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- Copyright (C) 2001 Leptonica. All rights reserved.
- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- are met:
- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
- disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
- provided with the distribution.
* \file pix.h
* <pre>
* Valid image types in leptonica:
* Pix: 1 bpp, with and without colormap
* Pix: 2 bpp, with and without colormap
* Pix: 4 bpp, with and without colormap
* Pix: 8 bpp, with and without colormap
* Pix: 16 bpp (1 spp)
* Pix: 32 bpp (rgb, 3 spp)
* Pix: 32 bpp (rgba, 4 spp)
* FPix: 32 bpp float
* DPix: 64 bpp double
* Notes:
* (1) The only valid Pix image type with alpha is rgba.
* In particular, the alpha component is not used in
* cmapped images.
* (2) PixComp can hold any Pix with IFF_PNG encoding.
* Contents:
* (1) This file defines most of the image-related structs used in leptonica:
* struct Pix
* struct PixColormap
* struct RGBA_Quad
* struct Pixa
* struct Pixaa
* struct Box
* struct Boxa
* struct Boxaa
* struct Pta
* struct Ptaa
* struct Pixacc
* struct PixTiling
* struct FPix
* struct FPixa
* struct DPix
* struct PixComp
* struct PixaComp
* (2) This file has definitions for:
* Colors for RGBA
* Colors for drawing boxes
* Perceptual color weights
* Colormap conversion flags
* Rasterop bit flags
* Structure access flags (for insert, copy, clone, copy-clone)
* Sorting flags (by type and direction)
* Blending flags
* Graphics pixel setting flags
* Size and location filter flags
* Color component selection flags
* 16-bit conversion flags
* Rotation and shear flags
* Affine transform order flags
* Grayscale filling flags
* Flags for setting to white or black
* Flags for getting white or black pixel value
* Flags for 8 and 16 bit pixel sums
* Dithering flags
* Distance flags
* Value flags
* Statistical measures
* Set selection flags
* Text orientation flags
* Edge orientation flags
* Line orientation flags
* Image orientation flags
* Scan direction flags
* Box size adjustment flags
* Flags for modifying box boundaries using a second box
* Handling overlapping bounding boxes in boxa
* Selecting or making a box from two (intersecting) boxes
* Flags for replacing invalid boxes
* Flags for box corners
* Horizontal warp
* Pixel selection for resampling
* Thinning flags
* Runlength flags
* Edge filter flags
* Subpixel color component ordering in LCD display
* HSV histogram flags
* Region flags (inclusion, exclusion)
* Flags for adding text to a pix
* Flags for plotting on a pix
* Flags for making simple masks
* Flags for selecting display program
* Flags in the 'special' pix field for non-default operations
* Handling negative values in conversion to unsigned int
* Relative to zero flags
* Flags for adding or removing trailing slash from string
* (3) This file has typedefs for the pix allocator and deallocator functions
* alloc_fn()
* dealloc_fn().
* </pre>
* Basic Pix *
/* The 'special' field is by default 0, but it can hold integers
* that direct non-default actions, e.g., in png and jpeg I/O. */
/*! Basic Pix */
struct Pix
l_uint32 w; /*!< width in pixels */
l_uint32 h; /*!< height in pixels */
l_uint32 d; /*!< depth in bits (bpp) */
l_uint32 spp; /*!< number of samples per pixel */
l_uint32 wpl; /*!< 32-bit words/line */
l_uint32 refcount; /*!< reference count (1 if no clones) */
l_int32 xres; /*!< image res (ppi) in x direction */
/*!< (use 0 if unknown) */
l_int32 yres; /*!< image res (ppi) in y direction */
/*!< (use 0 if unknown) */
l_int32 informat; /*!< input file format, IFF_* */
l_int32 special; /*!< special instructions for I/O, etc */
char *text; /*!< text string associated with pix */
struct PixColormap *colormap; /*!< colormap (may be null) */
l_uint32 *data; /*!< the image data */
typedef struct Pix PIX;
/*! Colormap of a Pix */
struct PixColormap
void *array; /*!< colormap table (array of RGBA_QUAD) */
l_int32 depth; /*!< of pix (1, 2, 4 or 8 bpp) */
l_int32 nalloc; /*!< number of color entries allocated */
l_int32 n; /*!< number of color entries used */
typedef struct PixColormap PIXCMAP;
/*! Colormap table entry (after the BMP version).
* Note that the BMP format stores the colormap table exactly
* as it appears here, with color samples being stored sequentially,
* in the order (b,g,r,a). */
struct RGBA_Quad
l_uint8 blue; /*!< blue value */
l_uint8 green; /*!< green value */
l_uint8 red; /*!< red value */
l_uint8 alpha; /*!< alpha value */
typedef struct RGBA_Quad RGBA_QUAD;
* Colors for 32 RGBA *
/* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) These are the byte indices for colors in 32 bpp images.
* They are used through the GET/SET_DATA_BYTE accessors.
* The 4th byte, typically known as the "alpha channel" and used
* for blending, is used to a small extent in leptonica.
* (2) Do not change these values! If you redefine them, functions
* that have the shifts hardcoded for efficiency and conciseness
* (instead of using the constants below) will break. These
* functions are labelled with "***" next to their names at
* the top of the files in which they are defined.
* (3) The shifts to extract the red, green, blue and alpha components
* from a 32 bit pixel are defined here.
