value(L"title", &val))
int ind = list_.InsertItem(list_.GetItemCount(), path);
list_.SetItemText(ind, 1, val);
if (child->get_value(L"err-level", &val))
list_.SetItemText(ind, 3, wcscmp(val, L"fatal") == 0 ? L"true" : L"false");
bool man = false;
child->get_value(L"man", man);
list_.SetItemText(ind, 2, !man ? L"true" : L"false");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
#pragma once
#include "page.h"
// CDlgMgr 对话框
class CDlgMgr : public CDialogEx, public page_config
CDlgMgr(CWnd* pParent = nullptr); // 标准构造函数
virtual ~CDlgMgr();
// 对话框数据
enum { IDD = IDD_MANAGER };
virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV 支持
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
CListCtrl list_;
afx_msg void OnBnClickedCheckReport();
afx_msg LRESULT OnDisableIPCtrl(WPARAM, LPARAM);
afx_msg void OnBnClickedButtonMaintain();
afx_msg void OnBnClickedButtonAdd();
afx_msg void OnCbnSelchangeComboItem();
afx_msg void OnNMDblclkList1(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
CComboBox combo_;
afx_msg void OnBnClickedButtonAddAll();
void init_test_items(std::vector<page_config::ITEM>& items);
virtual std::wstring export_config(bool* ok, bool used_in_code = false, int code_ver = 1) override;
CIPAddressCtrl ip_;
afx_msg void OnDropFiles(HDROP hDropInfo);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#pragma once
#define VC_EXTRALEAN // 从 Windows 头中排除极少使用的资料
#include "targetver.h"
#define _ATL_CSTRING_EXPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS // 某些 CString 构造函数将是显式的
// 关闭 MFC 的一些常见且经常可放心忽略的隐藏警告消息
#include <afxwin.h> // MFC 核心组件和标准组件
#include <afxext.h> // MFC 扩展
#include <afxdisp.h> // MFC 自动化类
#include <afxdtctl.h> // MFC 对 Internet Explorer 4 公共控件的支持
#include <afxcmn.h> // MFC 对 Windows 公共控件的支持
#include <afxcontrolbars.h> // MFC 支持功能区和控制条
#ifdef _UNICODE
#if defined _M_IX86
#pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' processorArchitecture='x86' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"")
#elif defined _M_X64
#pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' processorArchitecture='amd64' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"")
#pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' processorArchitecture='*' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <utility/known_file.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "base_util.lib")
#define WM_GET_TEST_ITEM_NAME WM_USER + 100 // WPARAM: (wchar_t*)title, LPARAM: (ITEM*)item
#define WM_TO_ITEM_MGR_TAB WM_USER + 101
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
class page_config
virtual ~page_config()
typedef struct _item
std::wstring name;
std::wstring title;
bool man;
bool fatal;
bool operator==(const wchar_t* t)
return title == t;
virtual std::wstring export_config(bool *ok/*return error message if this returned false*/, bool used_in_code = false, int code_ver = 1) = 0;
extern INTER_MODULE_CALLBACK(got_wstr);
extern INTER_MODULE_CALLBACK(got_str);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
// pch.cpp: 与预编译标头对应的源文件
#include "pch.h"
// 当使用预编译的头时,需要使用此源文件,编译才能成功。

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
// pch.h: 这是预编译标头文件。
// 下方列出的文件仅编译一次,提高了将来生成的生成性能。
// 这还将影响 IntelliSense 性能,包括代码完成和许多代码浏览功能。
// 但是,如果此处列出的文件中的任何一个在生成之间有更新,它们全部都将被重新编译。
// 请勿在此处添加要频繁更新的文件,这将使得性能优势无效。
#ifndef PCH_H
#define PCH_H
// 添加要在此处预编译的标头
#include "framework.h"
#endif //PCH_H

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 154 KiB

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// Microsoft Visual C++ 生成的包含文件。
// 供 scannercheck.rc 使用
#define IDM_ABOUTBOX 0x0010
#define IDS_ABOUTBOX 101
#define IDR_MAINFRAME 128
#define IDD_MANAGER 130
#define IDD_TEST_ITEM 131
#define IDC_TAB1 1000
#define IDC_STATIC_RECT 1001
#define IDC_EDIT_VID_SRC 1002
#define IDC_EDIT_PID_SRC 1003
#define IDC_EDIT_VID_TO 1004
#define IDC_EDIT_PID_TO 1005
#define IDC_EDIT_PORT 1006
#define IDC_CHECK2 1007
#define IDC_IPADDRESS1 1008
#define IDC_EDIT_DB 1009
#define IDC_LIST1 1010
#define IDC_COMBO_ITEM 1011
#define IDC_CHECK_ONLINE 1012
#define IDC_CHECK_FATAL 1013
#define IDC_BUTTON_ADD 1014
#define IDC_EDIT_IP 1015
#define IDC_BUTTON_EXPORT 1015
#define IDC_COMBO1 1016
#define IDC_BUTTON_ADD_ALL 1017
#define IDC_STATIC_VER 1017
#define IDC_EDIT_VER 1018
#define IDC_EDIT_NAME 1019
#define IDC_EDIT_TITLE 1020
// Next default values for new objects

View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@

// scanner-check.cpp: 定义应用程序的类行为。
#include "pch.h"
#include "framework.h"
#include "scanner-check.h"
#include "scanner-checkDlg.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
// CscannercheckApp
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CscannercheckApp, CWinApp)
// CscannercheckApp 构造
// 支持重新启动管理器
// TODO: 在此处添加构造代码,
// 将所有重要的初始化放置在 InitInstance 中
// 唯一的 CscannercheckApp 对象
CscannercheckApp theApp;
// CscannercheckApp 初始化
BOOL CscannercheckApp::InitInstance()
// 如果一个运行在 Windows XP 上的应用程序清单指定要
// 使用 ComCtl32.dll 版本 6 或更高版本来启用可视化方式,
//则需要 InitCommonControlsEx()。 否则,将无法创建窗口。
InitCtrls.dwSize = sizeof(InitCtrls);
// 将它设置为包括所有要在应用程序中使用的
// 公共控件类。
InitCtrls.dwICC = ICC_WIN95_CLASSES;
// 创建 shell 管理器,以防对话框包含
// 任何 shell 树视图控件或 shell 列表视图控件。
CShellManager *pShellManager = new CShellManager;
// 激活“Windows Native”视觉管理器以便在 MFC 控件中启用主题
// 标准初始化
// 如果未使用这些功能并希望减小
// 最终可执行文件的大小,则应移除下列
// 不需要的特定初始化例程
// 更改用于存储设置的注册表项
// TODO: 应适当修改该字符串,
// 例如修改为公司或组织名
CscannercheckDlg dlg;
m_pMainWnd = &dlg;
INT_PTR nResponse = dlg.DoModal();
if (nResponse == IDOK)
// TODO: 在此放置处理何时用
// “确定”来关闭对话框的代码
else if (nResponse == IDCANCEL)
// TODO: 在此放置处理何时用
// “取消”来关闭对话框的代码
else if (nResponse == -1)
TRACE(traceAppMsg, 0, "警告: 对话框创建失败,应用程序将意外终止。\n");
TRACE(traceAppMsg, 0, "警告: 如果您在对话框上使用 MFC 控件,则无法 #define _AFX_NO_MFC_CONTROLS_IN_DIALOGS。\n");
// 删除上面创建的 shell 管理器。
if (pShellManager != nullptr)
delete pShellManager;
#if !defined(_AFXDLL) && !defined(_AFX_NO_MFC_CONTROLS_IN_DIALOGS)
// 由于对话框已关闭,所以将返回 FALSE 以便退出应用程序,
// 而不是启动应用程序的消息泵。
return FALSE;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@

// scanner-check.h: PROJECT_NAME 应用程序的主头文件
#pragma once
#ifndef __AFXWIN_H__
#error "在包含此文件之前包含 'pch.h' 以生成 PCH"
#include "resource.h" // 主符号
// CscannercheckApp:
// 有关此类的实现,请参阅 scanner-check.cpp
class CscannercheckApp : public CWinApp
// 重写
virtual BOOL InitInstance();
// 实现
extern CscannercheckApp theApp;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
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<ResourceCompile Include="scannercheck.rc" />
<None Include="res\scannercheck.rc2" />
<Image Include="res\scanner-check.ico" />
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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
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<ClCompile Include="scanner-checkDlg.cpp">
<ClCompile Include="pch.cpp">
<ClCompile Include="CDlgMgr.cpp">
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<ResourceCompile Include="scannercheck.rc">
<None Include="res\scannercheck.rc2">
<Image Include="res\scanner-check.ico">

View File

@ -0,0 +1,268 @@

// scanner-checkDlg.cpp: 实现文件
#include "pch.h"
#include "framework.h"
#include "scanner-check.h"
#include "scanner-checkDlg.h"
#include "afxdialogex.h"
#include <imm.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "imm32.lib")
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#include "CDlgMgr.h"
#include "CDlgItemMgr.h"
#include <coding/coding.h>
#include <file/file_util.h>
// CscannercheckDlg 对话框
CscannercheckDlg::CscannercheckDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=nullptr*/)
m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME);
void CscannercheckDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_TAB1, tab_);
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBO1, combo_);
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CscannercheckDlg, CDialogEx)
ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_EXPORT, &CscannercheckDlg::OnBnClickedButtonExport)
ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_COMBO1, &CscannercheckDlg::OnCbnSelchangeCombo1)
ON_NOTIFY(TCN_SELCHANGE, IDC_TAB1, &CscannercheckDlg::OnTcnSelchangeTab1)
ON_NOTIFY(TCN_SELCHANGING, IDC_TAB1, &CscannercheckDlg::OnTcnSelchangingTab1)
ON_MESSAGE(WM_TO_ITEM_MGR_TAB, &CscannercheckDlg::on_to_item_manager_tab)
ON_MESSAGE(WM_GET_TEST_ITEM_NAME, &CscannercheckDlg::on_name_from_title)
ON_MESSAGE(WM_TEST_ITEM_CHANGED, &CscannercheckDlg::on_test_item_changed)
void CscannercheckDlg::add_page(const wchar_t* title, CDialogEx* child)
RECT r = { 0 };
int ind = 0;
TCITEM item = { 0 };
ind = tab_.InsertItem(tab_.GetItemCount(), title);
item.lParam = (LPARAM)child;
item.mask = TCIF_PARAM;
tab_.SetItem(ind, &item);
// CscannercheckDlg 消息处理程序
BOOL CscannercheckDlg::OnInitDialog()
// 设置此对话框的图标。 当应用程序主窗口不是对话框时,框架将自动
// 执行此操作
SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); // 设置大图标
SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); // 设置小图标
// 工作台配置; DLL配置;
int ind = combo_.AddString(TEXT("DLL \u914D\u7F6E"));
combo_.SetItemData(ind, (DWORD_PTR)1);
ind = combo_.AddString(TEXT("\u5DE5\u4F5C\u53F0\u914D\u7F6E"));
combo_.SetItemData(ind, NULL);
SetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT_VER, 1);
// TODO: 在此添加额外的初始化代码
mgr_ = new CDlgMgr(this);
mgr_->Create(IDD_MANAGER, this);
add_page(L"\u6D4B\u8BD5\u9879\u76EE\u914D\u7F6E", mgr_);
items_ = new CDlgItemMgr(this);
items_->Create(IDD_TEST_ITEM, this);
add_page(L"\u6D4B\u8BD5\u9879\u76EE\u7BA1\u7406", items_);
on_test_item_changed(0, 0);
// ImmDisableIME(0);
return FALSE; // 除非将焦点设置到控件,否则返回 TRUE
void CscannercheckDlg::OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam)
if ((nID & 0xFFF0) == IDM_ABOUTBOX)
CDialogEx::OnSysCommand(nID, lParam);
// 如果向对话框添加最小化按钮,则需要下面的代码
// 来绘制该图标。 对于使用文档/视图模型的 MFC 应用程序,
// 这将由框架自动完成。
void CscannercheckDlg::OnPaint()
if (IsIconic())
CPaintDC dc(this); // 用于绘制的设备上下文
SendMessage(WM_ICONERASEBKGND, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(dc.GetSafeHdc()), 0);
// 使图标在工作区矩形中居中
int cxIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON);
int cyIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON);
CRect rect;
int x = (rect.Width() - cxIcon + 1) / 2;
int y = (rect.Height() - cyIcon + 1) / 2;
// 绘制图标
dc.DrawIcon(x, y, m_hIcon);
HCURSOR CscannercheckDlg::OnQueryDragIcon()
return static_cast<HCURSOR>(m_hIcon);
*((std::string*)param) += std::string(data, len);
return inter_module_data::SET_RESULT_CONTINUE;
void CscannercheckDlg::OnBnClickedButtonExport()
// TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码
int ind = tab_.GetCurSel(), ver = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT_VER);
TCITEM item = { 0 };
item.mask = TCIF_PARAM;
tab_.GetItem(ind, &item);
if (!item.lParam)
MessageBox(TEXT("\u4E22\u5931\u8BBE\u7F6E\u9875\u9762\u5BF9\u8C61\u6307\u9488"), TEXT("\u9519\u8BEF"), MB_OK);
bool ok = true, code = (bool)combo_.GetItemData(combo_.GetCurSel());
std::wstring text((dynamic_cast<page_config*>((CWnd*)item.lParam))->export_config(&ok, code, ver));
if (!ok)
::MessageBoxW(m_hWnd, text.c_str(), L"\u9519\u8BEF", MB_OK);
if (file_util::set_clipboard(text.c_str(), text.length() * 2, CF_UNICODETEXT))
file_util::PATHFILE path = { 0 };
if (file_util::browser_file(m_hWnd, &path, L"All Files(*.*)\0\0\0", false, L"请选择文件保存路径"))
std::string bom("");
coding_util::bom::from_unicode(text.c_str(), text.length() * 2, got_str, &bom);
file_util::save_2_file(bom.c_str(), bom.length(), path.path);
::MessageBoxW(m_hWnd, L"\u5BFC\u51FA\u5185\u5BB9\u5DF2\u62F7\u8D1D\u5230\u526A\u8D34\u677F", L"\u5BFC\u51FA\u5B8C\u6210", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
void CscannercheckDlg::OnCbnSelchangeCombo1()
// TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码
bool dll = (bool)combo_.GetItemData(combo_.GetCurSel());
if (dll)
void CscannercheckDlg::OnTcnSelchangeTab1(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
// TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码
*pResult = 0;
TCITEM item = { 0 };
page_config* page = NULL;
item.mask = TCIF_PARAM;
tab_.GetItem(tab_.GetCurSel(), &item);
page = dynamic_cast<page_config*>((CWnd*)item.lParam);
GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON_EXPORT)->EnableWindow(page != NULL);
void CscannercheckDlg::OnTcnSelchangingTab1(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
// TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码
*pResult = 0;
*pResult = 0;
TCITEM item = { 0 };
item.mask = TCIF_PARAM;
tab_.GetItem(tab_.GetCurSel(), &item);
LRESULT CscannercheckDlg::on_to_item_manager_tab(WPARAM, LPARAM)
LRESULT result = 0;
OnTcnSelchangingTab1(NULL, &result);
OnTcnSelchangeTab1(NULL, &result);
return 0;
LRESULT CscannercheckDlg::on_name_from_title(WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp)
std::wstring title((wchar_t*)wp);
page_config::ITEM* item = (page_config::ITEM*)lp;
items_->get_name(title.c_str(), item);
return 0;
LRESULT CscannercheckDlg::on_test_item_changed(WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp)
std::vector<page_config::ITEM> items;
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@

