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// Copyright (C) 2009 Andrew Sutton
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/bool.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_unsigned.hpp>
#include <boost/pending/container_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
// This file implements a utility for creating mappings from arbitrary
// identifiers to the vertices of a graph.
namespace boost
// A type selector that denotes the use of some default value.
struct defaultS
/** @internal */
namespace graph_detail
/** Returns true if the selector is the default selector. */
template < typename Selector >
struct is_default : mpl::bool_< is_same< Selector, defaultS >::value >
* Choose the default map instance. If Label is an unsigned integral type
* the we can use a vector to store the information.
template < typename Label, typename Vertex > struct choose_default_map
typedef typename mpl::if_< is_unsigned< Label >, std::vector< Vertex >,
std::map< Label, Vertex > // TODO: Should use unordered_map?
>::type type;
* @name Generate Label Map
* These type generators are responsible for instantiating an associative
* container for the the labeled graph. Note that the Selector must be
* select a pair associative container or a vecS, which is only valid if
* Label is an integral type.
template < typename Selector, typename Label, typename Vertex >
struct generate_label_map
template < typename Label, typename Vertex >
struct generate_label_map< vecS, Label, Vertex >
typedef std::vector< Vertex > type;
template < typename Label, typename Vertex >
struct generate_label_map< mapS, Label, Vertex >
typedef std::map< Label, Vertex > type;
template < typename Label, typename Vertex >
struct generate_label_map< multimapS, Label, Vertex >
typedef std::multimap< Label, Vertex > type;
template < typename Label, typename Vertex >
struct generate_label_map< hash_mapS, Label, Vertex >
typedef boost::unordered_map< Label, Vertex > type;
template < typename Label, typename Vertex >
struct generate_label_map< hash_multimapS, Label, Vertex >
typedef boost::unordered_multimap< Label, Vertex > type;
template < typename Selector, typename Label, typename Vertex >
struct choose_custom_map
typename generate_label_map< Selector, Label, Vertex >::type type;
* Choose and instantiate an "associative" container. Note that this can
* also choose vector.
template < typename Selector, typename Label, typename Vertex >
struct choose_map
typedef typename mpl::eval_if< is_default< Selector >,
choose_default_map< Label, Vertex >,
choose_custom_map< Selector, Label, Vertex > >::type type;
/** @name Insert Labeled Vertex */
// Tag dispatch on random access containers (i.e., vectors). This function
// basically requires a) that Container is vector<Label> and that Label
// is an unsigned integral value. Note that this will resize the vector
// to accommodate indices.
template < typename Container, typename Graph, typename Label,
typename Prop >
std::pair< typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor, bool >
insert_labeled_vertex(Container& c, Graph& g, Label const& l, Prop const& p,
typedef typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
// If the label is out of bounds, resize the vector to accommodate.
// Resize by 2x the index so we don't cause quadratic insertions over
// time.
if (l >= c.size())
c.resize((l + 1) * 2);
Vertex v = add_vertex(p, g);
c[l] = v;
return std::make_pair(c[l], true);
// Tag dispatch on multi associative containers (i.e. multimaps).
template < typename Container, typename Graph, typename Label,
typename Prop >
std::pair< typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor, bool >
insert_labeled_vertex(Container& c, Graph& g, Label const& l, Prop const& p,
multiple_associative_container_tag const&)
// Note that insertion always succeeds so we can add the vertex first
// and then the mapping to the label.
typedef typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
Vertex v = add_vertex(p, g);
c.insert(std::make_pair(l, v));
return std::make_pair(v, true);
// Tag dispatch on unique associative containers (i.e. maps).
template < typename Container, typename Graph, typename Label,
typename Prop >
std::pair< typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor, bool >
insert_labeled_vertex(Container& c, Graph& g, Label const& l, Prop const& p,
// Here, we actually have to try the insertion first, and only add
// the vertex if we get a new element.
