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- Copyright (C) 2001 Leptonica. All rights reserved.
- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- are met:
- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
- provided with the distribution.
* \file compare.c
* <pre>
* Test for pix equality
* l_int32 pixEqual()
* l_int32 pixEqualWithAlpha()
* l_int32 pixEqualWithCmap()
* l_int32 cmapEqual()
* l_int32 pixUsesCmapColor()
* Binary correlation
* l_int32 pixCorrelationBinary()
* Difference of two images of same size
* l_int32 pixDisplayDiffBinary()
* l_int32 pixCompareBinary()
* l_int32 pixCompareGrayOrRGB()
* l_int32 pixCompareGray()
* l_int32 pixCompareRGB()
* l_int32 pixCompareTiled()
* Other measures of the difference of two images of the same size
* NUMA *pixCompareRankDifference()
* l_int32 pixTestForSimilarity()
* l_int32 pixGetDifferenceStats()
* NUMA *pixGetDifferenceHistogram()
* l_int32 pixGetPerceptualDiff()
* l_int32 pixGetPSNR()
* Comparison of photo regions by histogram
* l_int32 pixaComparePhotoRegionsByHisto() -- top-level
* l_int32 pixComparePhotoRegionsByHisto() -- top-level for 2
* l_int32 pixGenPhotoHistos()
* PIX *pixPadToCenterCentroid()
* l_int32 pixCentroid8()
* l_int32 pixDecideIfPhotoImage()
* static l_int32 findHistoGridDimensions()
* l_int32 compareTilesByHisto()
* l_int32 pixCompareGrayByHisto() -- top-level for 2
* static l_int32 pixCompareTilesByHisto()
* l_int32 pixCropAlignedToCentroid()
* l_uint8 *l_compressGrayHistograms()
* NUMAA *l_uncompressGrayHistograms()
* Translated images at the same resolution
* l_int32 pixCompareWithTranslation()
* l_int32 pixBestCorrelation()
* For comparing images using tiled histograms, essentially all the
* computation goes into deciding if a region of an image is a photo,
* whether that photo region is amenable to similarity measurements
* using histograms, and finally the calculation of the gray histograms
* for each of the tiled regions. The actual comparison is essentially
* instantaneous. Therefore, with a large number of images to compare
* with each other, it is important to first calculate the histograms
* for each image. Then the comparisons, which go as the square of the
* number of images, actually takes no time.
* A high level function that takes a pixa of images and does
* all comparisons, pixaComparePhotosByHisto(), uses this split
* approach. It pads the images so that the centroid is in the center,
* which will allow the tiles to be better aligned.
* For testing purposes, two functions are given that do all the work
* to compare just two photo regions:
* * pixComparePhotoRegionsByHisto() uses the split approach, qualifying
* the images first with pixGenPhotoHistos(), and then comparing
* with compareTilesByHisto().
* * pixCompareGrayByHisto() aligns the two images by centroid
* and calls pixCompareTilesByHisto() to generate the histograms
* and do the comparison.
* </pre>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "allheaders.h"
/* Small enough to consider equal to 0.0, for plot output */
static const l_float32 TINY = 0.00001;
static l_ok findHistoGridDimensions(l_int32 n, l_int32 w, l_int32 h,
l_int32 *pnx, l_int32 *pny, l_int32 debug);
static l_ok pixCompareTilesByHisto(PIX *pix1, PIX *pix2, l_int32 maxgray,
l_int32 factor, l_int32 n,
l_float32 *pscore, PIXA *pixadebug);
* Test for pix equality *
* \brief pixEqual()
* \param[in] pix1
* \param[in] pix2
* \param[out] psame 1 if same; 0 if different
* \return 0 if OK; 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) Equality is defined as having the same pixel values for
* each respective image pixel.
* (2) This works on two pix of any depth. If one or both pix
* have a colormap, the depths can be different and the
* two pix can still be equal.
* (3) This ignores the alpha component for 32 bpp images.
* (4) If both pix have colormaps and the depths are equal,
* use the pixEqualWithCmap() function, which does a fast
* comparison if the colormaps are identical and a relatively
* slow comparison otherwise.
* (5) In all other cases, any existing colormaps must first be
* removed before doing pixel comparison. After the colormaps
* are removed, the resulting two images must have the same depth.
* The "lowest common denominator" is RGB, but this is only
* chosen when necessary, or when both have colormaps but
* different depths.
* (6) For images without colormaps that are not 32 bpp, all bits
* in the image part of the data array must be identical.
* </pre>
pixEqual(PIX *pix1,
PIX *pix2,
l_int32 *psame)
return pixEqualWithAlpha(pix1, pix2, 0, psame);
* \brief pixEqualWithAlpha()
* \param[in] pix1
* \param[in] pix2
* \param[in] use_alpha 1 to compare alpha in RGBA; 0 to ignore
* \param[out] psame 1 if same; 0 if different
* \return 0 if OK; 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) See notes in pixEqual().
* (2) This is more general than pixEqual(), in that for 32 bpp
* RGBA images, where spp = 4, you can optionally include
* the alpha component in the comparison.
* </pre>
pixEqualWithAlpha(PIX *pix1,
PIX *pix2,
l_int32 use_alpha,
l_int32 *psame)
l_int32 w1, h1, d1, w2, h2, d2, wpl1, wpl2;
l_int32 spp1, spp2, i, j, color, mismatch, opaque;
l_int32 fullwords, linebits, endbits;
l_uint32 endmask, wordmask;
l_uint32 *data1, *data2, *line1, *line2;
PIX *pixs1, *pixs2, *pixt1, *pixt2, *pixalpha;
PIXCMAP *cmap1, *cmap2;
if (!psame)
return ERROR_INT("psame not defined", procName, 1);
*psame = 0; /* init to not equal */
if (!pix1 || !pix2)
return ERROR_INT("pix1 and pix2 not both defined", procName, 1);
pixGetDimensions(pix1, &w1, &h1, &d1);
pixGetDimensions(pix2, &w2, &h2, &d2);
if (w1 != w2 || h1 != h2) {
L_INFO("pix sizes differ\n", procName);
return 0;
/* Suppose the use_alpha flag is true.
* If only one of two 32 bpp images has spp == 4, we call that
* a "mismatch" of the alpha component. In the case of a mismatch,
* if the 4 bpp pix does not have all alpha components opaque (255),
* the images are not-equal. However if they are all opaque,
* this image is equivalent to spp == 3, so we allow the
* comparison to go forward, testing only for the RGB equality. */
spp1 = pixGetSpp(pix1);
spp2 = pixGetSpp(pix2);
mismatch = 0;
if (use_alpha && d1 == 32 && d2 == 32) {
mismatch = ((spp1 == 4 && spp2 != 4) || (spp1 != 4 && spp2 == 4));
if (mismatch) {
pixalpha = (spp1 == 4) ? pix1 : pix2;
pixAlphaIsOpaque(pixalpha, &opaque);
if (!opaque) {
L_INFO("just one pix has a non-opaque alpha layer\n", procName);
return 0;
cmap1 = pixGetColormap(pix1);
cmap2 = pixGetColormap(pix2);
if (!cmap1 && !cmap2 && (d1 != d2) && (d1 == 32 || d2 == 32)) {
L_INFO("no colormaps, pix depths unequal, and one of them is RGB\n",
return 0;
if (cmap1 && cmap2 && (d1 == d2)) /* use special function */
return pixEqualWithCmap(pix1, pix2, psame);
/* Must remove colormaps if they exist, and in the process
* end up with the resulting images having the same depth. */
if (cmap1 && !cmap2) {
pixUsesCmapColor(pix1, &color);
if (color && d2 <= 8) /* can't be equal */
return 0;
if (d2 < 8)
pixs2 = pixConvertTo8(pix2, FALSE);
pixs2 = pixClone(pix2);
if (d2 <= 8)
pixs1 = pixRemoveColormap(pix1, REMOVE_CMAP_TO_GRAYSCALE);
pixs1 = pixRemoveColormap(pix1, REMOVE_CMAP_TO_FULL_COLOR);
} else if (!cmap1 && cmap2) {
pixUsesCmapColor(pix2, &color);
if (color && d1 <= 8) /* can't be equal */
return 0;
if (d1 < 8)
pixs1 = pixConvertTo8(pix1, FALSE);
pixs1 = pixClone(pix1);
if (d1 <= 8)
pixs2 = pixRemoveColormap(pix2, REMOVE_CMAP_TO_GRAYSCALE);
pixs2 = pixRemoveColormap(pix2, REMOVE_CMAP_TO_FULL_COLOR);
} else if (cmap1 && cmap2) { /* depths not equal; use rgb */
pixs1 = pixRemoveColormap(pix1, REMOVE_CMAP_TO_FULL_COLOR);
pixs2 = pixRemoveColormap(pix2, REMOVE_CMAP_TO_FULL_COLOR);
} else { /* no colormaps */
pixs1 = pixClone(pix1);
pixs2 = pixClone(pix2);
/* OK, we have no colormaps, but the depths may still be different */
d1 = pixGetDepth(pixs1);
d2 = pixGetDepth(pixs2);
if (d1 != d2) {
if (d1 == 16 || d2 == 16) {
L_INFO("one pix is 16 bpp\n", procName);
return 0;
pixt1 = pixConvertLossless(pixs1, 8);
pixt2 = pixConvertLossless(pixs2, 8);
if (!pixt1 || !pixt2) {
L_INFO("failure to convert to 8 bpp\n", procName);
return 0;
} else {
pixt1 = pixClone(pixs1);
pixt2 = pixClone(pixs2);
/* No colormaps, equal depths; do pixel comparisons */
d1 = pixGetDepth(pixt1);
d2 = pixGetDepth(pixt2);
wpl1 = pixGetWpl(pixt1);
wpl2 = pixGetWpl(pixt2);
data1 = pixGetData(pixt1);
data2 = pixGetData(pixt2);
if (d1 == 32) { /* test either RGB or RGBA pixels */
if (use_alpha && !mismatch)
wordmask = (spp1 == 3) ? 0xffffff00 : 0xffffffff;
wordmask = 0xffffff00;
for (i = 0; i < h1; i++) {
line1 = data1 + wpl1 * i;
line2 = data2 + wpl2 * i;
for (j = 0; j < wpl1; j++) {
if ((*line1 ^ *line2) & wordmask) {
return 0;
} else { /* all bits count */
linebits = d1 * w1;
fullwords = linebits / 32;
endbits = linebits & 31;
endmask = (endbits == 0) ? 0 : (0xffffffff << (32 - endbits));
for (i = 0; i < h1; i++) {
line1 = data1 + wpl1 * i;
line2 = data2 + wpl2 * i;
for (j = 0; j < fullwords; j++) {
if (*line1 ^ *line2) {
return 0;
if (endbits) {
if ((*line1 ^ *line2) & endmask) {
return 0;
*psame = 1;
return 0;
* \brief pixEqualWithCmap()
* \param[in] pix1
* \param[in] pix2
* \param[out] psame
* \return 0 if OK, 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) This returns same = TRUE if the images have identical content.
* (2) Both pix must have a colormap, and be of equal size and depth.
* If these conditions are not satisfied, it is not an error;
* the returned result is same = FALSE.
* (3) We then check whether the colormaps are the same; if so,
* the comparison proceeds 32 bits at a time.
* (4) If the colormaps are different, the comparison is done by
* slow brute force.
* </pre>
pixEqualWithCmap(PIX *pix1,
PIX *pix2,
l_int32 *psame)
l_int32 d, w, h, wpl1, wpl2, i, j, linebits, fullwords, endbits;
l_int32 rval1, rval2, gval1, gval2, bval1, bval2, samecmaps;
l_uint32 endmask, val1, val2;
l_uint32 *data1, *data2, *line1, *line2;
PIXCMAP *cmap1, *cmap2;
if (!psame)
return ERROR_INT("&same not defined", procName, 1);
*psame = 0;
if (!pix1)
return ERROR_INT("pix1 not defined", procName, 1);
if (!pix2)
return ERROR_INT("pix2 not defined", procName, 1);
if (pixSizesEqual(pix1, pix2) == 0)
return 0;
cmap1 = pixGetColormap(pix1);
cmap2 = pixGetColormap(pix2);
if (!cmap1 || !cmap2) {
L_INFO("both images don't have colormap\n", procName);
return 0;
pixGetDimensions(pix1, &w, &h, &d);
if (d != 1 && d != 2 && d != 4 && d != 8) {
L_INFO("pix depth not in {1, 2, 4, 8}\n", procName);
return 0;
cmapEqual(cmap1, cmap2, 3, &samecmaps);
if (samecmaps == TRUE) { /* colormaps are identical; compare by words */
linebits = d * w;
wpl1 = pixGetWpl(pix1);
wpl2 = pixGetWpl(pix2);
data1 = pixGetData(pix1);
data2 = pixGetData(pix2);
fullwords = linebits / 32;
endbits = linebits & 31;
endmask = (endbits == 0) ? 0 : (0xffffffff << (32 - endbits));
for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
line1 = data1 + wpl1 * i;
line2 = data2 + wpl2 * i;
for (j = 0; j < fullwords; j++) {
if (*line1 ^ *line2)
return 0;
if (endbits) {
if ((*line1 ^ *line2) & endmask)
return 0;
*psame = 1;
return 0;
/* Colormaps aren't identical; compare pixel by pixel */
for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
pixGetPixel(pix1, j, i, &val1);
pixGetPixel(pix2, j, i, &val2);
pixcmapGetColor(cmap1, val1, &rval1, &gval1, &bval1);
pixcmapGetColor(cmap2, val2, &rval2, &gval2, &bval2);
if (rval1 != rval2 || gval1 != gval2 || bval1 != bval2)
return 0;
*psame = 1;
return 0;
* \brief cmapEqual()
* \param[in] cmap1
* \param[in] cmap2
* \param[in] ncomps 3 for RGB, 4 for RGBA
* \param[out] psame
* \return 0 if OK, 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) This returns %same = TRUE if the colormaps have identical entries.
* (2) If %ncomps == 4, the alpha components of the colormaps are also
* compared.
* </pre>
cmapEqual(PIXCMAP *cmap1,
PIXCMAP *cmap2,
l_int32 ncomps,
l_int32 *psame)
l_int32 n1, n2, i, rval1, rval2, gval1, gval2, bval1, bval2, aval1, aval2;
if (!psame)
return ERROR_INT("&same not defined", procName, 1);
*psame = FALSE;
if (!cmap1)
return ERROR_INT("cmap1 not defined", procName, 1);
if (!cmap2)
return ERROR_INT("cmap2 not defined", procName, 1);
if (ncomps != 3 && ncomps != 4)
return ERROR_INT("ncomps not 3 or 4", procName, 1);
n1 = pixcmapGetCount(cmap1);
n2 = pixcmapGetCount(cmap2);
if (n1 != n2) {
L_INFO("colormap sizes are different\n", procName);
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < n1; i++) {
pixcmapGetRGBA(cmap1, i, &rval1, &gval1, &bval1, &aval1);
pixcmapGetRGBA(cmap2, i, &rval2, &gval2, &bval2, &aval2);
if (rval1 != rval2 || gval1 != gval2 || bval1 != bval2)
return 0;
if (ncomps == 4 && aval1 != aval2)
return 0;
*psame = TRUE;
return 0;
* \brief pixUsesCmapColor()
* \param[in] pixs any depth, colormap
* \param[out] pcolor TRUE if color found
* \return 0 if OK, 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) This returns color = TRUE if three things are obtained:
* (a) the pix has a colormap
* (b) the colormap has at least one color entry
* (c) a color entry is actually used
* (2) It is used in pixEqual() for comparing two images, in a
* situation where it is required to know if the colormap
* has color entries that are actually used in the image.