// scanner-checkDlg.h: 头文件
#pragma once
#include "Resource.h"
class CDlgMgr;
class CDlgItemMgr;
// CscannercheckDlg 对话框
class CscannercheckDlg : public CDialogEx
// 构造
CscannercheckDlg(CWnd* pParent = nullptr); // 标准构造函数
// 对话框数据
virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV 支持
void add_page(const wchar_t* title, CDialogEx* child);
CDlgItemMgr* items_;
CDlgMgr* mgr_;
// 实现
HICON m_hIcon;
// 生成的消息映射函数
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
afx_msg void OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam);
afx_msg void OnPaint();
afx_msg HCURSOR OnQueryDragIcon();
CTabCtrl tab_;
afx_msg void OnBnClickedButtonExport();
CComboBox combo_;
afx_msg void OnCbnSelchangeCombo1();
afx_msg void OnTcnSelchangeTab1(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
afx_msg LRESULT on_to_item_manager_tab(WPARAM, LPARAM);
afx_msg LRESULT on_name_from_title(WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp);
afx_msg LRESULT on_test_item_changed(WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp);
afx_msg void OnTcnSelchangingTab1(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#pragma once
// 包括 SDKDDKVer.h 将定义可用的最高版本的 Windows 平台。
//如果要为以前的 Windows 平台生成应用程序,请包括 WinSDKVer.h
// 将 _WIN32_WINNT 宏设置为要支持的平台,然后再包括 SDKDDKVer.h。
#include <SDKDDKVer.h>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
// gb_base64.h : base64 encoding, allow you use your own BASE64 letter table
// Author: Gongbing
// Date: 2016-07-02
#pragma once
#ifndef _INCLUDED_REF_
#define _INCLUDED_REF_
#include "../ref/ref.h"
#define MINI_BUF_LEN 40
// this MACRO should include <algorithm> and <string> header files ...
#define STD_STR_TO_LOWER(str) std::transform((str).begin(), (str).end(), (str).begin(), tolower)
namespace coding_util
// all apis return error code, except commenting specially
__declspec(novtable) struct IBase64 : public ref_util::IRef
COM_API_DECLARE(bool, init_table(const char* base64_table = 0));
// parameter: result((char*)data, ...)
// return: error code
COM_API_DECLARE(int, encode(const char* data, size_t len, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param, unsigned int max_line_len = -1, bool need_padding = true));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, decode(const char* data, size_t len, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param));
__declspec(novtable) struct IBitsBuf : public ref_util::IRef
COM_API_DECLARE(bool, resize(int len, bool init_val = false));
COM_API_DECLARE(void, reset(bool val = false));
COM_API_DECLARE(void, set(int index, bool val));
COM_API_DECLARE(bool, get(int index));
// following for two-dimension
COM_API_DECLARE(bool, resize(short row, short col, bool init_val = false));
COM_API_DECLARE(void, set(short row, short col, bool val));
COM_API_DECLARE(bool, get(short row, short col));
// convert a hex letter to 4-bits integer.
// ch: to receive the result
// return whether the parameter 'hex' is a valid hex-letter
PORT_API(bool) hex_str_2_int(char hex, unsigned char* ch);
/* commonplace code page: refer to
GBK: 936
BIG5: 950
UTF-16: 1200
unicode: 1201
GB2312: 20936
hz-gb-2312: 52936
GB18030: 54936
UTF-7: 65000
UTF-8: 65001
// get code page of given charset name, 0 is failure
PORT_API(UINT) code_page_from_name(const char* name);
PORT_API(UINT) code_page_from_name(const wchar_t* name);
// result((wchar_t*)data, ...);
// return: error code, 0 is success
PORT_API(int) ansi_2_unicode(const char* data, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param, int chars = -1, UINT ansi_code_page = CP_ACP);
PORT_API(int) ansi_2_utf8(const char* data, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param, int chars = -1, UINT ansi_code_page = CP_ACP);
PORT_API(int) unicode_2_ansi(const wchar_t* data, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param, int chars = -1, UINT ansi_code_page = CP_ACP);
PORT_API(int) unicode_2_utf8(const wchar_t* data, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param, int chars = -1);
PORT_API(int) utf8_2_ansi(const char* data, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param, int chars = -1, UINT ansi_code_page = CP_ACP);
PORT_API(int) utf8_2_unicode(const char* data, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param, int chars = -1);
// case transfer, return changes
PORT_API(int) to_upper(char* str, int len = -1);
PORT_API(int) to_upper(wchar_t* str, int len = -1);
PORT_API(int) to_lower(char* str, int len = -1);
PORT_API(int) to_lower(wchar_t* str, int len = -1);
// Function: transform string between unicode style as 0x1234 and web style such as \u1234, %12%34 ...
// result((wchar_t*)data, ...);
PORT_API(void) from_web_style(const wchar_t* data, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param);
PORT_API(void) to_web_style(const wchar_t* data, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param);
namespace bom
PORT_API(bool) is_unicode(const char* bom_str, bool* big_ending); // bom_str must be great than 3 bytes, big_ending to receive whether the bom is a Big-Ending unicode
PORT_API(bool) is_utf8(const char* bom_str); // bom_str must be great than 3 bytes
// result((char*)data, ...), maybe DATA_FLAG_ERROR
PORT_API(void) to_ansi(const char* bom_str, size_t bytes, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param);
PORT_API(void) to_utf8(const char* bom_str, size_t bytes, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param);
// result((wchar_t*)data, ...), maybe DATA_FLAG_ERROR
PORT_API(void) to_unicode(const char* bom_str, size_t bytes, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param, bool little_ending = true);
// result((char*)data, ...), maybe DATA_FLAG_ERROR
PORT_API(void) from_ansi(const char* bom_str, size_t bytes, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param);
PORT_API(void) from_unicode(const wchar_t* bom_str, size_t bytes, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param, bool little_ending = true);
PORT_API(void) from_utf8(const char* bom_str, size_t bytes, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param);
PORT_API(int) trim_left(char* str, const char* trim_letter = " \t"); // return erased letters count
PORT_API(int) trim_left(wchar_t* str, const wchar_t* trim_letter = L" \t"); // return erased letters count
PORT_API(int) trim_right(char* str, const char* trim_letter = " \t"); // return erased letters count
PORT_API(int) trim_right(wchar_t* str, const wchar_t* trim_letter = L" \t"); // return erased letters count
// return whether replaced, maybe DATA_FLAG_ERROR if 'old' is a sub-string in rep when 'all' is true
// all string should ended with '\0'
PORT_API(bool) replace(const char* str, const char* old, const char* rep, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param, bool all = true);
PORT_API(bool) replace(const wchar_t* str, const wchar_t* old, const wchar_t* rep, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param, bool all = true);
// function: to pick the value between 'lead' and 'end' block.
// cont: the origin text
// lead: the leading mark
// end: the ending mark
// result: data - (const wchar_t*) or (const char*) value, without lead and rear mark
// len - data bytes
// total - found count
// param - same as the parameter 'param'
// first: to receive the beginning of the found value
// last: to receive the endding of the found value
// include_tag: picked result whether include the 'lead' and 'end' string
// case_sensitive: whether the lead and end are case sensitive
// return: found count, -1 is error
enum mark_layer
MARK_LAYER_FLAT = 1, // context formed as lead + val + end + ... + lead + val + end + ...
MARK_LAYER_EMBED, // context formed as lead + (lead + val + end) ... + end + ...
PORT_API(int) pick_value(const char* cont, const char* lead, const char* end, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param, bool include_tag = false, bool case_sensitive = true, mark_layer layer = MARK_LAYER_EMBED);
PORT_API(int) pick_value(const char* cont, const char* lead, const char* end, int* first, int* last, bool include_tag = false, bool case_sensitive = true, mark_layer layer = MARK_LAYER_EMBED);
PORT_API(int) pick_value(const wchar_t* cont, const wchar_t* lead, const wchar_t* end, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param, bool include_tag = false, bool case_sensitive = true, mark_layer layer = MARK_LAYER_EMBED);
PORT_API(int) pick_value(const wchar_t* cont, const wchar_t* lead, const wchar_t* end, int* first, int* last, bool include_tag = false, bool case_sensitive = true, mark_layer layer = MARK_LAYER_EMBED);
PORT_API(int) pick_first_branch_in_if_else_endif(const wchar_t* cont, const wchar_t* lead, const wchar_t* elif, const wchar_t* end, int* first, int* last, bool include_tag = false, bool case_sensitive = true);
// simple_line: consider followin lines
// line 1\
// -line 2
// true - return "line 1"
// false - return "line 1-line 2"
PORT_API(void) pick_line(const char* str, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param, int* next_line = NULL, bool simple_line = false);
PORT_API(void) pick_line(const wchar_t* str, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param, int* next_line = NULL, bool simple_line = false);
PORT_API(void) pick_whole_line(const char* cur, const char* bgn, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param, int* next_line = NULL, bool simple_line = false);
PORT_API(void) pick_whole_line(const wchar_t* cur, const wchar_t* bgn, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param, int* next_line = NULL, bool simple_line = false);
enum num_format
NUM_FMT_DECIMAL, // float/double
NUM_FMT_INTEGER, // int in decimal
// function: to pick a number from string
// num_str: number string
// ret: to receive the ending point of the number
// nf: format of num_str
// return: all in double value, if nf is in BIN, OCT or HEX, this contains max 32-bits
// maybe return NON if num_str in DECIMAL or INTEGER
PORT_API(double) pick_number(const char* num_str, const char** ret = NULL, num_format nf = NUM_FMT_DECIMAL);
PORT_API(double) pick_number(const wchar_t* num_str, const wchar_t** ret = NULL, num_format nf = NUM_FMT_DECIMAL);
// function: to pick an integer from a number string
// remarks: if all digit is in [0, 9], then consider it as a decimal
// 0xnnn or nnnh: heximal
// nnno: oct
// nnnb: binary
// other: decimal
// return: -1 if failed
PORT_API(unsigned long long) pick_integer(const char* num_str, size_t bytes = 4);
PORT_API(unsigned long long) pick_integer(const wchar_t* num_str, size_t bytes = 4);
// following two apis replace the string in str buffer, and return ERROR_SUCCESS or ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER
// all string should ended with '\0'
PORT_API(int) replace(char* str, size_t str_buf_len, const char* old, const char* _new, bool *rep);
PORT_API(int) replace(wchar_t* str, size_t str_buf_len, const wchar_t* old, const wchar_t* _new, bool *rep);
PORT_API(IBase64*) create_base64(void);
PORT_API(IBitsBuf*) create_bits_buffer(void);
// function: calculate md5
// return: md5_val, may be empty if the path_file is not accessible
PORT_API(char*) md5(const char* data, size_t len, char md5_val[MINI_BUF_LEN]);
PORT_API(char*) md5(const wchar_t* path_file, char md5_val[MINI_BUF_LEN]);
enum _aes_type_
AES_ECB = 1,
PORT_API(int) aes_encoding(const char* plain, size_t len, const char *iv, const char* pwd, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param, int iv_len = 16, int pwd_len = 16, _aes_type_ type = AES_CBC);
PORT_API(int) aes_decoding(const char* cipher, size_t len, const char *iv, const char* pwd, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param, int iv_len = 16, int pwd_len = 16, _aes_type_ type = AES_CBC);
// return 0 if success
PORT_API(int) lzw_encoding(const char* plain, size_t len, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param);
PORT_API(int) lzw_decoding(const char* cipher, size_t len, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param);
// wildcard matching ...
// str: to be compared string
// pattern: include '*' or '?', e.g. "*.bat"
PORT_API(bool) is_wildcard_match(const char* str, const char* pattern, int str_len = -1, int patt_len = -1);
PORT_API(bool) is_wildcard_match(const wchar_t* str, const wchar_t* pattern, int str_len = -1, int patt_len = -1);
// convert time to string like: "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"
// NOTE: parameter 'tmprc' is valid only when 't' is ZERO
enum _time_precision
enum _week
PORT_API(bool) local_time_2_string(char tm_str[MINI_BUF_LEN], _time_precision tmprc = TIME_PRECISION_SECOND, _week week = WEEK_DAY_NO, time_t t = 0);
PORT_API(bool) local_time_2_string(wchar_t tm_str[MINI_BUF_LEN], _time_precision tmprc = TIME_PRECISION_SECOND, _week week = WEEK_DAY_NO, time_t t = 0);
PORT_API(const wchar_t*) get_week_string(int day_of_week, bool chinese);
// convert string like "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" to local time, return -1 is error
PORT_API(time_t) time_str_2_date_time(const char* tm_str);
PORT_API(time_t) time_str_2_date_time(const wchar_t* tm_str);
// version ...
// function: convert version '' to 0x01020304
PORT_API(UINT64) version_string_2_int(const char* dot_version);
PORT_API(UINT64) version_string_2_int(const wchar_t* dot_version);
// return ver_buf
PORT_API(char*) version_string_from_int(UINT64 val, char ver_buf[MINI_BUF_LEN]);
PORT_API(wchar_t*) version_string_from_int(UINT64 val, wchar_t ver_buf[MINI_BUF_LEN]);
// return: 0 - equal; 1 - dot_version1 > dot_version2; -1 - dot_version1 < dot_version2
PORT_API(int) compare_version(const char* dot_version1, const char* dot_version2);
PORT_API(int) compare_version(const wchar_t* dot_version1, const wchar_t* dot_version2);
// file time
PORT_API(bool) file_time_2_time(FILETIME ft, time_t* t);
PORT_API(bool) file_time_from_time(time_t t, FILETIME* ft);
// convert the hex-string '12cdef' to [0x12, 0xcd, 0xef]
// return: ending position in hex_str after this
PORT_API(int) hex_string_2_bytes_seq(const char* hex_str, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param, const char* omit = " \t\r\n");
PORT_API(int) hex_string_2_bytes_seq(const wchar_t* hex_str, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param, const wchar_t* omit = L" \t\r\n");
// transferred char like '\r', '\n' ... 'ok' to receive whether transfered
PORT_API(char*) to_transfer_text(char trans_char, bool* ok); // return "\n" for '\n'
PORT_API(wchar_t*) to_transfer_text(wchar_t trans_char, bool* ok); // return L"\n" for L'\n
PORT_API(char) from_transfer_text(const char* trans_char, int* used_bytes, bool* ok); // return '\n' for "\n"
PORT_API(wchar_t) from_transfer_text(const wchar_t* trans_char, int* used_bytes, bool* ok); // return L'\n' for L"\n"
// create guid as "{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}", return buf
wchar_t* create_guid(wchar_t buf[MINI_BUF_LEN * 2]);
namespace cxx_code
// function: to check a character is space or not
// parameter: ch - the character to be check
// return: whether the character 'ch' is a space
// NOTE: we assume the following characters spaces:
// ' ', '\r', '\n', '\t'
PORT_API(bool) is_space_char(wchar_t ch);
// function: skip the space character until valid character or ending
// parameter: codes - the cxx codes string
// pos - [in] starting pos to skip, [out] - the first none-space character position
// has_lrn - whether the spaces has '\n'
// return: whether any spaces has been skipped, i.e. the out pos is greater than in pos
// NOTE: space characters: ' '; '\t'; '\r'; '\n'
PORT_API(bool) skip_space(const wchar_t* codes, int* pos, bool *has_lrn = NULL);
// function: to check the character 'ch' is whether a valid leading character of a variable
PORT_API(bool) is_var_leading_char(wchar_t ch);
// function: to check the character 'ch' is whether a valid character of a variable
PORT_API(bool) is_var_char(wchar_t ch);
// return the line ending char '\n' position or ending position if no, support multi-line joint by '\\'
// str[ret] = L'\n' || str[ret] = 0
PORT_API(long) line_ending(const wchar_t* str, int bgn);
// find the next 'key' position in 'str', omit those in quotes or comments, return -1 when not found
PORT_API(long) next_key(const wchar_t* str, const wchar_t* key, int bgn = 0);
// return comment block beginning position (str[ret] = L'/'), -1 if not a comment block, start from *pos and set ending in pos when return
// pos when out will be the line ending (str[*pos] = L'\n') or the last '/' character of "/**/" block (str[*pos] = L'/')
PORT_API(long) comment_block(const wchar_t* str, int* pos);
// function: erase the comments in "/**/" or after "//"
// parameter: codes - the cxx codes string
// notify - data: (const wchar_t*)the codes string after erasing comments
// len: unused
// total: unused
// flag: always be DATA_FLAG_FINAL
// param: same as the parameter 'param' you passed in the function
// param - for callback 'notify' using
// return: nonsence
// NOTE: the last '\n' after the comments will be reserved
PORT_API(void) erase_comments(const wchar_t* codes, INTER_MODULE_CALLBACK_VAR(notify), void* param);
// function: pick a variable or function name
// parameter: codes - the cxx codes string
// pos - [in] starting pos, [out] - ending position after the last name character, or error position when failed
// digit - true to pick a digit, false to pick a variable
// return: the beginning of the name, -1 for error
PORT_API(int) pick_variable(const wchar_t* codes, int* pos, bool digit = false);
// function: pick a block between characters 'bgn_ch' and 'end_ch'
// parameter: codes - the cxx codes string
// pos - [in] starting pos, [out] - ending position after the last name character(codes[*pos] == 'end_ch'), or error position when failed
// bgn_ch - the beginning character of the block, e.g. '('
// end_ch - the ending character of the block, e.g. ')'
// single_line - whether the block will be a single line in commonplace, or else with '\\' at the line ending
// other_comment_leading_char - other sinle line comment leading character
// return: the beginning of the block (codes[ret] == 'bgn_ch'), -1 for error.
// failed also when single_line was true and meeting line-endig before 'end_ch'
// NOTE: this function will ommit the 'bgn_ch' and 'end_ch' which is after '\\' or in quotes "" or ''
PORT_API(int) pick_block(const wchar_t* codes, int* pos, wchar_t bgn_ch, wchar_t end_ch, bool single_line = false, wchar_t other_comment_leading_char = 0);
// function: pick a if-else codes block
// parameter: codes - the cxx codes string
// pos - [in] starting pos, [out] - ending position after the last name character, or error position when failed
// notify - to notify a picked branch
// data: (const wchar_t*)condition, "(...)", empty string if the last 'else' branch
// len: (const wchar_t*)entity, "{...}"
// total: unused, always be ZERO
// flag: always be DATA_FLAG_FINAL. no invoking if error occurs
// param: same as the parameter 'param' you passed in the function
// return: SET_RESULT_CONTINUE to continue, SET_RESULT_STOP to stop this invoking
// param - for callback 'notify' using
// other_comment_leading_char - other sinle line comment leading character
// return: the beginning of the block, -1 for error
// NOTE: first word must be "if"
PORT_API(int) pick_if_else_block(const wchar_t* codes, int* pos, INTER_MODULE_CALLBACK_VAR(notify), void* param, wchar_t other_comment_leading_char = 0);
// function: pick a #if-#endif codes block
// parameter: codes - the cxx codes string
// pos - [in] starting pos, [out] - ending position after the last name character, or error position when failed
// notify - to notify a picked branch
// data: (const wchar_t*)condition, empty string if the last 'else' branch
// len: (const wchar_t*)entity
// total: unused, always be ZERO
// flag: always be DATA_FLAG_FINAL. no invoking if error occurs
// param: same as the parameter 'param' you passed in the function
// return: SET_RESULT_CONTINUE to continue, SET_RESULT_STOP to stop this invoking
// param - for callback 'notify' using
// return: the beginning of the block, -1 for error
// NOTE: first word must be "#if"
PORT_API(int) pick_macro_if_else_block(const wchar_t* codes, int* pos, INTER_MODULE_CALLBACK_VAR(notify), void* param);
// function: pick a function block
// parameter: codes - the cxx codes string
// pos - [in] starting pos, [out] - ending position after the last '}', or error position when return false
// notify - data: (const wchar_t*)function name and pre_leading declaration
// len: parameters ending with double '\0'
// total: (const wchar_t*)function entity, leading with '{' and ending with '}'
// flag: always be DATA_FLAG_FINAL. no invoking if error occurs
// param: same as the parameter 'param' you passed in the function
// param - for callback 'notify' using
// other_comment_leading_char - other sinle line comment leading character
// return: true when success, and then the function elements is passed back by 'notify'
// NOTE: it will be without entity if it was a function invoking
PORT_API(bool) pick_function(const wchar_t* codes, int* pos, INTER_MODULE_CALLBACK_VAR(notify), void* param, wchar_t other_comment_leading_char = 0);
// function: to get the line number from offset 'pos'
PORT_API(unsigned) line_from_pos(const wchar_t* cont, unsigned pos);
// Function: to save and calculate a logical action result
// e.g.: set 'is_win' is 'true, then check 'is_win' will return true and '!is_win' is false
// NOTE: now support '||', '&&' and '!' operator and consider expression like 'i >= 0' as ONE variable
// this means every expression between '&&' and '||' will consider as ONE variable
__declspec(novtable) struct ILogicAction : public ref_util::IRef
// Function: to set the callback to query value when a variable is unknown
// get_variable_val: data - see 'inter_module_data::DATA_FLAG_GET_VAL'
// len - see 'inter_module_data::DATA_FLAG_GET_VAL'
// total - see 'inter_module_data::DATA_FLAG_GET_VAL'
// flag - always be DATA_FLAG_GET_VAL
// param - the same as 'param' in this function
// NOTE: all unknown variable would be considered as 'false' if you did not set the callback
// variable values has multi-strings format, and end with '\0' per value, double '\0' for all values
COM_API_DECLARE(void, set_callback(inter_module_data::set_data get_variable_val, void* param));
// Function: add or modify known boolean value
// var: boolean variable, multi-vars divided by ';'
COM_API_DECLARE(void, set_variable_value(const wchar_t* var, const wchar_t* val, int bytes = 0));
COM_API_DECLARE(void, set_variable_value(const wchar_t* var, bool val));
COM_API_DECLARE(void, remove_variable(const wchar_t* var));
COM_API_DECLARE(void, clear(void));
// Function: calculate logical expression such as 'is_win && is_android' ...
// logic_exp: logical expression, like 'is_win && is_android', '!is_win' ...
// supported: to receive whether the logic_exp is valid/supported now, return value would be nonsence if this was false
// return: boolean result. SEE 'supported' !!!
COM_API_DECLARE(bool, logic_expression_result(const wchar_t* logic_exp, bool* supported));
// Function: to query an logical expression value without user interacting
// Parameter: logic_expression - logical expression, like 'is_win && is_android', '!is_win' ...
// val - to receive the expression value if it was existing
// Return: whether the 'logic_expression' all are existing already (until calculate the result)
COM_API_DECLARE(bool, query_existing_value(const wchar_t* logic_exp, bool* val));
COM_API_DECLARE(inter_module_data::set_result, last_input_result(void));
// Function: get symbol's value. e.g. return L"1" of symbol_value(L"BUILD_TYPE", ...) if L"BUILD_TYPE=1" was existed
// return: value, NULL if not found. you should use it immediately, and need not free it.
COM_API_DECLARE(const wchar_t*, symbol_value(const wchar_t* symbol));
// save the logical-expressions to path_file which it is 'true'
COM_API_DECLARE(int, save(const wchar_t* path_file));
// logical action
PORT_API(ILogicAction*) create_logical_action(void);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
// database.h: simple database interface
// Author: Gongbing
// Date: 2020-09-11
#pragma once
#ifndef _INCLUDED_REF_
#define _INCLUDED_REF_
#include "../ref/ref.h"
#include <OAIdl.h> // for VARIANT
namespace db_util
enum // Driver type
typedef struct _table_fields
VARIANT default_val; // the field 'type' is defining the field type too.
// NOW support VT_BOOL, VT_BSTR, VT_DATE, VT_I1(to VT_I8), VT_R4, VT_R8
// VT_DATE use function VariantTimeToSystemTime to convert !!!
int length; // 0 is not set, always for TEXT field
bool unique;
bool not_null;
bool primary_key;
bool foreign_key;
bool use_default_val; // whether use the 'default_val' in table as the field's default value
__declspec(novtable) struct IRecordset : public ref_util::IRef
COM_API_DECLARE(int, get_rows(void)); // get count of records
COM_API_DECLARE(int, get_cols(void)); // get count of record fields
COM_API_DECLARE(bool, get_value(int row, int col, bool* boolean));
COM_API_DECLARE(bool, get_value(int row, int col, int* integer));
COM_API_DECLARE(bool, get_value(int row, int col, double* decimal));
COM_API_DECLARE(bool, get_value(int row, int col, wchar_t* buf, int* words/*[in] - words in buf; [out] - real length of the value. you should provide greater buffer if it was greater than in*/));
COM_API_DECLARE(bool, get_value(int row, int col, inter_module_data::set_data set_val/*data: pointed to an unicode string*/, void* param));
__declspec(novtable) struct IDatabase : public ref_util::IRef
COM_API_DECLARE(int, open(const wchar_t* db_name, const wchar_t* user_name = 0, const wchar_t* password = 0));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, create_table(const wchar_t* table_name, db_util::TBLFLD* fields, int fields_num, int *composed_primary_key_index = NULL));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, close(void));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, execute_sql(const wchar_t* sql, IRecordset** record = 0));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, get_error_msg(inter_module_data::set_data set_msg/*data: pointed to an unicode string*/, void* param)); // return error code
// exports ...
PORT_API(bool) add_database(const wchar_t* db_name, const wchar_t* db_file, int driver_type);
PORT_API(bool) del_database(const wchar_t* db_name, int driver_type = DBDRIVER_ODBC_ACCESS);
PORT_API(IDatabase*) create_database_instance(int driver_type = DBDRIVER_ODBC_ACCESS);
PORT_API(bool) create_table_sql(const wchar_t* table_name, TBLFLD* fields, int fields_num
, inter_module_data::set_data set_msg/*data: pointed to an unicode string*/, void* param
, int *composed_primary_key_index = NULL); // -1 is over

