
735 lines
19 KiB

// Copyright Daniel Wallin 2006. Use, modification and distribution is
// subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
# include <boost/mpl/vector.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/fold.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/prior.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/shift_right.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/shift_left.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/bitand.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/pair.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/size.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/push_back.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/or.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/count_if.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/transform.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/front.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/iterator_range.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/next.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/begin_end.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/not.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/empty.hpp>
# include <boost/python/def.hpp>
# include <boost/python/make_constructor.hpp>
# include <boost/python/init.hpp>
# include <boost/python/to_python_converter.hpp>
# include <boost/parameter/aux_/maybe.hpp>
# include <boost/parameter/aux_/python/invoker.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace parameter { namespace python
namespace python_ = boost::python;
namespace boost { namespace parameter { namespace python { namespace aux
inline PyObject* unspecified_type()
static PyTypeObject unspecified = {
"Boost.Parameter.Unspecified", /* tp_name */
PyType_Type.tp_basicsize, /* tp_basicsize */
0, /* tp_itemsize */
0, /* tp_dealloc */
0, /* tp_print */
0, /* tp_getattr */
0, /* tp_setattr */
0, /* tp_compare */
0, /* tp_repr */
0, /* tp_as_number */
0, /* tp_as_sequence */
0, /* tp_as_mapping */
0, /* tp_hash */
0, /* tp_call */
0, /* tp_str */
0, /* tp_getattro */
0, /* tp_setattro */
0, /* tp_as_buffer */
Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */
0, /* tp_doc */
if (Py_TYPE(&unspecified) == 0)
Py_TYPE(&unspecified) = &PyType_Type;
return (PyObject*)&unspecified;
struct empty_tag {};
struct empty_tag_to_python
static PyObject* convert(empty_tag)
return python_::xincref(unspecified_type());
}}}} // namespace boost::parameter::python::aux
namespace boost { namespace python
// Converts a Python value to a maybe<T>
template <class T>
struct arg_from_python<parameter::aux::maybe<T> >
: arg_from_python<T>
arg_from_python(PyObject* p)
: arg_from_python<T>(p)
, empty(parameter::python::aux::unspecified_type() == p)
bool convertible() const
return empty || arg_from_python<T>::convertible();
parameter::aux::maybe<T> operator()()
if (empty)
return parameter::aux::maybe<T>();
return parameter::aux::maybe<T>(
bool empty;
}} // namespace boost::python
namespace boost { namespace parameter { namespace python {
namespace aux
template <class K>
struct is_optional
: mpl::not_<
mpl::or_<typename K::required, typename K::optimized_default>
template <class K, class Required, class Optimized, class T>
struct arg_spec
typedef K keyword;
typedef Required required;
typedef T type;
typedef Optimized optimized_default;
template <class K, class T, class Optimized = mpl::false_>
struct make_arg_spec_impl
typedef arg_spec<
typename K::first, typename K::second, Optimized, T
> type;
template <class K, class T>
struct make_arg_spec_impl<K, T, typename K::third>
typedef arg_spec<
typename K::first, typename K::second, typename K::third, T
> type;
template <class K, class T>
struct make_arg_spec
: make_arg_spec_impl<K, T>
template <class Spec, class State>
struct combinations_op
typedef typename State::second bits;
typedef typename State::first result0;
typedef typename mpl::if_<
typename Spec::required
, typename Spec::optimized_default
, mpl::bitand_<bits, mpl::long_<1> >
, typename mpl::push_back<result0, Spec>::type
, result0
>::type result;
typedef typename mpl::if_<
typename Spec::required
, typename Spec::optimized_default
, bits
, typename mpl::shift_right<bits, mpl::long_<1> >::type
>::type next_bits;
typedef mpl::pair<
, next_bits
> type;
// Used as start value in the recursive arg() composition below.