* </pre>
/*! RGBA Color */
enum {
COLOR_RED = 0, /*!< red color index in RGBA_QUAD */
COLOR_GREEN = 1, /*!< green color index in RGBA_QUAD */
COLOR_BLUE = 2, /*!< blue color index in RGBA_QUAD */
L_ALPHA_CHANNEL = 3 /*!< alpha value index in RGBA_QUAD */
static const l_int32 L_RED_SHIFT =
8 * (sizeof(l_uint32) - 1 - COLOR_RED); /* 24 */
static const l_int32 L_GREEN_SHIFT =
8 * (sizeof(l_uint32) - 1 - COLOR_GREEN); /* 16 */
static const l_int32 L_BLUE_SHIFT =
8 * (sizeof(l_uint32) - 1 - COLOR_BLUE); /* 8 */
static const l_int32 L_ALPHA_SHIFT =
8 * (sizeof(l_uint32) - 1 - L_ALPHA_CHANNEL); /* 0 */
* Colors for drawing boxes *
/*! Box Color */
enum {
L_DRAW_RED = 0, /*!< draw in red */
L_DRAW_GREEN = 1, /*!< draw in green */
L_DRAW_BLUE = 2, /*!< draw in blue */
L_DRAW_SPECIFIED = 3, /*!< draw specified color */
L_DRAW_RGB = 4, /*!< draw as sequence of r,g,b */
L_DRAW_RANDOM = 5 /*!< draw randomly chosen colors */
* Perceptual color weights *
/* <pre>
* Notes:
* (1) These perceptual weighting factors are ad-hoc, but they do
* add up to 1. Unlike, for example, the weighting factors for
* converting RGB to luminance, or more specifically to Y in the
* YUV colorspace. Those numbers come from the
* International Telecommunications Union, via ITU-R.
* </pre>
static const l_float32 L_RED_WEIGHT = 0.3f; /*!< Percept. weight for red */
static const l_float32 L_GREEN_WEIGHT = 0.5f; /*!< Percept. weight for green */
static const l_float32 L_BLUE_WEIGHT = 0.2f; /*!< Percept. weight for blue */
* Flags for colormap conversion *
/*! Cmap Conversion */
enum {
REMOVE_CMAP_TO_BINARY = 0, /*!< remove colormap for conv to 1 bpp */
REMOVE_CMAP_TO_GRAYSCALE = 1, /*!< remove colormap for conv to 8 bpp */
REMOVE_CMAP_TO_FULL_COLOR = 2, /*!< remove colormap for conv to 32 bpp */
REMOVE_CMAP_WITH_ALPHA = 3, /*!< remove colormap and alpha */
REMOVE_CMAP_BASED_ON_SRC = 4 /*!< remove depending on src format */
* <pre>
* The following operation bit flags have been modified from
* Sun's pixrect.h.
* The 'op' in 'rasterop' is represented by an integer
* composed with Boolean functions using the set of five integers
* given below. The integers, and the op codes resulting from
* boolean expressions on them, need only be in the range from 0 to 15.
* The function is applied on a per-pixel basis.
* Examples: the op code representing ORing the src and dest
* is computed using the bit OR, as PIX_SRC | PIX_DST; the op
* code representing XORing src and dest is found from
* PIX_SRC ^ PIX_DST; the op code representing ANDing src and dest
* is found from PIX_SRC & PIX_DST. Note that
* PIX_NOT(PIX_CLR) = PIX_SET, and v.v., as they must be.
* We use the following set of definitions:
* #define PIX_SRC 0xc
* #define PIX_DST 0xa
* #define PIX_NOT(op) (op) ^ 0xf
* #define PIX_CLR 0x0
* #define PIX_SET 0xf
* These definitions differ from Sun's, in that Sun left-shifted
* each value by 1 pixel, and used the least significant bit as a
* flag for the "pseudo-operation" of clipping. We don't need
* this bit, because it is both efficient and safe ALWAYS to clip
* the rectangles to the src and dest images, which is what we do.
* See the notes in rop.h on the general choice of these bit flags.
* [If for some reason you need compatibility with Sun's xview package,
* you can adopt the original Sun definitions to avoid redefinition conflicts:
* #define PIX_SRC (0xc << 1)
* #define PIX_DST (0xa << 1)
* #define PIX_NOT(op) ((op) ^ 0x1e)
* #define PIX_CLR (0x0 << 1)
* #define PIX_SET (0xf << 1)
* ]
* We have, for reference, the following 16 unique op flags:
* PIX_CLR 0000 0x0
* PIX_SET 1111 0xf
* PIX_SRC 1100 0xc
* PIX_DST 1010 0xa
* PIX_NOT(PIX_SRC) 0011 0x3
* PIX_NOT(PIX_DST) 0101 0x5
* PIX_SRC | PIX_DST 1110 0xe
* PIX_SRC & PIX_DST 1000 0x8
* PIX_SRC ^ PIX_DST 0110 0x6
* PIX_NOT(PIX_SRC) | PIX_DST 1011 0xb
* PIX_NOT(PIX_SRC) & PIX_DST 0010 0x2
* PIX_SRC | PIX_NOT(PIX_DST) 1101 0xd
* PIX_SRC & PIX_NOT(PIX_DST) 0100 0x4
* PIX_NOT(PIX_SRC | PIX_DST) 0001 0x1
* PIX_NOT(PIX_SRC & PIX_DST) 0111 0x7
* PIX_NOT(PIX_SRC ^ PIX_DST) 1001 0x9
* </pre>
#define PIX_SRC (0xc) /*!< use source pixels */
#define PIX_DST (0xa) /*!< use destination pixels */
#define PIX_NOT(op) ((op) ^ 0x0f) /*!< invert operation %op */
#define PIX_CLR (0x0) /*!< clear pixels */
#define PIX_SET (0xf) /*!< set pixels */
#define PIX_PAINT (PIX_SRC | PIX_DST) /*!< paint = src | dst */
#define PIX_MASK (PIX_SRC & PIX_DST) /*!< mask = src & dst */
#define PIX_SUBTRACT (PIX_DST & PIX_NOT(PIX_SRC)) /*!< subtract = */
/*!< src & !dst */
#define PIX_XOR (PIX_SRC ^ PIX_DST) /*!< xor = src ^ dst */
* <pre>
* Important Notes:
* (1) The image data is stored in a single contiguous
* array of l_uint32, into which the pixels are packed.