View File

@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
// folder_util.h : include utilities for manage folders
// Author: Gongbing
// Date: 2016-09-21
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#ifndef _INCLUDED_REF_
#define _INCLUDED_REF_
#include "../ref/ref.h"
namespace file_util
// 1 - all paths returned by these apis ended with '\\'
typedef struct _path_file
wchar_t path[MAX_PATH];
enum file_coding
__declspec(novtable) struct IFileFinder : public ref_util::IRef
// found_file: to receive the found file with full path
// NOTE: child folder will always be in the found queue wherever you given the 'mark' !!!
// filter '*.*' will not match the file which without extension, so use '*' as default filter for mark
COM_API_DECLARE(int, find_first(const wchar_t* dir, LPPATHFILE found_file, const wchar_t* mark = L"*", bool recursive = true, bool depth_first = true, bool ignore_dot_folder = true));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, find_next(LPPATHFILE found_file));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, current_file_attr(WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA* attr)); // return file attributes, -1 is error
COM_API_DECLARE(int, current_root(LPPATHFILE root)); // root: full path with last '\\' of current finding path
COM_API_DECLARE(int, stop_find(void));
COM_API_DECLARE(bool, is_current_folder(void));
__declspec(novtable) struct ISimpleShareMemory : public ref_util::IRef
// for monitor using, called should before write_result
COM_API_DECLARE(int, wait_result(const wchar_t* id, inter_module_data::set_data notify, void* notify_param, DWORD wait_milliseconds = -1, size_t max_size = -1/*one page*/));
// for notifier using
COM_API_DECLARE(int, write_result(const wchar_t* id, const char* data, size_t data_bytes));
__declspec(novtable) struct IGroupFile : public ref_util::IRef // to write grp_0000.txt, grp_0001.txt, ... files
COM_API_DECLARE(int, set_read_param(inter_module_data::set_data set_d, file_coding fc = FILE_CODING_ANSI));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, to_line(int line/*ZERO-based*/, int file_ind = -1)); // locate in read, return ERROR_SUCCESS in success
COM_API_DECLARE(int, read_line(void* param, bool next = true)); // param is used in the set_d callback; get the first line if next was true
COM_API_DECLARE(int, write(const char* data, size_t len));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, next_file(void));
COM_API_DECLARE(DWORD, cur_size(void));
COM_API_DECLARE(DWORD, cur_index(void)); // return current file index
COM_API_DECLARE(DWORD, cur_line(void)); // return current line in file
__declspec(novtable) struct IOvlHandler : public ref_util::IRef
COM_API_DECLARE(long, on_data_arrived(const char* data, size_t bytes, void* user_key)); // return how many bytes used, -1 to stop receiving !!!
COM_API_DECLARE(bool, on_data_sent(char* data, size_t bytes, size_t data_buf_len/*for reuse inner_buffer*/, void* user_key)); // return whether to keep the data buffer in use. true - use again, false - default value, should free it
COM_API_DECLARE(void, on_error(int err));
__declspec(novtable) struct IPipe : public ref_util::IRef
COM_API_DECLARE(int, read(void)); // data returned by IOvlHandler::on_data_arrived
COM_API_DECLARE(int, write(const char* data, size_t bytes, bool inner_buf/*whether the 'data' is returned by get_write_buf*/));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, close(void));
COM_API_DECLARE(char*, get_write_buf(size_t bytes));
COM_API_DECLARE(void, free_got_write_buf(void* buf/*returned by get_write_buf*/));
PORT_API(int) get_special_folder(int clsidl, LPPATHFILE path);
PORT_API(int) desktop(bool current_user, LPPATHFILE path);
PORT_API(int) start_menu(bool current_user, LPPATHFILE path);
PORT_API(int) start_menu_program(bool current_user, LPPATHFILE path);
PORT_API(int) start_menu_startup(bool current_user, LPPATHFILE path);
PORT_API(int) start_menu_recently(LPPATHFILE path);
PORT_API(int) application_data(bool current_user, LPPATHFILE path);
PORT_API(int) my_documents(bool current_user, LPPATHFILE path);
PORT_API(int) self_path(LPPATHFILE path);
PORT_API(int) local_application_data(LPPATHFILE path);
PORT_API(int) program_files(LPPATHFILE path);
PORT_API(int) windows(LPPATHFILE path);
PORT_API(int) system(LPPATHFILE path);
PORT_API(int) start_menu_program(LPPATHFILE path);
PORT_API(int) quick_launch(bool current_user, LPPATHFILE path, LPPATHFILE path_pin = NULL/*full path*/);
PORT_API(int) temporary_file(LPPATHFILE path, const wchar_t* prefix = NULL);
PORT_API(int) get_currentLoginUser_AppdataPath(LPPATHFILE path);//add by weidongli on 2019-6-3
PORT_API(void) simplify_path(wchar_t* path, size_t path_buf_len = 0/*as lstrlenW(path) + 1*/);
PORT_API(void) to_absolute_path(LPPATHFILE path); // convert './', '%WINDOWS%', '%SYSTEM%', ... to absolute path
PORT_API(void) to_relative_path(const wchar_t* path_file_base, const wchar_t* path_file_tobe, LPPATHFILE rel_path);
PORT_API(void) to_known_path(LPPATHFILE path); // convert absolute path to './', '%WINDOWS%', '%SYSTEM%', ...
PORT_API(void) append_name(const wchar_t* path_file, const wchar_t* append, LPPATHFILE result); // to insert string 'append' before extension name
PORT_API(bool) is_file_existing(const wchar_t* path_file);
PORT_API(bool) is_valid_file_name_character(wchar_t file_name_char);
PORT_API(int) force_rename_file(const wchar_t* from, const wchar_t* to);
PORT_API(int) force_copy_file(const wchar_t* from, const wchar_t* to);
PORT_API(int) force_move_file(const wchar_t* from, const wchar_t* to);
PORT_API(int) force_delete_file(const wchar_t* file);
PORT_API(int) force_create_file(const wchar_t* path_file, HANDLE* ret, DWORD acc = GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ, DWORD share = 0, DWORD method = CREATE_ALWAYS
PORT_API(int) force_create_folder(const wchar_t* path_folder, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES* psa = NULL, bool default_psa = true);
PORT_API(bool) initialize_commonplace_security(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES* psa);
PORT_API(bool) is_valid_path(const wchar_t* path);
PORT_API(bool) is_dir(DWORD attr);
PORT_API(bool) is_dir(const wchar_t* path);
PORT_API(int) get_file_attributes(const wchar_t* path_file, WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA* attr);
PORT_API(bool) get_file_version(const wchar_t* path_file, WORD* lpver_hh, WORD* lpver_hl, WORD* lpver_lh, WORD* lpver_ll, bool file_ver = true/*false is product version*/);
PORT_API(UINT64) get_file_size(const wchar_t* path_file);
PORT_API(UINT64) get_disk_available_space(const wchar_t* disk_path);
// when return false, 'err' can be:
// 1: ERROR_DISK_FULL - the free space in 'disk' is not enough
// 2: ERROR_FILE_SYSTEM_LIMITATION - 'bytes' exceedes the maximum of the file-system's limitation
PORT_API(bool) is_disk_space_enough_for_single_file(const wchar_t* disk, UINT64 bytes, int* err = NULL);
PORT_API(bool) is_parent_path(const wchar_t* path_to_check, const wchar_t* file); // to check whether the path 'path_to_check' is the parent path of 'file'
PORT_API(int) parent_folder(const wchar_t* path_file, LPPATHFILE path); // without last '\\'
PORT_API(int) common_parent_folder(const wchar_t* path_file1, const wchar_t* path_file2, LPPATHFILE parent);
PORT_API(int) file_name(const wchar_t* path_file, LPPATHFILE path, bool with_ext = NULL);
PORT_API(int) file_extension(const wchar_t* path_file, LPPATHFILE path); // without '.'
PORT_API(int) load_file(const wchar_t* file, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param);
PORT_API(int) save_2_file(const char* data, size_t len, const wchar_t* file);
PORT_API(void*) map_file_to_memory(const wchar_t* path_file, bool read_only = true, DWORD expand_size = 0, HANDLE *file_handle = NULL, HANDLE *map_handle = NULL);
// clipboard
PORT_API(int) set_clipboard(const void* data, size_t bytes, int format = CF_TEXT, HWND owner = NULL);
PORT_API(int) set_clipboard_directly(HANDLE data, int format = CF_TEXT, HWND owner = NULL);
PORT_API(int) get_clipboard(void* buf, size_t* bytes/*[in]-bytes of buf, [out]-content bytes in clipboard*/, int format = CF_TEXT, HWND owner = NULL);
// parameter of result:
// data: real data of the clipboard format
// len: bytes of the data
// total: clipboard fromat, support CF_TEXT - (char*)data
// CF_UNICODETEXT - (wchar_t*)data
// CF_BITMAP - 'data' contains contents of PNG file
// CF_DIB - 'data' contains contents of BMP file
// CF_HDROP - (wchar_t*)data, copying files list, separated by "\r\n"
// param: same as 'user'
PORT_API(int) get_clipboard(inter_module_data::set_data result, void* user);
PORT_API(bool) browser_file(HWND owner, LPPATHFILE file, const wchar_t *filter = L"All Files(*.*)\0\0", bool open = true, const wchar_t* title = NULL, WNDPROC cust_proc = NULL, LPARAM proc_param = NULL);
// function: monitor file & folder
// path: full path, can be a folder or a file
// result: data - (const wchar_t*)path_file_name
// len - bytes of data
// total - unused
// param - the same as 'param' of this function
// return: monitor key , NULL if failed. should call un_monitor to free the return value
PORT_API(void*) monitor_files(const wchar_t* path, int mask, bool sub_dir, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param);
PORT_API(void) un_monitor(void* key);
PORT_API(void) display_file_in_explorer(const wchar_t* path_file);
PORT_API(UINT64) get_filesystem_maximum_file_bytes(const wchar_t* disk, wchar_t* fs_name = NULL/*provids NULL or not less than "MAX_PATH + 2"*/);
PORT_API(IFileFinder*) create_file_finder(void);
PORT_API(ISimpleShareMemory*) create_simple_share_memory(void);
PORT_API(IGroupFile*) create_group_files(const wchar_t* first_file, bool for_read, int sn_digits = 4, DWORD limit_bytes = 0); // the limit_bytes would be ommited if fro_read was true
PORT_API(IPipe*) open_pipe(IOvlHandler* handler, const wchar_t* name);
#define STR_SIMPLIFY_PATH(str) \
{ \
file_util::PATHFILE pf = { 0 }; \
wcscpy_s(pf.path, _countof(pf.path) - 1, (str).c_str()); \
file_util::simplify_path(pf.path); \
(str) = pf.path; \
#define STR_TO_ABSOLUTE_PATH(str) \
{ \
file_util::PATHFILE pf = { 0 }; \
wcscpy_s(pf.path, _countof(pf.path) - 1, (str).c_str()); \
file_util::to_absolute_path(&pf); \
(str) = pf.path; \
#define STR_TO_KNOWN_PATH(str) \
{ \
file_util::PATHFILE pf = { 0 }; \
wcscpy_s(pf.path, _countof(pf.path) - 1, (str).c_str()); \
file_util::to_known_path(&pf); \
(str) = pf.path; \
#define STR_PARENT_FOLDER(str) \
{ \
file_util::PATHFILE pf = { 0 }; \
file_util::parent_folder((str).c_str(), &pf); \
(str) = pf.path; \
#define STR_FILE_NAME(str, with_ext) \
{ \
file_util::PATHFILE pf = { 0 }; \
file_util::file_name((str).c_str(), &pf, with_ext); \
(str) = pf.path; \
#define STR_FILE_EXTENSION(str) \
{ \
file_util::PATHFILE pf = { 0 }; \
file_util::file_extension((str).c_str(), &pf); \
(str) = pf.path; \