* </pre>
pixUsesCmapColor(PIX *pixs,
l_int32 *pcolor)
l_int32 n, i, rval, gval, bval, numpix;
NUMA *na;
PIXCMAP *cmap;
if (!pcolor)
return ERROR_INT("&color not defined", procName, 1);
*pcolor = 0;
if (!pixs)
return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined", procName, 1);
if ((cmap = pixGetColormap(pixs)) == NULL)
return 0;
pixcmapHasColor(cmap, pcolor);
if (*pcolor == 0) /* no color */
return 0;
/* The cmap has color entries. Are they used? */
na = pixGetGrayHistogram(pixs, 1);
n = pixcmapGetCount(cmap);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
pixcmapGetColor(cmap, i, &rval, &gval, &bval);
numaGetIValue(na, i, &numpix);
if ((rval != gval || rval != bval) && numpix) { /* color found! */
*pcolor = 1;
return 0;
* Binary correlation *
* \brief pixCorrelationBinary()
* \param[in] pix1 1 bpp
* \param[in] pix2 1 bpp
* \param[out] pval correlation
* \return 0 if OK; 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) The correlation is a number between 0.0 and 1.0,
* based on foreground similarity:
* (|1 AND 2|)**2
* correlation = --------------
* |1| * |2|
* where |x| is the count of foreground pixels in image x.
* If the images are identical, this is 1.0.
* If they have no fg pixels in common, this is 0.0.
* If one or both images have no fg pixels, the correlation is 0.0.
* (2) Typically the two images are of equal size, but this
* is not enforced. Instead, the UL corners are aligned.
* </pre>
pixCorrelationBinary(PIX *pix1,
PIX *pix2,
l_float32 *pval)
l_int32 count1, count2, countn;
l_int32 *tab8;
PIX *pixn;
if (!pval)
return ERROR_INT("&pval not defined", procName, 1);
*pval = 0.0;
if (!pix1)
return ERROR_INT("pix1 not defined", procName, 1);
if (!pix2)
return ERROR_INT("pix2 not defined", procName, 1);
tab8 = makePixelSumTab8();
pixCountPixels(pix1, &count1, tab8);
pixCountPixels(pix2, &count2, tab8);
if (count1 == 0 || count2 == 0) {
return 0;
pixn = pixAnd(NULL, pix1, pix2);
pixCountPixels(pixn, &countn, tab8);
*pval = (l_float32)countn * (l_float32)countn /
((l_float32)count1 * (l_float32)count2);
return 0;
* Difference of two images *
* \brief pixDisplayDiffBinary()
* \param[in] pix1 1 bpp
* \param[in] pix2 1 bpp
* \return pixd 4 bpp cmapped, or NULL on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) This gives a color representation of the difference between
* pix1 and pix2. The color difference depends on the order.
* The pixels in pixd have 4 colors:
* * unchanged: black (on), white (off)
* * on in pix1, off in pix2: red
* * on in pix2, off in pix1: green
* (2) This aligns the UL corners of pix1 and pix2, and crops
* to the overlapping pixels.
* </pre>
pixDisplayDiffBinary(PIX *pix1,
PIX *pix2)
l_int32 w1, h1, d1, w2, h2, d2, minw, minh;
PIX *pixt, *pixd;
PIXCMAP *cmap;
if (!pix1 || !pix2)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pix1, pix2 not both defined", procName, NULL);
pixGetDimensions(pix1, &w1, &h1, &d1);
pixGetDimensions(pix2, &w2, &h2, &d2);
if (d1 != 1 || d2 != 1)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pix1 and pix2 not 1 bpp", procName, NULL);
minw = L_MIN(w1, w2);
minh = L_MIN(h1, h2);
pixd = pixCreate(minw, minh, 4);
cmap = pixcmapCreate(4);
pixcmapAddColor(cmap, 255, 255, 255); /* initialized to white */
pixcmapAddColor(cmap, 0, 0, 0);
pixcmapAddColor(cmap, 255, 0, 0);
pixcmapAddColor(cmap, 0, 255, 0);
pixSetColormap(pixd, cmap);
pixt = pixAnd(NULL, pix1, pix2);
pixPaintThroughMask(pixd, pixt, 0, 0, 0x0); /* black */
pixSubtract(pixt, pix1, pix2);
pixPaintThroughMask(pixd, pixt, 0, 0, 0xff000000); /* red */
pixSubtract(pixt, pix2, pix1);
pixPaintThroughMask(pixd, pixt, 0, 0, 0x00ff0000); /* green */
return pixd;
* \brief pixCompareBinary()
* \param[in] pix1 1 bpp
* \param[in] pix2 1 bpp
* \param[in] comptype L_COMPARE_XOR, L_COMPARE_SUBTRACT
* \param[out] pfract fraction of pixels that are different
* \param[out] ppixdiff [optional] pix of difference
* \return 0 if OK; 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) The two images are aligned at the UL corner, and do not
* need to be the same size.
* (2) If using L_COMPARE_SUBTRACT, pix2 is subtracted from pix1.
* (3) The total number of pixels is determined by pix1.
* (4) On error, the returned fraction is 1.0.
* </pre>
pixCompareBinary(PIX *pix1,
PIX *pix2,
l_int32 comptype,
l_float32 *pfract,
PIX **ppixdiff)
l_int32 w, h, count;
PIX *pixt;
if (ppixdiff) *ppixdiff = NULL;
if (!pfract)
return ERROR_INT("&pfract not defined", procName, 1);
*pfract = 1.0; /* initialize to max difference */
if (!pix1 || pixGetDepth(pix1) != 1)
return ERROR_INT("pix1 not defined or not 1 bpp", procName, 1);
if (!pix2 || pixGetDepth(pix2) != 1)
return ERROR_INT("pix2 not defined or not 1 bpp", procName, 1);
if (comptype != L_COMPARE_XOR && comptype != L_COMPARE_SUBTRACT)
return ERROR_INT("invalid comptype", procName, 1);
if (comptype == L_COMPARE_XOR)
pixt = pixXor(NULL, pix1, pix2);
else /* comptype == L_COMPARE_SUBTRACT) */
pixt = pixSubtract(NULL, pix1, pix2);
pixCountPixels(pixt, &count, NULL);
pixGetDimensions(pix1, &w, &h, NULL);
*pfract = (l_float32)(count) / (l_float32)(w * h);
if (ppixdiff)
*ppixdiff = pixt;
return 0;
* \brief pixCompareGrayOrRGB()
* \param[in] pix1 2,4,8,16 bpp gray, 32 bpp rgb, or colormapped
* \param[in] pix2 2,4,8,16 bpp gray, 32 bpp rgb, or colormapped
* \param[in] plottype gplot plot output type, or 0 for no plot
* \param[out] psame [optional] 1 if pixel values are identical
* \param[out] pdiff [optional] average difference
* \param[out] prmsdiff [optional] rms of difference
* \param[out] ppixdiff [optional] pix of difference
* \return 0 if OK; 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) The two images are aligned at the UL corner, and do not
* need to be the same size. If they are not the same size,
* the comparison will be made over overlapping pixels.
* (2) If there is a colormap, it is removed and the result
* is either gray or RGB depending on the colormap.
* (3) If RGB, each component is compared separately.
* (4) If type is L_COMPARE_ABS_DIFF, pix2 is subtracted from pix1
* and the absolute value is taken.
* (5) If type is L_COMPARE_SUBTRACT, pix2 is subtracted from pix1
* and the result is clipped to 0.
* (6) The plot output types are specified in gplot.h.
* Use 0 if no difference plot is to be made.
* (7) If the images are pixelwise identical, no difference
* plot is made, even if requested. The result (TRUE or FALSE)
* is optionally returned in the parameter 'same'.
* (8) The average difference (either subtracting or absolute value)
* is optionally returned in the parameter 'diff'.
* (9) The RMS difference is optionally returned in the
* parameter 'rmsdiff'. For RGB, we return the average of
* the RMS differences for each of the components.
* (10) Because pixel values are compared, pix1 and pix2 can be equal when:
* * they are both gray with different depth
* * one is colormapped and the other is not
* * they are both colormapped and have different size colormaps
* </pre>
pixCompareGrayOrRGB(PIX *pix1,
PIX *pix2,
l_int32 comptype,
l_int32 plottype,
l_int32 *psame,
l_float32 *pdiff,
l_float32 *prmsdiff,
PIX **ppixdiff)
l_int32 retval, d1, d2;
PIX *pixt1, *pixt2, *pixs1, *pixs2;
if (psame) *psame = 0;
if (pdiff) *pdiff = 255.0;
if (prmsdiff) *prmsdiff = 255.0;
if (ppixdiff) *ppixdiff = NULL;
if (!pix1 || pixGetDepth(pix1) == 1)
return ERROR_INT("pix1 not defined or 1 bpp", procName, 1);
if (!pix2 || pixGetDepth(pix2) == 1)
return ERROR_INT("pix2 not defined or 1 bpp", procName, 1);
if (comptype != L_COMPARE_SUBTRACT && comptype != L_COMPARE_ABS_DIFF)
return ERROR_INT("invalid comptype", procName, 1);
if (plottype < 0 || plottype >= NUM_GPLOT_OUTPUTS)
return ERROR_INT("invalid plottype", procName, 1);
pixt1 = pixRemoveColormap(pix1, REMOVE_CMAP_BASED_ON_SRC);
pixt2 = pixRemoveColormap(pix2, REMOVE_CMAP_BASED_ON_SRC);
d1 = pixGetDepth(pixt1);
d2 = pixGetDepth(pixt2);
if (d1 < 8)
pixs1 = pixConvertTo8(pixt1, FALSE);
pixs1 = pixClone(pixt1);
if (d2 < 8)
pixs2 = pixConvertTo8(pixt2, FALSE);
pixs2 = pixClone(pixt2);
d1 = pixGetDepth(pixs1);
d2 = pixGetDepth(pixs2);
if (d1 != d2) {
return ERROR_INT("intrinsic depths are not equal", procName, 1);
if (d1 == 8 || d1 == 16)
retval = pixCompareGray(pixs1, pixs2, comptype, plottype, psame,
pdiff, prmsdiff, ppixdiff);
else /* d1 == 32 */
retval = pixCompareRGB(pixs1, pixs2, comptype, plottype, psame,
pdiff, prmsdiff, ppixdiff);
return retval;
* \brief pixCompareGray()
* \param[in] pix1 8 or 16 bpp, not cmapped
* \param[in] pix2 8 or 16 bpp, not cmapped
* \param[in] plottype gplot plot output type, or 0 for no plot
* \param[out] psame [optional] 1 if pixel values are identical
* \param[out] pdiff [optional] average difference
* \param[out] prmsdiff [optional] rms of difference
* \param[out] ppixdiff [optional] pix of difference
* \return 0 if OK; 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) See pixCompareGrayOrRGB() for details.
* (2) Use pixCompareGrayOrRGB() if the input pix are colormapped.
* (3) Note: setting %plottype > 0 can result in writing named
* output files.
* </pre>
pixCompareGray(PIX *pix1,
PIX *pix2,
l_int32 comptype,
l_int32 plottype,
l_int32 *psame,
l_float32 *pdiff,
l_float32 *prmsdiff,
PIX **ppixdiff)
char buf[64];
static l_int32 index = 0;
l_int32 d1, d2, same, first, last;
GPLOT *gplot;
NUMA *na, *nac;
PIX *pixt;
if (psame) *psame = 0;
if (pdiff) *pdiff = 255.0;
if (prmsdiff) *prmsdiff = 255.0;
if (ppixdiff) *ppixdiff = NULL;
if (!pix1)
return ERROR_INT("pix1 not defined", procName, 1);
if (!pix2)
return ERROR_INT("pix2 not defined", procName, 1);
d1 = pixGetDepth(pix1);
d2 = pixGetDepth(pix2);
if ((d1 != d2) || (d1 != 8 && d1 != 16))
return ERROR_INT("depths unequal or not 8 or 16 bpp", procName, 1);
if (pixGetColormap(pix1) || pixGetColormap(pix2))
return ERROR_INT("pix1 and/or pix2 are colormapped", procName, 1);
if (comptype != L_COMPARE_SUBTRACT && comptype != L_COMPARE_ABS_DIFF)
return ERROR_INT("invalid comptype", procName, 1);
if (plottype < 0 || plottype >= NUM_GPLOT_OUTPUTS)
return ERROR_INT("invalid plottype", procName, 1);
if (comptype == L_COMPARE_SUBTRACT)
pixt = pixSubtractGray(NULL, pix1, pix2);
else /* comptype == L_COMPARE_ABS_DIFF) */
pixt = pixAbsDifference(pix1, pix2);
pixZero(pixt, &same);
if (same)
L_INFO("Images are pixel-wise identical\n", procName);
if (psame) *psame = same;
if (pdiff)
pixGetAverageMasked(pixt, NULL, 0, 0, 1, L_MEAN_ABSVAL, pdiff);
/* Don't bother to plot if the images are the same */
if (plottype && !same) {
L_INFO("Images differ: output plots will be generated\n", procName);
na = pixGetGrayHistogram(pixt, 1);
numaGetNonzeroRange(na, TINY, &first, &last);
nac = numaClipToInterval(na, 0, last);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/tmp/lept/comp/compare_gray%d", index);
gplot = gplotCreate(buf, plottype,
"Pixel Difference Histogram", "diff val",
"number of pixels");
gplotAddPlot(gplot, NULL, nac, GPLOT_LINES, "gray");
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/tmp/lept/comp/compare_gray%d.png",
l_fileDisplay(buf, 100, 100, 1.0);
if (ppixdiff)
*ppixdiff = pixCopy(NULL, pixt);
if (prmsdiff) {
if (comptype == L_COMPARE_SUBTRACT) { /* wrong type for rms diff */
pixt = pixAbsDifference(pix1, pix2);
pixGetAverageMasked(pixt, NULL, 0, 0, 1, L_ROOT_MEAN_SQUARE, prmsdiff);
return 0;
* \brief pixCompareRGB()
* \param[in] pix1 32 bpp rgb
* \param[in] pix2 32 bpp rgb
* \param[in] plottype gplot plot output type, or 0 for no plot
* \param[out] psame [optional] 1 if pixel values are identical
* \param[out] pdiff [optional] average difference
* \param[out] prmsdiff [optional] rms of difference
* \param[out] ppixdiff [optional] pix of difference
* \return 0 if OK; 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) See pixCompareGrayOrRGB() for details.