* By "packed" we mean that there are no unused bits
* between pixels, except for end-of-line padding to
* satisfy item (2) below.
* (2) Every image raster line begins on a 32-bit word
* boundary within this array.
* (3) Pix image data is stored in 32-bit units, with the
* pixels ordered from left to right in the image being
* stored in order from the MSB to LSB within the word,
* for both big-endian and little-endian machines.
* This is the natural ordering for big-endian machines,
* as successive bytes are stored and fetched progressively
* to the right. However, for little-endians, when storing
* we re-order the bytes from this byte stream order, and
* reshuffle again for byte access on 32-bit entities.
* So if the bytes come in sequence from left to right, we
* store them on little-endians in byte order:
* 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 ...
* This MSB to LSB ordering allows left and right shift
* operations on 32 bit words to move the pixels properly.
* (4) We use 32 bit pixels for both RGB and RGBA color images.
* The A (alpha) byte is ignored in most leptonica functions
* operating on color images. Within each 4 byte pixel, the
* color samples are ordered from MSB to LSB, as follows:
* | MSB | 2nd MSB | 3rd MSB | LSB |
* red green blue alpha
* 0 1 2 3 (big-endian)
* 3 2 1 0 (little-endian)
* Because we use MSB to LSB ordering within the 32-bit word,
* the individual 8-bit samples can be accessed with
* GET_DATA_BYTE and SET_DATA_BYTE macros, using the
* (implicitly big-ending) ordering
* red: byte 0 (MSB)
* green: byte 1 (2nd MSB)
* blue: byte 2 (3rd MSB)
* alpha: byte 3 (LSB)
* The specific color assignment is made in this file,
* through the definitions of COLOR_RED, etc. Then the R, G
* B and A sample values can be retrieved using
* redval = GET_DATA_BYTE(&pixel, COLOR_RED);
* greenval = GET_DATA_BYTE(&pixel, COLOR_GREEN);
* blueval = GET_DATA_BYTE(&pixel, COLOR_BLUE);
* alphaval = GET_DATA_BYTE(&pixel, L_ALPHA_CHANNEL);
* and they can be set with
* SET_DATA_BYTE(&pixel, COLOR_RED, redval);
* SET_DATA_BYTE(&pixel, COLOR_GREEN, greenval);
* SET_DATA_BYTE(&pixel, COLOR_BLUE, blueval);
* SET_DATA_BYTE(&pixel, L_ALPHA_CHANNEL, alphaval);
* More efficiently, these components can be extracted directly
* by shifting and masking, explicitly using the values in
* L_RED_SHIFT, etc.:
* (pixel32 >> L_RED_SHIFT) & 0xff; (red)
* (pixel32 >> L_GREEN_SHIFT) & 0xff; (green)
* (pixel32 >> L_BLUE_SHIFT) & 0xff; (blue)
* (pixel32 >> L_ALPHA_SHIFT) & 0xff; (alpha)
* The functions extractRGBValues() and extractRGBAValues() are
* provided to do this. Likewise, the pixels can be set
* directly by shifting, using composeRGBPixel() and
* composeRGBAPixel().
* All these operations work properly on both big- and little-endians.
* (5) A reference count is held within each pix, giving the
* number of ptrs to the pix. When a pixClone() call
* is made, the ref count is increased by 1, and
* when a pixDestroy() call is made, the reference count
* of the pix is decremented. The pix is only destroyed
* when the reference count goes to zero.
* (6) The version numbers (below) are used in the serialization
* of these data structures. They are placed in the files,
* and rarely (if ever) change. Provision is currently made for
* backward compatibility in reading from boxaa version 2.
* (7) The serialization dependencies are as follows:
* pixaa : pixa : boxa
* boxaa : boxa
* So, for example, pixaa and boxaa can be changed without
* forcing a change in pixa or boxa. However, if pixa is
* changed, it forces a change in pixaa, and if boxa is
* changed, if forces a change in the other three.
