
631 lines
20 KiB

#include <memory>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QResource>
#include <QApplication>
#include "simpleds.hpp"
#include "scandialog.hpp"
#include "twglue.hpp"
using namespace Twpp;
using namespace std::placeholders;
static constexpr const Identity srcIdent(
Version(1, 0, Language::English, Country::CzechRepublic, "v1.0"),
"Martin Richter",
"Simple TWPP data source"
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
" GCC"
#elif defined(__clang__)
" CLang"
// lets just simulate uniform resolution for both axes
static constexpr UInt32 RESOLUTION = 85;
static int argc = 0;
static char** argv = nullptr;
static QByteArray bmpData;
static std::unique_ptr<QApplication> application;
static std::unique_ptr<ScanDialog> scanDialog;
static std::unique_ptr<QWidget> guiBridge;
static HWND appWindowModal = nullptr;
const Identity& SimpleDs::defaultIdentity() noexcept{
// remember, we return a reference, therefore the identity must not be placed on the stack of this method
return srcIdent;
Result SimpleDs::call(const Identity& origin, DataGroup dg, Dat dat, Msg msg, void* data){
try {
// we can override almost anything from SourceFromThis, even the top-most source instance call
return Base::call(origin, dg, dat, msg, data);
} catch (const CapabilityException&){
return badValue();
// some helper functions to handle capability stuff
template<typename T>
static Result oneValGet(Msg msg, Capability& data, const T& value){
switch (msg){
case Msg::Get:
case Msg::GetCurrent:
case Msg::GetDefault:
data = Capability::createOneValue(data.type(), value);
return {};
return {ReturnCode::Failure, ConditionCode::CapBadOperation};
template<typename T>
static Result enmGet(Msg msg, Capability& data, const T& value){
switch (msg){
case Msg::Get:
data = Capability::createEnumeration(data.type(), {value});
return {};
case Msg::GetCurrent:
case Msg::GetDefault:
data = Capability::createOneValue(data.type(), value);
return {};
return {ReturnCode::Failure, ConditionCode::CapBadOperation};
template<typename T>
static Result oneValGetSet(Msg msg, Capability& data, T& value, const T& def){
switch (msg){
case Msg::Reset:
value = def;
// fallthrough
case Msg::Get:
case Msg::GetCurrent:
data = Capability::createOneValue(data.type(), value);
return {};
case Msg::GetDefault:
data = Capability::createOneValue(data.type(), def);
return {};
case Msg::Set:
value = data.currentItem<T>();
return {};
return {ReturnCode::Failure, ConditionCode::CapBadOperation};
template<typename T>
static Result oneValGetSetConst(Msg msg, Capability& data, const T& def){
switch (msg){
case Msg::Get:
case Msg::GetCurrent:
case Msg::GetDefault:
case Msg::Reset:
data = Capability::createOneValue(data.type(), def);
return {};
case Msg::Set:
return data.currentItem<T>() == def ?
Result() : Result(ReturnCode::Failure, ConditionCode::BadValue);
return {ReturnCode::Failure, ConditionCode::CapBadOperation};
template<typename T>
static Result enmGetSetConst(Msg msg, Capability& data, const T& def){
switch (msg){
case Msg::Get:
data = Capability::createEnumeration(data.type(), {def});
return {};
case Msg::GetCurrent:
case Msg::GetDefault:
case Msg::Reset:
data = Capability::createOneValue(data.type(), def);
return {};
case Msg::Set:
return data.currentItem<T>() == def ?