typedef typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
typedef typename Container::iterator Iterator;
std::pair< Iterator, bool > x = c.insert(std::make_pair(l, Vertex()));
if (x.second)
x.first->second = add_vertex(g);
put(boost::vertex_all, g, x.first->second, p);
return std::make_pair(x.first->second, x.second);
// Dispatcher
template < typename Container, typename Graph, typename Label,
typename Prop >
std::pair< typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor, bool >
insert_labeled_vertex(Container& c, Graph& g, Label const& l, Prop const& p)
return insert_labeled_vertex(c, g, l, p, container_category(c));
/** @name Find Labeled Vertex */
// Tag dispatch for sequential maps (i.e., vectors).
template < typename Container, typename Graph, typename Label >
typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor find_labeled_vertex(
Container const& c, Graph const&, Label const& l,
return l < c.size() ? c[l] : graph_traits< Graph >::null_vertex();
// Tag dispatch for pair associative maps (more or less).
template < typename Container, typename Graph, typename Label >
typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor find_labeled_vertex(
Container const& c, Graph const&, Label const& l,
typename Container::const_iterator i = c.find(l);
return i != c.end() ? i->second : graph_traits< Graph >::null_vertex();
// Dispatcher
template < typename Container, typename Graph, typename Label >
typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor find_labeled_vertex(
Container const& c, Graph const& g, Label const& l)
return find_labeled_vertex(c, g, l, container_category(c));
/** @name Put Vertex Label */
// Tag dispatch on vectors.
template < typename Container, typename Label, typename Graph,
typename Vertex >
bool put_vertex_label(Container& c, Graph const&, Label const& l, Vertex v,
// If the element is already occupied, then we probably don't want to
// overwrite it.
if (c[l] == graph_traits< Graph >::null_vertex())
return false;
c[l] = v;
return true;
// Attempt the insertion and return its result.
template < typename Container, typename Label, typename Graph,
typename Vertex >
bool put_vertex_label(Container& c, Graph const&, Label const& l, Vertex v,
return c.insert(std::make_pair(l, v)).second;
// Insert the pair and return true.
template < typename Container, typename Label, typename Graph,
typename Vertex >
bool put_vertex_label(Container& c, Graph const&, Label const& l, Vertex v,
c.insert(std::make_pair(l, v));
return true;
// Dispatcher
template < typename Container, typename Label, typename Graph,
typename Vertex >
bool put_vertex_label(
Container& c, Graph const& g, Label const& l, Vertex v)
return put_vertex_label(c, g, l, v, container_category(c));
} // namespace detail
struct labeled_graph_class_tag
/** @internal
* This class is responsible for the deduction and declaration of type names
* for the labeled_graph class template.
template < typename Graph, typename Label, typename Selector >
struct labeled_graph_types
typedef Graph graph_type;
// Label and maps
typedef Label label_type;
typedef typename graph_detail::choose_map< Selector, Label,
typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor >::type map_type;
* The labeled_graph class is a graph adaptor that maintains a mapping between
* vertex labels and vertex descriptors.
* @todo This class is somewhat redundant for adjacency_list<*, vecS> if
* the intended label is an unsigned int (and perhaps some other cases), but
* it does avoid some weird ambiguities (i.e. adding a vertex with a label that
* does not match its target index).
* @todo This needs to be reconciled with the named_graph, but since there is
* no documentation or examples, its not going to happen.
template < typename Graph, typename Label, typename Selector = defaultS >
class labeled_graph : protected labeled_graph_types< Graph, Label, Selector >
typedef labeled_graph_types< Graph, Label, Selector > Base;
typedef labeled_graph_class_tag graph_tag;
typedef typename Base::graph_type graph_type;
typedef typename graph_traits< graph_type >::vertex_descriptor
typename graph_traits< graph_type >::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor;
typedef typename graph_traits< graph_type >::directed_category
typedef typename graph_traits< graph_type >::edge_parallel_category
typedef typename graph_traits< graph_type >::traversal_category
typedef typename graph_traits< graph_type >::out_edge_iterator
typename graph_traits< graph_type >::in_edge_iterator in_edge_iterator;
typedef typename graph_traits< graph_type >::adjacency_iterator
typename graph_traits< graph_type >::degree_size_type degree_size_type;
typename graph_traits< graph_type >::vertex_iterator vertex_iterator;
typedef typename graph_traits< graph_type >::vertices_size_type
typedef typename graph_traits< graph_type >::edge_iterator edge_iterator;
typename graph_traits< graph_type >::edges_size_type edges_size_type;
typedef typename graph_type::graph_property_type graph_property_type;
typedef typename graph_type::graph_bundled graph_bundled;
typedef typename graph_type::vertex_property_type vertex_property_type;
typedef typename graph_type::vertex_bundled vertex_bundled;
typedef typename graph_type::edge_property_type edge_property_type;
typedef typename graph_type::edge_bundled edge_bundled;
typedef typename Base::label_type label_type;
typedef typename Base::map_type map_type;
labeled_graph(graph_property_type const& gp = graph_property_type())
: _graph(gp), _map()
labeled_graph(labeled_graph const& x) : _graph(x._graph), _map(x._map) {}
// This constructor can only be used if map_type supports positional
// range insertion (i.e. its a vector). This is the only case where we can
// try to guess the intended labels for graph.