* (2) Note: setting %plottype > 0 can result in writing named
* output files.
* </pre>
pixCompareRGB(PIX *pix1,
PIX *pix2,
l_int32 comptype,
l_int32 plottype,
l_int32 *psame,
l_float32 *pdiff,
l_float32 *prmsdiff,
PIX **ppixdiff)
char buf[64];
static l_int32 index = 0;
l_int32 rsame, gsame, bsame, same, first, rlast, glast, blast, last;
l_float32 rdiff, gdiff, bdiff;
GPLOT *gplot;
NUMA *nar, *nag, *nab, *narc, *nagc, *nabc;
PIX *pixr1, *pixr2, *pixg1, *pixg2, *pixb1, *pixb2;
PIX *pixr, *pixg, *pixb;
if (psame) *psame = 0;
if (pdiff) *pdiff = 0.0;
if (prmsdiff) *prmsdiff = 0.0;
if (ppixdiff) *ppixdiff = NULL;
if (!pix1 || pixGetDepth(pix1) != 32)
return ERROR_INT("pix1 not defined or not 32 bpp", procName, 1);
if (!pix2 || pixGetDepth(pix2) != 32)
return ERROR_INT("pix2 not defined or not ew bpp", procName, 1);
if (comptype != L_COMPARE_SUBTRACT && comptype != L_COMPARE_ABS_DIFF)
return ERROR_INT("invalid comptype", procName, 1);
if (plottype < 0 || plottype >= NUM_GPLOT_OUTPUTS)
return ERROR_INT("invalid plottype", procName, 1);
pixr1 = pixGetRGBComponent(pix1, COLOR_RED);
pixr2 = pixGetRGBComponent(pix2, COLOR_RED);
pixg1 = pixGetRGBComponent(pix1, COLOR_GREEN);
pixg2 = pixGetRGBComponent(pix2, COLOR_GREEN);
pixb1 = pixGetRGBComponent(pix1, COLOR_BLUE);
pixb2 = pixGetRGBComponent(pix2, COLOR_BLUE);
if (comptype == L_COMPARE_SUBTRACT) {
pixr = pixSubtractGray(NULL, pixr1, pixr2);
pixg = pixSubtractGray(NULL, pixg1, pixg2);
pixb = pixSubtractGray(NULL, pixb1, pixb2);
} else { /* comptype == L_COMPARE_ABS_DIFF) */
pixr = pixAbsDifference(pixr1, pixr2);
pixg = pixAbsDifference(pixg1, pixg2);
pixb = pixAbsDifference(pixb1, pixb2);
pixZero(pixr, &rsame);
pixZero(pixg, &gsame);
pixZero(pixb, &bsame);
same = rsame && gsame && bsame;
if (same)
L_INFO("Images are pixel-wise identical\n", procName);
if (psame) *psame = same;
if (pdiff) {
pixGetAverageMasked(pixr, NULL, 0, 0, 1, L_MEAN_ABSVAL, &rdiff);
pixGetAverageMasked(pixg, NULL, 0, 0, 1, L_MEAN_ABSVAL, &gdiff);
pixGetAverageMasked(pixb, NULL, 0, 0, 1, L_MEAN_ABSVAL, &bdiff);
*pdiff = (rdiff + gdiff + bdiff) / 3.0;
/* Don't bother to plot if the images are the same */
if (plottype && !same) {
L_INFO("Images differ: output plots will be generated\n", procName);
nar = pixGetGrayHistogram(pixr, 1);
nag = pixGetGrayHistogram(pixg, 1);
nab = pixGetGrayHistogram(pixb, 1);
numaGetNonzeroRange(nar, TINY, &first, &rlast);
numaGetNonzeroRange(nag, TINY, &first, &glast);
numaGetNonzeroRange(nab, TINY, &first, &blast);
last = L_MAX(rlast, glast);
last = L_MAX(last, blast);
narc = numaClipToInterval(nar, 0, last);
nagc = numaClipToInterval(nag, 0, last);
nabc = numaClipToInterval(nab, 0, last);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/tmp/lept/comp/compare_rgb%d", index);
gplot = gplotCreate(buf, plottype,
"Pixel Difference Histogram", "diff val",
"number of pixels");
gplotAddPlot(gplot, NULL, narc, GPLOT_LINES, "red");
gplotAddPlot(gplot, NULL, nagc, GPLOT_LINES, "green");
gplotAddPlot(gplot, NULL, nabc, GPLOT_LINES, "blue");
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/tmp/lept/comp/compare_rgb%d.png",
l_fileDisplay(buf, 100, 100, 1.0);
if (ppixdiff)
*ppixdiff = pixCreateRGBImage(pixr, pixg, pixb);
if (prmsdiff) {
if (comptype == L_COMPARE_SUBTRACT) {
pixr = pixAbsDifference(pixr1, pixr2);
pixg = pixAbsDifference(pixg1, pixg2);
pixb = pixAbsDifference(pixb1, pixb2);
pixGetAverageMasked(pixr, NULL, 0, 0, 1, L_ROOT_MEAN_SQUARE, &rdiff);
pixGetAverageMasked(pixg, NULL, 0, 0, 1, L_ROOT_MEAN_SQUARE, &gdiff);
pixGetAverageMasked(pixb, NULL, 0, 0, 1, L_ROOT_MEAN_SQUARE, &bdiff);
*prmsdiff = (rdiff + gdiff + bdiff) / 3.0;
return 0;
* \brief pixCompareTiled()
* \param[in] pix1 8 bpp or 32 bpp rgb
* \param[in] pix2 8 bpp 32 bpp rgb
* \param[in] sx, sy tile size; must be > 1 in each dimension
* \param[in] type L_MEAN_ABSVAL or L_ROOT_MEAN_SQUARE
* \param[out] ppixdiff pix of difference
* \return 0 if OK; 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) With L_MEAN_ABSVAL, we compute for each tile the
* average abs value of the pixel component difference between
* the two (aligned) images. With L_ROOT_MEAN_SQUARE, we
* compute instead the rms difference over all components.
* (2) The two input pix must be the same depth. Comparison is made
* using UL corner alignment.
* (3) For 32 bpp, the distance between corresponding tiles
* is found by averaging the measured difference over all three
* components of each pixel in the tile.
* (4) The result, pixdiff, contains one pixel for each source tile.
* </pre>
pixCompareTiled(PIX *pix1,
PIX *pix2,
l_int32 sx,
l_int32 sy,
l_int32 type,
PIX **ppixdiff)
l_int32 d1, d2, w, h;
PIX *pixt, *pixr, *pixg, *pixb;
PIX *pixrdiff, *pixgdiff, *pixbdiff;
PIXACC *pixacc;
if (!ppixdiff)
return ERROR_INT("&pixdiff not defined", procName, 1);
*ppixdiff = NULL;
if (!pix1)
return ERROR_INT("pix1 not defined", procName, 1);
if (!pix2)
return ERROR_INT("pix2 not defined", procName, 1);
d1 = pixGetDepth(pix1);
d2 = pixGetDepth(pix2);
if (d1 != d2)
return ERROR_INT("depths not equal", procName, 1);
if (d1 != 8 && d1 != 32)
return ERROR_INT("pix1 not 8 or 32 bpp", procName, 1);
if (d2 != 8 && d2 != 32)
return ERROR_INT("pix2 not 8 or 32 bpp", procName, 1);
if (sx < 2 || sy < 2)
return ERROR_INT("sx and sy not both > 1", procName, 1);
if (type != L_MEAN_ABSVAL && type != L_ROOT_MEAN_SQUARE)
return ERROR_INT("invalid type", procName, 1);
pixt = pixAbsDifference(pix1, pix2);
if (d1 == 8) {
*ppixdiff = pixGetAverageTiled(pixt, sx, sy, type);
} else { /* d1 == 32 */
pixr = pixGetRGBComponent(pixt, COLOR_RED);
pixg = pixGetRGBComponent(pixt, COLOR_GREEN);
pixb = pixGetRGBComponent(pixt, COLOR_BLUE);
pixrdiff = pixGetAverageTiled(pixr, sx, sy, type);
pixgdiff = pixGetAverageTiled(pixg, sx, sy, type);
pixbdiff = pixGetAverageTiled(pixb, sx, sy, type);
pixGetDimensions(pixrdiff, &w, &h, NULL);
pixacc = pixaccCreate(w, h, 0);
pixaccAdd(pixacc, pixrdiff);
pixaccAdd(pixacc, pixgdiff);
pixaccAdd(pixacc, pixbdiff);
pixaccMultConst(pixacc, 1. / 3.);
*ppixdiff = pixaccFinal(pixacc, 8);
return 0;
* Other measures of the difference of two images *
* \brief pixCompareRankDifference()
* \param[in] pix1 8 bpp gray or 32 bpp rgb, or colormapped
* \param[in] pix2 8 bpp gray or 32 bpp rgb, or colormapped
* \param[in] factor subsampling factor; use 0 or 1 for no subsampling
* \return narank numa of rank difference, or NULL on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) This answers the question: if the pixel values in each
* component are compared by absolute difference, for
* any value of difference, what is the fraction of
* pixel pairs that have a difference of this magnitude
* or greater. For a difference of 0, the fraction is 1.0.
* In this sense, it is a mapping from pixel difference to
* rank order of difference.
* (2) The two images are aligned at the UL corner, and do not
* need to be the same size. If they are not the same size,
* the comparison will be made over overlapping pixels.
* (3) If there is a colormap, it is removed and the result
* is either gray or RGB depending on the colormap.
* (4) If RGB, pixel differences for each component are aggregated
* into a single histogram.
* </pre>
pixCompareRankDifference(PIX *pix1,
PIX *pix2,
l_int32 factor)
l_int32 i;
l_float32 *array1, *array2;
NUMA *nah, *nan, *nad;
if (!pix1)
return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("pix1 not defined", procName, NULL);
if (!pix2)
return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("pix2 not defined", procName, NULL);
if ((nah = pixGetDifferenceHistogram(pix1, pix2, factor)) == NULL)
return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("na not made", procName, NULL);
nan = numaNormalizeHistogram(nah, 1.0);
array1 = numaGetFArray(nan, L_NOCOPY);
nad = numaCreate(256);
numaSetCount(nad, 256); /* all initialized to 0.0 */
array2 = numaGetFArray(nad, L_NOCOPY);
/* Do rank accumulation on normalized histo of diffs */
array2[0] = 1.0;
for (i = 1; i < 256; i++)
array2[i] = array2[i - 1] - array1[i - 1];
return nad;
* \brief pixTestForSimilarity()
* \param[in] pix1 8 bpp gray or 32 bpp rgb, or colormapped
* \param[in] pix2 8 bpp gray or 32 bpp rgb, or colormapped
* \param[in] factor subsampling factor; use 0 or 1 for no subsampling
* \param[in] mindiff minimum pixel difference to be counted; > 0
* \param[in] maxfract maximum fraction of pixels allowed to have
* diff greater than or equal to mindiff
* \param[in] maxave maximum average difference of pixels allowed for
* pixels with diff greater than or equal to
* mindiff, after subtracting mindiff
* \param[out] psimilar 1 if similar, 0 otherwise
* \param[in] details use 1 to give normalized histogram and other data
* \return 0 if OK, 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) This takes 2 pix that are the same size and determines using
* 3 input parameters if they are "similar". The first parameter
* %mindiff establishes a criterion of pixel-to-pixel similarity:
* two pixels are not similar if their difference in value is
* at least mindiff. Then %maxfract and %maxave are thresholds
* on the number and distribution of dissimilar pixels
* allowed for the two pix to be similar. If the pix are
* to be similar, neither threshold can be exceeded.
* (2) In setting the %maxfract and %maxave thresholds, you have
* these options:
* (a) Base the comparison only on %maxfract. Then set
* %maxave = 0.0 or 256.0. (If 0, we always ignore it.)
* (b) Base the comparison only on %maxave. Then set
* %maxfract = 1.0.
* (c) Base the comparison on both thresholds.
* (3) Example of values that can be expected at mindiff = 15 when
* comparing lossless png encoding with jpeg encoding, q=75:
* (smoothish bg) fractdiff = 0.01, avediff = 2.5
* (natural scene) fractdiff = 0.13, avediff = 3.5
* To identify these images as 'similar', select maxfract
* and maxave to be upper bounds of what you expect.
* (4) See pixGetDifferenceStats() for a discussion of why we subtract
* mindiff from the computed average diff of the nonsimilar pixels
* to get the 'avediff' returned by that function.
* (5) If there is a colormap, it is removed and the result
* is either gray or RGB depending on the colormap.
* (6) If RGB, the maximum difference between pixel components is
* saved in the histogram.
* </pre>
pixTestForSimilarity(PIX *pix1,
PIX *pix2,
l_int32 factor,
l_int32 mindiff,
l_float32 maxfract,
l_float32 maxave,
l_int32 *psimilar,
l_int32 details)
l_float32 fractdiff, avediff;
if (!psimilar)
return ERROR_INT("&similar not defined", procName, 1);
*psimilar = 0;
if (!pix1)
return ERROR_INT("pix1 not defined", procName, 1);
if (!pix2)
return ERROR_INT("pix2 not defined", procName, 1);
if (pixSizesEqual(pix1, pix2) == 0)
return ERROR_INT("pix sizes not equal", procName, 1);
if (mindiff <= 0)
return ERROR_INT("mindiff must be > 0", procName, 1);
if (pixGetDifferenceStats(pix1, pix2, factor, mindiff,
&fractdiff, &avediff, details))
return ERROR_INT("diff stats not found", procName, 1);
if (maxave <= 0.0) maxave = 256.0;
if (fractdiff <= maxfract && avediff <= maxave)
*psimilar = 1;
return 0;
* \brief pixGetDifferenceStats()
* \param[in] pix1 8 bpp gray or 32 bpp rgb, or colormapped
* \param[in] pix2 8 bpp gray or 32 bpp rgb, or colormapped
* \param[in] factor subsampling factor; use 0 or 1 for no subsampling
* \param[in] mindiff minimum pixel difference to be counted; > 0
* \param[out] pfractdiff fraction of pixels with diff greater than or
* equal to mindiff
* \param[out] pavediff average difference of pixels with diff greater
* than or equal to mindiff, less mindiff
* \param[in] details use 1 to give normalized histogram and other data
* \return 0 if OK, 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) This takes a threshold %mindiff and describes the difference
* between two images in terms of two numbers:
* (a) the fraction of pixels, %fractdiff, whose difference
* equals or exceeds the threshold %mindiff, and
* (b) the average value %avediff of the difference in pixel value
* for the pixels in the set given by (a), after you subtract
* %mindiff. The reason for subtracting %mindiff is that
* you then get a useful measure for the rate of falloff
* of the distribution for larger differences. For example,
* if %mindiff = 10 and you find that %avediff = 2.5, it
* says that of the pixels with diff > 10, the average of
* their diffs is just mindiff + 2.5 = 12.5. This is a
* fast falloff in the histogram with increasing difference.
* (2) The two images are aligned at the UL corner, and do not
* need to be the same size. If they are not the same size,
* the comparison will be made over overlapping pixels.
