/*====================================================================* - Copyright (C) 2001 Leptonica. All rights reserved. - - Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - are met: - 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above - copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following - disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials - provided with the distribution. - - THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ANY - CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, - EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, - PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR - PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY - OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING - NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS - SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *====================================================================*/ /*! * \file gplot.c *
  *     Basic plotting functions
  *          GPLOT      *gplotCreate()
  *          void        gplotDestroy()
  *          l_int32     gplotAddPlot()
  *          l_int32     gplotSetScaling()
  *          l_int32     gplotMakeOutput()
  *          l_int32     gplotGenCommandFile()
  *          l_int32     gplotGenDataFiles()
  *     Quick and dirty plots
  *          l_int32     gplotSimple1()
  *          l_int32     gplotSimple2()
  *          l_int32     gplotSimpleN()
  *          l_int32     gplotSimpleXY1()
  *          l_int32     gplotSimpleXY2()
  *          l_int32     gplotSimpleXYN()
  *     Serialize for I/O
  *          GPLOT      *gplotRead()
  *          l_int32     gplotWrite()
  *     Utility for programmatic plotting using gnuplot 4.6 or later
  *     Enabled:
  *         ~ output to png (color), ps and eps (mono), latex (mono)
  *         ~ optional title for graph
  *         ~ optional x and y axis labels
  *         ~ multiple plots on one frame
  *         ~ optional title for each plot on the frame
  *         ~ optional log scaling on either or both axes
  *         ~ choice of 5 plot styles for each plot
  *         ~ choice of 2 plot modes, either using one input array
  *           (Y vs index) or two input arrays (Y vs X).  This
  *           choice is made implicitly depending on the number of
  *           input arrays.
  *     Usage:
  *         gplotCreate() initializes for plotting
  *         gplotAddPlot() for each plot on the frame
  *         gplotMakeOutput() to generate all output files and run gnuplot
  *         gplotDestroy() to clean up
  *     Example of use:
  *         gplot = gplotCreate("tempskew", GPLOT_PNG, "Skew score vs angle",
  *                    "angle (deg)", "score");
  *         gplotAddPlot(gplot, natheta, nascore1, GPLOT_LINES, "plot 1");
  *         gplotAddPlot(gplot, natheta, nascore2, GPLOT_POINTS, "plot 2");
  *         gplotSetScaling(gplot, GPLOT_LOG_SCALE_Y);
  *         gplotMakeOutput(gplot);
  *         gplotDestroy(&gplot);
  *     Note for output to GPLOT_LATEX:
  *         This creates latex output of the plot, named .tex.
  *         It needs to be placed in a latex file .tex
  *         that precedes the plot output with, at a minimum:
  *           \documentclass{article}
  *           \begin{document}
  *         and ends with
  *           \end{document}
  *         You can then generate a dvi file .dvi using
  *           latex .tex
  *         and a PostScript file .ps from that using
  *           dvips -o .ps .dvi
  *     N.B. To generate plots, it is necessary to have gnuplot installed on
  *          your Unix system, or wgnuplot on Windows.
*/ #include #include "allheaders.h" //static const l_int32 Bufsize = 512; /* hardcoded below in fscanf */ #define Bufsize 512 const char *gplotstylenames[] = { "with lines", "with points", "with impulses", "with linespoints", "with dots" }; const char *gplotfileoutputs[] = { "", "PNG", "PS", "EPS", "LATEX" }; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------* * Basic Plotting Functions * *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! * \brief gplotCreate() * * \param[in] rootname root for all output files * \param[in] outformat GPLOT_PNG, GPLOT_PS, GPLOT_EPS, GPLOT_LATEX * \param[in] title [optional] overall title * \param[in] xlabel [optional] x axis label * \param[in] ylabel [optional] y axis label * \return gplot, or NULL on error * *
  * Notes:
  *      (1) This initializes the plot.