* We define four version numbers:
* </pre>
* Array of pix *
/* Serialization for primary data structures */
#define PIXAA_VERSION_NUMBER 2 /*!< Version for Pixaa serialization */
#define PIXA_VERSION_NUMBER 2 /*!< Version for Pixa serialization */
#define BOXA_VERSION_NUMBER 2 /*!< Version for Boxa serialization */
#define BOXAA_VERSION_NUMBER 3 /*!< Version for Boxaa serialization */
/*! Array of pix */
struct Pixa
l_int32 n; /*!< number of Pix in ptr array */
l_int32 nalloc; /*!< number of Pix ptrs allocated */
l_uint32 refcount; /*!< reference count (1 if no clones) */
struct Pix **pix; /*!< the array of ptrs to pix */
struct Boxa *boxa; /*!< array of boxes */
typedef struct Pixa PIXA;
/*! Array of arrays of pix */
struct Pixaa
l_int32 n; /*!< number of Pixa in ptr array */
l_int32 nalloc; /*!< number of Pixa ptrs allocated */
struct Pixa **pixa; /*!< array of ptrs to pixa */
struct Boxa *boxa; /*!< array of boxes */
typedef struct Pixaa PIXAA;
* Basic rectangle and rectangle arrays *
/*! Basic rectangle */
struct Box
l_int32 x; /*!< left coordinate */
l_int32 y; /*!< top coordinate */
l_int32 w; /*!< box width */
l_int32 h; /*!< box height */
l_uint32 refcount; /*!< reference count (1 if no clones) */
typedef struct Box BOX;
/*! Array of Box */
struct Boxa
l_int32 n; /*!< number of box in ptr array */
l_int32 nalloc; /*!< number of box ptrs allocated */
l_uint32 refcount; /*!< reference count (1 if no clones) */
struct Box **box; /*!< box ptr array */
typedef struct Boxa BOXA;
/*! Array of Boxa */
struct Boxaa
l_int32 n; /*!< number of boxa in ptr array */
l_int32 nalloc; /*!< number of boxa ptrs allocated */
struct Boxa **boxa; /*!< boxa ptr array */
typedef struct Boxaa BOXAA;
* Array of points *
#define PTA_VERSION_NUMBER 1 /*!< Version for Pta serialization */
/*! Array of points */
struct Pta
l_int32 n; /*!< actual number of pts */
l_int32 nalloc; /*!< size of allocated arrays */
l_uint32 refcount; /*!< reference count (1 if no clones) */
l_float32 *x, *y; /*!< arrays of floats */
typedef struct Pta PTA;
* Array of Pta *
/*! Array of Pta */
struct Ptaa
l_int32 n; /*!< number of pta in ptr array */
l_int32 nalloc; /*!< number of pta ptrs allocated */
struct Pta **pta; /*!< pta ptr array */
typedef struct Ptaa PTAA;
* Pix accumulator container *
/*! Pix accumulator container */
struct Pixacc
l_int32 w; /*!< array width */
l_int32 h; /*!< array height */
l_int32 offset; /*!< used to allow negative */
/*!< intermediate results */
struct Pix *pix; /*!< the 32 bit accumulator pix */
typedef struct Pixacc PIXACC;
* Pix tiling *
/*! Pix tiling */
struct PixTiling
struct Pix *pix; /*!< input pix (a clone) */
l_int32 nx; /*!< number of tiles horizontally */
l_int32 ny; /*!< number of tiles vertically */
l_int32 w; /*!< tile width */
l_int32 h; /*!< tile height */
l_int32 xoverlap; /*!< overlap on left and right */
l_int32 yoverlap; /*!< overlap on top and bottom */
l_int32 strip; /*!< strip for paint; default is TRUE */
typedef struct PixTiling PIXTILING;
* FPix: pix with float array *
#define FPIX_VERSION_NUMBER 2 /*!< Version for FPix serialization */
/*! Pix with float array */
struct FPix
l_int32 w; /*!< width in pixels */
l_int32 h; /*!< height in pixels */
l_int32 wpl; /*!< 32-bit words/line */
l_uint32 refcount; /*!< reference count (1 if no clones) */
l_int32 xres; /*!< image res (ppi) in x direction */
/*!< (use 0 if unknown) */
l_int32 yres; /*!< image res (ppi) in y direction */
/*!< (use 0 if unknown) */
l_float32 *data; /*!< the float image data */
typedef struct FPix FPIX;
/*! Array of FPix */
struct FPixa
l_int32 n; /*!< number of fpix in ptr array */
l_int32 nalloc; /*!< number of fpix ptrs allocated */
l_uint32 refcount; /*!< reference count (1 if no clones) */
struct FPix **fpix; /*!< the array of ptrs to fpix */
typedef struct FPixa FPIXA;
* DPix: pix with double array *
#define DPIX_VERSION_NUMBER 2 /*!< Version for DPix serialization */
/*! Pix with double array */
struct DPix
l_int32 w; /*!< width in pixels */
l_int32 h; /*!< height in pixels */
l_int32 wpl; /*!< 32-bit words/line */
l_uint32 refcount; /*!< reference count (1 if no clones) */
l_int32 xres; /*!< image res (ppi) in x direction */
/*!< (use 0 if unknown) */
l_int32 yres; /*!< image res (ppi) in y direction */
/*!< (use 0 if unknown) */
l_float64 *data; /*!< the double image data */
typedef struct DPix DPIX;
* PixComp: compressed pix *
/*! Compressed Pix */
struct PixComp
l_int32 w; /*!< width in pixels */
l_int32 h; /*!< height in pixels */
l_int32 d; /*!< depth in bits */
l_int32 xres; /*!< image res (ppi) in x direction */
/*!< (use 0 if unknown) */
l_int32 yres; /*!< image res (ppi) in y direction */
/*!< (use 0 if unknown) */
l_int32 comptype; /*!< compressed format (IFF_TIFF_G4, */
char *text; /*!< text string associated with pix */
l_int32 cmapflag; /*!< flag (1 for cmap, 0 otherwise) */
l_uint8 *data; /*!< the compressed image data */
size_t size; /*!< size of the data array */
typedef struct PixComp PIXC;
* PixaComp: array of compressed pix *
#define PIXACOMP_VERSION_NUMBER 2 /*!< Version for PixaComp serialization */
/*! Array of compressed pix */
struct PixaComp
l_int32 n; /*!< number of PixComp in ptr array */
l_int32 nalloc; /*!< number of PixComp ptrs allocated */
l_int32 offset; /*!< indexing offset into ptr array */
struct PixComp **pixc; /*!< the array of ptrs to PixComp */
struct Boxa *boxa; /*!< array of boxes */
typedef struct PixaComp PIXAC;
* Access and storage flags *
* <pre>
* For Pix, Box, Pta and Numa, there are 3 standard methods for handling
* the retrieval or insertion of a struct:
* (1) direct insertion (Don't do this if there is another handle
* somewhere to this same struct!)
* (2) copy (Always safe, sets up a refcount of 1 on the new object.
* Can be undesirable if very large, such as an image or
* an array of images.)