struct no_keywords
template <class T>
T const& operator,(T const& x) const
return x;
template <class Def, class F, class Iter, class End, class Keywords>
void def_combination_aux0(
Def def, F f, Iter, End, Keywords const& keywords, mpl::false_)
typedef typename mpl::deref<Iter>::type spec;
typedef typename spec::keyword kw;
def, f, typename mpl::next<Iter>::type(), End()
, (
keywords, boost::python::arg(kw::keyword_name())
template <class Def, class F, class Iter, class End, class Keywords>
void def_combination_aux0(
Def def, F f, Iter, End, Keywords const& keywords, mpl::true_)
typedef typename mpl::deref<Iter>::type spec;
typedef typename spec::keyword kw;
def, f, typename mpl::next<Iter>::type(), End()
, (
keywords, boost::python::arg(kw::keyword_name()) = empty_tag()
inline void initialize_converter()
static python_::to_python_converter<empty_tag, empty_tag_to_python> x;
template <class Def, class F, class Iter, class End, class Keywords>
void def_combination_aux(
Def def, F f, Iter, End, Keywords const& keywords)
typedef typename mpl::deref<Iter>::type spec;
typedef typename mpl::and_<
typename spec::optimized_default
, mpl::not_<typename spec::required>
>::type optimized_default;
def, f, Iter(), End(), keywords, optimized_default()
template <class Def, class F, class End, class Keywords>
void def_combination_aux(
Def def, F f, End, End, Keywords const& keywords)
def(f, keywords);
template <class Def, class F, class End>
void def_combination_aux(
Def def, F f, End, End, no_keywords const&)
template <
class Def, class Specs, class Bits, class Invoker
void def_combination(
Def def, Specs*, Bits, Invoker*)
typedef typename mpl::fold<
, mpl::pair<mpl::vector0<>, Bits>
, combinations_op<mpl::_2, mpl::_1>
>::type combination0;
typedef typename combination0::first combination;
typedef typename mpl::apply_wrap1<
Invoker, combination
>::type invoker;
, &invoker::execute
, typename mpl::begin<combination>::type()
, typename mpl::end<combination>::type()
, no_keywords()
template <
class Def, class Specs, class Bits, class End, class Invoker
void def_combinations(
Def def, Specs*, Bits, End, Invoker*)
def_combination(def, (Specs*)0, Bits(), (Invoker*)0);
, (Specs*)0
, mpl::long_<Bits::value + 1>()
, End()
, (Invoker*)0
template <
class Def, class Specs, class End, class Invoker
void def_combinations(
Def, Specs*, End, End, Invoker*)
struct not_specified {};
template <class CallPolicies>
struct call_policies_as_options
call_policies_as_options(CallPolicies const& call_policies)
: call_policies(call_policies)
CallPolicies const& policies() const
return call_policies;
char const* doc() const
return 0;
CallPolicies call_policies;
template <class Class, class Options = not_specified>
struct def_class
def_class(Class& cl, char const* name, Options options = Options())
: cl(cl)
, name(name)
, options(options)
template <class F>
void def(F f, not_specified const*) const
cl.def(name, f);
template <class F>
void def(F f, void const*) const
cl.def(name, f, options.doc(), options.policies());
template <class F>
void operator()(F f) const
this->def(f, &options);
template <class F, class Keywords>
void def(F f, Keywords const& keywords, not_specified const*) const
cl.def(name, f, keywords);
template <class F, class Keywords>
void def(F f, Keywords const& keywords, void const*) const
cl.def(name, f, keywords, options.doc(), options.policies());
template <class F, class Keywords>
void operator()(F f, Keywords const& keywords) const
this->def(f, keywords, &options);
Class& cl;
char const* name;
Options options;
template <class Class, class CallPolicies = boost::python::default_call_policies>
struct def_init
def_init(Class& cl, CallPolicies call_policies = CallPolicies())
: cl(cl)
, call_policies(call_policies)
template <class F>
void operator()(F f) const
, boost::python::make_constructor(f, call_policies)
template <class F, class Keywords>
void operator()(F f, Keywords const& keywords) const
, boost::python::make_constructor(f, call_policies, keywords)
Class& cl;
CallPolicies call_policies;
struct def_function
def_function(char const* name)
: name(name)
template <class F>
void operator()(F f) const
boost::python::def(name, f);
template <class F, class Keywords>
void operator()(F f, Keywords const& keywords) const
boost::python::def(name, f, keywords);
char const* name;
} // namespace aux
template <class M, class Signature>
void def(char const* name, Signature)
typedef mpl::iterator_range<
typename mpl::next<
typename mpl::begin<Signature>::type
, typename mpl::end<Signature>::type
> arg_types;
typedef typename mpl::transform<
typename M::keywords
, arg_types
, aux::make_arg_spec<mpl::_1, mpl::_2>
, mpl::back_inserter<mpl::vector0<> >
>::type arg_specs;
typedef typename mpl::count_if<
, aux::is_optional<mpl::_1>
>::type optional_arity;
typedef typename mpl::front<Signature>::type result_type;
typedef typename mpl::shift_left<mpl::long_<1>, optional_arity>::type upper;