  *      (2) The 'title', 'xlabel' and 'ylabel' strings can have spaces,
  *          double quotes and backquotes, but not single quotes.
*/ GPLOT * gplotCreate(const char *rootname, l_int32 outformat, const char *title, const char *xlabel, const char *ylabel) { char *newroot; char buf[Bufsize]; l_int32 badchar; GPLOT *gplot; PROCNAME("gplotCreate"); if (!rootname) return (GPLOT *)ERROR_PTR("rootname not defined", procName, NULL); if (outformat != GPLOT_PNG && outformat != GPLOT_PS && outformat != GPLOT_EPS && outformat != GPLOT_LATEX) return (GPLOT *)ERROR_PTR("outformat invalid", procName, NULL); stringCheckForChars(rootname, "`;&|><\"?*$()", &badchar); if (badchar) /* danger of command injection */ return (GPLOT *)ERROR_PTR("invalid rootname", procName, NULL); gplot = (GPLOT *)LEPT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(GPLOT)); gplot->cmddata = sarrayCreate(0); gplot->datanames = sarrayCreate(0); gplot->plotdata = sarrayCreate(0); gplot->plottitles = sarrayCreate(0); gplot->plotstyles = numaCreate(0); /* Save title, labels, rootname, outformat, cmdname, outname */ newroot = genPathname(rootname, NULL); gplot->rootname = newroot; gplot->outformat = outformat; snprintf(buf, Bufsize, "%s.cmd", rootname); gplot->cmdname = stringNew(buf); if (outformat == GPLOT_PNG) snprintf(buf, Bufsize, "%s.png", newroot); else if (outformat == GPLOT_PS) snprintf(buf, Bufsize, "%s.ps", newroot); else if (outformat == GPLOT_EPS) snprintf(buf, Bufsize, "%s.eps", newroot); else if (outformat == GPLOT_LATEX) snprintf(buf, Bufsize, "%s.tex", newroot); gplot->outname = stringNew(buf); if (title) gplot->title = stringNew(title); if (xlabel) gplot->xlabel = stringNew(xlabel); if (ylabel) gplot->ylabel = stringNew(ylabel); return gplot; } /*! * \brief gplotDestroy() * * \param[in,out] pgplot will be set to null before returning */ void gplotDestroy(GPLOT **pgplot) { GPLOT *gplot; PROCNAME("gplotDestroy"); if (pgplot == NULL) { L_WARNING("ptr address is null!\n", procName); return; } if ((gplot = *pgplot) == NULL) return; LEPT_FREE(gplot->rootname); LEPT_FREE(gplot->cmdname); sarrayDestroy(&gplot->cmddata); sarrayDestroy(&gplot->datanames); sarrayDestroy(&gplot->plotdata); sarrayDestroy(&gplot->plottitles); numaDestroy(&gplot->plotstyles); LEPT_FREE(gplot->outname); if (gplot->title) LEPT_FREE(gplot->title); if (gplot->xlabel) LEPT_FREE(gplot->xlabel); if (gplot->ylabel) LEPT_FREE(gplot->ylabel); LEPT_FREE(gplot); *pgplot = NULL; return; } /*! * \brief gplotAddPlot() * * \param[in] gplot * \param[in] nax [optional] numa: set to null for Y_VS_I; * required for Y_VS_X * \param[in] nay numa; required for both Y_VS_I and Y_VS_X * \param[in] plotstyle GPLOT_LINES, GPLOT_POINTS, GPLOT_IMPULSES, * GPLOT_LINESPOINTS, GPLOT_DOTS * \param[in] plottitle [optional] title for individual plot * \return 0 if OK, 1 on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) There are 2 options for (x,y) values:
 *            o  To plot an array vs a linear function of the
 *               index, set %nax = NULL.
 *            o  To plot one array vs another, use both %nax and %nay.
