
389 lines
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#ifndef _iscsicfg_h_
#define _iscsicfg_h_
// iscsicfg.h
// Module: iScsi Discovery api
// Purpose: Header defining interface between user mode configuration
// apps and HBA driver miniport.
// Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
#include <iscsidef.h>
// This class is required.
// TCP/IP configuration class, implement one instance for each IP address on
// your adapter. For example, if you adapter supports 3 IP addresses then
// your adapter would implement 3 instances of this class.
// This class uses PDO instance names with 1 instance for each TCP/IP interface.
#define MSiSCSI_TCPIPConfigGuid \
{ 0x7a2c6c2b,0xe5a5,0x49ad, { 0xad,0x68,0x13,0x30,0x89,0xac,0xd7,0x4d } }
#if ! (defined(MIDL_PASS))
typedef struct _MSiSCSI_TCPIPConfig
// TRUE if the adapter should use an autogenerated and non routable (link local) address as its IP address.
BOOLEAN UseLinkLocalAddress;
#define MSiSCSI_TCPIPConfig_UseLinkLocalAddress_SIZE sizeof(BOOLEAN)
#define MSiSCSI_TCPIPConfig_UseLinkLocalAddress_ID 1
// TRUE if the adapter should use DHCP to discovery its IP address information.
#define MSiSCSI_TCPIPConfig_EnableDHCP_SIZE sizeof(BOOLEAN)
#define MSiSCSI_TCPIPConfig_EnableDHCP_ID 2
// TRUE if the adapter should use DHCP to discover DNS addresses.
#define MSiSCSI_TCPIPConfig_UseDHCPForDNS_ID 3
// IP Versions supported **Add #defines**
ULONG IPVersions;
#define MSiSCSI_TCPIPConfig_IPVersions_SIZE sizeof(ULONG)
#define MSiSCSI_TCPIPConfig_IPVersions_ID 4
// IP address of the adapter
ISCSI_IP_Address IpAddress;
#define MSiSCSI_TCPIPConfig_IpAddress_SIZE sizeof(ISCSI_IP_Address)
#define MSiSCSI_TCPIPConfig_IpAddress_ID 5
// Static Default Gateway IP address
ISCSI_IP_Address DefaultGateway;
#define MSiSCSI_TCPIPConfig_DefaultGateway_SIZE sizeof(ISCSI_IP_Address)
#define MSiSCSI_TCPIPConfig_DefaultGateway_ID 6
// Static Subnet Mask
ISCSI_IP_Address SubnetMask;
#define MSiSCSI_TCPIPConfig_SubnetMask_SIZE sizeof(ISCSI_IP_Address)
#define MSiSCSI_TCPIPConfig_SubnetMask_ID 7
// Preferred DNS Server
ISCSI_IP_Address PreferredDNSServer;
#define MSiSCSI_TCPIPConfig_PreferredDNSServer_SIZE sizeof(ISCSI_IP_Address)
#define MSiSCSI_TCPIPConfig_PreferredDNSServer_ID 8
// Alternate DNS Server
ISCSI_IP_Address AlternateDNSServer;
#define MSiSCSI_TCPIPConfig_AlternateDNSServer_SIZE sizeof(ISCSI_IP_Address)
#define MSiSCSI_TCPIPConfig_AlternateDNSServer_ID 9
#define MSiSCSI_TCPIPConfig_SIZE (FIELD_OFFSET(MSiSCSI_TCPIPConfig, AlternateDNSServer) + MSiSCSI_TCPIPConfig_AlternateDNSServer_SIZE)
// MSiSCSI_NICConfig - MSiSCSI_NICConfig
// This class is optional.
// NIC Port configuration class, implement one instance for each physical
// network interface port on your adapter.
// This class uses PDO instance names with 1 instance for each physical
// network interface port on your adapter.
typedef enum
#define MSiSCSI_NICConfigGuid \
{ 0xc75258e9,0xbe79,0x4a48, { 0xa2,0x3d,0xee,0xb6,0xf8,0xfb,0x94,0x0c } }
#if ! (defined(MIDL_PASS))
typedef struct _MSiSCSI_NICConfig
// Speed of network link in megabits per second.