* (3) If there is a colormap, it is removed and the result
* is either gray or RGB depending on the colormap.
* (4) If RGB, the maximum difference between pixel components is
* saved in the histogram.
* (5) Set %details == 1 to see the difference histogram and get
* an output that shows for each value of %mindiff, what are the
* minimum values required for fractdiff and avediff in order
* that the two pix will be considered similar.
* </pre>
pixGetDifferenceStats(PIX *pix1,
PIX *pix2,
l_int32 factor,
l_int32 mindiff,
l_float32 *pfractdiff,
l_float32 *pavediff,
l_int32 details)
l_int32 i, first, last, diff;
l_float32 fract, ave;
l_float32 *array;
NUMA *nah, *nan, *nac;
if (pfractdiff) *pfractdiff = 0.0;
if (pavediff) *pavediff = 0.0;
if (!pfractdiff)
return ERROR_INT("&fractdiff not defined", procName, 1);
if (!pavediff)
return ERROR_INT("&avediff not defined", procName, 1);
if (!pix1)
return ERROR_INT("pix1 not defined", procName, 1);
if (!pix2)
return ERROR_INT("pix2 not defined", procName, 1);
if (mindiff <= 0)
return ERROR_INT("mindiff must be > 0", procName, 1);
if ((nah = pixGetDifferenceHistogram(pix1, pix2, factor)) == NULL)
return ERROR_INT("na not made", procName, 1);
if ((nan = numaNormalizeHistogram(nah, 1.0)) == NULL) {
return ERROR_INT("nan not made", procName, 1);
array = numaGetFArray(nan, L_NOCOPY);
if (details) {
numaGetNonzeroRange(nan, 0.0, &first, &last);
nac = numaClipToInterval(nan, first, last);
gplotSimple1(nac, GPLOT_PNG, "/tmp/lept/comp/histo",
"Difference histogram");
l_fileDisplay("/tmp/lept/comp/histo.png", 500, 0, 1.0);
fprintf(stderr, "\nNonzero values in normalized histogram:");
numaWriteStream(stderr, nac);
fprintf(stderr, " Mindiff fractdiff avediff\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -----------------------------------\n");
for (diff = 1; diff < L_MIN(2 * mindiff, last); diff++) {
fract = 0.0;
ave = 0.0;
for (i = diff; i <= last; i++) {
fract += array[i];
ave += (l_float32)i * array[i];
ave = (fract == 0.0) ? 0.0 : ave / fract;
ave -= diff;
fprintf(stderr, "%5d %7.4f %7.4f\n",
diff, fract, ave);
fprintf(stderr, " -----------------------------------\n");
fract = 0.0;
ave = 0.0;
for (i = mindiff; i < 256; i++) {
fract += array[i];
ave += (l_float32)i * array[i];
ave = (fract == 0.0) ? 0.0 : ave / fract;
ave -= mindiff;
*pfractdiff = fract;
*pavediff = ave;
return 0;
* \brief pixGetDifferenceHistogram()
* \param[in] pix1 8 bpp gray or 32 bpp rgb, or colormapped
* \param[in] pix2 8 bpp gray or 32 bpp rgb, or colormapped
* \param[in] factor subsampling factor; use 0 or 1 for no subsampling
* \return na Numa of histogram of differences, or NULL on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) The two images are aligned at the UL corner, and do not
* need to be the same size. If they are not the same size,
* the comparison will be made over overlapping pixels.
* (2) If there is a colormap, it is removed and the result
* is either gray or RGB depending on the colormap.
* (3) If RGB, the maximum difference between pixel components is
* saved in the histogram.
* </pre>
pixGetDifferenceHistogram(PIX *pix1,
PIX *pix2,
l_int32 factor)
l_int32 w1, h1, d1, w2, h2, d2, w, h, wpl1, wpl2;
l_int32 i, j, val, val1, val2;
l_int32 rval1, rval2, gval1, gval2, bval1, bval2;
l_int32 rdiff, gdiff, bdiff, maxdiff;
l_uint32 *data1, *data2, *line1, *line2;
l_float32 *array;
NUMA *na;
PIX *pixt1, *pixt2;
if (!pix1)
return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("pix1 not defined", procName, NULL);
if (!pix2)
return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("pix2 not defined", procName, NULL);
d1 = pixGetDepth(pix1);
d2 = pixGetDepth(pix2);
if (d1 == 16 || d2 == 16)
return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("d == 16 not supported", procName, NULL);
if (d1 < 8 && !pixGetColormap(pix1))
return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("pix1 depth < 8 bpp and not cmapped",
procName, NULL);
if (d2 < 8 && !pixGetColormap(pix2))
return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("pix2 depth < 8 bpp and not cmapped",
procName, NULL);
pixt1 = pixRemoveColormap(pix1, REMOVE_CMAP_BASED_ON_SRC);
pixt2 = pixRemoveColormap(pix2, REMOVE_CMAP_BASED_ON_SRC);
pixGetDimensions(pixt1, &w1, &h1, &d1);
pixGetDimensions(pixt2, &w2, &h2, &d2);
if (d1 != d2) {
return (NUMA *)ERROR_PTR("pix depths not equal", procName, NULL);
if (factor < 1) factor = 1;
na = numaCreate(256);
numaSetCount(na, 256); /* all initialized to 0.0 */
array = numaGetFArray(na, L_NOCOPY);
w = L_MIN(w1, w2);
h = L_MIN(h1, h2);
data1 = pixGetData(pixt1);
data2 = pixGetData(pixt2);
wpl1 = pixGetWpl(pixt1);
wpl2 = pixGetWpl(pixt2);
if (d1 == 8) {
for (i = 0; i < h; i += factor) {
line1 = data1 + i * wpl1;
line2 = data2 + i * wpl2;
for (j = 0; j < w; j += factor) {
val1 = GET_DATA_BYTE(line1, j);
val2 = GET_DATA_BYTE(line2, j);
val = L_ABS(val1 - val2);
} else { /* d1 == 32 */
for (i = 0; i < h; i += factor) {
line1 = data1 + i * wpl1;
line2 = data2 + i * wpl2;
for (j = 0; j < w; j += factor) {
extractRGBValues(line1[j], &rval1, &gval1, &bval1);
extractRGBValues(line2[j], &rval2, &gval2, &bval2);
rdiff = L_ABS(rval1 - rval2);
gdiff = L_ABS(gval1 - gval2);
bdiff = L_ABS(bval1 - bval2);
maxdiff = L_MAX(rdiff, gdiff);
maxdiff = L_MAX(maxdiff, bdiff);
return na;
* \brief pixGetPerceptualDiff()
* \param[in] pixs1 8 bpp gray or 32 bpp rgb, or colormapped
* \param[in] pixs2 8 bpp gray or 32 bpp rgb, or colormapped
* \param[in] sampling subsampling factor; use 0 or 1 for no subsampling
* \param[in] dilation size of grayscale or color Sel; odd
* \param[in] mindiff minimum pixel difference to be counted; > 0
* \param[out] pfract fraction of pixels with diff greater than mindiff
* \param[out] ppixdiff1 [optional] showing difference (gray or color)
* \param[out] ppixdiff2 [optional] showing pixels of sufficient diff
* \return 0 if OK, 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) This takes 2 pix and determines, using 2 input parameters:
* * %dilation specifies the amount of grayscale or color
* dilation to apply to the images, to compensate for
* a small amount of misregistration. A typical number might
* be 5, which uses a 5x5 Sel. Grayscale dilation expands
* lighter pixels into darker pixel regions.
* * %mindiff determines the threshold on the difference in
* pixel values to be counted -- two pixels are not similar
* if their difference in value is at least %mindiff. For
* color pixels, we use the maximum component difference.
* (2) The pixelwise comparison is always done with the UL corners
* aligned. The sizes of pix1 and pix2 need not be the same,
* although in practice it can be useful to scale to the same size.
* (3) If there is a colormap, it is removed and the result
* is either gray or RGB depending on the colormap.
* (4) Two optional diff images can be retrieved (typ. for debugging):
* pixdiff1: the gray or color difference
* pixdiff2: thresholded to 1 bpp for pixels exceeding %mindiff
* (5) The returned value of fract can be compared to some threshold,
* which is application dependent.
* (6) This method is in analogy to the two-sided hausdorff transform,
* except here it is for d > 1. For d == 1 (see pixRankHaustest()),
* we verify that when one pix1 is dilated, it covers at least a
* given fraction of the pixels in pix2, and v.v.; in that
* case, the two pix are sufficiently similar. Here, we
* do an analogous thing: subtract the dilated pix1 from pix2 to
* get a 1-sided hausdorff-like transform. Then do it the
* other way. Take the component-wise max of the two results,
* and threshold to get the fraction of pixels with a difference
* below the threshold.
* </pre>
pixGetPerceptualDiff(PIX *pixs1,
PIX *pixs2,
l_int32 sampling,
l_int32 dilation,
l_int32 mindiff,
l_float32 *pfract,
PIX **ppixdiff1,
PIX **ppixdiff2)
l_int32 d1, d2, w, h, count;
PIX *pix1, *pix2, *pix3, *pix4, *pix5, *pix6, *pix7, *pix8, *pix9;
PIX *pix10, *pix11;
if (ppixdiff1) *ppixdiff1 = NULL;
if (ppixdiff2) *ppixdiff2 = NULL;
if (!pfract)
return ERROR_INT("&fract not defined", procName, 1);
*pfract = 1.0; /* init to completely different */
if ((dilation & 1) == 0)
return ERROR_INT("dilation must be odd", procName, 1);
if (!pixs1)
return ERROR_INT("pixs1 not defined", procName, 1);
if (!pixs2)
return ERROR_INT("pixs2 not defined", procName, 1);
d1 = pixGetDepth(pixs1);
d2 = pixGetDepth(pixs2);
if (!pixGetColormap(pixs1) && d1 < 8)
return ERROR_INT("pixs1 not cmapped or >=8 bpp", procName, 1);
if (!pixGetColormap(pixs2) && d2 < 8)
return ERROR_INT("pixs2 not cmapped or >=8 bpp", procName, 1);
/* Integer downsample if requested */
if (sampling > 1) {
pix1 = pixScaleByIntSampling(pixs1, sampling);
pix2 = pixScaleByIntSampling(pixs2, sampling);
} else {
pix1 = pixClone(pixs1);
pix2 = pixClone(pixs2);
/* Remove colormaps */
if (pixGetColormap(pix1)) {
pix3 = pixRemoveColormap(pix1, REMOVE_CMAP_BASED_ON_SRC);
d1 = pixGetDepth(pix3);
} else {
pix3 = pixClone(pix1);
if (pixGetColormap(pix2)) {
pix4 = pixRemoveColormap(pix2, REMOVE_CMAP_BASED_ON_SRC);
d2 = pixGetDepth(pix4);
} else {
pix4 = pixClone(pix2);
if (d1 != d2) {
return ERROR_INT("pix3 and pix4 depths not equal", procName, 1);
/* In each direction, do a small dilation and subtract the dilated
* image from the other image to get a one-sided difference.
* Then take the max of the differences for each direction
* and clipping each component to 255 if necessary. Note that
* for RGB images, the dilations and max selection are done
* component-wise, and the conversion to grayscale also uses the
* maximum component. The resulting grayscale images are
* thresholded using %mindiff. */
if (d1 == 8) {
pix5 = pixDilateGray(pix3, dilation, dilation);
pixCompareGray(pix4, pix5, L_COMPARE_SUBTRACT, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL,
pix6 = pixDilateGray(pix4, dilation, dilation);
pixCompareGray(pix3, pix6, L_COMPARE_SUBTRACT, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL,
pix9 = pixMinOrMax(NULL, pix7, pix8, L_CHOOSE_MAX);
pix10 = pixThresholdToBinary(pix9, mindiff);
pixInvert(pix10, pix10);
pixCountPixels(pix10, &count, NULL);
pixGetDimensions(pix10, &w, &h, NULL);
*pfract = (l_float32)count / (l_float32)(w * h);
if (ppixdiff1)
*ppixdiff1 = pix9;
if (ppixdiff2)
*ppixdiff2 = pix10;
} else { /* d1 == 32 */
pix5 = pixColorMorph(pix3, L_MORPH_DILATE, dilation, dilation);
pixCompareRGB(pix4, pix5, L_COMPARE_SUBTRACT, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL,
pix6 = pixColorMorph(pix4, L_MORPH_DILATE, dilation, dilation);
pixCompareRGB(pix3, pix6, L_COMPARE_SUBTRACT, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL,
pix9 = pixMinOrMax(NULL, pix7, pix8, L_CHOOSE_MAX);
pix10 = pixConvertRGBToGrayMinMax(pix9, L_CHOOSE_MAX);
pix11 = pixThresholdToBinary(pix10, mindiff);
pixInvert(pix11, pix11);
pixCountPixels(pix11, &count, NULL);
pixGetDimensions(pix11, &w, &h, NULL);
*pfract = (l_float32)count / (l_float32)(w * h);
if (ppixdiff1)
*ppixdiff1 = pix9;
if (ppixdiff2)
*ppixdiff2 = pix11;
return 0;
* \brief pixGetPSNR()
* \param[in] pix1, pix2 8 or 32 bpp; no colormap
* \param[in] factor sampling factor; >= 1
* \param[out] ppsnr power signal/noise ratio difference
* \return 0 if OK, 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) This computes the power S/N ratio, in dB, for the difference
* between two images. By convention, the power S/N
* for a grayscale image is ('log' == log base 10,
* and 'ln == log base e):
* PSNR = 10 * log((255/MSE)^2)
* = 4.3429 * ln((255/MSE)^2)
* = -4.3429 * ln((MSE/255)^2)
* where MSE is the mean squared error.
* Here are some examples:
* --- ----
* 10 28.1
* 3 38.6
* 1 48.1
* 0.1 68.1
* (2) If pix1 and pix2 have the same pixel values, the MSE = 0.0
* and the PSNR is infinity. For that case, this returns
* PSNR = 1000, which corresponds to the very small MSE of
* about 10^(-48).