 *      (2) If %nax is NULL, the x value corresponding to the i-th
 *          value of %nay is found from the startx and delx fields
 *          in %nay:
 *               x = startx + i * delx
 *          These are set with numaSetParameters().  Their default
 *          values are startx = 0.0, delx = 1.0.
 *      (3) If %nax is defined, it must be the same size as %nay, and
 *          must have at least one number.
 *      (4) The 'plottitle' string can have spaces, double
 *          quotes and backquotes, but not single quotes.
*/ l_ok gplotAddPlot(GPLOT *gplot, NUMA *nax, NUMA *nay, l_int32 plotstyle, const char *plottitle) { char buf[Bufsize]; char emptystring[] = ""; char *datastr, *title; l_int32 n, i; l_float32 valx, valy, startx, delx; SARRAY *sa; PROCNAME("gplotAddPlot"); if (!gplot) return ERROR_INT("gplot not defined", procName, 1); if (!nay) return ERROR_INT("nay not defined", procName, 1); if (plotstyle < 0 || plotstyle >= NUM_GPLOT_STYLES) return ERROR_INT("invalid plotstyle", procName, 1); if ((n = numaGetCount(nay)) == 0) return ERROR_INT("no points to plot", procName, 1); if (nax && (n != numaGetCount(nax))) return ERROR_INT("nax and nay sizes differ", procName, 1); if (n == 1 && plotstyle == GPLOT_LINES) { L_INFO("only 1 pt; changing style to points\n", procName); plotstyle = GPLOT_POINTS; } /* Save plotstyle and plottitle */ numaGetParameters(nay, &startx, &delx); numaAddNumber(gplot->plotstyles, plotstyle); if (plottitle) { title = stringNew(plottitle); sarrayAddString(gplot->plottitles, title, L_INSERT); } else { sarrayAddString(gplot->plottitles, emptystring, L_COPY); } /* Generate and save data filename */ gplot->nplots++; snprintf(buf, Bufsize, "%s.data.%d", gplot->rootname, gplot->nplots); sarrayAddString(gplot->datanames, buf, L_COPY); /* Generate data and save as a string */ sa = sarrayCreate(n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (nax) numaGetFValue(nax, i, &valx); else valx = startx + i * delx; numaGetFValue(nay, i, &valy); snprintf(buf, Bufsize, "%f %f\n", valx, valy); sarrayAddString(sa, buf, L_COPY); } datastr = sarrayToString(sa, 0); sarrayAddString(gplot->plotdata, datastr, L_INSERT); sarrayDestroy(&sa); return 0; } /*! * \brief gplotSetScaling() * * \param[in] gplot * \param[in] scaling GPLOT_LINEAR_SCALE, GPLOT_LOG_SCALE_X, * GPLOT_LOG_SCALE_Y, GPLOT_LOG_SCALE_X_Y * \return 0 if OK; 1 on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) By default, the x and y axis scaling is linear.
 *      (2) Call this function to set semi-log or log-log scaling.
*/ l_ok gplotSetScaling(GPLOT *gplot, l_int32 scaling) { PROCNAME("gplotSetScaling"); if (!gplot) return ERROR_INT("gplot not defined", procName, 1); if (scaling != GPLOT_LINEAR_SCALE && scaling != GPLOT_LOG_SCALE_X && scaling != GPLOT_LOG_SCALE_Y && scaling != GPLOT_LOG_SCALE_X_Y) return ERROR_INT("invalid gplot scaling", procName, 1); gplot->scaling = scaling; return 0; } /*! * \brief gplotMakeOutput() * * \param[in] gplot * \return 0 if OK; 1 on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This uses gplot and the new arrays to add a plot
 *          to the output, by writing a new data file and appending
 *          the appropriate plot commands to the command file.
 *      (2) This is the only function in this file that requires the
 *          gnuplot executable, to actually generate the plot.
 *      (3) The command file name for unix is canonical (i.e., directory /tmp)
 *          but the temp filename paths in the command file must be correct.
