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2023-12-01 09:17:09 +00:00
// device_opt: option manager of device
// Created: 2023-09-07
// Design: all option-JSONs should added into device_option object
// and all option-logics execute in it;
// Exception: if some sane_opt_providers has its own manager object 'device_option'
// and I cannot get the origin JSON from the provider, how to resolve this ???
// Solution: return origin JSON if device_option is below other device_option!
2023-12-01 09:17:09 +00:00
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include "simple_logic.h"
#include <json/gb_json.h>
#include <base/utils.h>
#include <sane/sane_ex.h>
class sane_opt_provider;
class device_option : public refer
gb_json* origin_;
gb_json* now_;
bool no_grp_ = false; // i am a lower option manager, need not group
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std::map<std::string, sane_opt_provider*> src_;
std::vector<std::string> master_opts_; // options that value changed will affect others
std::map<std::string, simple_logic*> slaver_;
std::function<bool(int)> user_;
std::function<void(const char*)> log_;
typedef struct _expr_calc
std::string name;
std::string val1;
std::string val2;
bool not_op;
bool(*compare)(gb_json*, void* val, void* v1, void* v2);
std::map<std::string, EXPRCALC> compare_; // simple condition compare
class condition_value
typedef struct _cond_val
simple_logic *logic;
std::string value;
std::vector<CONDVAL> vals_;
device_option* parent_; // if this value was valid, the condition value is a consistant value with vals_[0].value
void clear(void)
for (auto& v : vals_)
if (v.logic)
delete v.logic;
parent_ = nullptr;
condition_value() : parent_(nullptr)
bool set_value(gb_json* jsn, const char* type, device_option* parent); // jsn contains only ONE value or its object, or nullptr for a consistant value
std::string value(bool(*compare)(const char*, void*), void* param);
class range_value
bool is_range_; // true - range; false - list
int val_ind_;
std::vector<condition_value*> vals_;
void clear(void)
for (auto& v : vals_)
delete v;
range_value() : is_range_(false), val_ind_(0)
bool set_value(gb_json* jsn, const char* type, device_option *parent); // jsn contains all range object
int count(void)
return vals_.size();
bool is_range(void)
return is_range_;
// return first element in list-value or min-value of range
std::string first_value(bool(*compare)(const char*, void*), void* param)
val_ind_ = 0;
if (val_ind_ < count())
return vals_[val_ind_]->value(compare, param);
return "";
// return next element in list-value or max-value of range
std::string next_value(bool(*compare)(const char*, void*), void* param)
if (++val_ind_ < count())
return vals_[val_ind_]->value(compare, param);
return "";
std::map<std::string, range_value*> range_value_;
std::map<std::string, condition_value*> init_value_;
std::map<std::string, condition_value*> support_value_;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > depend_opts_; // values that depend on other option's current value <master option name, [slaver-option-nam.field ...]>
static bool is_equal_b(gb_json* opt, void* val, void* v1, void* v2);
static bool is_equal_i(gb_json* opt, void* val, void* v1, void* v2);
static bool is_equal_f(gb_json* opt, void* val, void* v1, void* v2);
static bool is_equal_s(gb_json* opt, void* val, void* v1, void* v2);
static bool is_less_b(gb_json* opt, void* val, void* v1, void* v2);
static bool is_less_i(gb_json* opt, void* val, void* v1, void* v2);
static bool is_less_f(gb_json* opt, void* val, void* v1, void* v2);
static bool is_less_s(gb_json* opt, void* val, void* v1, void* v2);
static bool is_great_b(gb_json* opt, void* val, void* v1, void* v2);
static bool is_great_i(gb_json* opt, void* val, void* v1, void* v2);
static bool is_great_f(gb_json* opt, void* val, void* v1, void* v2);
static bool is_great_s(gb_json* opt, void* val, void* v1, void* v2);
static bool is_between_b(gb_json* opt, void* val, void* v1, void* v2);
static bool is_between_i(gb_json* opt, void* val, void* v1, void* v2);
static bool is_between_f(gb_json* opt, void* val, void* v1, void* v2);
static bool is_between_s(gb_json* opt, void* val, void* v1, void* v2);
static bool is_opt_enabled(gb_json* opt, void* val, void* v1, void* v2);
static bool get_equal(const char* type, bool(**f)(gb_json*, void*, void*, void*));
static bool get_less(const char* type, bool(**f)(gb_json*, void*, void*, void*));
static bool get_great(const char* type, bool(**f)(gb_json*, void*, void*, void*));
static bool get_between(const char* type, bool(**f)(gb_json*, void*, void*, void*));
// Function: parse string function - .left(cnt), .right(cnt), .mid(start, cnt)
// Parameter: expr - expression of string function, e.g. mode.left(2)
// name - to receive the final option name, e.g. mode
// start - to receive the starting position of the sub-string, negative is for right()
// cnt - to receive the length of the sub string, -1 is to end
// Return: true if was string function
static bool is_string_function(const char* expr, std::string& name, int& start, int& cnt);
static std::string from_text_value(const char* type, const char* text_val);
static bool parse_simple_logic_expression(gb_json* root, const char* expr, std::string* name, EXPRCALC& calc);
static void init_condition(const char* expr, void* param);
static bool calc_simple_logic_expression(const char* expr, void* param);
void clear_for_reconstruct(void);
gb_json* group_opt(const char* title);
int next_group(int start); // return index of the next group
int insert_group(const char* name, const char* title); // return index of the group
void insert_option(gb_json* opt, sane_opt_provider* from, const char* group = nullptr);
bool arrange_raw_json(sane_opt_provider* sop); // create origin_ and re-arrange groups
void init_depends(gb_json* opt);
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gb_json* copy_opt(gb_json* from, bool *changed_cur = nullptr);
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int visibility(gb_json* jsn);
bool to_now(bool init, bool* changed);
int update_provider_value(const char* name, void* value, bool skip_first = false/*readonly value should skip first*/);
void remove_provider(gb_json* root, sane_opt_provider* sop);
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static std::string option_value(gb_json* jsn, bool def_val);
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static void revise_number_type(gb_json* opt, bool to_double);
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template<class T>
static condition_value* to_condition_value(gb_json* jsn, const char* key, const char* type, device_option* parent)
condition_value* ret = nullptr;
gb_json* child = nullptr;
if (!jsn->get_value(key, child))
T v;
if(jsn->get_value(key, v))
child = new gb_json("", v);
std::string sv("");
if (jsn->get_value(key, sv))
// consistant with another option ...