Result() : Result(ReturnCode::Failure, ConditionCode::BadValue);
return {ReturnCode::Failure, ConditionCode::CapBadOperation};
Result SimpleDs::capCommon(const Identity&, Msg msg, Capability& data){
auto it = m_caps.find(data.type());
if (it != m_caps.end()){
return (it->second)(msg, data);
return capUnsupported();
Result SimpleDs::capabilityGet(const Identity& origin, Capability& data){
return capCommon(origin, Msg::Get, data);
Result SimpleDs::capabilityGetCurrent(const Identity& origin, Capability& data){
return capCommon(origin, Msg::GetCurrent, data);
Result SimpleDs::capabilityGetDefault(const Identity& origin, Capability& data){
return capCommon(origin, Msg::GetDefault, data);
Result SimpleDs::capabilityQuerySupport(const Identity&, Capability& data){
auto it = m_query.find(data.type());
MsgSupport sup = it != m_query.end() ? it->second : msgSupportEmpty;
data = Capability::createOneValue(data.type(), sup);
return success();
Result SimpleDs::capabilityReset(const Identity& origin, Capability& data){
return capCommon(origin, Msg::Reset, data);
Result SimpleDs::capabilityResetAll(const Identity& origin){
for (auto& pair : m_query){
if ((pair.second & MsgSupport::Reset) != msgSupportEmpty){
Capability dummyCap(pair.first);
capCommon(origin, Msg::Reset, dummyCap);
return success();
Result SimpleDs::capabilitySet(const Identity& origin, Capability& data){
return capCommon(origin, Msg::Set, data);
Result SimpleDs::eventProcess(const Identity&, Event& event){
// Qt needs to process its events, otherwise the GUI will appear frozen
// this is Windows-only method, Linux and macOS behave differently
if (static_cast<bool>(application)){
// QApplication::processEvents(); - TODO: needs more investigation; results in freeze when attempting to scan using old DSM
return {ReturnCode::NotDsEvent, ConditionCode::Success};
Result SimpleDs::identityOpenDs(const Identity&){
if (bmpData.isEmpty()){
// init the image data
QResource res(QStringLiteral("/image.bmp"));
bmpData = qUncompress(, static_cast<int>(res.size()));
if (bmpData.isEmpty()){
return {ReturnCode::Failure, ConditionCode::LowMemory};
// init caps
// there are caps a minimal source must support
// query -> says which operations a cap supports
// caps -> has handler for each specific cap
m_query[CapType::SupportedCaps] = msgSupportGetAll;
m_caps[CapType::SupportedCaps] = [this](Msg msg, Capability& data){
switch (msg){
case Msg::Get:
case Msg::GetCurrent:
case Msg::GetDefault: {
data = Capability::createArray<CapType::SupportedCaps>(m_caps.size());
auto arr = data.array<CapType::SupportedCaps>();
UInt32 i = 0;
for (const auto& kv : m_caps){
arr[i] = kv.first;
return success();
return capBadOperation();
m_query[CapType::UiControllable] = msgSupportGetAll;
m_caps[CapType::UiControllable] = std::bind(enmGet<Bool>, _1, _2, Bool(true));
m_query[CapType::DeviceOnline] = msgSupportGetAll;
m_caps[CapType::DeviceOnline] = std::bind(enmGet<Bool>, _1, _2, Bool(true));
m_query[CapType::XferCount] = msgSupportGetAllSetReset;
m_caps[CapType::XferCount] = [this](Msg msg, Capability& data) -> Result{
if (msg == Msg::Set){
auto item = data.currentItem<Int16>();
if (item > 1 || item < -1){
return badValue();
auto ret = oneValGetSet<Int16>(msg, data, m_capXferCount, -1);
if (Twpp::success(ret) && m_capXferCount == 0){
m_capXferCount = -1;
return {ReturnCode::CheckStatus, ConditionCode::BadValue};
return ret;
m_query[CapType::ICompression] = msgSupportGetAllSetReset;
m_caps[CapType::ICompression] = std::bind(enmGetSetConst<Compression>, _1, _2, Compression::None);
m_query[CapType::IBitDepth] = msgSupportGetAllSetReset;
m_caps[CapType::IBitDepth] = std::bind(enmGetSetConst<UInt16>, _1, _2, UInt16(header()->biBitCount));
m_query[CapType::IBitOrder] = msgSupportGetAllSetReset;
m_caps[CapType::IBitOrder] = std::bind(enmGetSetConst<BitOrder>, _1, _2, BitOrder::MsbFirst);
m_query[CapType::IPlanarChunky] = msgSupportGetAllSetReset;
m_caps[CapType::IPlanarChunky] = std::bind(enmGetSetConst<PlanarChunky>, _1, _2, PlanarChunky::Chunky);
m_query[CapType::IPhysicalWidth] = msgSupportGetAll;