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
// log.h : log utility
// Author: Gongbing
// Create: 2019-08-07
#pragma once
#ifndef _INCLUDED_REF_
#define _INCLUDED_REF_
#include "../ref/ref.h"
// level
enum _log_level
enum _log_type
// macros
#define _TO_UNICODE(str) L##str
#define UNICODE_STR(str) _TO_UNICODE(str)
#define MAKE_UNICODE(str) UNICODE_STR(str)
#define LOG_API_PROTO(name) void(__stdcall *name)(const wchar_t* info, size_t words, void* user)
#define LOG_API_INSTANCE(name) void __stdcall name(const wchar_t* info, size_t words, void* user)
namespace log_util
// log interface
typedef LOG_API_PROTO(real_log);
__declspec(novtable) struct ILog : public ref_util::IRef
// param0: (const wchar_t*)path file when type is LOG_TYPE_WRITE_FILE, real_log when type is LOG_TYPE_USER_CUSTOM. otherwise always be ZERO
// param1: for parameter 'user' of real_log when type is LOG_TYPE_USER_CUSTOM, otherwise always be ZERO
COM_API_DECLARE(int, set_log_level(_log_level level));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, set_log_type(_log_type type, void* param0 = NULL, void* param1 = NULL)); // return type after this oper
COM_API_DECLARE(void, write_log(const wchar_t* info, size_t bytes, _log_level level));
COM_API_DECLARE(bool, is_level_enabled(_log_level level)); // whether the message of level can be logged
COM_API_DECLARE(void, set_prefix(const wchar_t* pref)); // default is without prefix
COM_API_DECLARE(void, enable_time_stamp(bool enable)); // default is without timestamp
// use inner log_util
// param0: (const wchar_t*)path file when type is LOG_TYPE_WRITE_FILE, real_log when type is LOG_TYPE_USER_CUSTOM. otherwise always be ZERO
// param1: for parameter 'user' of real_log when type is LOG_TYPE_USER_CUSTOM, otherwise always be ZERO
PORT_API(ILog*) start_log(_log_type type = LOG_TYPE_OUTPUTDBG, _log_level level = LOG_LEVEL_ALL, void* param0 = NULL, void* param1 = NULL);
PORT_API(ILog*) get_cur_log_util(void);
// set an external log_util, NULL to stop current log, will invoke log->add_ref() if log is valid
PORT_API(void) set_log_util(ILog* log);
// invoke log
PORT_API(bool) is_logging_enable(_log_level level);
PORT_API_CALL(void, __cdecl) log(_log_level level, size_t estimate_bytes, const wchar_t* format, ...);
PORT_API_CALL(void, __cdecl) log(_log_level level, size_t estimate_bytes, const char* format, ...);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
// net_app.h : network applications
// Author: Gongbing
// Create: 2019-07-22
#pragma once
#include "net_base.h"
//typedef struct ip_option_information {
// UCHAR Ttl;
// UCHAR Tos;
// UCHAR Flags;
// UCHAR OptionsSize;
// PUCHAR OptionsData;
//typedef struct icmp_echo_reply {
// struct sockaddr_in Address;
// ULONG Status;
// ULONG RoundTripTime;
// USHORT DataSize;
// USHORT Reserved;
// PVOID Data;
// struct ip_option_information Options;
//#define IPAddr struct sockaddr_in
namespace net_app
enum web_format
WEB_FMT_STREAM, // binary stream ...
WEB_FMT_DECIDE_BY_CONTENT, // text/html should decide by content
__declspec(novtable) struct IAcceptClient : public ref_util::IRef
COM_API_DECLARE(long, client_accepted(SOCKET s, const char* ip, unsigned port));
COM_API_DECLARE(void, on_server_exited(unsigned exit_code));
__declspec(novtable) struct ITcpSvrSocket : public ref_util::IRef
COM_API_DECLARE(long, listen_at(unsigned short port, const char* ip = NULL/*INADDR_ANY*/, bool reuse_addr = true));
COM_API_DECLARE(long, stop(void));
COM_API_DECLARE(long, listen_port(void));
COM_API_DECLARE(SOCKET, listen_socket(void));
__declspec(novtable) struct IAsyncTcpSvr : public ITcpSvrSocket
// following two functions return ERROR_FILE_HANDLE_REVOKED if the peer is used in transmit file
COM_API_DECLARE(long, read_from_peer(void* peer_key)); // DO NOT call this until you stop the read with return -1 in IPeerManager::on_data_arrived, server will invoke this automately
COM_API_DECLARE(long, write_2_peer(void* peer_key, const char* data, size_t data_len, bool inner_buffer = false/*whether the data buffer is returned by request_sent_buffer, if failed and iner_buffer is 'true', the 'data' would be freed !!!*/));
COM_API_DECLARE(long, close_peer(void* peer_key, int* peer_ref));
COM_API_DECLARE(long, set_peer_data(void* peer_key, int index, void* data));
COM_API_DECLARE(long, get_peer_data(void* peer_key, int index, void** data));
COM_API_DECLARE(long, peer_address(void* peer_key, char ip_buf[IP_BUF_LEN], unsigned* port));
COM_API_DECLARE(long, send_file_content(void* peer_key, HANDLE file)); // NOTE: this method only used for transmitting file content, all pre- or post-task should done by caller !!!
COM_API_DECLARE(size_t, io_buffer_size(bool in_buf));
// add on 2017-08-26 for add an existing connecting into client queue (DO NOT add it which is already in queue !!!)
// after this, you should operate the peer in IPeerManager.
// following two apis return peer_key
COM_API_DECLARE(void*, add_2_client_queue(SOCKET s));
COM_API_DECLARE(void*, create_async_tcp_client(const char* ip, unsigned short port, unsigned conn_timeout_seconds = 0, const char* reuse_ip = NULL, unsigned reuse_port = 0));
// for reducing the times of memory copying, request memory from inner - added on 2019-07-28
COM_API_DECLARE(char*, request_sent_buffer(size_t bytes));
COM_API_DECLARE(void, free_unsent_buffer(void* buf)); // free the returned value of request_sent_buffer which has NOT called write_2_peer with inner_buffer is 'true' yet!!!
__declspec(novtable) struct IAsyncTcpHatcher : public ref_util::IRef
COM_API_DECLARE(void*, connect(const char* ip, int port, const char* reuse_ip = NULL, unsigned reuse_port = 0));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, write(void* client, const char* buf, size_t data_len, bool inner_buf));
//COM_API_DECLARE(void*, add_2_client_queue(SOCKET s));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, close_client(void* client));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, destroy(void));
COM_API_DECLARE(long, send_file_content(void* client, HANDLE file)); // NOTE: this method only used for transmitting file content, all pre- or post-task should done by caller !!!
COM_API_DECLARE(bool, get_address(void* client, char* ip/*at least with 40 bytes!!!*/, int* port, bool svr = true));
__declspec(novtable) struct IAsyncTcpHandler : public ref_util::IRef
COM_API_DECLARE(long, on_data_arrived(void* client, const char* data, size_t data_len, bool* rcv_file/*[in] - whether in receiving file for transmit_file, [out] - stop(true) or continue(true) receiving file*/)); // return how many bytes used, -1 to stop receiving !!!
COM_API_DECLARE(bool, on_data_sent(void* client, char* data, size_t data_len, size_t data_buf_len/*for reuse inner_buffer*/)); // return whether to keep the data buffer in use. true - use again, false - default value, should free it
COM_API_DECLARE(void, on_closed(void* client, int err));
COM_API_DECLARE(void, on_file_content_sent(void* client, HANDLE file, ULONGLONG bytes, int error)); // response for IAsyncTcpSvr::send_file_content
__declspec(novtable) struct IPeerManager : public ref_util::IRef
COM_API_DECLARE(void, on_peer_connected(void* peer_key));
COM_API_DECLARE(void, on_server_exited(unsigned exit_code));
COM_API_DECLARE(long, on_data_arrived(void* peer_key, const char* data, size_t data_len, bool* rcv_file/*[in] - whether in receiving file for transmit_file, [out] - stop(true) or continue(true) receiving file*/)); // return how many bytes used, -1 to stop receiving !!!
COM_API_DECLARE(bool, on_data_sent(void* peer_key, char* data, size_t data_len, size_t data_buf_len/*for reuse inner_buffer*/)); // return whether to keep the data buffer in use. true - use again, false - default value, should free it
COM_API_DECLARE(void, on_peer_error(void* peer_key, unsigned err_code));
COM_API_DECLARE(void, on_peer_closed(void* peer_key));
COM_API_DECLARE(bool, is_peer_timeout(void* peer_key, int elapsed_seconds/*elapsed seconds from last active*/));
COM_API_DECLARE(void, on_file_content_sent(void* peer_key, HANDLE file, ULONGLONG bytes, int error)); // response for IAsyncTcpSvr::send_file_content
__declspec(novtable) struct IBlockTcp : public ref_util::IRef
COM_API_DECLARE(SOCKET, detach(void));
COM_API_DECLARE(SOCKET, socket_handle(void));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, re_connect(const char* dot_ip = NULL, unsigned short port = 0));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, set_timeout(unsigned *read_timeout/*milliseconds*/, unsigned *write_timeout/*milliseconds*/));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, read(char* buf, size_t buf_len, size_t* read_bytes));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, write(const char* buf, size_t data_len, size_t* wrote));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, last_error(void));
COM_API_DECLARE(long, send_file_content(HANDLE file)); // NOTE: this method only used for transmitting file content, all pre- or post-task should done by caller !!!
COM_API_DECLARE(void, get_address(char* ip/*at least with 40 bytes!!!*/, int* port, bool svr = true));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, close(void));
__declspec(novtable) struct IUdpSvrHandler : public ref_util::IRef
COM_API_DECLARE(size_t,on_udp_data_arrived(const char* data, size_t data_len, const char* ip, unsigned port)); // return used data bytes
COM_API_DECLARE(bool, on_udp_data_sent(char* data, size_t data_len, size_t data_buf_len/*for reuse inner_buffer*/, const char* ip, unsigned port)); // return whether to keep the data buffer in use. true - use again, false - default value, should free it
COM_API_DECLARE(void, on_udp_server_exit(unsigned err));
__declspec(novtable) struct IUdpServer : public ref_util::IRef
COM_API_DECLARE(int, start(unsigned short port));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, send_to(const char* buf, size_t len, const char* ip, unsigned port, bool inner_buffer = false/*whether the data buffer is returned by request_sent_buffer*/));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, broad_cast(const char* buf, size_t len, unsigned short port, bool inner_buffer = false, const char* broad_ip_seg = NULL));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, stop(void));
// for reducing the times of memory copying, request memory from inner - added on 2019-07-28
COM_API_DECLARE(char*, request_sent_buffer(size_t bytes));
COM_API_DECLARE(void, free_unsent_buffer(void* buf)); // free the returned value of request_sent_buffer which has NOT called write_2_peer with inner_buffer is 'true' yet!!!
typedef struct _set_cookie // all members and its' buffers will be in the same buffer with the head
char *name;
char *val;
char *path;
char *expire;
char *domain;
bool http_only;
bool https_only; // true - secure 1; false - secure 0
enum _add_head_flag
ADD_HEAD_ADD = 1, // new item added if the key was not existing, or else failed
ADD_HEAD_NEW, // new item added however the key is existing already
ADD_HEAD_REPLACE, // new item added if the key was not existing, or else replace it with new val
ADD_HEAD_APPEND_COMMA, // like ADD_HEAD_REPLACE but append new val to rear with comma(,) if the key was existing
ADD_HEAD_APPEND_SEMIC, // like ADD_HEAD_REPLACE but append new val to rear with semicolon(;) if the key was existing
enum _cookie_index
__declspec(novtable) struct IHttpCallback : public ref_util::IRef
COM_API_DECLARE(void, on_response_header_ok(int response_code, unsigned __int64 cont_len, bool cont_chunked, bool cont_zipped));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, on_response_content(const char* content, size_t len)); // return 0 to continue, other to stop
COM_API_DECLARE(int, on_url_jump(int jump_code, const char* utf8_new_url)); // return 0 to continue, other to stop
__declspec(novtable) struct IHttp : public ref_util::IRef // all methods are thread unsafe, all history cookies will occur in last request
COM_API_DECLARE(void, set_response_data_callback(inter_module_data::set_data setdata, void* param));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, add_header(const char* utf8_key, const char* utf8_val, _add_head_flag flag = ADD_HEAD_REPLACE)); // 0 - ok; ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS. must call before open_url or post_data
COM_API_DECLARE(int, remove_header(const char* utf8_key/*NULL to clear all extra headers*/)); // 0 - ok; ERROR_NOT_FOUND. must call before open_url or post_data
COM_API_DECLARE(int, clear_cookie(void)); // all history cookies would be added on the last request, call this to clear all cookies
COM_API_DECLARE(int, open_url(const char* url, const char* cookie, const char* agent, bool get = true, const char* content = NULL, size_t content_len = 0));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, post_data(const char* url, const char* data, unsigned __int64 data_len, const char* utf8_file_tag, const char* utf8_file_name, const char* cookie, const char* agent));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, get_response_code(void));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, get_set_cookie(LPSETCOOKIE buf/*format: cookie1\0cookie2\0\0*/, size_t* len/*[in] - bytes of buf, [out] - string length in buf or minimum buffer size if buf was NULL*/
, int index = 0/*if index == COOKIE_INDEX_ALL, then return all cookies in ONE string and put it in buf*/)); // 0 - ok; ERROR_NOT_FOUND
COM_API_DECLARE(int, get_jump_url(char* buf, size_t* len/*[in] - bytes of buf, [out] - string length in buf or minimum buffer size if buf was NULL*/)); // 0 - ok; ERROR_NOT_FOUND
COM_API_DECLARE(int, get_response_all_header(char* buf, size_t* len/*[in] - bytes of buf, [out] - string length in buf or minimum buffer size if buf was NULL*/)); // 0 - ok; ERROR_NOT_FOUND
COM_API_DECLARE(unsigned __int64, get_response_content_length(void));
COM_API_DECLARE(enum web_format, get_content_format(void));
COM_API_DECLARE(void, close(void));
PORT_API(ITcpSvrSocket*) create_tcp_server_socket(IAcceptClient* ac, bool ipv6 = false);
enum _svr_ip_type
PORT_API(IAsyncTcpSvr*) create_async_tcp_server(IPeerManager* peer, _svr_ip_type svr_type = SVR_TYPE_IPV4_ONLY, int buf_size_in = 0, int buf_size_out = 0, int desired_threads = 0, unsigned allow_cpu_mask = -1);
// for blocking tcp would blocks following operation, this function will set r/w timeout to be 9 seconds;
PORT_API(IBlockTcp*) connect_2_server(const char* ip, unsigned short port, unsigned conn_timeout_seconds = 0, const char* reuse_ip = NULL, unsigned reuse_port = 0);
PORT_API(IBlockTcp*) connect_2_server_by_host(const char* host, unsigned short port, unsigned conn_timeout_seconds = 0, const char* reuse_ip = NULL, unsigned reuse_port = 0);
PORT_API(IAsyncTcpHatcher*) create_async_tcp_hatcher(IAsyncTcpHandler* handler);
PORT_API(IUdpServer*) create_udp_server(IUdpSvrHandler* handler, _svr_ip_type type = SVR_TYPE_IPV4_ONLY);
PORT_API(IHttp*) create_http(IHttpCallback* cb);
PORT_API(IHttp*) create_http(void);
// trace route by ICMPxxx function, to be completed ...
// parameter of result:
// data: ip, NULL when over
// len: milliseconds, -1 is timeout, or error code when over
// total: hops count, unused when over
// flag: DATA_FLAG_FINAL in hops, DATA_FLAG_INSTAR in beginning information, and DATA_FLAG_OVER for over
// param: 'param'
PORT_API(int) trace_route(const char* www, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param, int max_hops = 30);
PORT_API(int) get_default_gateway(char gateway[IP_BUF_LEN]);
PORT_API(int) get_mac(const char* dot_ip, char *mac, int* mac_bytes/*in - bytes of 'mac', out - result bytes in 'mac'*/);
// enum all ips in given subnet ...
// parameter of result:
// data: ip, NULL when over
// len: bytes of 'data'
// total: unused
// param: same as 'param'
PORT_API(int) enum_all_ips_in_subnet(const char* dot_ip, const char* dot_subnet, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param);
PORT_API(int) parse_cookie(const char* cookie_str, LPSETCOOKIE lpcookie, size_t size/*size of lpcookie must great than sizeof(SETCOOKIE) + lstrlenA(cookie_str) * 2*/);
PORT_API(int) cookie_for_url(LPSETCOOKIE lpcookie, const char* url, char* cookie, size_t* len);
PORT_API(int) http_post(const char* url, const char* content, size_t length, const char* utf8_file_tag, const char* utf8_file_name = NULL, const char* cookie = NULL, const char* agent = NULL);
PORT_API(int) http_download(const char* url, inter_module_data::set_data setdata, void* param, const char* cookie = NULL, const char* agent = NULL, const char* extra_data = 0, size_t extra_data_len = 0);
PORT_API(enum web_format) web_content_format(const char* web_cont, size_t bytes, UINT* cp = NULL/*to receive the code page*/);
// function: send file by 'TransmitFile' for more efficiency, the function is blocked until all content transfered or error happens if parameter 'lpovl' was NULL
// file: an openning file handle, suggest use flag with 'FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN'
// s: an connection socket
// packet_size: bytes of every packet
// lpovl: asynchronous OVERLAPPED data. if you bind the socket on an IOCP, the IOCP will receive a write complete notify
// pre: the content sent to remote before the file content
// pre_bytes: bytes of 'pre' content
// rear: the content sent to remote after all file contents transfered
// rear_bytes: bytes of 'rear' content
// return: error code.
PORT_API(int) transmit_file(HANDLE file, SOCKET s, size_t bytes_to_sent = 0/*max up to INT_MAX - 1*/, size_t packet_size = 4096, LPOVERLAPPED lpovl = NULL, void* pre = NULL, size_t pre_bytes = 0, void* rear = NULL, size_t rear_bytes = 0);
PORT_API(HANDLE) open_file_for_sending(const wchar_t* local_file);
NIC_CHANGED = 0, // MibParameterNotification,
NIC_ADDED = 1, // MibAddInstance,
NIC_DELETED = 2, // MibDeleteInstance,
// parameter of notify:
// data: ip, this is the final ip
// len: index of network interface
// total_len: NIC_CHANGED - parameter changed; NIC_ADDED - new NIC added; NIC_DELETED - NIC deleted
// flag: be inter_module_data::DATA_FLAG_FINAL always
PORT_API(void*) reg_interface_notification(inter_module_data::set_data notify, void* param); // free the returned object by unreg_interface_notification
PORT_API(void) unreg_interface_notification(void* key/*returned by reg_interface_notification()*/);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
// net_base.h : network utility
// Author: Gongbing
// Create: 2019-07-18
#pragma once
// module type and global definition
#ifndef _INCLUDED_REF_
#define _INCLUDED_REF_
#include "../ref/ref.h"
#ifndef SOCKET
#define SOCKET unsigned int
// import headers
// structures && enumerations
#define IP_BUF_LEN 48
typedef struct _ip_info
int index; // NIC index
char ip[IP_BUF_LEN];
char gateway[IP_BUF_LEN];
char subnet[IP_BUF_LEN];
enum firewall_port_cat
#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct _ip_pack
// all in net-sn, i.e. big-endian
unsigned long ver : 4; // version of the ip-datagram
unsigned long head_len : 4; // length in four-bytes of this head, unit as long
unsigned long service : 8; // service type ...
unsigned long total_len : 16; // total bytes of this datagram, include this header
unsigned long mark : 16;
unsigned long flag : 3;
unsigned long offset : 13; // offet of part data in whole data
unsigned long ttl : 8; // living time, as hops
unsigned long protocol : 8; // protocol type, see IPPROTO_ICMP ...
unsigned long checksum : 16; //
unsigned long src_ip;
unsigned long dst_ip;
unsigned char head_data[0];
void from_buffer(const unsigned char* buf)
ver = *buf >> 4;
head_len = *buf++;
service = *buf++;
total_len = *buf++;
total_len <<= 8;
total_len |= *buf++;
mark = *buf++;
mark <<= 8;
mark |= *buf++;
flag = *buf >> 5;
offset = *buf & 0x1f;
offset <<= 8;
offset |= buf[1];
buf += 2;
ttl = *buf++;
protocol = *buf++;
checksum = *buf++;
checksum <<= 8;
checksum |= *buf++;
src_ip = *buf++;
src_ip <<= 8;
src_ip |= *buf++;
src_ip <<= 8;
src_ip |= *buf++;
src_ip <<= 8;
src_ip |= *buf++;
dst_ip = *buf++;
dst_ip <<= 8;
dst_ip |= *buf++;
dst_ip <<= 8;
dst_ip |= *buf++;
dst_ip <<= 8;
dst_ip |= *buf++;
// data, you should ensure enough buffer to contains it !!!
int rest = head_len * 4 - sizeof(*this);
if (rest > 0)
memcpy(head_data, buf, rest);
unsigned long calc_checksum(void)
unsigned long chk = 0;
// 1 - fixed fields:
chk = (ver << 12) | (head_len << 8) | service;
chk += total_len;
chk += mark;
chk += (flag << 13) | offset;
chk += (ttl << 8) | protocol;
chk += src_ip & 0x0ffff;
chk += src_ip >> 16;
chk += dst_ip & 0x0ffff;
chk += dst_ip >> 16;
// 2 - appendix data in header:
unsigned short *d = (unsigned short*)head_data;
int num = (head_len * 4 - sizeof(*this)) / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
chk += *d++;
// 3 - add the overflow of short
chk = (chk & 0x0ffff) + (chk >> 16);
chk = (chk & 0x0ffff) + (chk >> 16);
// 4 - NOT
checksum = ~chk;
return checksum;
int to_buffer(unsigned char* buf)
*buf++ = (ver << 4) | head_len;
*buf++ = service;
*buf++ = total_len >> 8;
*buf++ = total_len;
*buf++ = mark >> 8;
*buf++ = mark;
*buf++ = (flag << 5) | (offset >> 8);
*buf++ = offset;
*buf++ = ttl;
*buf++ = protocol;
*buf++ = checksum >> 8;
*buf++ = checksum;
*buf++ = src_ip >> 24;
*buf++ = src_ip >> 16;
*buf++ = src_ip >> 8;
*buf++ = src_ip;
*buf++ = dst_ip >> 24;
*buf++ = dst_ip >> 16;
*buf++ = dst_ip >> 8;
*buf++ = dst_ip;
int rest = head_len * 4 - sizeof(*this);
if (rest > 0)
memcpy(buf, head_data, rest);
return head_len * 4;
enum _icmp_type
ICMP_TYPE_TERM_UNREACHABLE = 3, // the terminal is unreachable
ICMP_TYPE_TIMEOUT = 11, // when ttl == 0, send back this type by router
ICMP_TYPE_ECHO_ANSWER = 0, // answer for query request
enum _term_unrechable_code
TERM_UNREACHABLE_DATA_SEGMENT, // data should divided into several segments
TERM_UNREACHABLE_SOURCE_ROUTER, // source router cannot complete
TERM_UNREACHABLE_UNKNOWN_DST_NET, // destination network is unknown
TERM_UNREACHABLE_SOURCE_DISABLED, // source host is disabled
TERM_UNREACHABLE_DISABLE_NETWORK, // disabled with network by policy
TERM_UNREACHABLE_DISABLE_TERM, // disabled with destion terminal by policy
TERM_UNREACHABLE_SERVICE_NETWORK, // network cannot support the service
TERM_UNREACHABLE_SERVICE_TERM, // destion terminal cannot support the service
TERM_UNREACHABLE_TERM_FILTER, // destion terminal has filter
TERM_UNREACHABLE_TERM_PRIORITY, // confilict with priority policy
enum _modi_router_code
MODI_ROUTER_FOR_NETWORK = 0, // modify the router-table for given network
MODI_ROUTER_FOR_TERM, // modify the router-table for given terminal
MODI_ROUTER_FOR_SERVICE_NETWORK, // modify the router-table for given network on given service
MODI_ROUTER_FOR_SERVICE_TERM, // modify the router-table for given termina on given service
typedef struct _icmp_pack
unsigned char type;
unsigned char code;
unsigned short checksum;
unsigned short mark;
unsigned short seq;
void from_buffer(const unsigned char* buf)
type = *buf++;
code = *buf++;
checksum = (buf[0] << 8) | buf[1];
buf += 2;
mark = (buf[0] << 8) | buf[1];
buf += 2;
seq = (buf[0] << 8) | buf[1];
void to_buffer(unsigned char* buf)
*buf++ = type;
*buf++ = code;
*buf++ = checksum >> 8;
*buf++ = checksum;
*buf++ = mark >> 8;
*buf++ = mark;
*buf++ = seq >> 8;
*buf++ = seq;
#pragma pack(pop)
// apis
namespace net_base_util
PORT_API(void) free_sock_addr(void* sockaddr);
PORT_API(void*) init_sock_addr(const char* ip, unsigned port, int* addrlen, int family = /*AF_INET*/2, int type = /*SOCK_STREAM*/1, int proto = /*IPPROTO_TCP*/6); // return sockaddr_in* type. call net_base_util::free_sock_addr to free the returned value !!!
PORT_API(void) ipv4_broadcast_address(unsigned self_ip, unsigned subnet, char ipbuf[IP_BUF_LEN]);
PORT_API(bool) ip_from_sockaddr_storage(const void/*sockaddr_storage*/* sockaddr_storage_, char ipbuf[IP_BUF_LEN], unsigned* port);
PORT_API(bool) is_ip_equal(const void/*sockaddr_storage*/* sockaddr_storage1_, const void/*sockaddr_storage*/* sockaddr_storage2_, bool compare_port = false);
// following apis return as base-socket api
PORT_API(int) init_network(unsigned min_ver = 2, unsigned max_ver = 2);
PORT_API(int) cleanup_network(void);
PORT_API(SOCKET) raw_socket(int raw_proto, bool overlapped = false, bool ipv6 = false);
PORT_API(SOCKET) tcp_socket(bool overlapped = false, bool ipv6 = false);
PORT_API(SOCKET) udp_socket(bool overlapped = false, bool ipv6 = false, bool broadcast = false);
PORT_API(int) close_socket(SOCKET s);
PORT_API(int) bind_socket(SOCKET s, bool ipv6_socket, const char* ip, unsigned port);
PORT_API(int) ip_from_domain(const char* domain, char ipbuf[IP_BUF_LEN]);
PORT_API(int) get_local_ip(LPIPINFO ips, size_t* count/*[in] - count of ips; [out] - ip numbers in ips*/);
PORT_API(int) get_ipv6_addrress(LPIPINFO ips, size_t* count/*[in] - count of ips; [out] - ip numbers in ips*/, const char* hostname = NULL/*local ipv6 when NULL*/);
PORT_API(int) set_socket_block(SOCKET s, bool blocked);
PORT_API(int) set_socket_buffer(SOCKET s, int buf_size, bool in_buf/*true for in buffer and false for out buffer*/);
PORT_API(int) set_socket_keepalive(SOCKET s, bool keep_alive);
PORT_API(int) set_socket_keepalive_detect(SOCKET s, bool detect_on, int alive_heart_milliseconds = 0, int retry_heart_milliseconds = 0);
PORT_API(int) set_socket_timeout(SOCKET s, int milliseconds = 0/*no timeout*/, bool rcv_timeout = true);
PORT_API(int) get_socket_timeout(SOCKET s, int *milliseconds, bool rcv_timeout);
PORT_API(int) set_socket_nagle(SOCKET s, bool nagle_on); // if nagle_on is true, then the packet maybe sent delayed
PORT_API(int) set_socket_ttl(SOCKET s, unsigned short ttl);
PORT_API(int) set_reused_address(SOCKET s, bool reused);
PORT_API(int) set_broadcast(SOCKET s, bool enabled);
PORT_API(int) connect_with_timeout(SOCKET s, const char* ip, unsigned port, unsigned timeout_seconds, bool return_block_socket = false);
PORT_API(SOCKET) connect_2_server(const char* ip, unsigned short port, unsigned timeout_seconds = 0/*0 to blocked*/, bool return_block_socket = false, const char* bind_ip = NULL, unsigned bind_port = 0);
// following apis return 0 for success otherwise error code
PORT_API(int) ipv4_broadcast_address(const char* self_ip, const char* subnet, char ip_buf[IP_BUF_LEN]);
PORT_API(int) get_peer_address(SOCKET s, bool remote, unsigned* port, char ip_buf[IP_BUF_LEN]);
PORT_API(int) ipv4_address(unsigned addr, char ip_buf[IP_BUF_LEN]);
PORT_API(unsigned) ipv4_address(const char* ipv4);
PORT_API(bool) is_in_same_ipv4_subnet(const char* ip1, const char* ip2, const char* subnet);
// parameters of result:
// data: (const char*)adapter_name
// data_len: (const char*)adapter_description
// total_len: IPINFO*
// flag: inter_module_data::DATA_FLAG_FINAL
// param: the same as 'param'
PORT_API(int) enum_network_adapters(inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param);
// parameters of result:
// data: (const char*)local address
// data_len: (const char*)remote address
// total_len: HIDWORD = state, LODWORD = owning pid
// flag: inter_module_data::DATA_FLAG_FINAL
// param: the same as 'param'
PORT_API(int) enum_sockets(bool tcp, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param);
// trace route by raw socket with ICMP
// parameter of result:
// data: ip, NULL when over
// len: milliseconds, -1 is timeout, or error code when over
// total: hops count, unused when over
// flag: DATA_FLAG_FINAL in hops, DATA_FLAG_INSTAR in beginning information, and DATA_FLAG_OVER for over
// param: 'param'
// PORT_API(int) trace_route(const char* www, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param, int max_hops = 30); // commented, use net_app::trace_route
PORT_API(unsigned) proto_default_port(const char* proto);
// function: get the next hop, generally as gateway
// for_ip: in multi-network-card, get the the next hop for given ip, if was NULL, return the first
PORT_API(int) get_next_hop(char next_hop[IP_BUF_LEN], const char* for_ip = NULL);
// Note: the buffer length of proto(proto_buf_len) must be double of url!!! for host and page would use the buffer
// and need not free host and page
PORT_API(bool) parse_url(const char* url, char* proto, size_t proto_buf_len, char** host, char** page, unsigned* port, bool* port_from_host = NULL);
PORT_API(bool) parse_url(const wchar_t* url, wchar_t* proto, size_t proto_buf_len, wchar_t** host, wchar_t** page, unsigned* port, bool* port_from_host = NULL);
PORT_API(unsigned short) calculate_ip_datagram_checksum(const unsigned char* buf, int bytes, bool* ok = NULL);
PORT_API(unsigned short) calculate_icmp_checksum(LPICMPPACK pack, int bytes, bool* ok = NULL);
// windows firewall
PORT_API(bool) firewall_is_on(void);
PORT_API(bool) firewall_is_app_enabled(const wchar_t* app_pe_name);
PORT_API(bool) firewall_is_port_enabled(unsigned port, firewall_port_cat fpc);
PORT_API(int) firewall_turn_on(void);
PORT_API(int) firewall_turn_off(void);
PORT_API(int) firewall_enable_app(const wchar_t* name/*display name in firewall*/, const wchar_t* pe/*pe-image file name*/, bool enable);
PORT_API(int) firewall_enable_port(unsigned port, firewall_port_cat fpc, bool enable, const wchar_t* name/*display name in firewall*/ = NULL);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
// process_util.h : include utilities for manage folders
// Author: Gongbing
// Date: 2016-09-25
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#ifndef _INCLUDED_REF_
#define _INCLUDED_REF_
#include "../ref/ref.h"
// hook utils
namespace pe_util
__declspec(novtable) struct IObscurityCall : public ref_util::IRef
// params must not be NULL but the API was no parameter
COM_API_DECLARE(long, invoke(void** params, int* ret_val = NULL)); // return error code