 *      (4) The gnuplot program for windows is wgnuplot.exe.
*/ l_ok gplotMakeOutput(GPLOT *gplot) { char buf[Bufsize]; char *cmdname; PROCNAME("gplotMakeOutput"); if (!gplot) return ERROR_INT("gplot not defined", procName, 1); if (!LeptDebugOK) { L_INFO("running gnuplot is disabled; " "use setLeptDebugOK(1) to enable\n", procName); return 0; } #ifdef OS_IOS /* iOS 11 does not support system() */ return ERROR_INT("iOS 11 does not support system()", procName, 0); #endif /* OS_IOS */ gplotGenCommandFile(gplot); gplotGenDataFiles(gplot); cmdname = genPathname(gplot->cmdname, NULL); #ifndef _WIN32 snprintf(buf, Bufsize, "gnuplot %s", cmdname); #else snprintf(buf, Bufsize, "wgnuplot %s", cmdname); #endif /* _WIN32 */ callSystemDebug(buf); /* gnuplot || wgnuplot */ LEPT_FREE(cmdname); return 0; } /*! * \brief gplotGenCommandFile() * * \param[in] gplot * \return 0 if OK, 1 on error */ l_ok gplotGenCommandFile(GPLOT *gplot) { char buf[Bufsize]; char *cmdstr, *plottitle, *dataname; l_int32 i, plotstyle, nplots; FILE *fp; PROCNAME("gplotGenCommandFile"); if (!gplot) return ERROR_INT("gplot not defined", procName, 1); /* Remove any previous command data */ sarrayClear(gplot->cmddata); /* Generate command data instructions */ if (gplot->title) { /* set title */ snprintf(buf, Bufsize, "set title '%s'", gplot->title); sarrayAddString(gplot->cmddata, buf, L_COPY); } if (gplot->xlabel) { /* set xlabel */ snprintf(buf, Bufsize, "set xlabel '%s'", gplot->xlabel); sarrayAddString(gplot->cmddata, buf, L_COPY); } if (gplot->ylabel) { /* set ylabel */ snprintf(buf, Bufsize, "set ylabel '%s'", gplot->ylabel); sarrayAddString(gplot->cmddata, buf, L_COPY); } /* Set terminal type and output */ if (gplot->outformat == GPLOT_PNG) { snprintf(buf, Bufsize, "set terminal png; set output '%s'", gplot->outname); } else if (gplot->outformat == GPLOT_PS) { snprintf(buf, Bufsize, "set terminal postscript; set output '%s'", gplot->outname); } else if (gplot->outformat == GPLOT_EPS) { snprintf(buf, Bufsize, "set terminal postscript eps; set output '%s'", gplot->outname); } else if (gplot->outformat == GPLOT_LATEX) { snprintf(buf, Bufsize, "set terminal latex; set output '%s'", gplot->outname); } sarrayAddString(gplot->cmddata, buf, L_COPY); if (gplot->scaling == GPLOT_LOG_SCALE_X || gplot->scaling == GPLOT_LOG_SCALE_X_Y) { snprintf(buf, Bufsize, "set logscale x"); sarrayAddString(gplot->cmddata, buf, L_COPY); } if (gplot->scaling == GPLOT_LOG_SCALE_Y || gplot->scaling == GPLOT_LOG_SCALE_X_Y) { snprintf(buf, Bufsize, "set logscale y"); sarrayAddString(gplot->cmddata, buf, L_COPY); } nplots = sarrayGetCount(gplot->datanames); for (i = 0; i < nplots; i++) { plottitle = sarrayGetString(gplot->plottitles, i, L_NOCOPY); dataname = sarrayGetString(gplot->datanames, i, L_NOCOPY); numaGetIValue(gplot->plotstyles, i, &plotstyle); if (nplots == 1) { snprintf(buf, Bufsize, "plot '%s' title '%s' %s", dataname, plottitle, gplotstylenames[plotstyle]); } else { if (i == 0) snprintf(buf, Bufsize, "plot '%s' title '%s' %s, \\", dataname, plottitle, gplotstylenames[plotstyle]); else if (i < nplots - 1) snprintf(buf, Bufsize, " '%s' title '%s' %s, \\", dataname, plottitle, gplotstylenames[plotstyle]); else snprintf(buf, Bufsize, " '%s' title '%s' %s", dataname, plottitle, gplotstylenames[plotstyle]); } sarrayAddString(gplot->cmddata, buf, L_COPY); } /* Write command data to file */ cmdstr = sarrayToString(gplot->cmddata, 1); if ((fp = fopenWriteStream(gplot->cmdname, "w")) == NULL) { LEPT_FREE(cmdstr); return ERROR_INT("cmd stream not opened", procName, 1); } fwrite(cmdstr, 1, strlen(cmdstr), fp); fclose(fp); LEPT_FREE(cmdstr); return 0; } /*! * \brief gplotGenDataFiles() * * \param[in] gplot * \return 0 if OK, 1 on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) The pathnames in the gplot command file are actual pathnames,