ULONG LinkSpeed;
#define MSiSCSI_NICConfig_LinkSpeed_SIZE sizeof(ULONG)
#define MSiSCSI_NICConfig_LinkSpeed_ID 1
// Maximum Speed of network link in megabits per second.
ULONG MaxLinkSpeed;
#define MSiSCSI_NICConfig_MaxLinkSpeed_SIZE sizeof(ULONG)
#define MSiSCSI_NICConfig_MaxLinkSpeed_ID 2
// Link State **typedef**
ULONG LinkState;
#define MSiSCSI_NICConfig_LinkState_SIZE sizeof(ULONG)
#define MSiSCSI_NICConfig_LinkState_ID 3
// Maximum frame size
ULONG MaxFrameSize;
#define MSiSCSI_NICConfig_MaxFrameSize_SIZE sizeof(ULONG)
#define MSiSCSI_NICConfig_MaxFrameSize_ID 4
// Ethernet MAC Address
UCHAR MacAddress[6];
#define MSiSCSI_NICConfig_MacAddress_SIZE sizeof(UCHAR[6])
#define MSiSCSI_NICConfig_MacAddress_ID 5
#define MSiSCSI_NICConfig_SIZE (FIELD_OFFSET(MSiSCSI_NICConfig, MacAddress) + MSiSCSI_NICConfig_MacAddress_SIZE)
// MSiSCSI_BootConfiguration - MSiSCSI_BootConfiguration
// This class is optional.
// This class exposes the boot configuration if the adapter is configured to
// boot from an iSCSI disk.
// This class uses PDO instance names with a single instance.
#define MSiSCSI_BootConfigurationGuid \
{ 0x53ef8d5f,0x36f3,0x4124, { 0x8b,0x76,0xc6,0xad,0x52,0x1a,0x10,0x21 } }
#if ! (defined(MIDL_PASS))
DEFINE_GUID(MSiSCSI_BootConfiguration_GUID, \
typedef struct _MSiSCSI_BootConfiguration
// LUN on target to use as boot device.
#define MSiSCSI_BootConfiguration_LUN_SIZE sizeof(ULONGLONG)
#define MSiSCSI_BootConfiguration_LUN_ID 1
// Security flags
ULONGLONG SecurityFlags;
#define MSiSCSI_BootConfiguration_SecurityFlags_SIZE sizeof(ULONGLONG)
#define MSiSCSI_BootConfiguration_SecurityFlags_ID 2
// Size in bytes of Target Username.
ULONG UsernameSize;
#define MSiSCSI_BootConfiguration_UsernameSize_SIZE sizeof(ULONG)
#define MSiSCSI_BootConfiguration_UsernameSize_ID 3
// Size in bytes of Target Password.
ULONG PasswordSize;
#define MSiSCSI_BootConfiguration_PasswordSize_SIZE sizeof(ULONG)
#define MSiSCSI_BootConfiguration_PasswordSize_ID 4
// If TRUE dynamically discover boot device.
BOOLEAN DiscoverBootDevice;
#define MSiSCSI_BootConfiguration_DiscoverBootDevice_SIZE sizeof(BOOLEAN)
#define MSiSCSI_BootConfiguration_DiscoverBootDevice_ID 5
// The InitiatorNode specifies the iSCSI name of the initiator node to use for the connection. If empty, then the adapter can choose any initiator node name.
WCHAR InitiatorNode[223 + 1];
#define MSiSCSI_BootConfiguration_InitiatorNode_ID 6
// TargetName specifies the iSCSI target name on which the boot device resides.
WCHAR TargetName[223 + 1];
#define MSiSCSI_BootConfiguration_TargetName_ID 7
// Target portal to use for connection to the target.