#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct _hook_instruction_info
// e.g. in instruction 'E912345678', then bytes = 5, rel_addr_off = 1, rel_addr_size = 4
unsigned long bytes : 6; // all bytes in this instruction
unsigned long far_bytes : 3; // the far jumping instruction bytes if this was a near jumping instruction
unsigned long rel_addr_off : 3; // relative address offset to instruction in this
unsigned long rel_addr_size : 3; // relative address size of this instruction, ZERO is none
unsigned char far_instruction[8]; // far jumping instruction, relative address size always be 4 bytes (int)
unsigned long far_adden; // the jumping offset should added this value for converting near jumping to far jumping
typedef struct _group_icon_entry
unsigned char width;
unsigned char height;
unsigned char color_count;
unsigned char reserved;
unsigned short planes;
unsigned short bits_per_pixel;
unsigned long bytes;
unsigned short id;
typedef struct _group_icon // for RT_GROUP_ICON
unsigned short reserved;
unsigned short res_type; // 1 for icon
unsigned short entries;
#pragma pack(pop)
PORT_API(LPVOID) allocate_code_buffer(size_t size);
PORT_API(void) free_code_buffer(LPVOID code_buf);
PORT_API(int) get_min_code_buffer_bytes(void);
// function: calculate hooking info at hook_addr
// hook_addr: the address will be hooked
// lphii: the hooking instruction info, at least 6 elements
// size: [in] - count of lphii, [out] - valid elements in lphii
// bytes: to receive the minimum bytes to be moved for hooking
// return: error code
PORT_API(int) calculate_hook_bytes(const BYTE* hook_addr, LPHOOKII lphii, int* size, int* bytes);
PORT_API(LPVOID) move_src_code_for_hook(LPVOID src_code, LPHOOKII lphii, int count, LPVOID given_buf = NULL, int bytes = 0);
// hook_addr: the instruction address which you should hooking at
// new_addr: your hooking codes which would jump from hood_addr
// origin_code: to receive origin codes at hook_addr. or the given address for hook junk if was not NULL, then the moved_bytes contains the size of the buffer when in
// moved_bytes: to receive copied bytes from hook_addr. it can contains the origin_code buffer bytes if origin_code is not NULL
PORT_API(int) hook_at(DWORD_PTR hook_addr, FARPROC new_addr, DWORD_PTR *origin_code, int *moved_bytes);
PORT_API(int) hook_at(const char* module_name, const char* api, FARPROC new_addr, DWORD_PTR *origin_code, int *moved_bytes, int api_offset = 0);
PORT_API(int) hook_with_shellcode(DWORD_PTR hook_addr, unsigned char* shellcodes, size_t shell_codes_bytes); // // RVA in shellcodes will not be handled !!!
PORT_API(int) unhook_at(DWORD_PTR unhook_addr, DWORD_PTR* origin_code, int bytes_moved);
PORT_API(int) unhook_at(const char* module_name, const char* api, DWORD_PTR *origin_code, int bytes_moved, int api_offset = 0);
// hook_bef: call method must be '__stdcall', and the parameters are pointers that points to the parameter of the origin api
// hook_after: call method must be '__stdcall', and the first parameter is the return value of origin api whenever the origin api return value or not
// and following the parameters is the same as origin api
// e.g. system api: HANDLE WINAPI CreateFileW(_In_ LPCWSTR lpFileName,
// _In_ DWORD dwDesiredAccess, _In_ DWORD dwShareMode,
// _In_opt_ LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes,
// _In_ DWORD dwCreationDisposition, _In_ DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes,
// _In_opt_ HANDLE hTemplateFile);
// hook_bef: void __stdcall hook_bef(LPCWSTR* lpFileName,
// DWORD* dwDesiredAccess, DWORD* dwShareMode,
// LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES* lpSecurityAttributes,
// DWORD* dwCreationDisposition, DWORD* dwFlagsAndAttributes,
// HANDLE* hTemplateFile
// void* user_data);
// or can be void __stdcall hook_bef(void* user_data) if no_param_for_hook_before was true;
// hook_after: void __stdcall hook_after(HANDLE* ret, LPCWSTR lpFileName,
// DWORD dwDesiredAccess, DWORD dwShareMode,
// LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes,
// DWORD dwCreationDisposition, DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes,
// HANDLE hTemplateFile
// void* user_data);
PORT_API(void*) any_hook_at(FARPROC api, size_t param_count, bool stdcall, FARPROC hook_bef = NULL, bool hook_bef_without_param = false, FARPROC hook_after = NULL, void* user_data = NULL);
PORT_API(void) free_any_hook(void* any_hook);
PORT_API(IObscurityCall*) create_obscurity_caller(const wchar_t* module, const char* api, int api_params, bool stdcall);
PORT_API(IObscurityCall*) create_obscurity_caller(HMODULE module, const char* api, int api_params, bool stdcall);
// pe parsing ...
enum pe_address_type
__declspec(novtable) struct IPe : public ref_util::IRef
// params must not be NULL but the API was no parameter
COM_API_DECLARE(long, load_pe(const wchar_t* path_pe)); // return error code
COM_API_DECLARE(long, close(void)); // return error code, owner MUST call this before 'release' when you never use this !!!
COM_API_DECLARE(long, attach(unsigned char* buf, UINT64 bytes)); // return error code
COM_API_DECLARE(long, detach(unsigned char** buf)); // return error code
// cb: data - (const char*)dll_name if flag was DATA_FLAG_FINAL or (const char*)err_msg if flag was DATA_FLAG_ERROR
// or "IAT" if flag was DATA_FLAG_INSTAR
// len - (const char*)api_name
// or IAT sector info(void*[2]) if flag was DATA_FLAG_INSTAR: [0] - (char*)section name, [1] - (UINT64) offset to file
// total - UINT64[2]: [0] - hint, [2] - offset in file(EAT only), [1] - offset in mem set to be '0' if 'only_dll' was true if flag was DATA_FLAG_FINAL or unused if flag was DATA_FLAG_ERROR
// or IAT table info(UINT64[3]) if flag was DATA_FLAG_INSTAR: [0] - offset to file, [1] - offset in memory, [2] - table bytes
// param - same as the paramenter you passed 'param'
// return non 'SET_RESULT_CONTINUE' to stop working
COM_API_DECLARE(long, dump_iat(INTER_MODULE_CALLBACK_VAR(cb), void* param, bool only_dll = false));
COM_API_DECLARE(long, dump_eat(INTER_MODULE_CALLBACK_VAR(cb), void* param));
// cb: data - (const char*)section name
// len - bytes of section name
// total - UINT64 pos[3]: pos[0] - offset in file, pos[1] - offset in memory, pos[2] - section size in bytes
// param - same as the paramenter you passed 'param'
COM_API_DECLARE(long, dump_sections(INTER_MODULE_CALLBACK_VAR(cb), void* param));
// cb: data - (const char*)resource name
// len - UINT64[2]: [0] - bytes of resource; [1] - (void*)resource_data
// total - UINT64[4]: [0] - id; [1] - memory offset; [2] - file offset, [3] - codepage
// param - same as the paramenter you passed 'param'
COM_API_DECLARE(long, dump_resources(INTER_MODULE_CALLBACK_VAR(cb), void* param));
// function: convert RVA between memory offset and file offset
// parameter: from - source address;
// to - to receive the target address
// off2rva - true: file offset to memory offset; false: memory offset to file offset
COM_API_DECLARE(long, rva(UINT64 from, UINT64* to, bool off2rva));
// cb: data - (const char*)assembly
// len - bytes of assembly
// total - UINT[2]: 0 - offset in file of the code, 1 - offset in memory of the assembly
// param - same as the paramenter you passed 'param'
COM_API_DECLARE(long, find_address_ref(UINT64 addr, INTER_MODULE_CALLBACK_VAR(cb), void* param, short addr_bytes = 4));
COM_API_DECLARE(long, find_iat_ref(const char* dll_name, const char* api_name/*consider as hint if less than 0x10000*/, INTER_MODULE_CALLBACK_VAR(cb), void* param));
COM_API_DECLARE(long, find_string_ref(const char* str, INTER_MODULE_CALLBACK_VAR(cb), void* param));
COM_API_DECLARE(long, find_string_ref(const wchar_t* str, INTER_MODULE_CALLBACK_VAR(cb), void* param));
// function: un-assembly given function begin from 'addr' and ENDING at instruction 'ret' or 'cb' return SET_RESULT_STOP
// parameter: addr - given address
// addr_type - how to use the address 'addr'
// cb - data: (const char*) assembly
// len: bytes of data
// total: UINT64[4]: 0 - file offset; 1 - instruction absolute address; 2 - bytes; [3] - (unsigned char*) codes
// param: same as the paramenter you passed 'param'
// return SET_RESULT_CONTINUE to work until 'ret', or SET_RESULT_STOP to stop immediately
// param - parameter for 'cb'
// img_base - specify the image base. use default base if it was '0'
COM_API_DECLARE(long, un_assembly(UINT64 addr, enum pe_address_type addr_type, INTER_MODULE_CALLBACK_VAR(cb), void* param, UINT64 img_base = 0));
COM_API_DECLARE(long, un_assembly(const char* export_api_name, INTER_MODULE_CALLBACK_VAR(cb), void* param));
// function: to change content at given file offset
// cb - data: (const wchar_t*) target file after changed
// len: bytes of data
// total: unused
// param: same as the parameter you passed 'param'
// return: omitted
COM_API_DECLARE(long, change(UINT64 file_off, const unsigned char* data, size_t bytes, INTER_MODULE_CALLBACK_VAR(cb), void* param));
COM_API_DECLARE(bool, is_pe_64(void)); // whether the PE is a 64-bits module
COM_API_DECLARE(long, get_entry_point(UINT64* off)); // get offset of entry-point in memory
COM_API_DECLARE(long, get_image_base_addr(UINT64* addr)); // get offset of entry-point in memory
COM_API_DECLARE(long, get_file_time(UINT64* file_time)); // get file compiled time
PORT_API(IPe*) create_pe_parser(void);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
// process_util.h : include utilities for manage folders
// Author: Gongbing
// Date: 2016-09-25
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#ifndef _INCLUDED_REF_
#define _INCLUDED_REF_
#include "../ref/ref.h"
#define STATUS_SUCCESS 0x00000000
#define STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x80000005
// process utils
namespace process_util
PORT_API(int) start_program(const wchar_t* prog_file, const wchar_t* param, bool show_wnd, DWORD* pid = NULL, bool as_admin = false, const wchar_t* path_dll = NULL);
PORT_API(bool) is_me_in_admin(void);
PORT_API(int) try_me_in_admin(bool show_wnd, DWORD *pid = NULL, const wchar_t* append_param = NULL);
PORT_API(int) start_program_as_current_user(const wchar_t* prog_file, const wchar_t* param, bool show_wnd, unsigned* proc_id = NULL, bool merge_pe_2_param = true, const wchar_t* path_dll = NULL);
PORT_API(bool) start_program_by_cmd(const wchar_t* prog_file, const wchar_t* param);
PORT_API(bool) query_acting_user_token(HANDLE* aut);
PORT_API(int) enable_privilege(const wchar_t* privilege_name, bool enabled);
PORT_API(bool) kill_process_by_name(const wchar_t* proc_name, const wchar_t* taskkill_path = NULL);
PORT_API(bool) is_process_living(const wchar_t* proc_name, DWORD* pid = NULL);
// parameter of result:
// data: (wchar_t*)pe_path_file
// len: process id
// total: parent process id
PORT_API(void) enum_processes(inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param);
// parameter of result:
// data: (wchar_t*)module path file
// len: base address
// total: module size
PORT_API(void) enum_modules(DWORD proc_id, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param);
PORT_API(bool) module_pe_from_run_address(void* addr, wchar_t path_name[MAX_PATH], void** base_addr = NULL);
PORT_API(int) find_resource(HINSTANCE inst, const wchar_t* res_type, UINT res_id, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param);
PORT_API(bool) is_pe_checksum_ok(const wchar_t* pe_path_file, DWORD* lppe_chksum = NULL, DWORD* lpfile_chksum = NULL);
PORT_API(bool) get_module_info(HMODULE module, void** base, void** entry, size_t* size);
PORT_API(bool) get_process_time(DWORD proc_id, LPFILETIME start = NULL, LPFILETIME kern = NULL, LPFILETIME user = NULL);
PORT_API(DWORD) get_parent_process(DWORD proc_id);
PORT_API(int) get_process_name(DWORD proc_id, wchar_t path_name[MAX_PATH]);
PORT_API(int) get_self_pathname(wchar_t path_name[MAX_PATH], bool call_module = false/*default to get exe pathname*/);
PORT_API(void) quit_and_delete_self(void);
PORT_API(char*) set_command_lineA(char* cmda); // the return buffer need not free
PORT_API(wchar_t*) set_command_lineW(wchar_t* cmda, bool is_setpeb); // the return buffer need not free
PORT_API(void) set_peb_command_lineW(wchar_t* cmda);
PORT_API(HANDLE) get_file_handle_by_name(const wchar_t* filename, ULONG *pid = NULL);
PORT_API(BOOL) is_wow64_process(DWORD proc_id);
PORT_API(HMODULE) load_system_dll(const wchar_t* dll);
PORT_API(void*) write_to_process(HANDLE proc, const void* src, int bytes);
PORT_API(void*) write_to_process(DWORD proc_id, const void* src, int bytes);
PORT_API(int) read_process_memory(DWORD proc_id, void* base_addr, int read_bytes, unsigned char* buf); // read proc_id [base_addr, base_addr] contents into buf, return error code, 0 is success
// function: create a remote thread in given process
// proc_id: the target process ID
// code_bytes: remote thread code size in bytes
// susbend: whether to supspend this thread when create it
// parameter_size: remote thread parameter size
// tid: to receive the remote thread id
// thread: to receive the remote thread handle
// fill: to fill the thread code and parameter in this callback
// data: unused, always be NULL
// len: (LPVOID), the memory address in process proc_id
// total: (unsigned char*), to receive the content
// flag: write code when DATA_FLAG_REMOTE_THREAD_INSTRUCT, or parameter when DATA_FLAG_REMOTE_THREAD_PARAMETER if parameter_bytes was great than ZERO
// param: the same as 'param'
// param: parameter 'param' of callback fill
// return: error code, 0 is success
PORT_API(int) create_remote_thread(DWORD proc_id, int code_bytes, inter_module_data::set_data fill, void* param, bool suspend = false
, int parameter_bytes = 0, DWORD* tid = NULL, HANDLE* thread = NULL);
// code and param: [in] - the source code or parameter buffer; [out] - remote code or parameter buffer
PORT_API(int) create_remote_thread(DWORD proc_id, const unsigned char **code, int code_bytes, bool suspend = false
, const unsigned char** param = NULL, int param_bytes = 0, DWORD* tid = NULL, HANDLE* thread = NULL);
PORT_API(bool) get_api_in_process(DWORD proc_id, const wchar_t* dll, const char* apis/*GetTickCount\0CreateFileW\0\0*/, FARPROC* api_addrs/*length as same as apis*/);
PORT_API(HMODULE) load_dll_in_process(DWORD proc_id, const wchar_t* path_dll); // return the loaded dll handle in the process
PORT_API(HMODULE) free_dll_in_process(DWORD proc_id, const wchar_t* path_dll); // return the dll in the process
enum _inst_statu
INST_STATU_FIRST = 0, // 0 - I am the FIRST instance
INST_STATU_FAILED_CREATE, // 1 - no instance existing and failed to create the singleton instance
INST_STATU_INFO_FIRST, // 2 - an instance is already existing and informed my parameter
INST_STATU_FAILED_INFO_FIRST, // 3 - an instance is already existing and failed in informing my parameter
INST_STATU_ID_USED, // 4 - the name is used by other object
INST_STATU_UNKNOWN = 10, // unknown error
__declspec(novtable) struct ISingleton : public ref_util::IRef
COM_API_DECLARE(_inst_statu, statu(void));
COM_API_DECLARE(bool, set_max_run_seconds(DWORD seconds = -1)); // quit after seconds when not -1
__declspec(novtable) struct ICmd : public ref_util::IRef
COM_API_DECLARE(void, reset(const wchar_t* cmdline = NULL)); // reset command line string, use GetCommandLineW if cmd_line was NULL
COM_API_DECLARE(long, count(void)); // return parameter count, if has key-val pair, then count them as 2
// function: whether the command line has 'param'
// case_sens: is case sensitive
// ind: to receive the index in command line if has
COM_API_DECLARE(bool, has(const wchar_t* param, bool case_sens = false, int *ind = NULL));
COM_API_DECLARE(bool, is_first_main_pe(void)); // return whether the first parameter is main-pe
COM_API_DECLARE(const wchar_t*, parameter(int index)); // ZERO-based index, should not free the return buffer but use it immediately
// key: the key for the parameter
// case_sens: whether the 'key' is case sensitive
// return: return im.exe of key '/im' in "taskkill /f /im im.exe", should not free but use it immediately
COM_API_DECLARE(const wchar_t*, parameter(const wchar_t* key, bool case_sens = false));
COM_API_DECLARE(const wchar_t*, main_pe(void)); // DO NOT free the return buffer but use it immediately
COM_API_DECLARE(int, add(const wchar_t* param, bool case_sens = false, int index = -1));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, add(const wchar_t* key, const wchar_t* val, bool case_sens = false, int index = -1));
// if as_key was true, then remove param and the next item to it
COM_API_DECLARE(int, remove(const wchar_t* param, bool case_sens = false, bool as_key = false));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, remove(int index));
// function: convert to a command line string
// buf: to receive the string, can be NULL
// len: [in] - count of buf, [out] - content length in buf, if buf was NULL or len is small, then contains the minimum length and return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER
// return: ERROR_SUCCESS if buf is length enough, or ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER if len was less than required,
COM_API_DECLARE(int, to_command_line(wchar_t* buf, int* len));
// data: (const wchar_t*)
// len: bytes of 'data'
// total: unused, be ZERO
// flag: inter_module_data::DATA_FLAG_FINAL
// param: same as 'user'
COM_API_DECLARE(int, to_command_line(INTER_MODULE_CALLBACK_VAR(got_result), void* user));
PORT_API(long) invoke_api(FARPROC func, bool stdcall_, int param_count, void** params, int* ret_val = NULL);
PORT_API(long) invoke_api(const wchar_t* path_module, const char* api, bool stdcall_, int param_count, void** params, int* ret_val = NULL);
// parameter of result:
// data: (const wchar_t*)command line
// len: length of (const wchar_t*)data
// total: as same as len
// flag: DATA_FLAG_FINAL in commonplace, or DATA_FLAG_UNKNOWN to quit
// param: like 'param'
PORT_API(ISingleton*) create_singleton(const wchar_t* inst_id, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param);
PORT_API(ICmd*) create_command_line(const wchar_t* cmd = NULL);
enum _console_attr
PORT_API(WORD) set_console_attribute(WORD attr);
PORT_API(ICmd*) from_console(const wchar_t* tips = L"input");
PORT_API(ICmd*) from_console(const char* tips = "input");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
// un_asm.h : include utilities for unassembly
// Author: Gongbing
// Date: 2020-03-19
#pragma once
#ifndef _INCLUDED_REF_
#define _INCLUDED_REF_
#include "../ref/ref.h"
namespace ia_asm
// unassembly utils
enum ia_arch
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_RAX = (UINT64)1 << 0; const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_EAX = (UINT64)1 << 0;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_RCX = (UINT64)1 << 1; const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_ECX = (UINT64)1 << 1;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_RDX = (UINT64)1 << 2; const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_EDX = (UINT64)1 << 2;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_RBX = (UINT64)1 << 3; const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_EBX = (UINT64)1 << 3;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_RSP = (UINT64)1 << 4; const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_ESP = (UINT64)1 << 4;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_RBP = (UINT64)1 << 5; const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_EBP = (UINT64)1 << 5;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_RSI = (UINT64)1 << 6; const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_ESI = (UINT64)1 << 6;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_RDI = (UINT64)1 << 7; const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_EDI = (UINT64)1 << 7;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_R08 = (UINT64)1 << 8;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_R09 = (UINT64)1 << 9;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_R10 = (UINT64)1 << 10;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_R11 = (UINT64)1 << 11;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_R12 = (UINT64)1 << 12;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_R13 = (UINT64)1 << 13;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_R14 = (UINT64)1 << 14;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_R15 = (UINT64)1 << 15;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_MM0 = (UINT64)1 << 16;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_MM1 = (UINT64)1 << 17;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_MM2 = (UINT64)1 << 18;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_MM3 = (UINT64)1 << 19;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_MM4 = (UINT64)1 << 20;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_MM5 = (UINT64)1 << 21;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_MM6 = (UINT64)1 << 22;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_MM7 = (UINT64)1 << 23;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_XMM0 = (UINT64)1 << 24;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_XMM1 = (UINT64)1 << 25;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_XMM2 = (UINT64)1 << 26;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_XMM3 = (UINT64)1 << 27;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_XMM4 = (UINT64)1 << 28;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_XMM5 = (UINT64)1 << 29;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_XMM6 = (UINT64)1 << 30;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_XMM7 = (UINT64)1 << 31;
const UINT64 REGISTER_BMP_FLAG = (UINT64)1 << 32;
#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct _instruction_data
unsigned long long address; // instruction address
unsigned long bytes; // all bytes of this instruction
unsigned long cycle; // cpu cycle
UINT64 reg_chg_bmp; // changed register bit-map mask
struct _rel_addr
unsigned char rel_byte;
unsigned char offset : 5; // the offest to codes[0] of the relative address, ZERO means no
unsigned char size : 3; // bytes of the relative address, ZERO means no
}rel_addr[4]; // relative address in this instruction, max up to 4
unsigned char bytes[4]; // bytes for val, ZERO means no imm val, often be 1, 2, 4, 8
UINT64 val[4]; // imm value
char codes[20]; // instruction code bytes
char assembly[84]; // instruction text
struct _instruction_data()
void clear(void)
memset(this, 0, sizeof(struct _instruction_data));
void copy(struct _instruction_data* r)
memcpy(this, r, sizeof(struct _instruction_data));
#pragma pack(pop)
// function: to un-assembly the codes
// return: error codes, ZERO is success
PORT_API(int) unasm(const unsigned char* codes // code stream
, LPINSTRUCTION lpasm // to receive the assembly text
, unsigned long long address = 0 // instruction address, use address 'codes' if this was ZERO
, ia_arch ia32 = IA_ARCHITECTURE_32); // intel architecture
// function: to convert near instruction to far instruction
// return: ZERO - have far instruction; 1 - no far instruction
PORT_API(int) far_instruction(const LPINSTRUCTION near
, LPINSTRUCTION far // to receive the far instruction
, unsigned long long far_instruction_addr = 0 // the address of the far instruction, use near's address if was ZERO
, ia_arch ia32 = IA_ARCHITECTURE_32); // intel architecture);
// function: compile single instruction
// return: error codes, ZERO is success
PORT_API(int) compile(const char* assembly // assembly text such as 'mov eax, ebp'
, unsigned long long *address // [in] - address of this assembly, [out] - address of the next statement, commonly [in] add lpasm->bytes
, LPINSTRUCTION lpasm // instruction array to receive the result
, inter_module_data::set_data label // label callback. see DATA_FLAG_UNASM_SET_LABEL && DATA_FLAG_UNASM_GET_LABEL
, ia_arch ia32 = IA_ARCHITECTURE_32); // assembly architecture
PORT_API(int) compile_one(const char* assembly
, unsigned char *code // minimum length with 40 bytes. [bytes]codes[bytes]codes[0]
, unsigned long long address = 0);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
// ref.h : the base utility for life-cycle control by reference
// Author: Gongbing
// Create: 2017-05-20
#pragma once
#ifdef _AS_DLL_
#ifdef _NET_EXPORTS_
#define PORT_API(ret) __declspec(dllexport) ret __stdcall
#define PORT_API_CALL(ret, call_) __declspec(dllexport) ret call_
#define PORT_API(ret) __declspec(dllimport) ret __stdcall
#define PORT_API_CALL(ret, call_) __declspec(dllimport) ret call_
#ifdef _DEBUG
#pragma comment(lib, "./Debug/base_util.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "./Release/base_util.lib")
#define PORT_API(ret) ret __stdcall
#define PORT_API_CALL(ret, call_) ret call_
#ifndef _BASE_EXPORTS_
#ifdef _DEBUG
#pragma comment(lib, "./Debug/base_util.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "./Release/base_util.lib")
//#define STRUCT_ALIGN(bytes) \
// #pragma pack(push) \
// #pragma pack(bytes)
//#define STRUCT_ALIGN_END \
// #pragma pack(pop)
#define COM_API_DECLARE(ret, decl) virtual ret __stdcall decl = 0
#define COM_API_DECLARE_NON_PURE(ret, decl) virtual ret __stdcall decl
#define COM_API_OVERRIDE(ret, decl) virtual ret __stdcall decl override
#define COM_API_IMPLEMENT(cls, ret, decl) ret __stdcall cls##::decl
#define ALIGN_MEMORY(n, align) ((n + align - 1) / (align) * (align))
#define _TO_UNICODE_(str) L##str
#define UNICODE_STR(str) _TO_UNICODE_(str)
// refferer simulating-COM
namespace ref_util
// rule:
// if a member of container owns the container pointer, the member should release the container pointer
// in an explicit function like 'stop'; the container could release the member pointer in destructor!!!
__declspec(novtable) struct IRef
COM_API_DECLARE(long, add_ref(void));
COM_API_DECLARE(long, release(void));
class refer : public IRef
volatile long m_ref;
refer() : m_ref(1)
virtual ~refer()
COM_API_OVERRIDE(long, add_ref(void))
return InterlockedIncrement(&m_ref);
COM_API_OVERRIDE(long, release(void))
long ref = InterlockedDecrement(&m_ref);
if (ref <= 0) delete this;
return ref;
template<class T>
class auto_pointer
T* m_ptr;
auto_pointer() : m_ptr(NULL)
auto_pointer(T* ptr) : m_ptr(ptr)
auto_pointer(const auto_pointer& r)
m_ptr = r.m_ptr;
if (m_ptr) m_ptr->add_ref();
if (m_ptr) m_ptr->release();
auto_pointer& operator=(T* ptr)
if (m_ptr) m_ptr->release();
m_ptr = ptr;
return *this;
auto_pointer& operator=(const auto_pointer& r)
if (m_ptr) m_ptr->release();
m_ptr = r.m_ptr;
if (m_ptr) m_ptr->add_ref();
return *this;
T* ptr(void)
return m_ptr;
T* operator->(void)
return m_ptr;
bool is_empty(void)
return m_ptr == NULL;
#define IMPL_REF_BY_REFER() \
COM_API_OVERRIDE(long, add_ref(void)) \
{ \
return ref_util::refer::add_ref(); \
} \
COM_API_OVERRIDE(long, release(void)) \
{ \
return ref_util::refer::release(); \
// inter-module data
namespace inter_module_data
enum data_flag
// commonly
DATA_FLAG_ERROR, // the parameter 'len' is contains the error code, total is extension info for 'len'
DATA_FLAG_FINAL, // data is final result for the api which you called
DATA_FLAG_INSTAR, // data is instar for your api, and finally will notified with flag DATA_TYPE_FINAL
DATA_FLAG_OVER, // all data has been transfered, parameter data, len and total are all invalid
DATA_FLAG_GET_VAL, // (const wchar_t*)data, 'len' is bytes of data, 'total' is set_data
// call (set_data)total(const wchar_t* data, bytes of 'data', 0, DATA_FLAG_FINAL, param)
// for http data
DATA_FLAG_HTTP_HEAD = 100, // http(s) response head
DATA_FLAG_302, // 301 or 302 to new url, the data contains the url. in this case, return SET_RESULT_CONTINUE to jump, SET_RESULT_DISCARD to stop jumping
// for remote thread
DATA_FLAG_REMOTE_THREAD_INSTRUCT = 200, // to fill the remote thread code in given address
DATA_FLAG_REMOTE_THREAD_PARAMETER, // to fill the remote thread parameter in given address
// the parameter data, len and total will be all set to ZERO if unused
DATA_FALG_SVC_ENTER = 300, // service callback, called when initailizing, parameter 'data' is pointing to proc_util::ICmd*
DATA_FALG_SVC_TIMER, // service callback, called when timer is set, parameter 'len' is the count base from ZERO
DATA_FALG_SVC_CONTROL, // service callback, called when service control is invoked, parameter 'len' is the control code
DATA_FALG_SVC_EXIT, // service callback, called when service exiting
// for un-assembly
DATA_FLAG_UNASM_SET_LABEL = 1000, // set the label address, data is label, len is address, other has no mean
DATA_FLAG_UNASM_GET_LABEL, // query the label address. data is label, param is a pointer points to the UINT64 variable to receive the address
// return true to continue, false to stop
enum set_result
SET_RESULT_CONTINUE = ERROR_SUCCESS, // continue doing the task of the calling api
SET_RESULT_UNKNOWN = -100, // omit this value
SET_RESULT_DISCARD, // discard this data handling. i.e. it will stop jump to new url if flag is DATA_FLAG_302
SET_RESULT_STOP, // this will stop all operations of the api you calling
// real usage of these parameters, see the API which use this callback ...
typedef set_result(__stdcall* set_data)(const char* data // data buffer
, UINT64 len // bytes of data in data-buffer or error code if flag was DATA_FLAG_ERROR
, UINT64 total // total bytes of the data for the api which you called
, data_flag flag // data flag
, void* param); // user defined data, and passing it when call the callback
inter_module_data::set_result __stdcall name(const char* data, UINT64 len, UINT64 total, inter_module_data::data_flag flag, void* param)
inter_module_data::set_result (__stdcall *name)(const char* data, UINT64 len, UINT64 total, inter_module_data::data_flag flag, void* param)