* (3) clone (Makes another handle to the same struct, and bumps the
* refcount up by 1. OK to use except in two situations:
* (a) You change data through one of the handles but don't
* want those changes to be seen by the other handle.
* (b) The application is multi-threaded. Because the clone
* operation is not atomic (e.g., locked with a mutex),
* it is possible to end up with an incorrect ref count,
* causing either a memory leak or a crash.
* For Pixa and Boxa, which are structs that hold an array of clonable
* structs, there is an additional method:
* (4) copy-clone (Makes a new higher-level struct with a refcount
* of 1, but clones all the structs in the array.)
* Unlike the other structs, when retrieving a string from an Sarray,
* you are allowed to get a handle without a copy or clone (i.e., the
* string is not owned by the handle). You must not either free the string
* or insert it in some other struct that would own it. Specifically,
* for an Sarray, the copyflag for retrieval is either:
* and for insertion, the copyflag is either:
* L_COPY or one of {L_INSERT , L_NOCOPY} (the latter are equivalent
* for insertion))
* Typical patterns are:
* (1) Reference a string in an Sarray with L_NOCOPY and insert a copy
* of it in another Sarray with L_COPY.
* (2) Copy a string from an Sarray with L_COPY and insert it in
* another Sarray with L_INSERT (or L_NOCOPY).
* In both cases, a copy is made and both Sarrays own their instance
* of that string.
* </pre>
/*! Object Access */
enum {
L_NOCOPY = 0, /*!< do not copy the object; do not delete the ptr */
L_INSERT = L_NOCOPY, /*!< stuff it in; do not copy or clone */
L_COPY = 1, /*!< make/use a copy of the object */
L_CLONE = 2, /*!< make/use clone (ref count) of the object */
L_COPY_CLONE = 3 /*!< make a new array object (e.g., pixa) and fill */
/*!< the array with clones (e.g., pix) */
* Sort flags *
/*! Sort Mode */
enum {
L_SHELL_SORT = 1, /*!< use shell sort */
L_BIN_SORT = 2 /*!< use bin sort */
/*! Sort Order */
enum {
L_SORT_INCREASING = 1, /*!< sort in increasing order */
L_SORT_DECREASING = 2 /*!< sort in decreasing order */
/*! Sort Type */
enum {
L_SORT_BY_X = 1, /*!< sort box or c.c. by left edge location */
L_SORT_BY_Y = 2, /*!< sort box or c.c. by top edge location */
L_SORT_BY_RIGHT = 3, /*!< sort box or c.c. by right edge location */
L_SORT_BY_BOT = 4, /*!< sort box or c.c. by bot edge location */
L_SORT_BY_WIDTH = 5, /*!< sort box or c.c. by width */
L_SORT_BY_HEIGHT = 6, /*!< sort box or c.c. by height */
L_SORT_BY_MIN_DIMENSION = 7, /*!< sort box or c.c. by min dimension */
L_SORT_BY_MAX_DIMENSION = 8, /*!< sort box or c.c. by max dimension */
L_SORT_BY_PERIMETER = 9, /*!< sort box or c.c. by perimeter */
L_SORT_BY_AREA = 10, /*!< sort box or c.c. by area */
L_SORT_BY_ASPECT_RATIO = 11 /*!< sort box or c.c. by width/height ratio */
* Blend flags *
/*! Blend Types */
enum {
L_BLEND_WITH_INVERSE = 1, /*!< add some of src inverse to itself */
L_BLEND_TO_WHITE = 2, /*!< shift src colors towards white */
L_BLEND_TO_BLACK = 3, /*!< shift src colors towards black */
L_BLEND_GRAY = 4, /*!< blend src directly with blender */
L_BLEND_GRAY_WITH_INVERSE = 5 /*!< add amount of src inverse to itself, */
/*!< based on blender pix value */
/*! Paint Selection */
enum {
L_PAINT_LIGHT = 1, /*!< colorize non-black pixels */
L_PAINT_DARK = 2 /*!< colorize non-white pixels */
* Graphics pixel setting *
/*! Pixel Setting */
enum {
L_SET_PIXELS = 1, /*!< set all bits in each pixel to 1 */
L_CLEAR_PIXELS = 2, /*!< set all bits in each pixel to 0 */
L_FLIP_PIXELS = 3 /*!< flip all bits in each pixel */
* Size and location filter flags *
/*! Size Comparison */
enum {
L_SELECT_IF_LT = 1, /*!< save if value is less than threshold */
L_SELECT_IF_GT = 2, /*!< save if value is more than threshold */
L_SELECT_IF_LTE = 3, /*!< save if value is <= to the threshold */
L_SELECT_IF_GTE = 4 /*!< save if value is >= to the threshold */
/*! Size Selection */
enum {
L_SELECT_BY_WIDTH = 1, /*!< select by width; 1 bpp */
L_SELECT_BY_HEIGHT = 2, /*!< select by height; 1 bpp */
L_SELECT_BY_MAX_DIMENSION = 3, /*!< select by max of width and */
/*!< height; 1 bpp */
L_SELECT_BY_AREA = 4, /*!< select by foreground area; 1 bpp */
L_SELECT_BY_PERIMETER = 5 /*!< select by perimeter; 1 bpp */
/*! Location Filter */
enum {