ret = new condition_value();
ret->set_value(nullptr, sv.c_str(), parent);
if (std::find(parent->master_opts_.begin(), parent->master_opts_.end(), sv)
== parent->master_opts_.end())
if (child)
ret = new condition_value();
if (!ret->set_value(child, type, parent))
delete ret;
ret = nullptr;
return ret;
template<class T>
bool get_range(gb_json* jsn, const char* key, T& val)
if (jsn->get_value(key, val))
return true;
std::string optn("");
if (!jsn->get_value(key, optn))
return false;
gb_json* opt = nullptr;
if (now_)
now_->get_value(optn.c_str(), opt);
if (!opt && origin_)
origin_->get_value(optn.c_str(), opt);
if (!opt)
return false;
bool ret = opt->get_value("cur", val);
return ret;
template<class T>
bool refine_data_to_range(gb_json* jsn, void* value)
bool refined = false;
gb_json* range = nullptr;
jsn->get_value("range", range);
if (range)
T vl, vu, s;
if (get_range<T>(range, "min", vl))
if (*(T*)value < vl)
*(T*)value = vl;
refined = true;
else if (get_range<T>(range, "max", vu))
if (*(T*)value > vu)
*(T*)value = vu;
refined = true;
else if (get_range<T>(range, "step", s))
// step check, FIXED me ...
T cur(*(T*)value);
cur -= vl;
cur /= s;
if (!IS_DOUBLE_EQUAL(cur, (int)cur))
cur *= s;
cur += vl;
if (cur > vu)
cur = vu;
refined = !IS_DOUBLE_EQUAL(cur, *(T*)value);
*(T*)value = cur;
gb_json* val = range->first_child();
bool found = false;
while (val)
if (val->value(vl))
if (*(T*)value == vl)
found = true;
val = range->next_child();
if (!found)
if (jsn->get_value("default", vl))
refined = true;
*(T*)value = vl;
return refined;
template<typename ... Args>
void write_log(const char* fmt, Args ... args)
if (log_)
size_t size = snprintf(nullptr, 0, fmt, args ...) + 2;
std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf(new char[size]);
snprintf(buf.get(), size, fmt, args ...);
device_option(bool no_group = false, std::function<bool(int)> user_priv = std::function<bool(int)>()
2023-12-01 09:17:09 +00:00
, std::function<void(const char*)> log = std::function<void(const char*)>());
static std::string trans_group(const char* utf8, bool to_title);
static std::string get_group(int ind, bool title);
static void set_from_default_language_api(const char*(*fdl)(const char*));
void clear(void);
bool add(sane_opt_provider* sop, bool apply_default_val = true);
bool remove(sane_opt_provider* sop);
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bool refine_data(const char* name, void* value); // return true if the 'value' is out of range and refined it in the range
int update_data(const char* name, void* value, bool reorder_if_need = true); // return scanner_err. name and value would be null if invoked for language changed
int restore(sane_opt_provider* holder); //
int count(void); // return option count
bool is_auto_restore_default(gb_json* jsn);
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std::string get_name_by_sane_id(int sane_ind);
std::string get_option_value_type(const char* name, size_t* size = nullptr);
std::string get_option_value_type(int sane_ind, size_t* size = nullptr);
std::string get_option_field_string(const char* name, const char* key);
std::string get_option_value(const char* name, int type/*OPT_VAL_xxx*/, int* size = nullptr, void* in_data = nullptr); // return whole json-text if name was null
std::string get_option_value(int sane_ind, int type/*OPT_VAL_xxx*/, int* size = nullptr, void* in_data = nullptr); // return whole json-text if name was null