, (arg_specs*)0
, mpl::long_<0>()
, mpl::long_<upper::value>()
, (aux::make_invoker<M, result_type>*)0
template <class M, class Class, class Signature>
void def(Class& cl, char const* name, Signature)
typedef mpl::iterator_range<
typename mpl::next<
typename mpl::begin<Signature>::type
, typename mpl::end<Signature>::type
> arg_types;
typedef typename mpl::transform<
typename M::keywords
, arg_types
, aux::make_arg_spec<mpl::_1, mpl::_2>
, mpl::back_inserter<mpl::vector0<> >
>::type arg_specs;
typedef typename mpl::count_if<
, aux::is_optional<mpl::_1>
>::type optional_arity;
typedef typename mpl::front<Signature>::type result_type;
typedef typename mpl::shift_left<mpl::long_<1>, optional_arity>::type upper;
aux::def_class<Class>(cl, name)
, (arg_specs*)0
, mpl::long_<0>()
, mpl::long_<upper::value>()
, (aux::make_invoker<M, result_type>*)0
namespace aux
template <class K>
struct keyword
typedef K type;
template <class K>
struct keyword<K*>
typedef K type;
template <class K>
struct keyword<K**>
typedef K type;
template <class K>
struct required
typedef mpl::true_ type;
template <class K>
struct required<K*>
typedef mpl::false_ type;
template <class K>
struct optimized
typedef mpl::true_ type;
template <class K>
struct optimized<K**>
typedef mpl::false_ type;
template <class T>
struct make_kw_spec;
template <class K, class T>
struct make_kw_spec<K(T)>
typedef arg_spec<
typename keyword<K>::type
, typename required<K>::type
, typename optimized<K>::type
, T
> type;
} // namespace aux
template <class ParameterSpecs, class CallPolicies = boost::python::default_call_policies>
struct init
: boost::python::def_visitor<init<ParameterSpecs, CallPolicies> >
init(CallPolicies call_policies = CallPolicies())
: call_policies(call_policies)
template <class CallPolicies1>
init<ParameterSpecs, CallPolicies1>
operator[](CallPolicies1 const& call_policies) const
return init<ParameterSpecs, CallPolicies1>(call_policies);
template <class Class>
void visit_aux(Class& cl, mpl::true_) const
template <class Class>
void visit_aux(Class& cl, mpl::false_) const
typedef typename mpl::transform<
, aux::make_kw_spec<mpl::_>
, mpl::back_inserter<mpl::vector0<> >
>::type arg_specs;
typedef typename mpl::count_if<
, aux::is_optional<mpl::_>
>::type optional_arity;
typedef typename mpl::shift_left<mpl::long_<1>, optional_arity>::type upper;
aux::def_init<Class, CallPolicies>(cl, call_policies)
, (arg_specs*)0
, mpl::long_<0>()
, mpl::long_<upper::value>()
, (aux::make_init_invoker<typename Class::wrapped_type>*)0
template <class Class>
void visit(Class& cl) const
visit_aux(cl, mpl::empty<ParameterSpecs>());
CallPolicies call_policies;
template <class ParameterSpecs, class CallPolicies = boost::python::default_call_policies>
struct call
: boost::python::def_visitor<call<ParameterSpecs, CallPolicies> >
call(CallPolicies const& call_policies = CallPolicies())
: call_policies(call_policies)
template <class CallPolicies1>
call<ParameterSpecs, CallPolicies1>
operator[](CallPolicies1 const& call_policies) const
return call<ParameterSpecs, CallPolicies1>(call_policies);
template <class Class>
void visit(Class& cl) const
typedef mpl::iterator_range<
typename mpl::next<
typename mpl::begin<ParameterSpecs>::type
, typename mpl::end<ParameterSpecs>::type
> arg_types;
typedef typename mpl::front<ParameterSpecs>::type result_type;
typedef typename mpl::transform<
, aux::make_kw_spec<mpl::_>
, mpl::back_inserter<mpl::vector0<> >
>::type arg_specs;
typedef typename mpl::count_if<
, aux::is_optional<mpl::_>
>::type optional_arity;
typedef typename mpl::shift_left<mpl::long_<1>, optional_arity>::type upper;
typedef aux::call_policies_as_options<CallPolicies> options;
aux::def_class<Class, options>(cl, "__call__", options(call_policies))
, (arg_specs*)0
, mpl::long_<0>()
, mpl::long_<upper::value>()
, (aux::make_call_invoker<typename Class::wrapped_type, result_type>*)0
CallPolicies call_policies;
template <class Fwd, class ParameterSpecs>
struct function
: boost::python::def_visitor<function<Fwd, ParameterSpecs> >
template <class Class, class Options>
void visit(Class& cl, char const* name, Options const& options) const
typedef mpl::iterator_range<
typename mpl::next<
typename mpl::begin<ParameterSpecs>::type
, typename mpl::end<ParameterSpecs>::type
> arg_types;
typedef typename mpl::front<ParameterSpecs>::type result_type;
typedef typename mpl::transform<
, aux::make_kw_spec<mpl::_>
, mpl::back_inserter<mpl::vector0<> >
>::type arg_specs;
typedef typename mpl::count_if<
, aux::is_optional<mpl::_>
>::type optional_arity;
typedef typename mpl::shift_left<mpl::long_<1>, optional_arity>::type upper;
aux::def_class<Class, Options>(cl, name, options)
, (arg_specs*)0
, mpl::long_<0>()
, mpl::long_<upper::value>()
, (aux::make_member_invoker<
Fwd, result_type, typename Class::wrapped_type
}}} // namespace boost::parameter::python