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@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
// utility for registery operation
// Date: 2019-10-30
#pragma once
#ifndef _INCLUDED_REF_
#define _INCLUDED_REF_
#include "../ref/ref.h"
// export interface for other modules on 2017-08-23 by GB
namespace sys_util
// registry utilities ...
enum _wow_type
WOW_TYPE_DEFAULT = 0, // both given path and the Wow6432Node path in 32-bits app
WOW_TYPE_32_BITS, // the same as WOW_TYPE_DEFAULT in 32-bits app
WOW_TYPE_64_BITS, // no affect on registry in 32-bits app
// if parameter 'temporary' is true, then the key you created would lost after the system restart !!!
PORT_API(long) reg_create_key(const wchar_t* path, HKEY* ret = NULL, HKEY root = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _wow_type type = WOW_TYPE_DEFAULT, bool temporary = false);
PORT_API(long) reg_close_key(HKEY key);
PORT_API(long) reg_remove_key(const wchar_t* path, HKEY root = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _wow_type type = WOW_TYPE_DEFAULT);
PORT_API(long) reg_remove_value(const wchar_t* path, const wchar_t* val_name, HKEY root = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _wow_type type = WOW_TYPE_DEFAULT);
// parameter of cb
// data: (const wchar_t*)
// len: bytes of data
// total: unused
// flag: inter_module_data::DATA_FLAG_FINAL
// param: the same as the parameter 'param'
// return: error code
PORT_API(long) reg_get_string(HKEY root, const wchar_t* path, const wchar_t* name, inter_module_data::set_data cb, void* param, _wow_type type = WOW_TYPE_DEFAULT);
PORT_API(long) reg_get_binary(HKEY root, const wchar_t* path, const wchar_t* name, inter_module_data::set_data cb, void* param, _wow_type type = WOW_TYPE_DEFAULT);
PORT_API(long) reg_get_integer(HKEY root, const wchar_t* path, const wchar_t* name, int* val, _wow_type type = WOW_TYPE_DEFAULT);
PORT_API(long) reg_get_integer(HKEY root, const wchar_t* path, const wchar_t* name, unsigned long long* val, _wow_type type = WOW_TYPE_DEFAULT);
// parameter of cb
// data: (const wchar_t*)key_name
// len: (const wchar_t*)path
// total: unused
// flag: inter_module_data::DATA_FLAG_FINAL
// param: the same as the parameter 'param'
// return: error code
PORT_API(long) reg_enum_key(HKEY root, const wchar_t* path, inter_module_data::set_data cb, void* param, _wow_type type = WOW_TYPE_DEFAULT);
// parameter of cb
// data: (const wchar_t*) reg_value name
// len: (HIDWORD): type - REG_SZ, (wchar_t*)total; REG_DWORD/REG_QWORD, (DWORD/UINT64)total; REG_BINARY, (unsigned char*)total
// (LODWORD): bytes of data
// total: value
// flag: inter_module_data::DATA_FLAG_FINAL
// param: the same as the parameter 'param'
// return: error code
PORT_API(long) reg_enum_value(HKEY root, const wchar_t* path, inter_module_data::set_data cb, void* param, _wow_type type = WOW_TYPE_DEFAULT);
// function: set string value
// val: can be multi-string fromat such as "123\0456\0789\0\0", in this circumstance, caller must provides val_bytes
// val_bytes: length of val, in bytes. will consider as single string if it was 0
// NOTE: this api would not support REG_EXPAND_SZ that with unexpanded string such as %systemroot%
PORT_API(long) reg_set_string(HKEY root, const wchar_t* path, const wchar_t* name, const wchar_t* val, int val_bytes = 0, _wow_type type = WOW_TYPE_DEFAULT);
PORT_API(long) reg_set_integer(HKEY root, const wchar_t* path, const wchar_t* name, unsigned val, _wow_type type = WOW_TYPE_DEFAULT);
PORT_API(long) reg_set_integer(HKEY root, const wchar_t* path, const wchar_t* name, unsigned long long val, _wow_type type = WOW_TYPE_DEFAULT);
PORT_API(long) reg_set_binary(HKEY root, const wchar_t* path, const wchar_t* name, unsigned char* val, int val_bytes, _wow_type type = WOW_TYPE_DEFAULT);
// function: to find the default opener of given file type
// file_ext: the extension name of the file, such as ".txt", lead with '.'
// cb: data - (const wchar_t*)path_opener
PORT_API(long) reg_get_file_opener(const wchar_t* file_ext/*.txt*/, inter_module_data::set_data cb, void* param);
// function: enumerate installed service
// cb: data - (const wchar_t*) reg_service name
// len - (const wchar_t*) reg_service path file
// total - (const wchar_t*) reg_service description
// flag - inter_module_data::DATA_FLAG_FINAL
PORT_API(long) reg_enum_service(inter_module_data::set_data cb, void* param);
// function: enumerate the auto starting program when system power on
// cb: data - (const wchar_t*) reg_program name
// len - (const wchar_t*) reg_program path file
// total - (const wchar_t*) reg_startup parameter
// flag - inter_module_data::DATA_FLAG_FINAL
PORT_API(long) reg_enum_program_on_system_poweron(inter_module_data::set_data cb, void* param);
PORT_API(long) reg_remove_program_on_system_poweron(const wchar_t* name); // the name should be the same as in enum_program_on_system_poweron
// function: enumerate installed service
// cb: data - (const wchar_t*) reg_software display name
// len - (const wchar_t*) reg_uninstaller path file
// total - (const wchar_t*) reg_publisher
// flag - inter_module_data::DATA_FLAG_FINAL
PORT_API(long) reg_enum_uninstaller(inter_module_data::set_data cb, void* param);
PORT_API(long) reg_reg_uninstaller(const wchar_t* app_name, const wchar_t* display_name, const wchar_t* uninstall_pe, const wchar_t* uninstall_param = NULL
, const wchar_t* publisher = NULL, const wchar_t* version = NULL, unsigned size_in_bytes = 0, _wow_type type = WOW_TYPE_DEFAULT);
PORT_API(long) reg_del_uninstaller(const wchar_t* app_name, _wow_type type = WOW_TYPE_DEFAULT);
// wmi utilities ...
// initialize a WMI object, use wmi_free to free the returned object
PORT_API(void*) wmi_initialize(void);
// because WMI is query system database, so consider it as registry and provides here ...
// function: query system configuration through by WMI
// win32_cls: the class name like Win32_xxxx, e.g. "Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration"
// attr_name: the attribute name in the win32_cls, e.g. "IPAddress" of "Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration"
// cb: data - value depends on len, see comments of parameter 'len'
// len - value type: VT_BSTR(const wchar_t*), VT_I1~8(char*, short*, int*, longlong*), VT_R4/8(float*, double*), VT_BOOL(bool*)
// total - unused
// flag - inter_module_data::DATA_FLAG_INSTAR in enumeration, and inter_module_data::DATA_FLAG_FINAL at over, then the data is invalid
// param - the same as parameter 'param'
PORT_API(HRESULT) wmi_query(const wchar_t* win32_cls, const wchar_t* attr_name, inter_module_data::set_data cb, void* param, void* wmi = NULL/*returned by wmi_initialize*/);
PORT_API(void) wmi_free(void* wmi/*returned by wmi_initialize*/);
// service utilities ...
enum _svc_state
PORT_API(long) svc_install(const wchar_t* svc_file, const wchar_t* svc_name, const wchar_t* svc_desc, const wchar_t* display_name = NULL);
PORT_API(long) svc_uninstall(const wchar_t* svc_name);
PORT_API(long) svc_start(const wchar_t* svc_name, DWORD wait_running_timeout = 0/*milliseconds*/);
PORT_API(long) svc_pause(const wchar_t* svc_name);
PORT_API(long) svc_resume(const wchar_t* svc_name);
PORT_API(long) svc_enable(const wchar_t* svc_name, bool enable);
PORT_API(long) svc_stop(const wchar_t* svc_name, DWORD wait_stopped_timeout = 0/*milliseconds*/);
PORT_API(long) svc_change_pe_file(const wchar_t* svc_name, const wchar_t* to_pe_file);
PORT_API(long) svc_change_description(const wchar_t* svc_name, const wchar_t* description);
PORT_API(bool) svc_is_running(const wchar_t* svc_name);
PORT_API(long) svc_pe_file(const wchar_t* svc_name, inter_module_data::set_data cb, void* param); // NOTE: DLL service will return "%system%\svchost.exe -k name" !!!
// function: handle the service common command, supporting following commands:
// --install: install self, or other service if with "-pe given service file" parameter
// --uninstall: uninstall self
// --restart: restart self
// --start: start self
// --stop: stop self
// --pause: pause self
// --resume: resume self
// return: whether handled the command
// NOTE: this API's codes must be in the service module; if with parameter "-pe given service file" then all operation are both on the given service
PORT_API(bool) svc_handle_common_command(const wchar_t* svc_name, const wchar_t* svc_desc, long* err);
// function: service enter, call this in main() for exe service.... support --install, --uninstall and --restart startup parameter
// parameter of cb: see the comment of DATA_FALG_SVC_xxx
PORT_API(long) start_as_service(const wchar_t* svc_name, const wchar_t* svc_desc, inter_module_data::set_data cb, void* param, DWORD timer_elapse = 0/*millisecond*/);
// shortcut utilities ...
// lnk_file: the file which with '.lnk' extension name
// target_file: the final file linked by lnk_file
PORT_API(HRESULT) link_create(const wchar_t* lnk_file, const wchar_t* target_file, const wchar_t* start_arguments
, const wchar_t* icon_path_file = NULL, int icon_index = 0, const wchar_t* lnk_desc = NULL);
// icon_index: change the icon in target file of icon index; or not change the icon if it was -1, you can call link_change_icon to change it later
PORT_API(HRESULT) link_change_target_file(const wchar_t* lnk_file, const wchar_t* target_file, int icon_index = 0);
PORT_API(HRESULT) link_change_icon(const wchar_t* lnk_file, const wchar_t* file_ico, int index = 0);
PORT_API(HRESULT) link_change_startup_arguments(const wchar_t* lnk_file, const wchar_t* start_arguments);
PORT_API(HRESULT) link_change_description(const wchar_t* lnk_file, const wchar_t* description);
PORT_API(long) link_pin_to_taskbar(const wchar_t* lnk_file, bool pin = true);
// flag: DATA_FLAG_INSTAR for startup arguments, DATA_FLAG_FINAL for the target pe file
PORT_API(HRESULT) link_get_target_file(const wchar_t* lnk_file, inter_module_data::set_data cb, void* param);
// hardware info
enum cpu_cache_type
CPU_CACHE_NULL = 0, // 0 = Null - No more caches.
CPU_CACHE_DATA, // 1 = Data Cache.
CPU_CACHE_INSTRUCTION, // 2 = Instruction Cache.
CPU_CACHE_UNIFIED, // 3 = Unified Cache.
typedef struct _cpu_cache
cpu_cache_type type;
int level;
UINT64 bytes;
typedef struct _cpu_info
int max_cpuid;
int cores;
int speed_base; // in MHz, 0 - not got; < 0 is unreliable
int speed_max; // in MHz, 0 - not got; < 0 is unreliable
char *manufactor;
char *product;
int cache_num;
CPUCACHE caches[4];
typedef struct _bios_info
char *base_board_manufactor;
char *base_board_product_name;
char *base_board_version;
char *bios_vendor;
char *bios_version;
char *bios_release_date;
char bios_major_release;
char bios_minor_release;
char controller_major_release;
char controller_minor_release;
// result: data - LPCPUINFO
// len - error code, 0 is success
// total - unused, always be ZERO
// param - same as the parameter 'param'
PORT_API(bool) get_cpu_info(inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param);
// result: data - LPBIOSINFO
// len - error code, 0 is success
// total - unused, always be ZERO
// param - same as the parameter 'param'
PORT_API(bool) get_bios_info(inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param);