* </pre>
pixGetPSNR(PIX *pix1,
PIX *pix2,
l_int32 factor,
l_float32 *ppsnr)
l_int32 same, i, j, w, h, d, wpl1, wpl2, v1, v2, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2;
l_uint32 *data1, *data2, *line1, *line2;
l_float32 mse; /* mean squared error */
if (!ppsnr)
return ERROR_INT("&psnr not defined", procName, 1);
*ppsnr = 0.0;
if (!pix1 || !pix2)
return ERROR_INT("empty input pix", procName, 1);
if (!pixSizesEqual(pix1, pix2))
return ERROR_INT("pix sizes unequal", procName, 1);
if (pixGetColormap(pix1))
return ERROR_INT("pix1 has colormap", procName, 1);
if (pixGetColormap(pix2))
return ERROR_INT("pix2 has colormap", procName, 1);
pixGetDimensions(pix1, &w, &h, &d);
if (d != 8 && d != 32)
return ERROR_INT("pix not 8 or 32 bpp", procName, 1);
if (factor < 1)
return ERROR_INT("invalid sampling factor", procName, 1);
pixEqual(pix1, pix2, &same);
if (same) {
*ppsnr = 1000.0; /* crazy big exponent */
return 0;
data1 = pixGetData(pix1);
data2 = pixGetData(pix2);
wpl1 = pixGetWpl(pix1);
wpl2 = pixGetWpl(pix2);
mse = 0.0;
if (d == 8) {
for (i = 0; i < h; i += factor) {
line1 = data1 + i * wpl1;
line2 = data2 + i * wpl2;
for (j = 0; j < w; j += factor) {
v1 = GET_DATA_BYTE(line1, j);
v2 = GET_DATA_BYTE(line2, j);
mse += (l_float32)(v1 - v2) * (v1 - v2);
} else { /* d == 32 */
for (i = 0; i < h; i += factor) {
line1 = data1 + i * wpl1;
line2 = data2 + i * wpl2;
for (j = 0; j < w; j += factor) {
extractRGBValues(line1[j], &r1, &g1, &b1);
extractRGBValues(line2[j], &r2, &g2, &b2);
mse += ((l_float32)(r1 - r2) * (r1 - r2) +
(g1 - g2) * (g1 - g2) +
(b1 - b2) * (b1 - b2)) / 3.0;
mse = mse / ((l_float32)(w) * h);
*ppsnr = -4.3429448 * log(mse / (255 * 255));
return 0;
* Comparison of photo regions by histogram *
* \brief pixaComparePhotoRegionsByHisto()
* \param[in] pixa any depth; colormap OK
* \param[in] minratio requiring sizes be compatible; < 1.0
* \param[in] textthresh threshold for text/photo; use 0 for default
* \param[in] factor subsampling; >= 1
* \param[in] n in range {1, ... 7}. n^2 is the maximum number
* of subregions for histograms; typ. n = 3.
* \param[in] simthresh threshold for similarity; use 0 for default
* \param[out] pnai array giving similarity class indices
* \param[out] pscores [optional] score matrix as 1-D array of size N^2
* \param[out] ppixd [optional] pix of similarity classes
* \param[in] debug 1 to output histograms; 0 otherwise
* \return 0 if OK, 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) This function takes a pixa of cropped photo images and
* compares each one to the others for similarity.
* Each image is first tested to see if it is a photo that can
* be compared by tiled histograms. If so, it is padded to put
* the centroid in the center of the image, and the histograms
* are generated. The final step of comparing each histogram
* with all the others is very fast.
* (2) To make the histograms, each image is subdivided in a maximum
* of n^2 subimages. The parameter %n specifies the "side" of
* an n x n grid of such subimages. If the subimages have an
* aspect ratio larger than 2, the grid will change, again using n^2
* as a maximum for the number of subimages. For example,
* if n == 3, but the image is 600 x 200 pixels, a 3x3 grid
* would have subimages of 200 x 67 pixels, which is more
* than 2:1, so we change to a 4x2 grid where each subimage
* has 150 x 100 pixels.
* (3) An initial filter gives %score = 0 if the ratio of widths
* and heights (smallest / largest) does not exceed a
* threshold %minratio. If set at 1.0, both images must be
* exactly the same size. A typical value for %minratio is 0.9.
* (4) The comparison score between two images is a value in [0.0 .. 1.0].
* If the comparison score >= %simthresh, the images are placed in
* the same similarity class. Default value for %simthresh is 0.25.
* (5) An array %nai of similarity class indices for pix in the
* input pixa is returned.
* (6) There are two debugging options:
* * An optional 2D matrix of scores is returned as a 1D array.
* A visualization of this is written to a temp file.
* * An optional pix showing the similarity classes can be
* returned. Text in each input pix is reproduced.
* (7) See the notes in pixComparePhotoRegionsByHisto() for details
* on the implementation.
* </pre>
pixaComparePhotoRegionsByHisto(PIXA *pixa,
l_float32 minratio,
l_float32 textthresh,
l_int32 factor,
l_int32 n,
l_float32 simthresh,
NUMA **pnai,
l_float32 **pscores,
PIX **ppixd,
l_int32 debug)
char *text;
l_int32 i, j, nim, w, h, w1, h1, w2, h2, ival, index, classid;
l_float32 score;
l_float32 *scores;
NUMA *nai, *naw, *nah;
NUMAA *naa;
NUMAA **n3a; /* array of naa */
PIX *pix;
if (pscores) *pscores = NULL;
if (ppixd) *ppixd = NULL;
if (!pnai)
return ERROR_INT("&na not defined", procName, 1);
*pnai = NULL;
if (!pixa)
return ERROR_INT("pixa not defined", procName, 1);
if (minratio < 0.0 || minratio > 1.0)
return ERROR_INT("minratio not in [0.0 ... 1.0]", procName, 1);
if (textthresh <= 0.0) textthresh = 1.3;
if (factor < 1)
return ERROR_INT("subsampling factor must be >= 1", procName, 1);
if (n < 1 || n > 7) {
L_WARNING("n = %d is invalid; setting to 4\n", procName, n);
n = 4;
if (simthresh <= 0.0) simthresh = 0.25;
if (simthresh > 1.0)
return ERROR_INT("simthresh invalid; should be near 0.25", procName, 1);
/* Prepare the histograms */
nim = pixaGetCount(pixa);
if ((n3a = (NUMAA **)LEPT_CALLOC(nim, sizeof(NUMAA *))) == NULL)
return ERROR_INT("calloc fail for n3a", procName, 1);
naw = numaCreate(0);
nah = numaCreate(0);
for (i = 0; i < nim; i++) {
pix = pixaGetPix(pixa, i, L_CLONE);
text = pixGetText(pix);
pixSetResolution(pix, 150, 150);
index = (debug) ? i : 0;
pixGenPhotoHistos(pix, NULL, factor, textthresh, n,
&naa, &w, &h, index);
n3a[i] = naa;
numaAddNumber(naw, w);
numaAddNumber(nah, h);
if (naa)
fprintf(stderr, "Image %s is photo\n", text);
fprintf(stderr, "Image %s is NOT photo\n", text);
/* Do the comparisons. We are making a set of classes, where
* all similar images are placed in the same class. There are
* 'nim' input images. The classes are labeled by 'classid' (all
* similar images get the same 'classid' value), and 'nai' maps
* the classid of the image in the input array to the classid
* of the similarity class. */
if ((scores =
(l_float32 *)LEPT_CALLOC((size_t)nim * nim, sizeof(l_float32)))
== NULL) {
L_ERROR("calloc fail for scores\n", procName);
goto cleanup;
nai = numaMakeConstant(-1, nim); /* classid array */
for (i = 0, classid = 0; i < nim; i++) {
scores[nim * i + i] = 1.0;
numaGetIValue(nai, i, &ival);
if (ival != -1) /* already set */
numaSetValue(nai, i, classid);
if (n3a[i] == NULL) { /* not a photo */
numaGetIValue(naw, i, &w1);
numaGetIValue(nah, i, &h1);
for (j = i + 1; j < nim; j++) {
numaGetIValue(nai, j, &ival);
if (ival != -1) /* already set */
if (n3a[j] == NULL) /* not a photo */
numaGetIValue(naw, j, &w2);
numaGetIValue(nah, j, &h2);
compareTilesByHisto(n3a[i], n3a[j], minratio, w1, h1, w2, h2,
&score, NULL);
scores[nim * i + j] = score;
scores[nim * j + i] = score; /* the score array is symmetric */
/* fprintf(stderr, "score = %5.3f\n", score); */
if (score > simthresh) {
numaSetValue(nai, j, classid);
"Setting %d similar to %d, in class %d; score %5.3f\n",
j, i, classid, score);
*pnai = nai;
/* Debug: optionally save and display the score array.
* All images that are photos are represented by a point on
* the diagonal. Other images in the same similarity class
* are on the same horizontal raster line to the right.
* The array has been symmetrized, so images in the same
* same similarity class also appear on the same column below. */
if (pscores) {
l_int32 wpl, fact;
l_uint32 *line, *data;
PIX *pix2, *pix3;
pix2 = pixCreate(nim, nim, 8);
data = pixGetData(pix2);
wpl = pixGetWpl(pix2);
for (i = 0; i < nim; i++) {
line = data + i * wpl;
for (j = 0; j < nim; j++) {
SET_DATA_BYTE(line, j,
L_MIN(255, 4.0 * 255 * scores[nim * i + j]));
fact = L_MAX(2, 1000 / nim);
pix3 = pixExpandReplicate(pix2, fact);
fprintf(stderr, "Writing to /tmp/lept/comp/scorearray.png\n");
pixWrite("/tmp/lept/comp/scorearray.png", pix3, IFF_PNG);
*pscores = scores;
} else {
/* Debug: optionally display and save the image comparisons.
* Image similarity classes are displayed by column; similar
* images are displayed in the same column. */
if (ppixd)
*ppixd = pixaDisplayTiledByIndex(pixa, nai, 200, 20, 2, 6, 0x0000ff00);
for (i = 0; i < nim; i++)
return 0;
* \brief pixComparePhotoRegionsByHisto()
* \param[in] pix1, pix2 any depth; colormap OK
* \param[in] box1, box2 [optional] photo regions from each; can be null
* \param[in] minratio requiring sizes be compatible; < 1.0
* \param[in] factor subsampling factor; >= 1
* \param[in] n in range {1, ... 7}. n^2 is the maximum number
* of subregions for histograms; typ. n = 3.
* \param[out] pscore similarity score of histograms
* \param[in] debugflag 1 for debug output; 0 for no debugging
* \return 0 if OK, 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) This function compares two grayscale photo regions. If a
* box is given, the region is clipped; otherwise assume
* the entire images are photo regions. This is done with a
* set of not more than n^2 spatially aligned histograms, which are
* aligned using the centroid of the inverse image.
* (2) The parameter %n specifies the "side" of an n x n grid
* of subimages. If the subimages have an aspect ratio larger
* than 2, the grid will change, using n^2 as a maximum for
* the number of subimages. For example, if n == 3, but the
* image is 600 x 200 pixels, a 3x3 grid would have subimages
* of 200 x 67 pixels, which is more than 2:1, so we change
* to a 4x2 grid where each subimage has 150 x 100 pixels.
* (3) An initial filter gives %score = 0 if the ratio of widths
* and heights (smallest / largest) does not exceed a
* threshold %minratio. This must be between 0.5 and 1.0.
* If set at 1.0, both images must be exactly the same size.
* A typical value for %minratio is 0.9.
* (4) Because this function should not be used on text or
* line graphics, which can give false positive results
* (i.e., high scores for different images), filter the images
* using pixGenPhotoHistos(), which returns tiled histograms
* only if an image is not text and comparison is expected
* to work with histograms. If either image fails the test,
* the comparison returns a score of 0.0.
* (5) The white value counts in the histograms are removed; they
* are typically pixels that were padded to achieve alignment.
* (6) For an efficient representation of the histogram, normalize
* using a multiplicative factor so that the number in the
* maximum bucket is 255. It then takes 256 bytes to store.
* (7) When comparing the histograms of two regions, use the
* Earth Mover distance (EMD), with the histograms normalized
* so that the sum over bins is the same. Further normalize
* by dividing by 255, so that the result is in [0.0 ... 1.0].
* (8) Get a similarity score S = 1.0 - k * D, where
* k is a constant, say in the range 5-10
* D = normalized EMD
* and for multiple tiles, take the Min(S) to be the final score.
* Using aligned tiles gives protection against accidental
* similarity of the overall grayscale histograms.
* A small number of aligned tiles works well.
* (9) With debug on, you get a pdf that shows, for each tile,
* the images, histograms and score.
* </pre>
pixComparePhotoRegionsByHisto(PIX *pix1,
PIX *pix2,
BOX *box1,
BOX *box2,
l_float32 minratio,
l_int32 factor,
l_int32 n,
l_float32 *pscore,
l_int32 debugflag)
l_int32 w1, h1, w2, h2, w1c, h1c, w2c, h2c, debugindex;
l_float32 wratio, hratio;
NUMAA *naa1, *naa2;
PIX *pix3, *pix4;
PIXA *pixa;
if (!pscore)
return ERROR_INT("&score not defined", procName, 1);
*pscore = 0.0;
if (!pix1 || !pix2)
return ERROR_INT("pix1 and pix2 not both defined", procName, 1);
if (minratio < 0.5 || minratio > 1.0)
return ERROR_INT("minratio not in [0.5 ... 1.0]", procName, 1);
if (factor < 1)
return ERROR_INT("subsampling factor must be >= 1", procName, 1);
if (n < 1 || n > 7) {
L_WARNING("n = %d is invalid; setting to 4\n", procName, n);
n = 4;
debugindex = 0;
if (debugflag) {
debugindex = 666; /* arbitrary number used for naming output */
/* Initial filter by size */
if (box1)
boxGetGeometry(box1, NULL, NULL, &w1, &h1);
pixGetDimensions(pix1, &w1, &h1, NULL);
if (box2)
boxGetGeometry(box2, NULL, NULL, &w2, &h2);
pixGetDimensions(pix1, &w2, &h2, NULL);
wratio = (w1 < w2) ? (l_float32)w1 / (l_float32)w2 :
(l_float32)w2 / (l_float32)w1;
hratio = (h1 < h2) ? (l_float32)h1 / (l_float32)h2 :
(l_float32)h2 / (l_float32)h1;
if (wratio < minratio || hratio < minratio)
return 0;
/* Initial crop, if necessary, and make histos */
if (box1)
pix3 = pixClipRectangle(pix1, box1, NULL);
pix3 = pixClone(pix1);
pixGenPhotoHistos(pix3, NULL, factor, 0, n, &naa1, &w1c, &h1c, debugindex);
if (!naa1) return 0;
if (box2)
pix4 = pixClipRectangle(pix2, box2, NULL);
pix4 = pixClone(pix2);
pixGenPhotoHistos(pix4, NULL, factor, 0, n, &naa2, &w2c, &h2c, debugindex);
if (!naa2) return 0;
/* Compare histograms */
pixa = (debugflag) ? pixaCreate(0) : NULL;
compareTilesByHisto(naa1, naa2, minratio, w1c, h1c, w2c, h2c, pscore, pixa);
return 0;
* \brief pixGenPhotoHistos()
* \param[in] pixs depth > 1 bpp; colormap OK
* \param[in] box [optional] region to be selected; can be null
* \param[in] factor subsampling; >= 1
* \param[in] thresh threshold for photo/text; use 0 for default
* \param[in] n in range {1, ... 7}. n^2 is the maximum number
* of subregions for histograms; typ. n = 3.
* \param[out] pnaa nx * ny 256-entry gray histograms
* \param[out] pw width of image used to make histograms
* \param[out] ph height of image used to make histograms
* \param[in] debugindex 0 for no debugging; positive integer otherwise
* \return 0 if OK, 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) This crops and converts to 8 bpp if necessary. It adds a
* minimal white boundary such that the centroid of the
* photo-inverted image is in the center. This allows
* automatic alignment with histograms of other image regions.