 *          which can be in temp directories.  Consequently, they must not be
 *          rewritten by calling fopenWriteStream(), and we use fopen().
*/ l_ok gplotGenDataFiles(GPLOT *gplot) { char *plotdata, *dataname; l_int32 i, nplots; FILE *fp; PROCNAME("gplotGenDataFiles"); if (!gplot) return ERROR_INT("gplot not defined", procName, 1); nplots = sarrayGetCount(gplot->datanames); for (i = 0; i < nplots; i++) { plotdata = sarrayGetString(gplot->plotdata, i, L_NOCOPY); dataname = sarrayGetString(gplot->datanames, i, L_NOCOPY); if ((fp = fopen(dataname, "w")) == NULL) return ERROR_INT("datafile stream not opened", procName, 1); fwrite(plotdata, 1, strlen(plotdata), fp); fclose(fp); } return 0; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------* * Quick and Dirty Plots * *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! * \brief gplotSimple1() * * \param[in] na numa; plot Y_VS_I * \param[in] outformat GPLOT_PNG, GPLOT_PS, GPLOT_EPS, GPLOT_LATEX * \param[in] outroot root of output files * \param[in] title [optional], can be NULL * \return 0 if OK, 1 on error * *
  * Notes:
  *      (1) This gives a line plot of a numa, where the array value
  *          is plotted vs the array index.  The plot is generated
  *          in the specified output format; the title  is optional.
  *      (2) When calling these simple plot functions more than once, use
  *          different %outroot to avoid overwriting the output files.
*/ l_ok gplotSimple1(NUMA *na, l_int32 outformat, const char *outroot, const char *title) { return gplotSimpleXY1(NULL, na, GPLOT_LINES, outformat, outroot, title); } /*! * \brief gplotSimple2() * * \param[in] na1 numa; plot with Y_VS_I * \param[in] na2 ditto * \param[in] outformat GPLOT_PNG, GPLOT_PS, GPLOT_EPS, GPLOT_LATEX * \param[in] outroot root of output files * \param[in] title [optional] * \return 0 if OK, 1 on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This gives a line plot of two numa, where the array values
 *          are each plotted vs the array index.  The plot is generated
 *          in the specified output format; the title  is optional.
 *      (2) When calling these simple plot functions more than once, use
 *          different %outroot to avoid overwriting the output files.
*/ l_ok gplotSimple2(NUMA *na1, NUMA *na2, l_int32 outformat, const char *outroot, const char *title) { return gplotSimpleXY2(NULL, na1, na2, GPLOT_LINES, outformat, outroot, title); } /*! * \brief gplotSimpleN() * * \param[in] naa numaa; we plotted with Y_VS_I for each numa * \param[in] outformat GPLOT_PNG, GPLOT_PS, GPLOT_EPS, GPLOT_LATEX * \param[in] outroot root of output files * \param[in] title [optional] * \return 0 if OK, 1 on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This gives a line plot of all numas in a numaa (array of numa),
 *          where the array values are each plotted vs the array index.