labeled_graph(vertices_size_type n,
graph_property_type const& gp = graph_property_type())
: _graph(n, gp), _map()
std::pair< vertex_iterator, vertex_iterator > rng = vertices(_graph);
_map.insert(_map.end(), rng.first, rng.second);
// Construct a graph over n vertices, each of which receives a label from
// the range [l, l + n). Note that the graph is not directly constructed
// over the n vertices, but added sequentially. This constructor is
// necessarily slower than the underlying counterpart.
template < typename LabelIter >
labeled_graph(vertices_size_type n, LabelIter l,
graph_property_type const& gp = graph_property_type())
: _graph(gp)
while (n-- > 0)
// Construct the graph over n vertices each of which has a label in the
// range [l, l + n) and a property in the range [p, p + n).
template < typename LabelIter, typename PropIter >
labeled_graph(vertices_size_type n, LabelIter l, PropIter p,
graph_property_type const& gp = graph_property_type())
: _graph(gp)
while (n-- > 0)
add_vertex(*l++, *p++);
labeled_graph& operator=(labeled_graph const& x)
_graph = x._graph;
_map = x._map;
return *this;
/** @name Graph Accessors */
graph_type& graph() { return _graph; }
graph_type const& graph() const { return _graph; }
* Create a new label for the given vertex, returning false, if the label
* cannot be created.
bool label_vertex(vertex_descriptor v, Label const& l)
return graph_detail::put_vertex_label(_map, _graph, l, v);
/** @name Add Vertex
* Add a vertex to the graph, returning the descriptor. If the vertices
* are uniquely labeled and the label already exists within the graph,
* then no vertex is added, and the returned descriptor refers to the
* existing vertex. A vertex property can be given as a parameter, if
* needed.
vertex_descriptor add_vertex(Label const& l)
return graph_detail::insert_labeled_vertex(
_map, _graph, l, vertex_property_type())
vertex_descriptor add_vertex(Label const& l, vertex_property_type const& p)
return graph_detail::insert_labeled_vertex(_map, _graph, l, p).first;
/** @name Insert Vertex
* Insert a vertex into the graph, returning a pair containing the
* descriptor of a vertex and a boolean value that describes whether or not
* a new vertex was inserted. If vertices are not uniquely labeled, then
* insertion will always succeed.
std::pair< vertex_descriptor, bool > insert_vertex(Label const& l)
return graph_detail::insert_labeled_vertex(
_map, _graph, l, vertex_property_type());
std::pair< vertex_descriptor, bool > insert_vertex(
Label const& l, vertex_property_type const& p)
return graph_detail::insert_labeled_vertex(_map, _graph, l, p);
/** Remove the vertex with the given label. */
void remove_vertex(Label const& l)
return boost::remove_vertex(vertex(l), _graph);
/** Return a descriptor for the given label. */
vertex_descriptor vertex(Label const& l) const
return graph_detail::find_labeled_vertex(_map, _graph, l);
/** @name Bundled Properties */
// Lookup the requested vertex and return the bundle.
vertex_bundled& operator[](Label const& l) { return _graph[vertex(l)]; }
vertex_bundled const& operator[](Label const& l) const
return _graph[vertex(l)];
// Delegate edge lookup to the underlying graph.
