// (C) Copyright 2007-2009 Andrew Sutton // // Use, modification and distribution are subject to the // Boost Software License, Version 1.0 (See accompanying file // LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_GRAPH_UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_HPP #define BOOST_GRAPH_UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { struct undirected_graph_tag { }; /** * The undirected_graph class template is a simplified version of the BGL * adjacency list. This class is provided for ease of use, but may not * perform as well as custom-defined adjacency list classes. Instances of * this template model the VertexIndexGraph, and EdgeIndexGraph concepts. The * graph is also fully mutable, supporting both insertions and removals of * vertices and edges. * * @note Special care must be taken when removing vertices or edges since * those operations can invalidate the numbering of vertices. */ template < typename VertexProp = no_property, typename EdgeProp = no_property, typename GraphProp = no_property > class undirected_graph { public: typedef GraphProp graph_property_type; typedef VertexProp vertex_property_type; typedef EdgeProp edge_property_type; typedef typename lookup_one_property< GraphProp, graph_bundle_t >::type graph_bundled; typedef typename lookup_one_property< VertexProp, vertex_bundle_t >::type vertex_bundled; typedef typename lookup_one_property< EdgeProp, edge_bundle_t >::type edge_bundled; public: // Embed indices into the vertex type. typedef property< vertex_index_t, unsigned, vertex_property_type > internal_vertex_property; typedef property< edge_index_t, unsigned, edge_property_type > internal_edge_property; public: typedef adjacency_list< listS, listS, undirectedS, internal_vertex_property, internal_edge_property, GraphProp, listS > graph_type; private: // storage selectors typedef typename graph_type::vertex_list_selector vertex_list_selector; typedef typename graph_type::edge_list_selector edge_list_selector; typedef typename graph_type::out_edge_list_selector out_edge_list_selector; typedef typename graph_type::directed_selector directed_selector; public: // more commonly used graph types typedef typename graph_type::stored_vertex stored_vertex; typedef typename graph_type::vertices_size_type vertices_size_type; typedef typename graph_type::edges_size_type edges_size_type; typedef typename graph_type::degree_size_type degree_size_type; typedef typename graph_type::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor; typedef typename graph_type::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor; // iterator types typedef typename graph_type::vertex_iterator vertex_iterator; typedef typename graph_type::edge_iterator edge_iterator; typedef typename graph_type::out_edge_iterator out_edge_iterator; typedef typename graph_type::in_edge_iterator in_edge_iterator; typedef typename graph_type::adjacency_iterator adjacency_iterator; // miscellaneous types typedef undirected_graph_tag graph_tag; typedef typename graph_type::directed_category directed_category; typedef typename graph_type::edge_parallel_category edge_parallel_category; typedef typename graph_type::traversal_category traversal_category; typedef std::size_t vertex_index_type; typedef std::size_t edge_index_type; inline undirected_graph(GraphProp const& p = GraphProp()) : m_graph(p) , m_num_vertices(0) , m_num_edges(0) , m_max_vertex_index(0) , m_max_edge_index(0) { } inline undirected_graph(undirected_graph const& x) : m_graph(x.m_graph) , m_num_vertices(x.m_num_vertices) , m_num_edges(x.m_num_edges) , m_max_vertex_index(x.m_max_vertex_index) , m_max_edge_index(x.m_max_edge_index) { } inline undirected_graph( vertices_size_type n, GraphProp const& p = GraphProp()) : m_graph(n, p) , m_num_vertices(n) , m_num_edges(0) , m_max_vertex_index(n) , m_max_edge_index(0) { renumber_vertex_indices(); } template < typename EdgeIterator > inline undirected_graph(EdgeIterator f, EdgeIterator l, vertices_size_type n, edges_size_type m = 0, GraphProp const& p = GraphProp()) : m_graph(f, l, n, m, p) , m_num_vertices(n) , m_num_edges(0) , m_max_vertex_index(n) , m_max_edge_index(0) { // Unfortunately, we have to renumber to ensure correct indexing. renumber_indices(); // Can't always guarantee that the number of edges is actually // m if distance(f, l) != m (or is undefined). m_num_edges = m_max_edge_index = boost::num_edges(m_graph); } undirected_graph& operator=(undirected_graph const& g) { if (&g != this) { m_graph = g.m_graph; m_num_vertices = g.m_num_vertices; m_num_edges = g.m_num_edges; m_max_vertex_index = g.m_max_vertex_index; } return *this; } // The impl_() methods are not part of the public interface. graph_type& impl() { return m_graph; } graph_type const& impl() const { return m_graph; } // The following methods are not part of the public interface vertices_size_type num_vertices() const { return m_num_vertices; } private: // This helper function manages the attribution of vertex indices. vertex_descriptor make_index(vertex_descriptor v) { boost::put(vertex_index, m_graph, v, m_max_vertex_index); m_num_vertices++; m_max_vertex_index++; return v; } public: vertex_descriptor add_vertex() { return make_index(boost::add_vertex(m_graph)); } vertex_descriptor add_vertex(vertex_property_type const& p) { return make_index( boost::add_vertex(internal_vertex_property(0u, p), m_graph)); } void clear_vertex(vertex_descriptor v) { std::pair< out_edge_iterator, out_edge_iterator > p = boost::out_edges(v, m_graph); m_num_edges -= std::distance(p.first, p.second); boost::clear_vertex(v, m_graph); } void remove_vertex(vertex_descriptor v) { boost::remove_vertex(v, m_graph); --m_num_vertices; } edges_size_type num_edges() const { return m_num_edges; } private: // A helper fucntion for managing edge index attributes. std::pair< edge_descriptor, bool > const& make_index( std::pair< edge_descriptor, bool > const& x) { if (x.second) { boost::put(edge_index, m_graph, x.first, m_max_edge_index); ++m_num_edges; ++m_max_edge_index; } return x; } public: std::pair< edge_descriptor, bool > add_edge( vertex_descriptor u, vertex_descriptor v) { return make_index(boost::add_edge(u, v, m_graph)); } std::pair< edge_descriptor, bool > add_edge( vertex_descriptor u, vertex_descriptor v, edge_property_type const& p) { return make_index( boost::add_edge(u, v, internal_edge_property(0u, p), m_graph)); } void remove_edge(vertex_descriptor u, vertex_descriptor v) { // find all edges, (u, v) std::vector< edge_descriptor > edges; out_edge_iterator i, i_end; for (boost::tie(i, i_end) = boost::out_edges(u, m_graph); i != i_end; ++i) { if (boost::target(*i, m_graph) == v) { edges.push_back(*i); } } // remove all edges, (u, v) typename std::vector< edge_descriptor >::iterator j = edges.begin(), j_end = edges.end(); for (; j != j_end; ++j) { remove_edge(*j); } } void remove_edge(edge_iterator i) { remove_edge(*i); } void remove_edge(edge_descriptor e) { boost::remove_edge(e, m_graph); --m_num_edges; } vertex_index_type max_vertex_index() const { return m_max_vertex_index; } void renumber_vertex_indices() { vertex_iterator i, i_end; boost::tie(i, i_end) = vertices(m_graph); m_max_vertex_index = renumber_vertex_indices(i, i_end, 0); } void remove_vertex_and_renumber_indices(vertex_iterator i) { vertex_iterator j = next(i), end = vertices(m_graph).second; vertex_index_type n = get(vertex_index, m_graph, *i); // remove the offending vertex and renumber everything after remove_vertex(*i); m_max_vertex_index = renumber_vertex_indices(j, end, n); } edge_index_type max_edge_index() const { return m_max_edge_index; } void renumber_edge_indices() { edge_iterator i, end; boost::tie(i, end) = edges(m_graph); m_max_edge_index = renumber_edge_indices(i, end, 0); } void remove_edge_and_renumber_indices(edge_iterator i) { edge_iterator j = next(i), end = edges(m_graph.second); edge_index_type n = get(edge_index, m_graph, *i); // remove the edge and renumber everything after it remove_edge(*i); m_max_edge_index = renumber_edge_indices(j, end, n); } void renumber_indices() { renumber_vertex_indices(); renumber_edge_indices(); } // bundled property support #ifndef BOOST_GRAPH_NO_BUNDLED_PROPERTIES vertex_bundled& operator[](vertex_descriptor v) { return m_graph[v]; } vertex_bundled const& operator[](vertex_descriptor v) const { return m_graph[v]; } edge_bundled& operator[](edge_descriptor e) { return m_graph[e]; } edge_bundled const& operator[](edge_descriptor e) const { return m_graph[e]; } graph_bundled& operator[](graph_bundle_t) { return get_property(*this); } graph_bundled const& operator[](graph_bundle_t) const { return get_property(*this); } #endif // Graph concepts static vertex_descriptor null_vertex() { return graph_type::null_vertex(); } void clear() { m_graph.clear(); m_num_vertices = m_max_vertex_index = 0; m_num_edges = m_max_edge_index = 0; } void swap(undirected_graph& g) { m_graph.swap(g.m_graph); std::swap(m_num_vertices, g.m_num_vertices); std::swap(m_max_vertex_index, g.m_max_vertex_index); std::swap(m_num_edges, g.m_num_edges); std::swap(m_max_edge_index, g.m_max_edge_index); } private: vertices_size_type renumber_vertex_indices( vertex_iterator i, vertex_iterator end, vertices_size_type n) { typedef typename property_map< graph_type, vertex_index_t >::type IndexMap; IndexMap indices = get(vertex_index, m_graph); for (; i != end; ++i) { indices[*i] = n++; } return n; } edges_size_type renumber_edge_indices( edge_iterator i, edge_iterator end, edges_size_type n) { typedef typename property_map< graph_type, edge_index_t >::type IndexMap; IndexMap indices = get(edge_index, m_graph); for (; i != end; ++i) { indices[*i] = n++; } return n; } graph_type m_graph; vertices_size_type m_num_vertices; edges_size_type m_num_edges; vertex_index_type m_max_vertex_index; edge_index_type m_max_edge_index; }; #define UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS typename VP, typename EP, typename GP #define UNDIRECTED_GRAPH undirected_graph< VP, EP, GP > // IncidenceGraph concepts template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor source( typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::edge_descriptor e, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH const& g) { return source(e, g.impl()); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor target( typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::edge_descriptor e, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH const& g) { return target(e, g.impl()); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::degree_size_type out_degree( typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor v, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH const& g) { return out_degree(v, g.impl()); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline std::pair< typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::out_edge_iterator, typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::out_edge_iterator > out_edges( typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor v, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH const& g) { return out_edges(v, g.impl()); } // BidirectionalGraph concepts template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::degree_size_type in_degree( typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor v, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH const& g) { return in_degree(v, g.impl()); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline std::pair< typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::in_edge_iterator, typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::in_edge_iterator > in_edges( typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor v, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH const& g) { return in_edges(v, g.impl()); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline std::pair< typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::out_edge_iterator, typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::out_edge_iterator > incident_edges( typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor v, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH const& g) { return out_edges(v, g.impl()); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::degree_size_type degree( typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor v, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH const& g) { return degree(v, g.impl()); } // AdjacencyGraph concepts template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline std::pair< typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::adjacency_iterator, typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::adjacency_iterator > adjacent_vertices( typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor v, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH const& g) { return adjacent_vertices(v, g.impl()); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor vertex( typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertices_size_type n, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH const& g) { return vertex(n, g.impl()); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > std::pair< typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::edge_descriptor, bool > edge( typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor u, typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor v, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH const& g) { return edge(u, v, g.impl()); } // VertexListGraph concepts template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertices_size_type num_vertices( UNDIRECTED_GRAPH const& g) { return g.num_vertices(); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline std::pair< typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_iterator, typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_iterator > vertices(UNDIRECTED_GRAPH const& g) { return vertices(g.impl()); } // EdgeListGraph concepts template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::edges_size_type num_edges( UNDIRECTED_GRAPH const& g) { return g.num_edges(); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline std::pair< typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::edge_iterator, typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::edge_iterator > edges(UNDIRECTED_GRAPH const& g) { return edges(g.impl()); } // MutableGraph concepts template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor add_vertex( UNDIRECTED_GRAPH& g) { return g.add_vertex(); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor add_vertex( typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_property_type const& p, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH& g) { return g.add_vertex(p); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline void clear_vertex( typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor v, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH& g) { return g.clear_vertex(v); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline void remove_vertex( typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor v, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH& g) { return g.remove_vertex(v); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline std::pair< typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::edge_descriptor, bool > add_edge( typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor u, typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor v, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH& g) { return g.add_edge(u, v); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline std::pair< typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::edge_descriptor, bool > add_edge( typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor u, typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor v, typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::edge_property_type const& p, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH& g) { return g.add_edge(u, v, p); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline void remove_edge(typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor u, typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor v, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH& g) { return g.remove_edge(u, v); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline void remove_edge( typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::edge_descriptor e, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH& g) { return g.remove_edge(e); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline void remove_edge( typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::edge_iterator i, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH& g) { return g.remove_edge(i); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS, class Predicate > inline void remove_edge_if(Predicate pred, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH& g) { return remove_edge_if(pred, g.impl()); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS, class Predicate > inline void remove_incident_edge_if( typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor v, Predicate pred, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH& g) { return remove_out_edge_if(v, pred, g.impl()); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS, class Predicate > inline void remove_out_edge_if(typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor v, Predicate pred, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH& g) { return remove_out_edge_if(v, pred, g.impl()); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS, class Predicate > inline void remove_in_edge_if(typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor v, Predicate pred, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH& g) { return remove_in_edge_if(v, pred, g.impl()); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS, typename Property > struct property_map< UNDIRECTED_GRAPH, Property > : property_map< typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::graph_type, Property > { }; template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > struct property_map< UNDIRECTED_GRAPH, vertex_all_t > { typedef transform_value_property_map< detail::remove_first_property, typename property_map< typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::graph_type, vertex_all_t >::const_type > const_type; typedef transform_value_property_map< detail::remove_first_property, typename property_map< typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::graph_type, vertex_all_t >::type > type; }; template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > struct property_map< UNDIRECTED_GRAPH, edge_all_t > { typedef transform_value_property_map< detail::remove_first_property, typename property_map< typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::graph_type, edge_all_t >::const_type > const_type; typedef transform_value_property_map< detail::remove_first_property, typename property_map< typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::graph_type, edge_all_t >::type > type; }; // PropertyGraph concepts template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS, typename Property > inline typename property_map< UNDIRECTED_GRAPH, Property >::type get( Property p, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH& g) { return get(p, g.impl()); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS, typename Property > inline typename property_map< UNDIRECTED_GRAPH, Property >::const_type get( Property p, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH const& g) { return get(p, g.impl()); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline typename property_map< UNDIRECTED_GRAPH, vertex_all_t >::type get( vertex_all_t, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH& g) { return typename property_map< UNDIRECTED_GRAPH, vertex_all_t >::type( detail::remove_first_property(), get(vertex_all, g.impl())); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline typename property_map< UNDIRECTED_GRAPH, vertex_all_t >::const_type get( vertex_all_t, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH const& g) { return typename property_map< UNDIRECTED_GRAPH, vertex_all_t >::const_type( detail::remove_first_property(), get(vertex_all, g.impl())); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline typename property_map< UNDIRECTED_GRAPH, edge_all_t >::type get( edge_all_t, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH& g) { return typename property_map< UNDIRECTED_GRAPH, edge_all_t >::type( detail::remove_first_property(), get(edge_all, g.impl())); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline typename property_map< UNDIRECTED_GRAPH, edge_all_t >::const_type get( edge_all_t, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH const& g) { return typename property_map< UNDIRECTED_GRAPH, edge_all_t >::const_type( detail::remove_first_property(), get(edge_all, g.impl())); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS, typename Property, typename Key > inline typename property_traits< typename property_map< typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::graph_type, Property >::const_type >::value_type get(Property p, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH const& g, Key const& k) { return get(p, g.impl(), k); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS, typename Key > inline typename property_traits< typename property_map< typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::graph_type, vertex_all_t >::const_type >::value_type get(vertex_all_t, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH const& g, Key const& k) { return get(vertex_all, g.impl(), k).m_base; } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS, typename Key > inline typename property_traits< typename property_map< typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::graph_type, edge_all_t >::const_type >::value_type get(edge_all_t, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH const& g, Key const& k) { return get(edge_all, g.impl(), k).m_base; } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS, typename Property, typename Key, typename Value > inline void put(Property p, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH& g, Key const& k, Value const& v) { put(p, g.impl(), k, v); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS, typename Key, typename Value > inline void put(vertex_all_t, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH& g, Key const& k, Value const& v) { put(vertex_all, g.impl(), k, typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::internal_vertex_property( get(vertex_index, g.impl(), k), v)); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS, typename Key, typename Value > inline void put(edge_all_t, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH& g, Key const& k, Value const& v) { put(edge_all, g.impl(), k, typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::internal_vertex_property( get(edge_index, g.impl(), k), v)); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS, class Property > inline typename graph_property< UNDIRECTED_GRAPH, Property >::type& get_property(UNDIRECTED_GRAPH& g, Property p) { return get_property(g.impl(), p); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS, class Property > inline typename graph_property< UNDIRECTED_GRAPH, Property >::type const& get_property(UNDIRECTED_GRAPH const& g, Property p) { return get_property(g.impl(), p); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS, class Property, class Value > inline void set_property(UNDIRECTED_GRAPH& g, Property p, Value v) { return set_property(g.impl(), p, v); } // Indexed Vertex graph template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_index_type get_vertex_index( typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor v, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH const& g) { return get(vertex_index, g, v); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_index_type max_vertex_index( UNDIRECTED_GRAPH const& g) { return g.max_vertex_index(); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline void renumber_vertex_indices(UNDIRECTED_GRAPH& g) { g.renumber_vertex_indices(); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline void remove_vertex_and_renumber_indices( typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::vertex_iterator i, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH& g) { g.remove_vertex_and_renumber_indices(i); } // Edge index management template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::edge_index_type get_edge_index( typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::edge_descriptor v, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH const& g) { return get(edge_index, g, v); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::edge_index_type max_edge_index( UNDIRECTED_GRAPH const& g) { return g.max_edge_index(); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline void renumber_edge_indices(UNDIRECTED_GRAPH& g) { g.renumber_edge_indices(); } template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline void remove_edge_and_renumber_indices( typename UNDIRECTED_GRAPH::edge_iterator i, UNDIRECTED_GRAPH& g) { g.remove_edge_and_renumber_indices(i); } // Index management template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > inline void renumber_indices(UNDIRECTED_GRAPH& g) { g.renumber_indices(); } // Mutability Traits template < UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS > struct graph_mutability_traits< UNDIRECTED_GRAPH > { typedef mutable_property_graph_tag category; }; #undef UNDIRECTED_GRAPH_PARAMS #undef UNDIRECTED_GRAPH } /* namespace boost */ #endif