* (2) The parameter %n specifies the "side" of the n x n grid
* of subimages. If the subimages have an aspect ratio larger
* than 2, the grid will change, using n^2 as a maximum for
* the number of subimages. For example, if n == 3, but the
* image is 600 x 200 pixels, a 3x3 grid would have subimages
* of 200 x 67 pixels, which is more than 2:1, so we change
* to a 4x2 grid where each subimage has 150 x 100 pixels.
* (3) The white value in the histogram is removed, because of
* the padding.
* (4) Use 0 for conservative default (1.3) for thresh.
* (5) For an efficient representation of the histogram, normalize
* using a multiplicative factor so that the number in the
* maximum bucket is 255. It then takes 256 bytes to store.
* (6) With %debugindex > 0, this makes a pdf that shows, for each tile,
* the images and histograms.
* </pre>
pixGenPhotoHistos(PIX *pixs,
BOX *box,
l_int32 factor,
l_float32 thresh,
l_int32 n,
NUMAA **pnaa,
l_int32 *pw,
l_int32 *ph,
l_int32 debugindex)
char buf[64];
NUMAA *naa;
PIX *pix1, *pix2, *pix3, *pixm;
PIXA *pixa;
if (pnaa) *pnaa = NULL;
if (pw) *pw = 0;
if (ph) *ph = 0;
if (!pnaa)
return ERROR_INT("&naa not defined", procName, 1);
if (!pw || !ph)
return ERROR_INT("&w and &h not both defined", procName, 1);
if (!pixs || pixGetDepth(pixs) == 1)
return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined or 1 bpp", procName, 1);
if (factor < 1)
return ERROR_INT("subsampling factor must be >= 1", procName, 1);
if (thresh <= 0.0) thresh = 1.3; /* default */
if (n < 1 || n > 7) {
L_WARNING("n = %d is invalid; setting to 4\n", procName, n);
n = 4;
pixa = NULL;
if (debugindex > 0) {
pixa = pixaCreate(0);
/* Initial crop, if necessary */
if (box)
pix1 = pixClipRectangle(pixs, box, NULL);
pix1 = pixClone(pixs);
/* Convert to 8 bpp and pad to center the centroid */
pix2 = pixConvertTo8(pix1, FALSE);
pix3 = pixPadToCenterCentroid(pix2, factor);
/* Set to 255 all pixels above 230. Do this so that light gray
* pixels do not enter into the comparison. */
pixm = pixThresholdToBinary(pix3, 230);
pixInvert(pixm, pixm);
pixSetMaskedGeneral(pix3, pixm, 255, 0, 0);
if (debugindex > 0) {
PIX *pix4, *pix5, *pix6, *pix7, *pix8;
PIXA *pixa2;
pix4 = pixConvertTo32(pix2);
pix5 = pixConvertTo32(pix3);
pix6 = pixScaleToSize(pix4, 400, 0);
pix7 = pixScaleToSize(pix5, 400, 0);
pixa2 = pixaCreate(2);
pixaAddPix(pixa2, pix6, L_INSERT);
pixaAddPix(pixa2, pix7, L_INSERT);
pix8 = pixaDisplayTiledInRows(pixa2, 32, 1000, 1.0, 0, 50, 3);
pixaAddPix(pixa, pix8, L_INSERT);
/* Test if this is a photoimage */
pixDecideIfPhotoImage(pix3, factor, thresh, n, &naa, pixa);
if (naa) {
*pnaa = naa;
*pw = pixGetWidth(pix3);
*ph = pixGetHeight(pix3);
if (pixa) {
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/tmp/lept/comp/tiledhistos.%d.pdf",
fprintf(stderr, "Writing to %s\n", buf);
pixaConvertToPdf(pixa, 300, 1.0, L_FLATE_ENCODE, 0, NULL, buf);
return 0;
* \brief pixPadToCenterCentroid()
* \param[in] pixs any depth, colormap OK
* \param[in] factor subsampling for centroid; >= 1
* \return pixd padded with white pixels, or NULL on error.
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) This add minimum white padding to an 8 bpp pix, such that
* the centroid of the photometric inverse is in the center of
* the resulting image. Thus in computing the centroid,
* black pixels have weight 255, and white pixels have weight 0.
* </pre>
pixPadToCenterCentroid(PIX *pixs,
l_int32 factor)
l_float32 cx, cy;
l_int32 xs, ys, delx, dely, icx, icy, ws, hs, wd, hd;
PIX *pix1, *pixd;
if (!pixs)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
if (factor < 1)
return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid sampling factor", procName, NULL);
pix1 = pixConvertTo8(pixs, FALSE);
pixCentroid8(pix1, factor, &cx, &cy);
icx = (l_int32)(cx + 0.5);
icy = (l_int32)(cy + 0.5);
pixGetDimensions(pix1, &ws, &hs, NULL);
delx = ws - 2 * icx;
dely = hs - 2 * icy;
xs = L_MAX(0, delx);
ys = L_MAX(0, dely);
wd = 2 * L_MAX(icx, ws - icx);
hd = 2 * L_MAX(icy, hs - icy);
pixd = pixCreate(wd, hd, 8);
pixSetAll(pixd); /* to white */
pixCopyResolution(pixd, pixs);
pixRasterop(pixd, xs, ys, ws, hs, PIX_SRC, pix1, 0, 0);
return pixd;
* \brief pixCentroid8()
* \param[in] pixs 8 bpp
* \param[in] factor subsampling factor; >= 1
* \param[out] pcx x value of centroid
* \param[out] pcy y value of centroid
* \return 0 if OK, 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) This first does a photometric inversion (black = 255, white = 0).
* It then finds the centroid of the result. The inversion is
* done because white is usually background, so the centroid
* is computed based on the "foreground" gray pixels, and the
* darker the pixel, the more weight it is given.
* </pre>
pixCentroid8(PIX *pixs,
l_int32 factor,
l_float32 *pcx,
l_float32 *pcy)
l_int32 i, j, w, h, wpl, val;
l_float32 sumx, sumy, sumv;
l_uint32 *data, *line;
PIX *pix1;
if (pcx) *pcx = 0.0;
if (pcy) *pcy = 0.0;
if (!pixs || pixGetDepth(pixs) != 8)
return ERROR_INT("pixs undefined or not 8 bpp", procName, 1);
if (factor < 1)
return ERROR_INT("subsampling factor must be >= 1", procName, 1);
if (!pcx || !pcy)
return ERROR_INT("&cx and &cy not both defined", procName, 1);
pix1 = pixInvert(NULL, pixs);
pixGetDimensions(pix1, &w, &h, NULL);
data = pixGetData(pix1);
wpl = pixGetWpl(pix1);
sumx = sumy = sumv = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
line = data + i * wpl;
for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
val = GET_DATA_BYTE(line, j);
sumx += val * j;
sumy += val * i;
sumv += val;
if (sumv == 0) {
L_INFO("input image is white\n", procName);
*pcx = (l_float32)(w) / 2;
*pcy = (l_float32)(h) / 2;
} else {
*pcx = sumx / sumv;
*pcy = sumy / sumv;
return 0;
* \brief pixDecideIfPhotoImage()
* \param[in] pix 8 bpp, centroid in center
* \param[in] factor subsampling for histograms; >= 1
* \param[in] thresh threshold for photo/text; use 0 for default
* \param[in] n in range {1, ... 7}. n^2 is the maximum number
* of subregions for histograms; typ. n = 3.
* \param[out] pnaa array of normalized histograms
* \param[in] pixadebug [optional] use only for debug output
* \return 0 if OK, 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) The input image must be 8 bpp (no colormap), and padded with
* white pixels so the centroid of photo-inverted pixels is at
* the center of the image.
* (2) The parameter %n specifies the "side" of the n x n grid
* of subimages. If the subimages have an aspect ratio larger
* than 2, the grid will change, using n^2 as a maximum for
* the number of subimages. For example, if n == 3, but the
* image is 600 x 200 pixels, a 3x3 grid would have subimages
* of 200 x 67 pixels, which is more than 2:1, so we change
* to a 4x2 grid where each subimage has 150 x 100 pixels.
* (3) If the pix is not almost certainly a photoimage, the returned
* histograms (%naa) are null.
* (4) If histograms are generated, the white (255) count is set
* to 0. This removes all pixels values above 230, including
* white padding from the centroid matching operation, from
* consideration. The resulting histograms are then normalized
* so the maximum count is 255.
* (5) Default for %thresh is 1.3; this seems sufficiently conservative.
* (6) Use %pixadebug == NULL unless debug output is requested.
* </pre>
pixDecideIfPhotoImage(PIX *pix,
l_int32 factor,
l_float32 thresh,
l_int32 n,
NUMAA **pnaa,
PIXA *pixadebug)
char buf[64];
l_int32 i, w, h, nx, ny, ngrids, istext, isphoto;
l_float32 maxval, sum1, sum2, ratio;
L_BMF *bmf;
NUMA *na1, *na2, *na3, *narv;
NUMAA *naa;
PIX *pix1;
PIXA *pixa1, *pixa2, *pixa3;
if (!pnaa)
return ERROR_INT("&naa not defined", procName, 1);
*pnaa = NULL;
if (!pix || pixGetDepth(pix) != 8 || pixGetColormap(pix))
return ERROR_INT("pix undefined or invalid", procName, 1);
if (n < 1 || n > 7) {
L_WARNING("n = %d is invalid; setting to 4\n", procName, n);
n = 4;
if (thresh <= 0.0) thresh = 1.3; /* default */
/* Look for text lines */
pixDecideIfText(pix, NULL, &istext, pixadebug);
if (istext) {
L_INFO("Image is text\n", procName);
return 0;
/* Determine grid from n */
pixGetDimensions(pix, &w, &h, NULL);
if (w == 0 || h == 0)
return ERROR_INT("invalid pix dimension", procName, 1);
findHistoGridDimensions(n, w, h, &nx, &ny, 1);
/* Evaluate histograms in each tile */
pixa1 = pixaSplitPix(pix, nx, ny, 0, 0);
ngrids = nx * ny;
bmf = (pixadebug) ? bmfCreate(NULL, 6) : NULL;
naa = numaaCreate(ngrids);
if (pixadebug) {
for (i = 0; i < ngrids; i++) {
pix1 = pixaGetPix(pixa1, i, L_CLONE);
/* Get histograms, set white count to 0, normalize max to 255 */
na1 = pixGetGrayHistogram(pix1, factor);
numaSetValue(na1, 255, 0);
na2 = numaWindowedMean(na1, 5); /* do some smoothing */
numaGetMax(na2, &maxval, NULL);
na3 = numaTransform(na2, 0, 255.0 / maxval);
if (pixadebug) {
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/tmp/lept/compplot/plot.%d", i);
gplotSimple1(na3, GPLOT_PNG, buf, "Histos");
numaaAddNuma(naa, na3, L_INSERT);
if (pixadebug) {
pix1 = pixaDisplayTiledInColumns(pixa1, nx, 1.0, 30, 2);
pixaAddPix(pixadebug, pix1, L_INSERT);
pixa2 = pixaReadFiles("/tmp/lept/compplot", ".png");
pixa3 = pixaScale(pixa2, 0.4, 0.4);
pix1 = pixaDisplayTiledInColumns(pixa3, nx, 1.0, 30, 2);
pixaAddPix(pixadebug, pix1, L_INSERT);
/* Compute the standard deviation between these histos to decide
* if the image is photo or something more like line art,
* which does not support good comparison by tiled histograms. */
grayInterHistogramStats(naa, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, &narv);
/* For photos, the root variance has a larger weight of
* values in the range [50 ... 150] compared to [200 ... 230],
* than text or line art. For the latter, most of the variance
* between tiles is in the lightest parts of the image, well
* above 150. */
numaGetSumOnInterval(narv, 50, 150, &sum1);
numaGetSumOnInterval(narv, 200, 230, &sum2);
if (sum2 == 0.0) { /* shouldn't happen */
ratio = 0.001; /* anything very small for debug output */
isphoto = 0; /* be conservative */
} else {
ratio = sum1 / sum2;
isphoto = (ratio > thresh) ? 1 : 0;
if (pixadebug) {
if (isphoto)
L_INFO("ratio %f > %f; isphoto is true\n",
procName, ratio, thresh);
L_INFO("ratio %f < %f; isphoto is false\n",
procName, ratio, thresh);
if (isphoto)
*pnaa = naa;
return 0;
* \brief findHistoGridDimensions()
* \param[in] n max number of grid elements is n^2; typ. n = 3
* \param[in] w width of image to be subdivided
* \param[in] h height of image to be subdivided
* \param[out] pnx number of grid elements in x direction
* \param[out] pny number of grid elements in y direction
* \param[in] debug 1 for debug output to stderr
* \return 0 if OK, 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) This determines the number of subdivisions to be used on
* the image in each direction. A histogram will be built
* for each subimage.
* (2) The parameter %n specifies the "side" of the n x n grid
* of subimages. If the subimages have an aspect ratio larger
* than 2, the grid will change, using n^2 as a maximum for
* the number of subimages. For example, if n == 3, but the
* image is 600 x 200 pixels, a 3x3 grid would have subimages
* of 200 x 67 pixels, which is more than 2:1, so we change
* to a 4x2 grid where each subimage has 150 x 100 pixels.
* </pre>
static l_ok
findHistoGridDimensions(l_int32 n,
l_int32 w,
l_int32 h,
l_int32 *pnx,
l_int32 *pny,
l_int32 debug)
l_int32 nx, ny, max;
l_float32 ratio;
ratio = (l_float32)w / (l_float32)h;
max = n * n;
nx = ny = n;
while (nx > 1 && ny > 1) {
if (ratio > 2.0) { /* reduce ny */
nx = max / ny;
if (debug)
fprintf(stderr, "nx = %d, ny = %d, ratio w/h = %4.2f\n",
nx, ny, ratio);
} else if (ratio < 0.5) { /* reduce nx */
ny = max / nx;
if (debug)
fprintf(stderr, "nx = %d, ny = %d, ratio w/h = %4.2f\n",
nx, ny, ratio);
} else { /* we're ok */
if (debug)
fprintf(stderr, "nx = %d, ny = %d, ratio w/h = %4.2f\n",
nx, ny, ratio);
ratio = (l_float32)(ny * w) / (l_float32)(nx * h);
*pnx = nx;
*pny = ny;
return 0;
* \brief compareTilesByHisto()
* \param[in] naa1, naa2 each is a set of 256 entry histograms
* \param[in] minratio requiring image sizes be compatible; < 1.0
* \param[in] w1, h1, w2, h2 image sizes from which histograms were made
* \param[out] pscore similarity score of histograms
* \param[in] pixadebug [optional] use only for debug output
* \return 0 if OK, 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) naa1 and naa2 must be generated using pixGenPhotoHistos(),
* using the same tile sizes.
* (2) The image dimensions must be similar. The score is 0.0
* if the ratio of widths and heights (smallest / largest)
* exceeds a threshold %minratio, which must be between
* 0.5 and 1.0. If set at 1.0, both images must be exactly
* the same size. A typical value for %minratio is 0.9.
* (3) The input pixadebug is null unless debug output is requested.