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@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
// thread.h : the base utility for thread pool management
// Author: Gongbing
// Create: 2017-05-20
#pragma once
#ifndef _INCLUDED_REF_
#define _INCLUDED_REF_
#include "../ref/ref.h"
#pragma warning(disable: 4996)
// thread ...
// purpose: if you CreateThrad and TerminateThread then, the new thread maybe occupying the global
// RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION variable in ntdll.dll module. In this situation, all threads that
// created by CreateThread will no longer have opportunity to run!!!
// This class is providing you to TerminateThread safely
namespace thread_util
enum _io_direction
#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct _ovl_extension : OVERLAPPED
int io_direction; // _io_direction
size_t buf_len; // bytes of payload buffer
size_t data_len; // valid bytes of payload
size_t io_pos; // current IO position
char payload[8]; // payload data buffer
char* user_payload(void)
return payload;
#pragma pack(pop)
__declspec(novtable) struct ILock : public ref_util::IRef
COM_API_DECLARE(void, lock(void));
COM_API_DECLARE(bool, try_lock(void));
COM_API_DECLARE(void, unlock(void));
__declspec(novtable) struct IThreadWorker : public ref_util::IRef
COM_API_DECLARE(void*/*void* tls*/, thread_enter(void)); // you can initialize tls in this method
COM_API_DECLARE(void, thread_work(void*/*bind data*/ task_key, LPOVLEX task_data, unsigned data_size, DWORD err_code, void* enter_data));
COM_API_DECLARE(void, thread_exit(void* enter_data/*tls*/));
__declspec(novtable) struct IThreadPool : public ref_util::IRef
COM_API_DECLARE(long, add_task(void* task_key, void* task_data, unsigned data_size)); // return 0 when success
COM_API_DECLARE(long, stop(void));
COM_API_DECLARE(long, worker_threads(void));
COM_API_DECLARE(long, busy_threads(void));
COM_API_DECLARE(long, waiting_task(void));
__declspec(novtable) struct IEventDispatchThreadPool : public IThreadPool // dispach thread pool through by hardware-event mechanism
COM_API_DECLARE(long, bind_object(void* object, void* bind_key));
COM_API_DECLARE(long, remove_object(void* object, void* bind_key));
class simple_lock
ILock *lck_;
simple_lock(ILock* lck)
lck_ = lck;
if (lck_)
if (lck_)
// for reducing the times of memory copying, request memory from inner - added on 2019-07-28
PORT_API(LPOVLEX) inner_buffer_to_OVLEX_head(void* buf/*'buf' is returned by request_inner_buffer*/);
PORT_API(char*) request_inner_buffer(size_t bytes);
PORT_API(void) free_inner_buffer(void* buf); // free the buffer returned by 'request_inner_buffer'
PORT_API(void) free_inner_buffer(LPOVLEX buf); // free the buffer returned by 'request_inner_buffer'
PORT_API(HANDLE) create_thread(unsigned(__stdcall* thread)(void*), void* param, bool suspend = false, unsigned allow_cpu_mask = -1); // return thread id
PORT_API(ILock*) create_lock(void);
PORT_API(IThreadPool*) create_thread_pool(IThreadWorker* worker, int desired_threads = 0, unsigned cpu_allow_mask = -1);
PORT_API(IEventDispatchThreadPool*) create_event_thread_pool(IThreadWorker* worker, int desired_threads = 0, unsigned cpu_allow_mask = -1);
// parameter of result:
// data: (wchar_t*)thread name, maybe null
// len: thread id
// total: start address
PORT_API(void) enum_threads(DWORD proc_id, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* param);
PORT_API(LPVOID) get_thread_start_address(DWORD thread_id);
PORT_API(DWORD) get_call_stack(DWORD ebp, DWORD *stack/*caller allocate the buffer*/, int depth = 6, void* ensure_module = NULL/*ensure the module which contains the address ensure_module in the stack, omit if stack_data was valid*/
, unsigned char* stack_data = NULL, int stack_bytes = 0); // return depth in stack
PORT_API(DWORD) get_thread_call_stack(DWORD thread_id, DWORD *stack/*caller allocate the buffer*/, int depth = 6, void* ensure_module = NULL/*ensure the module which contains the address ensure_module in the stack*/); // return depth in stack
PORT_API(void) set_thread_name(DWORD thread_id, const char* thread_name);
// the parameter 'allow_cpu_mask' is is a bit vector in which each bit represents the processors that a thread is allowed to run on
// 1 represent CPU0, 5 represent CPU0 and CPU2, and so on...
enum _ict_state
template<class T> // NOTE: class T must derived from ref_util::IRef !!!
class invoke_class_thread : public ref_util::refer
void(__stdcall T::* handle_func)(void*);
void *param_; // dynamic parameter should free in handle_func !!!
T *obj_;
HANDLE wait_;
HANDLE thread_;
unsigned thread_id_;
unsigned affinity_mask_;
_ict_state state_;
unsigned start_tick_; // elapse milliseconds if state_ == ICT_STATE_COMPLETE, start time tick counts in others
invoke_class_thread(T* obj, void(__stdcall T::* thread_func)(void*), void* param, unsigned allow_cpu_mask = -1) : state_(ICT_STATE_NONE), start_tick_(0)
if (obj) obj->add_ref();
obj_ = obj;
param_ = param;
handle_func = thread_func;
wait_ = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
thread_ = thread_util::create_thread(invoke_thread, this, false, allow_cpu_mask);
if (thread_ == NULL) state_ = ICT_STATE_START_FAIL;
thread_id_ = GetThreadId(thread_);
WaitForSingleObject(wait_, INFINITE);
wait_ = NULL;
if (thread_) CloseHandle(thread_);
if (obj_) obj_->release();
static unsigned WINAPI invoke_thread(void* lp)
invoke_class_thread *obj = (invoke_class_thread*)lp;
obj->state_ = ICT_STATE_RUNNING;
obj->start_tick_ = GetTickCount();
obj->state_ = ICT_STATE_COMPLETE;
obj->start_tick_ = GetTickCount() - obj->start_tick_;
return 0;
unsigned thread_id(void)
return thread_id_;
HANDLE thread(bool take = false)
HANDLE h = thread_;
if (take)
thread_ = NULL;
return h;
enum _ict_state thread_state(void)
return state_;
unsigned start_tick_count(bool elapse = false)
return elapse && state_ != ICT_STATE_COMPLETE ? GetTickCount() - start_tick_ : start_tick_;
int terminate(int reason = 0)
HANDLE h = OpenThread(THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, thread_id_);
int err = GetLastError();
if (h)
err = TerminateThread(h, reason) ? ERROR_SUCCESS : GetLastError();
return err;