 *          The plot is generated in the specified output format;
 *          the title  is optional.
 *      (2) When calling these simple plot functions more than once, use
 *          different %outroot to avoid overwriting the output files.
*/ l_ok gplotSimpleN(NUMAA *naa, l_int32 outformat, const char *outroot, const char *title) { return gplotSimpleXYN(NULL, naa, GPLOT_LINES, outformat, outroot, title); } /*! * \brief gplotSimpleXY1() * * \param[in] nax [optional] * \param[in] nay [required] * \param[in] plotstyle GPLOT_LINES, GPLOT_POINTS, GPLOT_IMPULSES, * GPLOT_LINESPOINTS, GPLOT_DOTS * \param[in] outformat GPLOT_PNG, GPLOT_PS, GPLOT_EPS, GPLOT_LATEX * \param[in] outroot root of output files * \param[in] title [optional], can be NULL * \return 0 if OK, 1 on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This gives a plot of a %nay vs %nax, generated in
 *          the specified output format.  The title is optional.
 *      (2) Use 0 for default plotstyle (lines).
 *      (3) %nax is optional.  If NULL, %nay is plotted against
 *          the array index.
 *      (4) When calling these simple plot functions more than once, use
 *          different %outroot to avoid overwriting the output files.
*/ l_ok gplotSimpleXY1(NUMA *nax, NUMA *nay, l_int32 plotstyle, l_int32 outformat, const char *outroot, const char *title) { GPLOT *gplot; PROCNAME("gplotSimpleXY1"); if (!nay) return ERROR_INT("nay not defined", procName, 1); if (plotstyle < 0 || plotstyle >= NUM_GPLOT_STYLES) return ERROR_INT("invalid plotstyle", procName, 1); if (outformat != GPLOT_PNG && outformat != GPLOT_PS && outformat != GPLOT_EPS && outformat != GPLOT_LATEX) return ERROR_INT("invalid outformat", procName, 1); if (!outroot) return ERROR_INT("outroot not specified", procName, 1); if ((gplot = gplotCreate(outroot, outformat, title, NULL, NULL)) == 0) return ERROR_INT("gplot not made", procName, 1); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nay, plotstyle, NULL); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); return 0; } /*! * \brief gplotSimpleXY2() * * \param[in] nax [optional], can be NULL * \param[in] nay1 * \param[in] nay2 * \param[in] plotstyle GPLOT_LINES, GPLOT_POINTS, GPLOT_IMPULSES, * GPLOT_LINESPOINTS, GPLOT_DOTS * \param[in] outformat GPLOT_PNG, GPLOT_PS, GPLOT_EPS, GPLOT_LATEX * \param[in] outroot root of output files * \param[in] title [optional] * \return 0 if OK, 1 on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This gives plots of %nay1 and %nay2 against %nax, generated
 *          in the specified output format.  The title is optional.
 *      (2) Use 0 for default plotstyle (lines).
 *      (3) %nax is optional.  If NULL, %nay1 and %nay2 are plotted
 *          against the array index.
 *      (4) When calling these simple plot functions more than once, use
 *          different %outroot to avoid overwriting the output files.