L_SELECT_WIDTH = 1, /*!< width must satisfy constraint */
L_SELECT_HEIGHT = 2, /*!< height must satisfy constraint */
L_SELECT_XVAL = 3, /*!< x value must satisfy constraint */
L_SELECT_YVAL = 4, /*!< y value must satisfy constraint */
L_SELECT_IF_EITHER = 5, /*!< either width or height (or xval */
/*!< or yval) can satisfy constraint */
L_SELECT_IF_BOTH = 6 /*!< both width and height (or xval */
/*!< and yval must satisfy constraint */
/*! Boxa Check */
enum {
L_CHECK_WIDTH = 1, /*!< check and possibly modify width */
L_CHECK_HEIGHT = 2, /*!< check and possibly modify height */
L_CHECK_BOTH = 3 /*!< check and possibly modify both */
* Color component selection flags *
/*! Color Selection */
enum {
L_SELECT_RED = 1, /*!< use red component */
L_SELECT_GREEN = 2, /*!< use green component */
L_SELECT_BLUE = 3, /*!< use blue component */
L_SELECT_MIN = 4, /*!< use min color component */
L_SELECT_MAX = 5, /*!< use max color component */
L_SELECT_AVERAGE = 6, /*!< use average of color components */
L_SELECT_HUE = 7, /*!< use hue value (in HSV color space) */
L_SELECT_SATURATION = 8 /*!< use saturation value (in HSV space) */
* 16-bit conversion flags *
/*! 16-bit Conversion */
enum {
L_LS_BYTE = 1, /*!< use LSB */
L_MS_BYTE = 2, /*!< use MSB */
L_AUTO_BYTE = 3, /*!< use LSB if max(val) < 256; else MSB */
L_CLIP_TO_FF = 4, /*!< use max(val, 255) */
L_LS_TWO_BYTES = 5, /*!< use two LSB */
L_MS_TWO_BYTES = 6, /*!< use two MSB */
L_CLIP_TO_FFFF = 7 /*!< use max(val, 65535) */
* Rotate and shear flags *
/*! Rotation Type */
enum {
L_ROTATE_AREA_MAP = 1, /*!< use area map rotation, if possible */
L_ROTATE_SHEAR = 2, /*!< use shear rotation */
L_ROTATE_SAMPLING = 3 /*!< use sampling */
/*! Background Color */
enum {
L_BRING_IN_WHITE = 1, /*!< bring in white pixels from the outside */
L_BRING_IN_BLACK = 2 /*!< bring in black pixels from the outside */
/*! Shear Point */
enum {
L_SHEAR_ABOUT_CORNER = 1, /*!< shear image about UL corner */
L_SHEAR_ABOUT_CENTER = 2 /*!< shear image about center */
* Affine transform order flags *
/*! Affine Transform Order */
enum {
L_TR_SC_RO = 1, /*!< translate, scale, rotate */
L_SC_RO_TR = 2, /*!< scale, rotate, translate */
L_RO_TR_SC = 3, /*!< rotate, translate, scale */
L_TR_RO_SC = 4, /*!< translate, rotate, scale */
L_RO_SC_TR = 5, /*!< rotate, scale, translate */
L_SC_TR_RO = 6 /*!< scale, translate, rotate */
* Grayscale filling flags *
/*! Grayscale Fill */
enum {
L_FILL_WHITE = 1, /*!< fill white pixels (e.g, in fg map) */
L_FILL_BLACK = 2 /*!< fill black pixels (e.g., in bg map) */
* Flags for setting to white or black *
/*! BlackWhite Set */
enum {
L_SET_WHITE = 1, /*!< set pixels to white */
L_SET_BLACK = 2 /*!< set pixels to black */
* Flags for getting white or black value *
/*! BlackWhite Get */
enum {
L_GET_WHITE_VAL = 1, /*!< get white pixel value */
L_GET_BLACK_VAL = 2 /*!< get black pixel value */
* Flags for 8 bit and 16 bit pixel sums *
/*! BlackWhite Sum */
enum {
L_WHITE_IS_MAX = 1, /*!< white pixels are 0xff or 0xffff; black are 0 */
L_BLACK_IS_MAX = 2 /*!< black pixels are 0xff or 0xffff; white are 0 */
* Dither parameters *
* If within this grayscale distance from black or white, *
* do not propagate excess or deficit to neighboring pixels. *
/*! Dither Distance */
enum {
DEFAULT_CLIP_LOWER_1 = 10, /*!< dist to black with no prop; 1 bpp */
DEFAULT_CLIP_UPPER_1 = 10, /*!< dist to black with no prop; 1 bpp */
DEFAULT_CLIP_LOWER_2 = 5, /*!< dist to black with no prop; 2 bpp */
DEFAULT_CLIP_UPPER_2 = 5 /*!< dist to black with no prop; 2 bpp */
* Distance type flags *
/*! Distance Type */
enum {
L_MANHATTAN_DISTANCE = 1, /*!< L1 distance (e.g., in color space) */
L_EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE = 2 /*!< L2 distance */
* Distance Value flags *
/*! Distance Value */
enum {
L_NEGATIVE = 1, /*!< values < 0 */
L_NON_NEGATIVE = 2, /*!< values >= 0 */
L_POSITIVE = 3, /*!< values > 0 */
L_NON_POSITIVE = 4, /*!< values <= 0 */
L_ZERO = 5, /*!< values = 0 */
L_ALL = 6 /*!< all values */
* Statistical measures *
/*! Stats Type */
enum {
L_MEAN_ABSVAL = 1, /*!< average of abs values */
L_MEDIAN_VAL = 2, /*!< median value of set */
L_MODE_VAL = 3, /*!< mode value of set */
L_MODE_COUNT = 4, /*!< mode count of set */
L_ROOT_MEAN_SQUARE = 5, /*!< rms of values */
L_STANDARD_DEVIATION = 6, /*!< standard deviation from mean */
