
127 lines
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#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <mutex>
struct cJSON;
class gb_json
volatile int32_t ref_;
std::mutex ref_mutex_;
enum val_type
val_type type_;
std::string key_;
bool bval;
int nval;
double dval;
std::string strval_;
std::vector<gb_json*> arr_val_;
size_t cur_child_;
static std::string object_key(gb_json* jsn);
static std::string array_key(gb_json* jsn);
void from_cjson(cJSON* cj);
gb_json* find_child(const char* key, bool remove = false);
gb_json(char* json_txt = 0);
gb_json(const char* key, bool val);
gb_json(const char* key, int val);
gb_json(const char* key, double val);
gb_json(const char* key, const char* val);
gb_json(const char* key, const std::string& val);
int32_t add_ref();
int32_t release();
// parse/un-parse ...
bool attach_text(char* json_txt);
void clear(bool as_array = false);
std::string to_string(void);
// attributes ...
std::string& key(void);
bool is_array(void);
bool is_leaf_node(void); // whether this object is a leaf node contains final value
// value access ...
bool get_value(const char* key, bool& val);
bool get_value(const char* key, int& val);
bool get_value(const char* key, double& val);
bool get_value(const char* key, std::string& val);
bool get_value(const char* key, gb_json*& val);
// enumeration ...
size_t children(void); // return children count if was object or array, or else -1 returned
gb_json* child(size_t ind);
gb_json* first_child(void);
gb_json* next_child(void);
// change the item matching 'key', otherwise add a new item
bool set_value(const char* key, bool val);
bool set_value(const char* key, int val);
bool set_value(const char* key, double val);
bool set_value(const char* key, const char* val);
bool set_value(const char* key, gb_json* val);
// operator+= only for array
gb_json& operator+=(bool val);
gb_json& operator+=(int val);
gb_json& operator+=(double val);
gb_json& operator+=(const char* val);
gb_json& operator+=(gb_json* val);
// remove item
gb_json& operator-=(int ind);
bool remove(const char* key);
bool remove(gb_json* child);
bool remove(int ind);
// position management, return index
int index(gb_json* child);
int index_move_to(gb_json* child, int ind);
int insert(int ind, const char* key, gb_json* child);
// leaf node value ...
bool value(bool& val);
bool value(int& val);
bool value(double& val);
bool value(std::string& val);
gb_json& operator=(bool val);
gb_json& operator=(int val);
gb_json& operator=(double val);
gb_json& operator=(const char* val);
bool operator==(const gb_json& r);
bool operator!=(const gb_json& r);
// [2024-01-13] double value maybe consider as integer if the number just an integer, this method is to set numbre to right type
// dbval - true: make integer to double and simple_val_.dval = simple_val_.nval;
// false: make double to integer and simple_val_.nval = simple_val_.dval
bool revise_number_type(bool dbval);
void set_gbjson_life_callback(void(*life)(gb_json*, bool, void*), void* param);