*/ l_ok gplotSimpleXY2(NUMA *nax, NUMA *nay1, NUMA *nay2, l_int32 plotstyle, l_int32 outformat, const char *outroot, const char *title) { GPLOT *gplot; PROCNAME("gplotSimpleXY2"); if (!nay1 || !nay2) return ERROR_INT("nay1 and nay2 not both defined", procName, 1); if (plotstyle < 0 || plotstyle >= NUM_GPLOT_STYLES) return ERROR_INT("invalid plotstyle", procName, 1); if (outformat != GPLOT_PNG && outformat != GPLOT_PS && outformat != GPLOT_EPS && outformat != GPLOT_LATEX) return ERROR_INT("invalid outformat", procName, 1); if (!outroot) return ERROR_INT("outroot not specified", procName, 1); if ((gplot = gplotCreate(outroot, outformat, title, NULL, NULL)) == 0) return ERROR_INT("gplot not made", procName, 1); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nay1, plotstyle, NULL); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nay2, plotstyle, NULL); gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); return 0; } /*! * \brief gplotSimpleXYN() * * \param[in] nax [optional]; can be NULL * \param[in] naay numaa of arrays to plot against %nax * \param[in] plotstyle GPLOT_LINES, GPLOT_POINTS, GPLOT_IMPULSES, * GPLOT_LINESPOINTS, GPLOT_DOTS * \param[in] outformat GPLOT_PNG, GPLOT_PS, GPLOT_EPS, GPLOT_LATEX * \param[in] outroot root of output files * \param[in] title [optional] * \return 0 if OK, 1 on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This gives plots of each Numa in %naa against %nax,
 *          generated in the specified output format.  The title is optional.
 *      (2) Use 0 for default plotstyle (lines).
 *      (3) %nax is optional.  If NULL, each Numa array is plotted against
 *          the array index.
 *      (4) When calling these simple plot functions more than once, use
 *          different %outroot to avoid overwriting the output files.
*/ l_ok gplotSimpleXYN(NUMA *nax, NUMAA *naay, l_int32 plotstyle, l_int32 outformat, const char *outroot, const char *title) { l_int32 i, n; GPLOT *gplot; NUMA *nay; PROCNAME("gplotSimpleXYN"); if (!naay) return ERROR_INT("naay not defined", procName, 1); if ((n = numaaGetCount(naay)) == 0) return ERROR_INT("no numa in array", procName, 1); if (plotstyle < 0 || plotstyle >= NUM_GPLOT_STYLES) return ERROR_INT("invalid plotstyle", procName, 1); if (outformat != GPLOT_PNG && outformat != GPLOT_PS && outformat != GPLOT_EPS && outformat != GPLOT_LATEX) return ERROR_INT("invalid outformat", procName, 1); if (!outroot) return ERROR_INT("outroot not specified", procName, 1); if ((gplot = gplotCreate(outroot, outformat, title, NULL, NULL)) == 0) return ERROR_INT("gplot not made", procName, 1); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { nay = numaaGetNuma(naay, i, L_CLONE); gplotAddPlot(gplot, nax, nay, plotstyle, NULL); numaDestroy(&nay); } gplotMakeOutput(gplot); gplotDestroy(&gplot); return 0; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------* * Serialize for I/O * *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! * \brief gplotRead() * * \param[in] filename * \return gplot, or NULL on error */ GPLOT * gplotRead(const char *filename) { char buf[Bufsize]; char *rootname, *title, *xlabel, *ylabel, *ignores; l_int32 outformat, ret, version, ignore; FILE *fp; GPLOT *gplot; PROCNAME("gplotRead"); if (!filename) return (GPLOT *)ERROR_PTR("filename not defined", procName, NULL); if ((fp = fopenReadStream(filename)) == NULL) return (GPLOT *)ERROR_PTR("stream not opened", procName, NULL); ret = fscanf(fp, "Gplot Version %d\n", &version); if (ret != 1) { fclose(fp); return (GPLOT *)ERROR_PTR("not a gplot file", procName, NULL); } if (version != GPLOT_VERSION_NUMBER) { fclose(fp); return (GPLOT *)ERROR_PTR("invalid gplot version", procName, NULL); } ignore = fscanf(fp, "Rootname: %511s\n", buf); /* Bufsize - 1 */ rootname = stringNew(buf); ignore = fscanf(fp, "Output format: %d\n", &outformat); ignores = fgets(buf, Bufsize, fp); /* Title: ... */ title = stringNew(buf + 7); title[strlen(title) - 1] = '\0'; ignores = fgets(buf, Bufsize, fp); /* X axis label: ... */ xlabel = stringNew(buf + 14); xlabel[strlen(xlabel) - 1] = '\0'; ignores = fgets(buf, Bufsize, fp); /* Y axis label: ... */ ylabel = stringNew(buf + 14); ylabel[strlen(ylabel) - 1] = '\0'; gplot = gplotCreate(rootname, outformat, title, xlabel, ylabel); LEPT_FREE(rootname); LEPT_FREE(title); LEPT_FREE(xlabel); LEPT_FREE(ylabel); if (!gplot) { fclose(fp); return (GPLOT *)ERROR_PTR("gplot not made", procName, NULL); } sarrayDestroy(&gplot->cmddata); sarrayDestroy(&gplot->datanames); sarrayDestroy(&gplot->plotdata); sarrayDestroy(&gplot->plottitles); numaDestroy(&gplot->plotstyles); ignore = fscanf(fp, "Commandfile name: %511s\n", buf); /* Bufsize - 1 */ stringReplace(&gplot->cmdname, buf); ignore = fscanf(fp, "\nCommandfile data:"); gplot->cmddata = sarrayReadStream(fp); ignore = fscanf(fp, "\nDatafile names:"); gplot->datanames = sarrayReadStream(fp); ignore = fscanf(fp, "\nPlot data:"); gplot->plotdata = sarrayReadStream(fp); ignore = fscanf(fp, "\nPlot titles:"); gplot->plottitles = sarrayReadStream(fp); ignore = fscanf(fp, "\nPlot styles:"); gplot->plotstyles = numaReadStream(fp); ignore = fscanf(fp, "Number of plots: %d\n", &gplot->nplots); ignore = fscanf(fp, "Output file name: %511s\n", buf); stringReplace(&gplot->outname, buf); ignore = fscanf(fp, "Axis scaling: %d\n", &gplot->scaling); fclose(fp); return gplot; } /*! * \brief gplotWrite() * * \param[in] filename * \param[in] gplot * \return 0 if OK; 1 on error */ l_ok gplotWrite(const char *filename, GPLOT *gplot) { FILE *fp; PROCNAME("gplotWrite"); if (!filename) return ERROR_INT("filename not defined", procName, 1); if (!gplot) return ERROR_INT("gplot not defined", procName, 1); if ((fp = fopenWriteStream(filename, "wb")) == NULL) return ERROR_INT("stream not opened", procName, 1); fprintf(fp, "Gplot Version %d\n", GPLOT_VERSION_NUMBER); fprintf(fp, "Rootname: %s\n", gplot->rootname); fprintf(fp, "Output format: %d\n", gplot->outformat); fprintf(fp, "Title: %s\n", gplot->title); fprintf(fp, "X axis label: %s\n", gplot->xlabel); fprintf(fp, "Y axis label: %s\n", gplot->ylabel); fprintf(fp, "Commandfile name: %s\n", gplot->cmdname); fprintf(fp, "\nCommandfile data:"); sarrayWriteStream(fp, gplot->cmddata); fprintf(fp, "\nDatafile names:"); sarrayWriteStream(fp, gplot->datanames); fprintf(fp, "\nPlot data:"); sarrayWriteStream(fp, gplot->plotdata); fprintf(fp, "\nPlot titles:"); sarrayWriteStream(fp, gplot->plottitles); fprintf(fp, "\nPlot styles:"); numaWriteStream(fp, gplot->plotstyles); fprintf(fp, "Number of plots: %d\n", gplot->nplots); fprintf(fp, "Output file name: %s\n", gplot->outname); fprintf(fp, "Axis scaling: %d\n", gplot->scaling); fclose(fp); return 0; }