edge_bundled& operator[](edge_descriptor e) { return _graph[e]; }
edge_bundled const& operator[](edge_descriptor e) const
return _graph[e];
/** Return a null descriptor */
static vertex_descriptor null_vertex()
return graph_traits< graph_type >::null_vertex();
graph_type _graph;
map_type _map;
* The partial specialization over graph pointers allows the construction
* of temporary labeled graph objects. In this case, the labels are destructed
* when the wrapper goes out of scope.
template < typename Graph, typename Label, typename Selector >
class labeled_graph< Graph*, Label, Selector >
: protected labeled_graph_types< Graph, Label, Selector >
typedef labeled_graph_types< Graph, Label, Selector > Base;
typedef labeled_graph_class_tag graph_tag;
typedef typename Base::graph_type graph_type;
typedef typename graph_traits< graph_type >::vertex_descriptor
typename graph_traits< graph_type >::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor;
typedef typename graph_traits< graph_type >::directed_category
typedef typename graph_traits< graph_type >::edge_parallel_category
typedef typename graph_traits< graph_type >::traversal_category
typedef typename graph_traits< graph_type >::out_edge_iterator
typename graph_traits< graph_type >::in_edge_iterator in_edge_iterator;
typedef typename graph_traits< graph_type >::adjacency_iterator
typename graph_traits< graph_type >::degree_size_type degree_size_type;
typename graph_traits< graph_type >::vertex_iterator vertex_iterator;
typedef typename graph_traits< graph_type >::vertices_size_type
typedef typename graph_traits< graph_type >::edge_iterator edge_iterator;
typename graph_traits< graph_type >::edges_size_type edges_size_type;
typedef typename graph_type::vertex_property_type vertex_property_type;
typedef typename graph_type::edge_property_type edge_property_type;
typedef typename graph_type::graph_property_type graph_property_type;
typedef typename graph_type::vertex_bundled vertex_bundled;
typedef typename graph_type::edge_bundled edge_bundled;
typedef typename Base::label_type label_type;
typedef typename Base::map_type map_type;
labeled_graph(graph_type* g) : _graph(g) {}
/** @name Graph Access */
graph_type& graph() { return *_graph; }
graph_type const& graph() const { return *_graph; }
* Create a new label for the given vertex, returning false, if the label
* cannot be created.
bool label_vertex(vertex_descriptor v, Label const& l)
return graph_detail::put_vertex_label(_map, *_graph, l, v);
/** @name Add Vertex */
vertex_descriptor add_vertex(Label const& l)
return graph_detail::insert_labeled_vertex(
_map, *_graph, l, vertex_property_type())
vertex_descriptor add_vertex(Label const& l, vertex_property_type const& p)
return graph_detail::insert_labeled_vertex(_map, *_graph, l, p).first;
std::pair< vertex_descriptor, bool > insert_vertex(Label const& l)
return graph_detail::insert_labeled_vertex(
_map, *_graph, l, vertex_property_type());
/** Try to insert a vertex with the given label. */
std::pair< vertex_descriptor, bool > insert_vertex(
Label const& l, vertex_property_type const& p)
return graph_detail::insert_labeled_vertex(_map, *_graph, l, p);
/** Remove the vertex with the given label. */
void remove_vertex(Label const& l)
return boost::remove_vertex(vertex(l), *_graph);
/** Return a descriptor for the given label. */
vertex_descriptor vertex(Label const& l) const
return graph_detail::find_labeled_vertex(_map, *_graph, l);
/** @name Bundled Properties */
// Lookup the requested vertex and return the bundle.
vertex_bundled& operator[](Label const& l) { return (*_graph)[vertex(l)]; }
vertex_bundled const& operator[](Label const& l) const
return (*_graph)[vertex(l)];
// Delegate edge lookup to the underlying graph.