* </pre>
compareTilesByHisto(NUMAA *naa1,
NUMAA *naa2,
l_float32 minratio,
l_int32 w1,
l_int32 h1,
l_int32 w2,
l_int32 h2,
l_float32 *pscore,
PIXA *pixadebug)
char buf1[128], buf2[128];
l_int32 i, n;
l_float32 wratio, hratio, score, minscore, dist;
L_BMF *bmf;
NUMA *na1, *na2, *nadist, *nascore;
if (!pscore)
return ERROR_INT("&score not defined", procName, 1);
*pscore = 0.0;
if (!naa1 || !naa2)
return ERROR_INT("naa1 and naa2 not both defined", procName, 1);
/* Filter for different sizes */
wratio = (w1 < w2) ? (l_float32)w1 / (l_float32)w2 :
(l_float32)w2 / (l_float32)w1;
hratio = (h1 < h2) ? (l_float32)h1 / (l_float32)h2 :
(l_float32)h2 / (l_float32)h1;
if (wratio < minratio || hratio < minratio) {
if (pixadebug)
L_INFO("Sizes differ: wratio = %f, hratio = %f\n",
procName, wratio, hratio);
return 0;
n = numaaGetCount(naa1);
if (n != numaaGetCount(naa2)) { /* due to differing w/h ratio */
L_INFO("naa1 and naa2 sizes are different\n", procName);
return 0;
if (pixadebug) {
/* Evaluate histograms in each tile. Remove white before
* computing EMD, because there are may be a lot of white
* pixels due to padding, and we don't want to include them.
* This also makes the debug histo plots more informative. */
minscore = 1.0;
nadist = numaCreate(n);
nascore = numaCreate(n);
bmf = (pixadebug) ? bmfCreate(NULL, 6) : NULL;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
na1 = numaaGetNuma(naa1, i, L_CLONE);
na2 = numaaGetNuma(naa2, i, L_CLONE);
numaSetValue(na1, 255, 0.0);
numaSetValue(na2, 255, 0.0);
/* To compare histograms, use the normalized earthmover distance.
* Further normalize to get the EM distance as a fraction of the
* maximum distance in the histogram (255). Finally, scale this
* up by 10.0, and subtract from 1.0 to get a similarity score. */
numaEarthMoverDistance(na1, na2, &dist);
score = L_MAX(0.0, 1.0 - 10.0 * (dist / 255.));
numaAddNumber(nadist, dist);
numaAddNumber(nascore, score);
minscore = L_MIN(minscore, score);
if (pixadebug) {
snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "/tmp/lept/comptile/plot.%d", i);
gplotSimple2(na1, na2, GPLOT_PNG, buf1, "Histos");
*pscore = minscore;
if (pixadebug) {
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
PIX *pix1, *pix2;
snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "/tmp/lept/comptile/plot.%d.png", i);
pix1 = pixRead(buf1);
numaGetFValue(nadist, i, &dist);
numaGetFValue(nascore, i, &score);
snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2),
"Image %d\ndist = %5.3f, score = %5.3f", i, dist, score);
pix2 = pixAddTextlines(pix1, bmf, buf2, 0x0000ff00, L_ADD_BELOW);
pixaAddPix(pixadebug, pix2, L_INSERT);
fprintf(stderr, "Writing to /tmp/lept/comptile/comparegray.pdf\n");
pixaConvertToPdf(pixadebug, 300, 1.0, L_FLATE_ENCODE, 0, NULL,
numaWriteDebug("/tmp/lept/comptile/", nascore);
numaWriteDebug("/tmp/lept/comptile/", nadist);
return 0;
* \brief pixCompareGrayByHisto()
* \param[in] pix1, pix2 any depth; colormap OK
* \param[in] box1, box2 [optional] region selected from each; can be null
* \param[in] minratio requiring sizes be compatible; < 1.0
* \param[in] maxgray max value to keep in histo; >= 200, 255 to keep all
* \param[in] factor subsampling factor; >= 1
* \param[in] n in range {1, ... 7}. n^2 is the maximum number
* of subregions for histograms; typ. n = 3.
* \param[out] pscore similarity score of histograms
* \param[in] debugflag 1 for debug output; 0 for no debugging
* \return 0 if OK, 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) This function compares two grayscale photo regions. It can
* do it with a single histogram from each region, or with a
* set of spatially aligned histograms. For both cases,
* align the regions using the centroid of the inverse image,
* and crop to the smallest of the two.
* (2) The parameter %n specifies the "side" of an n x n grid
* of subimages. If the subimages have an aspect ratio larger
* than 2, the grid will change, using n^2 as a maximum for
* the number of subimages. For example, if n == 3, but the
* image is 600 x 200 pixels, a 3x3 grid would have subimages
* of 200 x 67 pixels, which is more than 2:1, so we change
* to a 4x2 grid where each subimage has 150 x 100 pixels.
* (3) An initial filter gives %score = 0 if the ratio of widths
* and heights (smallest / largest) does not exceed a
* threshold %minratio. This must be between 0.5 and 1.0.
* If set at 1.0, both images must be exactly the same size.
* A typical value for %minratio is 0.9.
* (4) The lightest values in the histogram can be disregarded.
* Set %maxgray to the lightest value to be kept. For example,
* to eliminate white (255), set %maxgray = 254. %maxgray must
* be >= 200.
* (5) For an efficient representation of the histogram, normalize
* using a multiplicative factor so that the number in the
* maximum bucket is 255. It then takes 256 bytes to store.
* (6) When comparing the histograms of two regions:
* ~ Use %maxgray = 254 to ignore the white pixels, the number
* of which may be sensitive to the crop region if the pixels
* outside that region are white.
* ~ Use the Earth Mover distance (EMD), with the histograms
* normalized so that the sum over bins is the same.
* Further normalize by dividing by 255, so that the result
* is in [0.0 ... 1.0].
* (7) Get a similarity score S = 1.0 - k * D, where
* k is a constant, say in the range 5-10
* D = normalized EMD
* and for multiple tiles, take the Min(S) to be the final score.
* Using aligned tiles gives protection against accidental
* similarity of the overall grayscale histograms.
* A small number of aligned tiles works well.
* (8) With debug on, you get a pdf that shows, for each tile,
* the images, histograms and score.
* (9) When to use:
* (a) Because this function should not be used on text or
* line graphics, which can give false positive results
* (i.e., high scores for different images), the input
* images should be filtered.
* (b) To filter, first use pixDecideIfText(). If that function
* says the image is text, do not use it. If the function
* says it is not text, it still may be line graphics, and
* in that case, use:
* pixGetGrayHistogramTiled()
* grayInterHistogramStats()
* to determine whether it is photo or line graphics.
* </pre>
pixCompareGrayByHisto(PIX *pix1,
PIX *pix2,
BOX *box1,
BOX *box2,
l_float32 minratio,
l_int32 maxgray,
l_int32 factor,
l_int32 n,
l_float32 *pscore,
l_int32 debugflag)
l_int32 w1, h1, w2, h2;
l_float32 wratio, hratio;
BOX *box3, *box4;
PIX *pix3, *pix4, *pix5, *pix6, *pix7, *pix8;
PIXA *pixa;
if (!pscore)
return ERROR_INT("&score not defined", procName, 1);
*pscore = 0.0;
if (!pix1 || !pix2)
return ERROR_INT("pix1 and pix2 not both defined", procName, 1);
if (minratio < 0.5 || minratio > 1.0)
return ERROR_INT("minratio not in [0.5 ... 1.0]", procName, 1);
if (maxgray < 200)
return ERROR_INT("invalid maxgray; should be >= 200", procName, 1);
maxgray = L_MIN(255, maxgray);
if (factor < 1)
return ERROR_INT("subsampling factor must be >= 1", procName, 1);
if (n < 1 || n > 7) {
L_WARNING("n = %d is invalid; setting to 4\n", procName, n);
n = 4;
if (debugflag)
/* Initial filter by size */
if (box1)
boxGetGeometry(box1, NULL, NULL, &w1, &h1);
pixGetDimensions(pix1, &w1, &h1, NULL);
if (box2)
boxGetGeometry(box2, NULL, NULL, &w2, &h2);
pixGetDimensions(pix1, &w2, &h2, NULL);
wratio = (w1 < w2) ? (l_float32)w1 / (l_float32)w2 :
(l_float32)w2 / (l_float32)w1;
hratio = (h1 < h2) ? (l_float32)h1 / (l_float32)h2 :
(l_float32)h2 / (l_float32)h1;
if (wratio < minratio || hratio < minratio)
return 0;
/* Initial crop, if necessary */
if (box1)
pix3 = pixClipRectangle(pix1, box1, NULL);
pix3 = pixClone(pix1);
if (box2)
pix4 = pixClipRectangle(pix2, box2, NULL);
pix4 = pixClone(pix2);
/* Convert to 8 bpp, align centroids and do maximal crop */
pix5 = pixConvertTo8(pix3, FALSE);
pix6 = pixConvertTo8(pix4, FALSE);
pixCropAlignedToCentroid(pix5, pix6, factor, &box3, &box4);
pix7 = pixClipRectangle(pix5, box3, NULL);
pix8 = pixClipRectangle(pix6, box4, NULL);
pixa = (debugflag) ? pixaCreate(0) : NULL;
if (debugflag) {
PIX *pix9, *pix10, *pix11, *pix12, *pix13;
PIXA *pixa2;
pix9 = pixConvertTo32(pix5);
pix10 = pixConvertTo32(pix6);
pixRenderBoxArb(pix9, box3, 2, 255, 0, 0);
pixRenderBoxArb(pix10, box4, 2, 255, 0, 0);
pix11 = pixScaleToSize(pix9, 400, 0);
pix12 = pixScaleToSize(pix10, 400, 0);
pixa2 = pixaCreate(2);
pixaAddPix(pixa2, pix11, L_INSERT);
pixaAddPix(pixa2, pix12, L_INSERT);
pix13 = pixaDisplayTiledInRows(pixa2, 32, 1000, 1.0, 0, 50, 0);
pixaAddPix(pixa, pix13, L_INSERT);
/* Tile and compare histograms */
pixCompareTilesByHisto(pix7, pix8, maxgray, factor, n, pscore, pixa);
return 0;
* \brief pixCompareTilesByHisto()
* \param[in] pix1, pix2 8 bpp
* \param[in] maxgray max value to keep in histo; 255 to keep all
* \param[in] factor subsampling factor; >= 1
* \param[in] n see pixCompareGrayByHisto()
* \param[out] pscore similarity score of histograms
* \param[in] pixadebug [optional] use only for debug output
* \return 0 if OK, 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) This static function is only called from pixCompareGrayByHisto().
* The input images have been converted to 8 bpp if necessary,
* aligned and cropped.
* (2) The input pixadebug is null unless debug output is requested.
* (3) See pixCompareGrayByHisto() for details.
* </pre>
static l_ok
pixCompareTilesByHisto(PIX *pix1,
PIX *pix2,
l_int32 maxgray,
l_int32 factor,
l_int32 n,
l_float32 *pscore,
PIXA *pixadebug)
char buf[64];
l_int32 w, h, i, j, nx, ny, ngr;
l_float32 score, minscore, maxval1, maxval2, dist;
L_BMF *bmf;
NUMA *na1, *na2, *na3, *na4, *na5, *na6, *na7;
PIX *pix3, *pix4;
PIXA *pixa1, *pixa2;
if (!pscore)
return ERROR_INT("&score not defined", procName, 1);
*pscore = 0.0;
if (!pix1 || !pix2)
return ERROR_INT("pix1 and pix2 not both defined", procName, 1);
/* Determine grid from n */
pixGetDimensions(pix1, &w, &h, NULL);
findHistoGridDimensions(n, w, h, &nx, &ny, 1);
ngr = nx * ny;
/* Evaluate histograms in each tile */
pixa1 = pixaSplitPix(pix1, nx, ny, 0, 0);
pixa2 = pixaSplitPix(pix2, nx, ny, 0, 0);
na7 = (pixadebug) ? numaCreate(ngr) : NULL;
bmf = (pixadebug) ? bmfCreate(NULL, 6) : NULL;
minscore = 1.0;
for (i = 0; i < ngr; i++) {
pix3 = pixaGetPix(pixa1, i, L_CLONE);
pix4 = pixaGetPix(pixa2, i, L_CLONE);
/* Get histograms, set white count to 0, normalize max to 255 */
na1 = pixGetGrayHistogram(pix3, factor);
na2 = pixGetGrayHistogram(pix4, factor);
if (maxgray < 255) {
for (j = maxgray + 1; j <= 255; j++) {
numaSetValue(na1, j, 0);
numaSetValue(na2, j, 0);
na3 = numaWindowedMean(na1, 5);
na4 = numaWindowedMean(na2, 5);
numaGetMax(na3, &maxval1, NULL);
numaGetMax(na4, &maxval2, NULL);
na5 = numaTransform(na3, 0, 255.0 / maxval1);
na6 = numaTransform(na4, 0, 255.0 / maxval2);
if (pixadebug) {
gplotSimple2(na5, na6, GPLOT_PNG, "/tmp/lept/comp/plot1", "Histos");
/* To compare histograms, use the normalized earthmover distance.
* Further normalize to get the EM distance as a fraction of the
* maximum distance in the histogram (255). Finally, scale this
* up by 10.0, and subtract from 1.0 to get a similarity score. */
numaEarthMoverDistance(na5, na6, &dist);
score = L_MAX(0.0, 1.0 - 8.0 * (dist / 255.));
if (pixadebug) numaAddNumber(na7, score);
minscore = L_MIN(minscore, score);
if (pixadebug) {
PIX *pix5, *pix6, *pix7, *pix8, *pix9, *pix10;
PIXA *pixa3;
l_int32 w, h, wscale;
pixa3 = pixaCreate(3);
pixGetDimensions(pix3, &w, &h, NULL);
wscale = (w > h) ? 700 : 400;
pix5 = pixScaleToSize(pix3, wscale, 0);
pix6 = pixScaleToSize(pix4, wscale, 0);
pixaAddPix(pixa3, pix5, L_INSERT);
pixaAddPix(pixa3, pix6, L_INSERT);
pix7 = pixRead("/tmp/lept/comp/plot1.png");
pix8 = pixScaleToSize(pix7, 700, 0);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%5.3f", score);
pix9 = pixAddTextlines(pix8, bmf, buf, 0x0000ff00, L_ADD_RIGHT);
pixaAddPix(pixa3, pix9, L_INSERT);
pix10 = pixaDisplayTiledInRows(pixa3, 32, 1000, 1.0, 0, 50, 0);
pixaAddPix(pixadebug, pix10, L_INSERT);
*pscore = minscore;
if (pixadebug) {
pixaConvertToPdf(pixadebug, 300, 1.0, L_FLATE_ENCODE, 0, NULL,
numaWriteDebug("/tmp/lept/comp/", na7);
return 0;
* \brief pixCropAlignedToCentroid()
* \param[in] pix1, pix2 any depth; colormap OK
* \param[in] factor subsampling; >= 1
* \param[out] pbox1 crop box for pix1
* \param[out] pbox2 crop box for pix2
* \return 0 if OK, 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) This finds the maximum crop boxes for two 8 bpp images when
* their centroids of their photometric inverses are aligned.