L_VARIANCE = 7 /*!< variance of values */
* Set index selection flags *
/*! Index Selection */
enum {
L_CHOOSE_CONSECUTIVE = 1, /*!< select 'n' consecutive */
L_CHOOSE_SKIP_BY = 2 /*!< select at intervals of 'n' */
* Text orientation flags *
/*! Text Orientation */
enum {
L_TEXT_ORIENT_UNKNOWN = 0, /*!< low confidence on text orientation */
L_TEXT_ORIENT_UP = 1, /*!< portrait, text rightside-up */
L_TEXT_ORIENT_LEFT = 2, /*!< landscape, text up to left */
L_TEXT_ORIENT_DOWN = 3, /*!< portrait, text upside-down */
L_TEXT_ORIENT_RIGHT = 4 /*!< landscape, text up to right */
* Edge orientation flags *
/*! Edge Orientation */
enum {
L_HORIZONTAL_EDGES = 0, /*!< filters for horizontal edges */
L_VERTICAL_EDGES = 1, /*!< filters for vertical edges */
L_ALL_EDGES = 2 /*!< filters for all edges */
* Line orientation flags *
/*! Line Orientation */
enum {
L_HORIZONTAL_LINE = 0, /*!< horizontal line */
L_POS_SLOPE_LINE = 1, /*!< 45 degree line with positive slope */
L_VERTICAL_LINE = 2, /*!< vertical line */
L_NEG_SLOPE_LINE = 3, /*!< 45 degree line with negative slope */
L_OBLIQUE_LINE = 4 /*!< neither horizontal nor vertical */
* Image orientation flags *
/*! Image Orientation */
enum {
L_PORTRAIT_MODE = 0, /*!< typical: page is viewed with height > width */
L_LANDSCAPE_MODE = 1 /*!< page is viewed at 90 deg to portrait mode */
* Scan direction flags *
/*! Scan Direction */
enum {
L_FROM_LEFT = 0, /*!< scan from left */
L_FROM_RIGHT = 1, /*!< scan from right */
L_FROM_TOP = 2, /*!< scan from top */
L_FROM_BOT = 3, /*!< scan from bottom */
L_SCAN_NEGATIVE = 4, /*!< scan in negative direction */
L_SCAN_POSITIVE = 5, /*!< scan in positive direction */
L_SCAN_BOTH = 6, /*!< scan in both directions */
L_SCAN_HORIZONTAL = 7, /*!< horizontal scan (direction unimportant) */
L_SCAN_VERTICAL = 8 /*!< vertical scan (direction unimportant) */
* Box size adjustment and location flags *
/*! Box Adjustment */
enum {
L_ADJUST_SKIP = 0, /*!< do not adjust */
L_ADJUST_LEFT = 1, /*!< adjust left edge */
L_ADJUST_RIGHT = 2, /*!< adjust right edge */
L_ADJUST_LEFT_AND_RIGHT = 3, /*!< adjust both left and right edges */
L_ADJUST_TOP = 4, /*!< adjust top edge */
L_ADJUST_BOT = 5, /*!< adjust bottom edge */
L_ADJUST_TOP_AND_BOT = 6, /*!< adjust both top and bottom edges */
L_ADJUST_CHOOSE_MIN = 7, /*!< choose the min median value */
L_ADJUST_CHOOSE_MAX = 8, /*!< choose the max median value */
L_SET_LEFT = 9, /*!< set left side to a given value */
L_SET_RIGHT = 10, /*!< set right side to a given value */
L_SET_TOP = 11, /*!< set top side to a given value */
L_SET_BOT = 12, /*!< set bottom side to a given value */
L_GET_LEFT = 13, /*!< get left side location */
L_GET_RIGHT = 14, /*!< get right side location */
L_GET_TOP = 15, /*!< get top side location */
L_GET_BOT = 16 /*!< get bottom side location */
* Flags for modifying box boundaries using a second box *
/*! Box Boundary Mod */
enum {
L_USE_MINSIZE = 1, /*!< use boundaries giving min size */
L_USE_MAXSIZE = 2, /*!< use boundaries giving max size */
L_SUB_ON_LOC_DIFF = 3, /*!< modify boundary if big location diff */
L_SUB_ON_SIZE_DIFF = 4, /*!< modify boundary if big size diff */
L_USE_CAPPED_MIN = 5, /*!< modify boundary with capped min */
L_USE_CAPPED_MAX = 6 /*!< modify boundary with capped max */
* Handling overlapping bounding boxes in boxa *
/*! Box Overlap Mod */
enum {
L_COMBINE = 1, /*!< resize to bounding region; remove smaller */
L_REMOVE_SMALL = 2 /*!< only remove smaller */
* Selecting or making a box from two (intersecting) boxes *
/*! Box Combine or Select */
enum {
L_GEOMETRIC_UNION = 1, /*!< use union of two boxes */
L_GEOMETRIC_INTERSECTION = 2, /*!< use intersection of two boxes */
L_LARGEST_AREA = 3, /*!< use box with largest area */
L_SMALLEST_AREA = 4 /*!< use box with smallest area */
* Flags for replacing invalid boxes *
/*! Box Replacement */
enum {
L_USE_ALL_BOXES = 1, /*!< consider all boxes in the sequence */
L_USE_SAME_PARITY_BOXES = 2 /*!< consider boxes with the same parity */
* Flags for box corners *
/*! Box Corners */
enum {
L_UPPER_LEFT = 1, /*!< UL corner */
L_UPPER_RIGHT = 2, /*!< UR corner */
L_LOWER_LEFT = 3, /*!< LL corner */
L_LOWER_RIGHT = 4 /*!< LR corner */
* Horizontal warp *
/*! Horiz Warp Stretch */
enum {
L_WARP_TO_LEFT = 1, /*!< increasing stretch or contraction to left */