m_caps[CapType::IPhysicalWidth] = std::bind(oneValGet<Fix32>, _1, _2, Fix32(static_cast<float>(header()->biWidth) / RESOLUTION));
m_query[CapType::IPhysicalHeight] = msgSupportGetAll;
m_caps[CapType::IPhysicalHeight] = std::bind(oneValGet<Fix32>, _1, _2, Fix32(static_cast<float>(header()->biHeight) / RESOLUTION));
m_query[CapType::IPixelFlavor] = msgSupportGetAllSetReset;
m_caps[CapType::IPixelFlavor] = std::bind(enmGetSetConst<PixelFlavor>, _1, _2, PixelFlavor::Chocolate);
m_query[CapType::IPixelType] = msgSupportGetAllSetReset;
m_caps[CapType::IPixelType] = std::bind(enmGetSetConst<PixelType>, _1, _2, PixelType::Rgb);
m_query[CapType::IUnits] = msgSupportGetAllSetReset;
m_caps[CapType::IUnits] = std::bind(enmGetSetConst<Unit>, _1, _2, Unit::Inches);
m_query[CapType::IXferMech] = msgSupportGetAllSetReset;
m_caps[CapType::IXferMech] = [this](Msg msg, Capability& data) -> Result{
switch (msg){
case Msg::Get:
data = Capability::createEnumeration<CapType::IXferMech>(
{XferMech::Native, XferMech::Memory}, m_capXferMech == XferMech::Native ? 0 : 1, 0);
return success();
case Msg::Reset:
m_capXferMech = XferMech::Native;
// fallthrough
case Msg::GetCurrent:
data = Capability::createOneValue<CapType::IXferMech>(m_capXferMech);
return success();
case Msg::GetDefault:
data = Capability::createOneValue<CapType::IXferMech>(XferMech::Native);
return success();
case Msg::Set: {
auto mech = data.currentItem<CapType::IXferMech>();
if (mech == XferMech::Native || mech == XferMech::Memory){
m_capXferMech = mech;
return success();
} else {
return badValue();
return capBadOperation();
m_query[CapType::IXResolution] = msgSupportGetAllSetReset;
m_caps[CapType::IXResolution] = [](Msg msg, Capability& data){
switch (msg){
case Msg::Get:
data = Capability::createEnumeration(data.type(), {Fix32(RESOLUTION)});
return success();
case Msg::GetCurrent:
case Msg::GetDefault:
case Msg::Reset:
data = Capability::createOneValue(data.type(), Fix32(RESOLUTION));
return success();
case Msg::Set:
return data.currentItem<Fix32>() == RESOLUTION ?
success() : badValue();
return capBadOperation();
m_query[CapType::IYResolution] = msgSupportGetAllSetReset;
m_caps[CapType::IYResolution] = m_caps[CapType::IXResolution];
m_query[CapType::IXNativeResolution] = msgSupportGetAll;
m_caps[CapType::IXNativeResolution] = std::bind(enmGet<Fix32>, _1, _2, Fix32(RESOLUTION));
m_query[CapType::IYNativeResolution] = msgSupportGetAll;
m_caps[CapType::IYNativeResolution] = m_caps[CapType::IXNativeResolution];
return success();
Result SimpleDs::identityCloseDs(const Identity&){
// no need to explicitly release any resources if using RAII
// TWPP will free the whole source on its own after this method
return success();
Result SimpleDs::pendingXfersGet(const Identity&, PendingXfers& data){
return success();
Result SimpleDs::pendingXfersEnd(const Identity&, PendingXfers& data){
return success();
Result SimpleDs::pendingXfersReset(const Identity&, PendingXfers& data){
return success();
Result SimpleDs::setupMemXferGet(const Identity&, SetupMemXfer& data){
auto bpl = bytesPerLine();
auto max = bpl * static_cast<UInt32>(header()->biHeight);
return success();
Result SimpleDs::userInterfaceDisable(const Identity&, UserInterface&){
if (appWindowModal){
EnableWindow(appWindowModal, true);
appWindowModal = nullptr;
return success();
Result SimpleDs::userInterfaceEnable(const Identity&, UserInterface& ui){
m_pendingXfers = 1;
m_memXferYOff = 0;
if (!ui.showUi()){
// this is an exception when we want to set state explicitly, notifyXferReady can be called only in enabled state
// with hidden UI, the usual workflow DsState::Enabled -> notifyXferReady() -> DsState::XferReady is a single step
auto notified = notifyXferReady();
return Twpp::success(notified) ? success() : bummer();
application = std::unique_ptr<QApplication>(new QApplication(argc, argv));
QWidget* parent = nullptr;
// we use Qt, some Windows-Qt glue is necessary to set the parent window of our dialog
if (ui.parent()){
guiBridge = std::unique_ptr<QWidget>(new QWidget);
HWND appWindow = static_cast<HWND>(ui.parent().raw());
HWND bridgeWindow = reinterpret_cast<HWND>(guiBridge->winId());