* Black pixels have weight 255; white pixels have weight 0.
* </pre>
pixCropAlignedToCentroid(PIX *pix1,
PIX *pix2,
l_int32 factor,
BOX **pbox1,
BOX **pbox2)
l_float32 cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2;
l_int32 w1, h1, w2, h2, icx1, icy1, icx2, icy2;
l_int32 xm, xm1, xm2, xp, xp1, xp2, ym, ym1, ym2, yp, yp1, yp2;
PIX *pix3, *pix4;
if (pbox1) *pbox1 = NULL;
if (pbox2) *pbox2 = NULL;
if (!pix1 || !pix2)
return ERROR_INT("pix1 and pix2 not both defined", procName, 1);
if (factor < 1)
return ERROR_INT("subsampling factor must be >= 1", procName, 1);
if (!pbox1 || !pbox2)
return ERROR_INT("&box1 and &box2 not both defined", procName, 1);
pix3 = pixConvertTo8(pix1, FALSE);
pix4 = pixConvertTo8(pix2, FALSE);
pixCentroid8(pix3, factor, &cx1, &cy1);
pixCentroid8(pix4, factor, &cx2, &cy2);
pixGetDimensions(pix3, &w1, &h1, NULL);
pixGetDimensions(pix4, &w2, &h2, NULL);
icx1 = (l_int32)(cx1 + 0.5);
icy1 = (l_int32)(cy1 + 0.5);
icx2 = (l_int32)(cx2 + 0.5);
icy2 = (l_int32)(cy2 + 0.5);
xm = L_MIN(icx1, icx2);
xm1 = icx1 - xm;
xm2 = icx2 - xm;
xp = L_MIN(w1 - icx1, w2 - icx2); /* one pixel beyond to the right */
xp1 = icx1 + xp;
xp2 = icx2 + xp;
ym = L_MIN(icy1, icy2);
ym1 = icy1 - ym;
ym2 = icy2 - ym;
yp = L_MIN(h1 - icy1, h2 - icy2); /* one pixel below the bottom */
yp1 = icy1 + yp;
yp2 = icy2 + yp;
*pbox1 = boxCreate(xm1, ym1, xp1 - xm1, yp1 - ym1);
*pbox2 = boxCreate(xm2, ym2, xp2 - xm2, yp2 - ym2);
return 0;
* \brief l_compressGrayHistograms()
* \param[in] naa set of 256-entry histograms
* \param[in] w, h size of image
* \param[out] psize size of byte array
* \return 0 if OK, 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) This first writes w and h to the byte array as 4 byte ints.
* (2) Then it normalizes each histogram to a max value of 255,
* and saves each value as a byte. If there are
* N histograms, the output bytearray has 8 + 256 * N bytes.
* (3) Further compression of the array with zlib yields only about
* a 25% decrease in size, so we don't bother. If size reduction
* were important, a lossy transform using a 1-dimensional DCT
* would be effective, because we don't care about the fine
* details of these histograms.
* </pre>
l_uint8 *
l_compressGrayHistograms(NUMAA *naa,
l_int32 w,
l_int32 h,
size_t *psize)
l_uint8 *bytea;
l_int32 i, j, n, nn, ival;
l_float32 maxval;
NUMA *na1, *na2;
if (!psize)
return (l_uint8 *)ERROR_PTR("&size not defined", procName, NULL);
*psize = 0;
if (!naa)
return (l_uint8 *)ERROR_PTR("naa not defined", procName, NULL);
n = numaaGetCount(naa);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
nn = numaaGetNumaCount(naa, i);
if (nn != 256) {
L_ERROR("%d numbers in numa[%d]\n", procName, nn, i);
return NULL;
if ((bytea = (l_uint8 *)LEPT_CALLOC(8 + 256 * n, sizeof(l_uint8))) == NULL)
return (l_uint8 *)ERROR_PTR("bytea not made", procName, NULL);
*psize = 8 + 256 * n;
l_setDataFourBytes(bytea, 0, w);
l_setDataFourBytes(bytea, 1, h);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
na1 = numaaGetNuma(naa, i, L_COPY);
numaGetMax(na1, &maxval, NULL);
na2 = numaTransform(na1, 0, 255.0 / maxval);
for (j = 0; j < 256; j++) {
numaGetIValue(na2, j, &ival);
bytea[8 + 256 * i + j] = ival;
return bytea;
* \brief l_uncompressGrayHistograms()
* \param[in] bytea byte array of size 8 + 256 * N, N an integer
* \param[in] size size of byte array
* \param[out] pw width of the image that generated the histograms
* \param[out] ph height of the image
* \return numaa representing N histograms, each with 256 bins,
* or NULL on error.
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) The first 8 bytes are read as two 32-bit ints.
* (2) Then this constructs a numaa representing some number of
* gray histograms that are normalized such that the max value
* in each histogram is 255. The data is stored as a byte
* array, with 256 bytes holding the data for each histogram.
* Each gray histogram was computed from a tile of a grayscale image.
* </pre>
l_uncompressGrayHistograms(l_uint8 *bytea,
size_t size,
l_int32 *pw,
l_int32 *ph)
l_int32 i, j, n;
NUMA *na;
NUMAA *naa;
if (pw) *pw = 0;
if (ph) *ph = 0;
if (!pw || !ph)
return (NUMAA *)ERROR_PTR("&w and &h not both defined", procName, NULL);
if (!bytea)
return (NUMAA *)ERROR_PTR("bytea not defined", procName, NULL);
n = (size - 8) / 256;
if ((size - 8) % 256 != 0)
return (NUMAA *)ERROR_PTR("bytea size is invalid", procName, NULL);
*pw = l_getDataFourBytes(bytea, 0);
*ph = l_getDataFourBytes(bytea, 1);
naa = numaaCreate(n);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
na = numaCreate(256);
for (j = 0; j < 256; j++)
numaAddNumber(na, bytea[8 + 256 * i + j]);
numaaAddNuma(naa, na, L_INSERT);
return naa;
* Translated images at the same resolution *
* \brief pixCompareWithTranslation()
* \param[in] pix1, pix2 any depth; colormap OK
* \param[in] thresh threshold for converting to 1 bpp
* \param[out] pdelx x translation on pix2 to align with pix1
* \param[out] pdely y translation on pix2 to align with pix1
* \param[out] pscore correlation score at best alignment
* \param[in] debugflag 1 for debug output; 0 for no debugging
* \return 0 if OK, 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) This does a coarse-to-fine search for best translational
* alignment of two images, measured by a scoring function
* that is the correlation between the fg pixels.
* (2) The threshold is used if the images aren't 1 bpp.
* (3) With debug on, you get a pdf that shows, as a grayscale
* image, the score as a function of shift from the initial
* estimate, for each of the four levels. The shift is 0 at
* the center of the image.
* (4) With debug on, you also get a pdf that shows the
* difference at the best alignment between the two images,
* at each of the four levels. The red and green pixels
* show locations where one image has a fg pixel and the
* other doesn't. The black pixels are where both images
* have fg pixels, and white pixels are where neither image
* has fg pixels.
* </pre>
pixCompareWithTranslation(PIX *pix1,
PIX *pix2,
l_int32 thresh,
l_int32 *pdelx,
l_int32 *pdely,
l_float32 *pscore,
l_int32 debugflag)
l_uint8 *subtab;
l_int32 i, level, area1, area2, delx, dely;
l_int32 etransx, etransy, maxshift, dbint;
l_int32 *stab, *ctab;
l_float32 cx1, cx2, cy1, cy2, score;
PIX *pixb1, *pixb2, *pixt1, *pixt2, *pixt3, *pixt4;
PIXA *pixa1, *pixa2, *pixadb;
if (pdelx) *pdelx = 0;
if (pdely) *pdely = 0;
if (pscore) *pscore = 0.0;
if (!pdelx || !pdely)
return ERROR_INT("&delx and &dely not defined", procName, 1);
if (!pscore)
return ERROR_INT("&score not defined", procName, 1);
if (!pix1)
return ERROR_INT("pix1 not defined", procName, 1);
if (!pix2)
return ERROR_INT("pix2 not defined", procName, 1);
/* Make tables */
subtab = makeSubsampleTab2x();
stab = makePixelSumTab8();
ctab = makePixelCentroidTab8();
/* Binarize each image */
pixb1 = pixConvertTo1(pix1, thresh);
pixb2 = pixConvertTo1(pix2, thresh);
/* Make a cascade of 2x reduced images for each, thresholding
* with level 2 (neutral), down to 8x reduction */
pixa1 = pixaCreate(4);
pixa2 = pixaCreate(4);
if (debugflag)
pixadb = pixaCreate(4);
pixaAddPix(pixa1, pixb1, L_INSERT);
pixaAddPix(pixa2, pixb2, L_INSERT);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
pixt1 = pixReduceRankBinary2(pixb1, 2, subtab);
pixt2 = pixReduceRankBinary2(pixb2, 2, subtab);
pixaAddPix(pixa1, pixt1, L_INSERT);
pixaAddPix(pixa2, pixt2, L_INSERT);
pixb1 = pixt1;
pixb2 = pixt2;
/* At the lowest level, use the centroids with a maxshift of 6
* to search for the best alignment. Then at higher levels,
* use the result from the level below as the initial approximation
* for the alignment, and search with a maxshift of 2. */
for (level = 3; level >= 0; level--) {
pixt1 = pixaGetPix(pixa1, level, L_CLONE);
pixt2 = pixaGetPix(pixa2, level, L_CLONE);
pixCountPixels(pixt1, &area1, stab);
pixCountPixels(pixt2, &area2, stab);
if (level == 3) {
pixCentroid(pixt1, ctab, stab, &cx1, &cy1);
pixCentroid(pixt2, ctab, stab, &cx2, &cy2);
etransx = lept_roundftoi(cx1 - cx2);
etransy = lept_roundftoi(cy1 - cy2);
maxshift = 6;
} else {
etransx = 2 * delx;
etransy = 2 * dely;
maxshift = 2;
dbint = (debugflag) ? level + 1 : 0;
pixBestCorrelation(pixt1, pixt2, area1, area2, etransx, etransy,
maxshift, stab, &delx, &dely, &score, dbint);
if (debugflag) {
fprintf(stderr, "Level %d: delx = %d, dely = %d, score = %7.4f\n",
level, delx, dely, score);
pixRasteropIP(pixt2, delx, dely, L_BRING_IN_WHITE);
pixt3 = pixDisplayDiffBinary(pixt1, pixt2);
pixt4 = pixExpandReplicate(pixt3, 8 / (1 << (3 - level)));
pixaAddPix(pixadb, pixt4, L_INSERT);
if (debugflag) {
pixaConvertToPdf(pixadb, 300, 1.0, L_FLATE_ENCODE, 0, NULL,
convertFilesToPdf("/tmp/lept/comp", "correl_", 30, 1.0, L_FLATE_ENCODE,
0, "Correlation scores at levels 1 through 5",
*pdelx = delx;
*pdely = dely;
*pscore = score;
return 0;
* \brief pixBestCorrelation()
* \param[in] pix1 1 bpp
* \param[in] pix2 1 bpp
* \param[in] area1 number of on pixels in pix1
* \param[in] area2 number of on pixels in pix2
* \param[in] etransx estimated x translation of pix2 to align with pix1
* \param[in] etransy estimated y translation of pix2 to align with pix1
* \param[in] maxshift max x and y shift of pix2, around the estimated
* alignment location, relative to pix1
* \param[in] tab8 [optional] sum tab for ON pixels in byte; can be NULL
* \param[out] pdelx [optional] best x shift of pix2 relative to pix1
* \param[out] pdely [optional] best y shift of pix2 relative to pix1
* \param[out] pscore [optional] maximum score found; can be NULL
* \param[in] debugflag <= 0 to skip; positive to generate output.
* The integer is used to label the debug image.
* \return 0 if OK, 1 on error
* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) This maximizes the correlation score between two 1 bpp images,
* by starting with an estimate of the alignment
* (%etransx, %etransy) and computing the correlation around this.
* It optionally returns the shift (%delx, %dely) that maximizes
* the correlation score when pix2 is shifted by this amount
* relative to pix1.
* (2) Get the centroids of pix1 and pix2, using pixCentroid(),
* to compute (%etransx, %etransy). Get the areas using
* pixCountPixels().
* (3) The centroid of pix2 is shifted with respect to the centroid
* of pix1 by all values between -maxshiftx and maxshiftx,
* and likewise for the y shifts. Therefore, the number of
* correlations computed is:
* (2 * maxshiftx + 1) * (2 * maxshifty + 1)
* Consequently, if pix1 and pix2 are large, you should do this
* in a coarse-to-fine sequence. See the use of this function
* in pixCompareWithTranslation().
* </pre>
pixBestCorrelation(PIX *pix1,
PIX *pix2,
l_int32 area1,
l_int32 area2,
l_int32 etransx,
l_int32 etransy,
l_int32 maxshift,
l_int32 *tab8,
l_int32 *pdelx,
l_int32 *pdely,
l_float32 *pscore,
l_int32 debugflag)
l_int32 shiftx, shifty, delx, dely;
l_int32 *tab;
l_float32 maxscore, score;
FPIX *fpix;
PIX *pix3, *pix4;
if (pdelx) *pdelx = 0;
if (pdely) *pdely = 0;
if (pscore) *pscore = 0.0;
if (!pix1 || pixGetDepth(pix1) != 1)
return ERROR_INT("pix1 not defined or not 1 bpp", procName, 1);
if (!pix2 || pixGetDepth(pix2) != 1)
return ERROR_INT("pix2 not defined or not 1 bpp", procName, 1);
if (!area1 || !area2)
return ERROR_INT("areas must be > 0", procName, 1);
if (debugflag > 0)
fpix = fpixCreate(2 * maxshift + 1, 2 * maxshift + 1);
if (!tab8)
tab = makePixelSumTab8();
tab = tab8;
/* Search over a set of {shiftx, shifty} for the max */
maxscore = 0;
delx = etransx;
dely = etransy;
for (shifty = -maxshift; shifty <= maxshift; shifty++) {
for (shiftx = -maxshift; shiftx <= maxshift; shiftx++) {
pixCorrelationScoreShifted(pix1, pix2, area1, area2,
etransx + shiftx,
etransy + shifty, tab, &score);
if (debugflag > 0) {
fpixSetPixel(fpix, maxshift + shiftx, maxshift + shifty,
1000.0 * score);
/* fprintf(stderr, "(sx, sy) = (%d, %d): score = %6.4f\n",
shiftx, shifty, score); */
if (score > maxscore) {
maxscore = score;
delx = etransx + shiftx;
dely = etransy + shifty;
if (debugflag > 0) {
char buf[128];
pix3 = fpixDisplayMaxDynamicRange(fpix);
pix4 = pixExpandReplicate(pix3, 20);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/tmp/lept/comp/correl_%d.png",
pixWrite(buf, pix4, IFF_PNG);
if (pdelx) *pdelx = delx;
if (pdely) *pdely = dely;
if (pscore) *pscore = maxscore;
if (!tab8) LEPT_FREE(tab);
return 0;