L_WARP_TO_RIGHT = 2 /*!< increasing stretch or contraction to right */
/*! Horiz Warp Mode */
enum {
L_LINEAR_WARP = 1, /*!< stretch or contraction grows linearly */
L_QUADRATIC_WARP = 2 /*!< stretch or contraction grows quadratically */
* Pixel selection for resampling *
/*! Pixel Selection */
enum {
L_INTERPOLATED = 1, /*!< linear interpolation from src pixels */
L_SAMPLED = 2 /*!< nearest src pixel sampling only */
* Thinning flags *
/*! Thinning Polarity */
enum {
L_THIN_FG = 1, /*!< thin foreground of 1 bpp image */
L_THIN_BG = 2 /*!< thin background of 1 bpp image */
* Runlength flags *
/*! Runlength Direction */
enum {
L_HORIZONTAL_RUNS = 0, /*!< determine runlengths of horizontal runs */
L_VERTICAL_RUNS = 1 /*!< determine runlengths of vertical runs */
* Edge filter flags *
/*! Edge Filter */
enum {
L_SOBEL_EDGE = 1, /*!< Sobel edge filter */
L_TWO_SIDED_EDGE = 2 /*!< Two-sided edge filter */
* Subpixel color component ordering in LCD display *
/*! Subpixel Color Order */
enum {
L_SUBPIXEL_ORDER_RGB = 1, /*!< sensor order left-to-right RGB */
L_SUBPIXEL_ORDER_BGR = 2, /*!< sensor order left-to-right BGR */
L_SUBPIXEL_ORDER_VRGB = 3, /*!< sensor order top-to-bottom RGB */
L_SUBPIXEL_ORDER_VBGR = 4 /*!< sensor order top-to-bottom BGR */
* HSV histogram flags *
/*! HSV Histogram */
enum {
L_HS_HISTO = 1, /*!< Use hue-saturation histogram */
L_HV_HISTO = 2, /*!< Use hue-value histogram */
L_SV_HISTO = 3 /*!< Use saturation-value histogram */
* HSV Region flags (inclusion, exclusion) *
/*! HSV Region */
enum {
L_INCLUDE_REGION = 1, /*!< Use pixels with specified HSV region */
L_EXCLUDE_REGION = 2 /*!< Use pixels outside HSV region */
* Location flags for adding text to a pix *
/*! Add Text Location */
enum {
L_ADD_ABOVE = 1, /*!< Add text above the image */
L_ADD_BELOW = 2, /*!< Add text below the image */
L_ADD_LEFT = 3, /*!< Add text to the left of the image */
L_ADD_RIGHT = 4, /*!< Add text to the right of the image */
L_ADD_AT_TOP = 5, /*!< Add text over the top of the image */
L_ADD_AT_BOT = 6, /*!< Add text over the bottom of the image */
L_ADD_AT_LEFT = 7, /*!< Add text over left side of the image */
L_ADD_AT_RIGHT = 8 /*!< Add text over right side of the image */
* Flags for plotting on a pix *
/*! Pix Plot */
enum {
L_PLOT_AT_TOP = 1, /*!< Plot horizontally at top */
L_PLOT_AT_MID_HORIZ = 2, /*!< Plot horizontally at middle */
L_PLOT_AT_BOT = 3, /*!< Plot horizontally at bottom */
L_PLOT_AT_LEFT = 4, /*!< Plot vertically at left */
L_PLOT_AT_MID_VERT = 5, /*!< Plot vertically at middle */
L_PLOT_AT_RIGHT = 6 /*!< Plot vertically at right */
* Flags for making simple masks *
/*! Mask Generation */
enum {
L_USE_INNER = 1, /*!< Select the interior part */
L_USE_OUTER = 2 /*!< Select the outer part (e.g., a frame) */
* Flags for selecting display program *
/*! Display Program */
enum {
L_DISPLAY_WITH_XZGV = 1, /*!< Use xzgv with pixDisplay() */
L_DISPLAY_WITH_XLI = 2, /*!< Use xli with pixDisplay() */
L_DISPLAY_WITH_XV = 3, /*!< Use xv with pixDisplay() */
L_DISPLAY_WITH_IV = 4, /*!< Use irfvanview (win) with pixDisplay() */
L_DISPLAY_WITH_OPEN = 5 /*!< Use open (apple) with pixDisplay() */
* Flag(s) used in the 'special' pix field for non-default operations *
* - 0 is default for chroma sampling in jpeg *
* - 10-19 are used for zlib compression in png write *
* - 4 and 8 are used for specifying connectivity in labelling *
/*! Flags used in Pix::special */
enum {
L_NO_CHROMA_SAMPLING_JPEG = 1 /*!< Write full resolution chroma */
* Handling negative values in conversion to unsigned int *
/*! Negative Value */
enum {
L_CLIP_TO_ZERO = 1, /*!< Clip negative values to 0 */
L_TAKE_ABSVAL = 2 /*!< Convert to positive using L_ABS() */
* Relative to zero flags *
/*! Relative To Zero */
enum {
L_LESS_THAN_ZERO = 1, /*!< Choose values less than zero */
L_EQUAL_TO_ZERO = 2, /*!< Choose values equal to zero */
L_GREATER_THAN_ZERO = 3 /*!< Choose values greater than zero */
* Flags for adding or removing trailing slash from string *
/*! Trailing Slash */
enum {
L_ADD_TRAIL_SLASH = 1, /*!< Add trailing slash to string */
L_REMOVE_TRAIL_SLASH = 2 /*!< Remove trailing slash from string */
* Pix allocator and deallocator function types *
/*! Allocator function type */
typedef void *(*alloc_fn)(size_t);
/*! Deallocator function type */
typedef void (*dealloc_fn)(void *);
#endif /* LEPTONICA_PIX_H */