ISCSI_TargetPortal TargetPortal;
#define MSiSCSI_BootConfiguration_TargetPortal_SIZE sizeof(ISCSI_TargetPortal)
#define MSiSCSI_BootConfiguration_TargetPortal_ID 8
// Options that affect how login is performed. See ISCSI_LoginOptions
ISCSI_LoginOptions LoginOptions;
#define MSiSCSI_BootConfiguration_LoginOptions_SIZE sizeof(ISCSI_LoginOptions)
#define MSiSCSI_BootConfiguration_LoginOptions_ID 9
// **extra fields** Authentication Username, for CHAP this is the CHAP Name (CHAP_N) use when authenticating with the target. NOTE: This field is a variable length array, the field that follows this field starts immediately after the end of this field subject to appropriate padding.
UCHAR Username[1];
#define MSiSCSI_BootConfiguration_Username_ID 10
// Authentication Password, for CHAP this is the shared secret to use when generating the response to the target challange. This field is a variable length array.
// UCHAR Password[1];
#define MSiSCSI_BootConfiguration_Password_ID 11
} MSiSCSI_BootConfiguration, *PMSiSCSI_BootConfiguration;
// MSiSCSI_SecurityCapabilities - MSiSCSI_SecurityCapabilities
// This class is required if adapter supports IPSEC.
// This class exposes the security capabilities if the adapter
// supports IPSEC.
// This class uses PDO instance names with a single instance.
typedef enum {
#define MSiSCSI_SecurityCapabilitiesGuid \
{ 0x225b9d64,0x47a9,0x41c8, { 0x81,0xcd,0x69,0xbc,0x02,0x65,0x2d,0x87 } }
#if ! (defined(MIDL_PASS))
DEFINE_GUID(MSiSCSI_SecurityCapabilities_GUID, \
typedef struct _MSiSCSI_SecurityCapabilities
// TRUE if the adapter can use IPSEC to protect iSCSI traffic.
BOOLEAN ProtectiScsiTraffic;
#define MSiSCSI_SecurityCapabilities_ProtectiScsiTraffic_SIZE sizeof(BOOLEAN)
#define MSiSCSI_SecurityCapabilities_ProtectiScsiTraffic_ID 1
// TRUE if the adapter can use IPSEC to protect iSNS traffic.
BOOLEAN ProtectiSNSTraffic;
#define MSiSCSI_SecurityCapabilities_ProtectiSNSTraffic_SIZE sizeof(BOOLEAN)
#define MSiSCSI_SecurityCapabilities_ProtectiSNSTraffic_ID 2
// TRUE if adapter supports certificates
BOOLEAN CertificatesSupported;
#define MSiSCSI_SecurityCapabilities_CertificatesSupported_SIZE sizeof(BOOLEAN)
#define MSiSCSI_SecurityCapabilities_CertificatesSupported_ID 3
// Number of encryption types available.
ULONG EncryptionAvailableCount;
#define MSiSCSI_SecurityCapabilities_EncryptionAvailableCount_SIZE sizeof(ULONG)
#define MSiSCSI_SecurityCapabilities_EncryptionAvailableCount_ID 4
// **typedef** Array of encryption types. This field is a variable length array.
ULONG EncryptionAvailable[1];
#define MSiSCSI_SecurityCapabilities_EncryptionAvailable_ID 5
} MSiSCSI_SecurityCapabilities, *PMSiSCSI_SecurityCapabilities;
// MSiSCSI_DiscoveryConfig - MSiSCSI_DiscoveryConfig
// This class is required.
// This class exposes the configuration capabilities for the adapter to be able to
// perform target discovery. An adapter needs to support target discovery
// if it is ever placed on a separate network from the PC NIC. Although
// the iSCSI Initiator service can use this class with any discovery mechanism
// the best results are obtained by using iSNS.
// This class uses PDO instance names with a single instance.
#define MSiSCSI_DiscoveryConfigGuid \
{ 0x45755098,0x4291,0x43df, { 0x97,0x20,0xb5,0x86,0x42,0xdd,0x63,0xdf } }
#if ! (defined(MIDL_PASS))
typedef struct _MSiSCSI_DiscoveryConfig
// TRUE if adapter should perform target discovery via iSNS.