edge_bundled& operator[](edge_descriptor e) { return (*_graph)[e]; }
edge_bundled const& operator[](edge_descriptor e) const
return (*_graph)[e];
static vertex_descriptor null_vertex()
return graph_traits< graph_type >::null_vertex();
graph_type* _graph;
map_type _map;
#define LABELED_GRAPH_PARAMS typename G, typename L, typename S
#define LABELED_GRAPH labeled_graph< G, L, S >
/** @name Labeled Graph */
inline bool label_vertex(typename LABELED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor v,
typename LABELED_GRAPH::label_type const l, LABELED_GRAPH& g)
return g.label_vertex(v, l);
inline typename LABELED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor vertex_by_label(
typename LABELED_GRAPH::label_type const l, LABELED_GRAPH& g)
return g.vertex(l);
/** @name Graph */
inline std::pair< typename LABELED_GRAPH::edge_descriptor, bool > edge(
typename LABELED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor const& u,
typename LABELED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor const& v, LABELED_GRAPH const& g)
return edge(u, v, g.graph());
// Labeled Extensions
inline std::pair< typename LABELED_GRAPH::edge_descriptor, bool > edge_by_label(
typename LABELED_GRAPH::label_type const& u,
typename LABELED_GRAPH::label_type const& v, LABELED_GRAPH const& g)
return edge(g.vertex(u), g.vertex(v), g);
/** @name Incidence Graph */
inline std::pair< typename LABELED_GRAPH::out_edge_iterator,
typename LABELED_GRAPH::out_edge_iterator >
out_edges(typename LABELED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor v, LABELED_GRAPH const& g)
return out_edges(v, g.graph());
inline typename LABELED_GRAPH::degree_size_type out_degree(
typename LABELED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor v, LABELED_GRAPH const& g)
return out_degree(v, g.graph());
inline typename LABELED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor source(
typename LABELED_GRAPH::edge_descriptor e, LABELED_GRAPH const& g)
return source(e, g.graph());
inline typename LABELED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor target(
typename LABELED_GRAPH::edge_descriptor e, LABELED_GRAPH const& g)
return target(e, g.graph());
/** @name Bidirectional Graph */
inline std::pair< typename LABELED_GRAPH::in_edge_iterator,
typename LABELED_GRAPH::in_edge_iterator >
in_edges(typename LABELED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor v, LABELED_GRAPH const& g)
return in_edges(v, g.graph());
inline typename LABELED_GRAPH::degree_size_type in_degree(
typename LABELED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor v, LABELED_GRAPH const& g)
return in_degree(v, g.graph());
inline typename LABELED_GRAPH::degree_size_type degree(
typename LABELED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor v, LABELED_GRAPH const& g)
return degree(v, g.graph());
/** @name Adjacency Graph */
inline std::pair< typename LABELED_GRAPH::adjacency_iterator,
typename LABELED_GRAPH::adjacency_iterator >
typename LABELED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor v, LABELED_GRAPH const& g)
return adjacent_vertices(v, g.graph());
/** @name VertexListGraph */
inline std::pair< typename LABELED_GRAPH::vertex_iterator,
typename LABELED_GRAPH::vertex_iterator >
vertices(LABELED_GRAPH const& g)
return vertices(g.graph());
inline typename LABELED_GRAPH::vertices_size_type num_vertices(
return num_vertices(g.graph());
/** @name EdgeListGraph */
inline std::pair< typename LABELED_GRAPH::edge_iterator,
typename LABELED_GRAPH::edge_iterator >
edges(LABELED_GRAPH const& g)
return edges(g.graph());
inline typename LABELED_GRAPH::edges_size_type num_edges(LABELED_GRAPH const& g)
return num_edges(g.graph());
/** @internal @name Property Lookup */
namespace graph_detail
struct labeled_graph_vertex_property_selector
template < class LabeledGraph, class Property, class Tag > struct bind_
typedef typename LabeledGraph::graph_type Graph;
typedef property_map< Graph, Tag > PropertyMap;
typedef typename PropertyMap::type type;
typedef typename PropertyMap::const_type const_type;
struct labeled_graph_edge_property_selector
template < class LabeledGraph, class Property, class Tag > struct bind_
typedef typename LabeledGraph::graph_type Graph;