Binary file not shown.

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Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
// zip_util.h : include utilities for manage zip/unzip
// Author: Gongbing
// Date: 2016-09-25
#pragma once
#ifndef _INCLUDED_REF_
#define _INCLUDED_REF_
#include "../ref/ref.h"
#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct zip_local_file_header
unsigned signature; // 0x04034B50
unsigned short ver;
unsigned short flag;
unsigned short compression;
unsigned short last_modify_time;
unsigned short last_modify_date;
unsigned crc;
unsigned compressed_size;
unsigned uncompressed_size;
unsigned short name_len;
unsigned short ext_len;
char name[0];
char* extension()
char *ext = NULL;
if (ext_len)
ext = (char*)this;
ext += sizeof(struct zip_local_file_header);
ext += name_len;
return ext;
typedef struct zip_centeral_file_header
unsigned signature; // 0x02014B50
unsigned short ver_zip;
unsigned short ver_unzip;
unsigned short flag;
unsigned short compression;
unsigned short last_modify_time;
unsigned short last_modify_date;
unsigned crc;
unsigned compressed_size;
unsigned uncompressed_size;
unsigned short name_len;
unsigned short ext_len;
unsigned short comment_len;
unsigned short start_disk_number;
unsigned short inter_file_attr;
unsigned outer_file_attr;
unsigned lfh_rva;
char file_name[0]; // follwing by extra & comment
#pragma pack(pop)
namespace zip_util
__declspec(novtable) struct IUnzipPack : public ref_util::IRef
// open a local packet file
COM_API_DECLARE(int, open(const wchar_t* path_file, const char* pwd = NULL));
// open a memory packet content
COM_API_DECLARE(int, open(void* data, size_t len, const char* pwd = NULL));
// files: to receive all items include folder
// folders: to receive folders in this packet
// total_size: to receive every file size(exclude folder)
// return: result statu code, ERROR_SUCCESS or other error code
COM_API_DECLARE(int, get_files(int *files, int* folders, UINT64* total_size));
// index: ZERO-based index in this packet
// size: to receive the item bytes data in returned buffer
// name: to receive the item name, maybe with relative path. call free_zip_buffer to free it
// cont: to receive the content, call free_zip_buffer to free it
// attr: to receive the item attribute
// create_time: to receive the item created time
// modi_time: to receive the item last modified time
// acc_time: to receive the item last accessed time
COM_API_DECLARE(int, get_item(int index, DWORD* attr, wchar_t** name = NULL, char** cont = NULL, UINT64* size = NULL
, FILETIME* create_time = NULL, FILETIME* modi_time = NULL, FILETIME* acc_time = NULL));
// Function: unzip this packet to an existing local directory. caller should ensure the path local_dir is existing already
// prog: data - points to a wchar_t* buffer contains the current file path
// len - current file bytes of data if flag was DATA_FLAG_FINAL, when flag is DATA_FLAG_ERROR then contains error:
// ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, return SET_RESULT_DISCARD to reserve the file; SET_RESULT_CONTINUE to overwrite
// ERROR_CREATE_FAILED, create local file failed, parameter 'total' is GetLastError
// ERROR_DATA_CHECKSUM_ERROR, unzip the file failed, the (wchar_t*)data is unreliable
// total- all data bytes to be unzipped
// flag - be DATA_FLAG_FINAL always in normal or DATA_FLAG_ERROR if error occurs
// param- be prog_param always
COM_API_DECLARE(int, unzip_to(const wchar_t* local_dir, inter_module_data::set_data prog, void* prog_param));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, close(void));
__declspec(novtable) struct IZipPack : public ref_util::IRef
// add a local file or directory into the packet, rel_path is relative to the packet
// rel_path: relative to the packet, only file name if NULL. e.g. 'first\\data.txt' or 'data.txt'
COM_API_DECLARE(int, add_local_file(const wchar_t* path_file, const wchar_t* rel_path = NULL));
// add memory data into the packet, rel_path_name is relative to the packet
// rel_path_name: e.g. 'first\\data.txt' or 'data.txt'
COM_API_DECLARE(int, add_data(void* data, size_t len, const wchar_t* rel_path_name));
// add a folder into the packet, only folder, no data. path is relative to the packet
// add local directory into the packet, use add_local_file
// folder_rel_path_name: e.g. 'folder' or 'top\\folder'
COM_API_DECLARE(int, add_folder(const wchar_t* folder_rel_path_name));
// if you create a memory packet, this will return the start buffer and data length.
// the buffer 'data' is caller passed in
COM_API_DECLARE(int, get_memory_data(void** data, UINT64* len));
COM_API_DECLARE(int, close(void));
// Function: zip data into stream which leading by 0x1f, 0x8b, ...
// data: should be zipped data
// len: bytes of data
// return: error code
PORT_API(int) gzip_zip(const char* data, ULONGLONG len, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* result_param);
// Function: unzip the gzip data which leading by 0x1f, 0x8b, ...
// data: should be unzipped data
// len: bytes of data
// return: error code
PORT_API(int) gzip_unzip(const char* data, ULONGLONG len, inter_module_data::set_data result, void* result_param);
PORT_API(IZipPack*) create_zip_file(const wchar_t* local_file, const char* pwd = NULL);
PORT_API(IZipPack*) create_zip_memory(void* buf, UINT64 len, const char* pwd = NULL);
PORT_API(IUnzipPack*) open_zip(const wchar_t* local_file, const char* pwd = NULL);
PORT_API(IUnzipPack*) open_zip(void* buf, UINT64 len, const char* pwd = NULL);

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio Version 16
VisualStudioVersion = 16.0.32106.194
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
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Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32
Release|Win32 = Release|Win32
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{A8F24886-2A0E-4D4F-87C0-C752A17183FB}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{A8F24886-2A0E-4D4F-87C0-C752A17183FB}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{A8F24886-2A0E-4D4F-87C0-C752A17183FB}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{A8F24886-2A0E-4D4F-87C0-C752A17183FB}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
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HideSolutionNode = FALSE
GlobalSection(NestedProjects) = preSolution
{A8F24886-2A0E-4D4F-87C0-C752A17183FB} = {434BA17E-2347-4C76-97A2-DF9940EEB9FC}
GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution
SolutionGuid = {8F4909F0-C507-4210-A730-BFFBF9773850}