long bridgeFlags = GetWindowLong(bridgeWindow, GWL_STYLE);
SetWindowLong(bridgeWindow, GWL_STYLE, bridgeFlags | WS_CHILD);
SetParent(bridgeWindow, appWindow);
if (ui.modalUi()){
appWindowModal = appWindow;
EnableWindow(appWindowModal, false);
parent = guiBridge.get();
// the dialog does not need to know about TWPP, just give it simple functions to notify us
auto scanFunction = [this](){
auto cancelFunction = [this](){
TwGlue glue = {scanFunction, cancelFunction};
scanDialog = std::unique_ptr<ScanDialog>(new ScanDialog(parent, glue));
return success();
Result SimpleDs::userInterfaceEnableUiOnly(const Identity&, UserInterface&){
// as a minimal source, we do not support GUI that just saves settings
return {ReturnCode::Failure, ConditionCode::OperationError};
Result SimpleDs::imageInfoGet(const Identity&, ImageInfo& data){
// our image does not change
auto dib = header();
data.bitsPerSample()[0] = 8;
data.bitsPerSample()[1] = 8;
data.bitsPerSample()[2] = 8;
return success();
Result SimpleDs::imageLayoutGet(const Identity&, ImageLayout& data){
// our image does not change
auto dib = header();
data.setFrame(Frame(0, 0, static_cast<float>(dib->biWidth) / RESOLUTION, static_cast<float>(dib->biHeight) / RESOLUTION));
return success();
Result SimpleDs::imageLayoutGetDefault(const Identity& origin, ImageLayout& data){
return imageLayoutGet(origin, data);
Result SimpleDs::imageLayoutSet(const Identity& origin, ImageLayout& lay){
// we dont support setting image frame
ImageLayout def;
imageLayoutGetDefault(origin, def);
return lay.frame() == def.frame() ? success() : badValue();
Result SimpleDs::imageLayoutReset(const Identity& origin, ImageLayout& data){
return imageLayoutGet(origin, data);
Result SimpleDs::imageMemXferGet(const Identity& origin, ImageMemXfer& data){
if (!m_pendingXfers){
return seqError();
// we can call our TWPP methods, but be careful about states
SetupMemXfer setup;
setupMemXferGet(origin, setup);
// just a simple stored BMP image
auto dib = header();
auto bpl = bytesPerLine();
auto memSize = data.memory().size();
if (memSize > setup.maxSize() || memSize < setup.minSize()){
return badValue();
auto maxRows = memSize / bpl;
auto rows = std::min<UInt32>(maxRows, static_cast<UInt32>(dib->biHeight) - m_memXferYOff);
if (rows == 0){
return seqError(); // image already transfered in this session
data.setBytesWritten(rows * bpl);
auto lock = data.memory().data();
char* out =;
// bottom-up BMP -> top-down memory transfer
auto begin = bmpEnd() - (bpl * (m_memXferYOff + 1));
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < rows; i++){
// copy bytes
std::copy(begin, begin + bpl, out);
char* line = out;
out += bpl;
begin -= bpl;
// BGR BMP -> RGB memory transfer
for ( ; line + 3 < out; line += 3){
std::swap(line[0], line[2]);
m_memXferYOff += rows;
if (m_memXferYOff >= static_cast<UInt32>(std::abs(dib->biHeight))){
m_pendingXfers = 0;
return {ReturnCode::XferDone, ConditionCode::Success};
return success();
Result SimpleDs::imageNativeXferGet(const Identity&, ImageNativeXfer& data){
if (!m_pendingXfers){
return seqError();
// it does not get easier than that if we already have BMP
data = ImageNativeXfer(bmpSize());
std::copy(bmpBegin(), bmpEnd(),<char>().data());
m_pendingXfers = 0;
return {ReturnCode::XferDone, ConditionCode::Success};
const BITMAPINFOHEADER* SimpleDs::header() const noexcept{
return reinterpret_cast<const BITMAPINFOHEADER*>( + sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
UInt32 SimpleDs::bytesPerLine() const noexcept{
auto dib = header();
return static_cast<UInt32>(dib->biWidth * dib->biBitCount + 31) / 32 * 4;
UInt32 SimpleDs::bmpSize() const noexcept{
return static_cast<UInt32>(bmpData.size()) - sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER);
const char* SimpleDs::bmpBegin() const noexcept{
return bmpData.cbegin() + sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER);
const char* SimpleDs::bmpEnd() const noexcept{
return bmpData.cend();
switch (reason){
// anything you want to execute when the source is loaded
// anything you want to execute when the source is unloaded
return true;