typedef property_map< Graph, Tag > PropertyMap;
typedef typename PropertyMap::type type;
typedef typename PropertyMap::const_type const_type;
template <> struct vertex_property_selector< labeled_graph_class_tag >
typedef graph_detail::labeled_graph_vertex_property_selector type;
template <> struct edge_property_selector< labeled_graph_class_tag >
typedef graph_detail::labeled_graph_edge_property_selector type;
/** @name Property Graph */
template < LABELED_GRAPH_PARAMS, typename Prop >
inline typename property_map< LABELED_GRAPH, Prop >::type get(
return get(p, g.graph());
template < LABELED_GRAPH_PARAMS, typename Prop >
inline typename property_map< LABELED_GRAPH, Prop >::const_type get(
Prop p, LABELED_GRAPH const& g)
return get(p, g.graph());
template < LABELED_GRAPH_PARAMS, typename Prop, typename Key >
inline typename property_traits< typename property_map<
typename LABELED_GRAPH::graph_type, Prop >::const_type >::value_type
get(Prop p, LABELED_GRAPH const& g, const Key& k)
return get(p, g.graph(), k);
template < LABELED_GRAPH_PARAMS, typename Prop, typename Key, typename Value >
inline void put(Prop p, LABELED_GRAPH& g, Key const& k, Value const& v)
put(p, g.graph(), k, v);
/** @name Mutable Graph */
inline std::pair< typename LABELED_GRAPH::edge_descriptor, bool > add_edge(
typename LABELED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor const& u,
typename LABELED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor const& v, LABELED_GRAPH& g)
return add_edge(u, v, g.graph());
inline std::pair< typename LABELED_GRAPH::edge_descriptor, bool > add_edge(
typename LABELED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor const& u,
typename LABELED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor const& v,
typename LABELED_GRAPH::edge_property_type const& p, LABELED_GRAPH& g)
return add_edge(u, v, p, g.graph());
inline void clear_vertex(
typename LABELED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor v, LABELED_GRAPH& g)
return clear_vertex(v, g.graph());
inline void remove_edge(
typename LABELED_GRAPH::edge_descriptor e, LABELED_GRAPH& g)
return remove_edge(e, g.graph());
inline void remove_edge(typename LABELED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor u,
typename LABELED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor v, LABELED_GRAPH& g)
return remove_edge(u, v, g.graph());
// Labeled extensions
inline std::pair< typename LABELED_GRAPH::edge_descriptor, bool >
add_edge_by_label(typename LABELED_GRAPH::label_type const& u,
typename LABELED_GRAPH::label_type const& v, LABELED_GRAPH& g)
return add_edge(g.vertex(u), g.vertex(v), g);
inline std::pair< typename LABELED_GRAPH::edge_descriptor, bool >
add_edge_by_label(typename LABELED_GRAPH::label_type const& u,
typename LABELED_GRAPH::label_type const& v,
typename LABELED_GRAPH::edge_property_type const& p, LABELED_GRAPH& g)
return add_edge(g.vertex(u), g.vertex(v), p, g);
inline void clear_vertex_by_label(
typename LABELED_GRAPH::label_type const& l, LABELED_GRAPH& g)
clear_vertex(g.vertex(l), g.graph());
inline void remove_edge_by_label(typename LABELED_GRAPH::label_type const& u,
typename LABELED_GRAPH::label_type const& v, LABELED_GRAPH& g)
remove_edge(g.vertex(u), g.vertex(v), g.graph());
/** @name Labeled Mutable Graph
* The labeled mutable graph hides the add_ and remove_ vertex functions from
* the mutable graph concept. Note that the remove_vertex is hidden because
* removing the vertex without its key could leave a dangling reference in
* the map.
inline typename LABELED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor add_vertex(
typename LABELED_GRAPH::label_type const& l, LABELED_GRAPH& g)
return g.add_vertex(l);
// MutableLabeledPropertyGraph::add_vertex(l, vp, g)
inline typename LABELED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor add_vertex(
typename LABELED_GRAPH::label_type const& l,
typename LABELED_GRAPH::vertex_property_type const& p, LABELED_GRAPH& g)
return g.add_vertex(l, p);
inline void remove_vertex(
typename LABELED_GRAPH::label_type const& l, LABELED_GRAPH& g)
} // namespace boost
// Pull the labeled graph traits
#include <boost/graph/detail/labeled_graph_traits.hpp>