BOOLEAN PerformiSNSDiscovery;
#define MSiSCSI_DiscoveryConfig_PerformiSNSDiscovery_SIZE sizeof(BOOLEAN)
#define MSiSCSI_DiscoveryConfig_PerformiSNSDiscovery_ID 1
// TRUE if adapter should perform target discovery via SLP.
BOOLEAN PerformSLPDiscovery;
#define MSiSCSI_DiscoveryConfig_PerformSLPDiscovery_SIZE sizeof(BOOLEAN)
#define MSiSCSI_DiscoveryConfig_PerformSLPDiscovery_ID 2
// TRUE if adapter should perform automatic discovery of iSNS server.
BOOLEAN AutomaticiSNSDiscovery;
#define MSiSCSI_DiscoveryConfig_AutomaticiSNSDiscovery_SIZE sizeof(BOOLEAN)
#define MSiSCSI_DiscoveryConfig_AutomaticiSNSDiscovery_ID 3
// Default initiator name for registering with iSNS.
WCHAR InitiatorName[256 + 1];
#define MSiSCSI_DiscoveryConfig_InitiatorName_ID 4
// If AutomaticiSNSDiscovery is FALSE then this contains the fixed addresses of iSNS servers
ISCSI_IP_Address iSNSServer;
#define MSiSCSI_DiscoveryConfig_iSNSServer_SIZE sizeof(ISCSI_IP_Address)
#define MSiSCSI_DiscoveryConfig_iSNSServer_ID 5
} MSiSCSI_DiscoveryConfig, *PMSiSCSI_DiscoveryConfig;
#define MSiSCSI_DiscoveryConfig_SIZE (FIELD_OFFSET(MSiSCSI_DiscoveryConfig, iSNSServer) + MSiSCSI_DiscoveryConfig_iSNSServer_SIZE)
// This class is required if adapter supports using RADIUS for CHAP authentication.
// This class exposes the configuration capabilities if the adapter able to
// use radius to perform CHAP authentication. Using RADIUS is encouraged
// since it allows centralized management of CHAP credentials.
// This class uses PDO instance names with a single instance.
#define MSiSCSI_RADIUSConfigGuid \
{ 0x8eaef9d8,0xc053,0x49d3, { 0x92,0x05,0x65,0xc7,0x03,0xc2,0xec,0xc1 } }
#if ! (defined(MIDL_PASS))
typedef struct _MSiSCSI_RADIUSConfig
// TRUE if adapter should use RADIUS for CHAP authentication
// Size in bytes of shared secret used to communicate with RADIUS servers
ULONG SharedSecretSizeInBytes;
#define MSiSCSI_RADIUSConfig_SharedSecretSizeInBytes_SIZE sizeof(ULONG)
#define MSiSCSI_RADIUSConfig_SharedSecretSizeInBytes_ID 2
// Fixed address of primary RADIUS server
ISCSI_IP_Address RADIUSServer;
#define MSiSCSI_RADIUSConfig_RADIUSServer_SIZE sizeof(ISCSI_IP_Address)
#define MSiSCSI_RADIUSConfig_RADIUSServer_ID 3
// Fixed address of backup RADIUS server
ISCSI_IP_Address BackupRADIUSServer;
#define MSiSCSI_RADIUSConfig_BackupRADIUSServer_SIZE sizeof(ISCSI_IP_Address)
#define MSiSCSI_RADIUSConfig_BackupRADIUSServer_ID 4
// Must be zero
ULONG Reserved;
#define MSiSCSI_RADIUSConfig_Reserved_SIZE sizeof(ULONG)
#define MSiSCSI_RADIUSConfig_Reserved_ID 5
// Shared secret for communicating with primary and backup RADIUS servers. This field is a variable length array.
UCHAR SharedSecret[1];
#define MSiSCSI_RADIUSConfig_SharedSecret_ID 6